Theory MTE Project Proposal by Himanshu Aggarwal 2K20 - CO - 198

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Theory MTE Research Project Proposal

ODD OOP A3 Theory


“Object Orientated Database System”

Type of Work: Research Project

Submitted By:
 Himanshu Aggarwal 2K20/CO/198
Submitted To:
 Prof. Manoj Sethi, DTU

An object-oriented database management system (OODBMS)
is a database management system that supports the creation
and modelling of data as objects. OODBMS also includes
support for classes of objects and the inheritance of class
properties, and incorporates methods, subclasses and their
This paper attempts to define an object-oriented database
system. It describes the main features and characteristics
that a system must have to qualify as an object-oriented
database system.
We have separated these characteristics into three groups:
1. Mandatory, the ones the system must satisfy in order
to be termed an object-oriented database system. These are
complex objects, object identity, encapsulation, types or
classes, inheritance, overriding combined with late binding,
extensibility, computational completeness, persistence,
secondary storage management, concurrency, recovery and
an ad hoc query facility.
2. Optional, the ones that can be added to make the
system better, but which are not mandatory. These are
multiple inheritance, type checking and inferencing,
distribution, design transactions and versions.
3. Open, the points where the designer can make a
number of choices. These are the programming paradigm,
the representation system, the type system, and uniformity.

We have taken a position, not so much expecting it to be the

final word as to erect a provisional landmark to orient
further debate.

Object Oriented Database Management System is not only a
robust database management system, but also offers an
object-oriented development surrounding to a software
development service. OODBMS is far better than RDBMS
because it avoids impedance mismatch, where most
developers faced the difficulty to match tables with objects
and back. OODBMS also negates problems in identifying
records and handles complex data very easily.
Software development companies always ensure they follow
this methodology as OODBMS combines polymorphism,
inheritance and encapsulation with the ACID concepts of
database management. The blend of these core concepts
allows simplicity in managing huge data, ensures reliability
and query language support. Since data can be easily
described with class hierarchy, object-oriented database
management systems are always used in custom software
development projects.

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