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Unit Grammar Reading & Vocabulary Listening & Speaking Writing

1 Our Life and Times A day in the life of a university student Talking about daily routines Writing about a typical daily routine of a
in the UK
famous person
Simple Present Tense Listening: William
Vocabulary: using suffixes
Writing a paragraph about a dangerous job
Adverbs of Frequency Talking about dangerous jobs
(position of adverbials in a sentence) Unusual Jobs
Topic sentence & Supporting sentences
Listening: Tom's Diner by Suzanne Vega
Present Continuous Tense A mobile global population
Writing a paragraph about positive and
Describing pictures and photos negative sides of a job
Rodeo clowns

Vocabulary : Kinds of Sports Asking about your partner's interests in sport

2 Sport
Simple Past Tense A sports quiz Listening: Football

Past Continuous Tense Vocabulary related to sporting actions Giving a short talk about your favourite athlete Writing a paragraph about how to be
successful at sports
Three great sports champions Video: Ronaldo
Language use
Present Prefect vs. Past Simple The paralympics Video: An interview with Ronaldo

World's greatest weightlifter ever Asking and answering questions about sports

The history of the calendar Discussing the types of calendars in the past
3 Changing Times Present Perfect Tense (for & since)
Social media
Present Perfect Tense with time Asking and answering questions in past simple
expressions Mind maps (vocabulary related to social and present perfect
media) Creating an idea for a social media app / site
Present Perfect vs. Past Simple Asking questions using "did you use to …?"
It's the age of "fake news"
Writing a paragraph about the link between
Vocabulary related to the reading text Listening: Statistics about the use of social media social media and relationships
used to in 2013
Vocabulary: Words that have gained
Present Perfect Continuous different meanings due to the internet
Discussing the history of social media and its
and social media

4 Natural Disasters Natural disasters

Agreeing & disagreeing with a point of view
Vocabulary related to disasters
Conditional sentences: Type 0 & Type 1 Climate change Agreeing / disagreeing with a point of view Speaking: Take action on climate change!

Green quiz: How green are you? Speaking : Take action on climate change! Listening: Bob Marley
Modal verbs for obligation
must vs. have to Vocabulary: Word endings
Listening : Bob Marley Video: Greta Thunberg
Every drop counts
Vocabulary related to environment Discussing the causes of climate change
5 Travel Vocabulary: Travel & Tourism What do you like or dislike about travelling?
Vocabulary: Adjectives to describe places
Listening: Holiday plans
Holidays and journeys of a lifetime
Comparative & Superlative adjectives Speaking: Talking about plans Writing a paragraph about why most people
Authentic Chinese food choose areas near the sea, lake or river for their
Talking about the future Speaking: make vs. do holidays
What kind of holiday person are you?
Vocabulary: Collocations Discussing how to choose a holiday destination

Magnificent places Listening: The Amazon River

6 Living Abroad Quotes Discussing how multicultural the big cities are in
your country.
Vocabulary: Customs Making a list of Turkish quotes about travel
Discussing what attracts immigrants to English
Language use: "Should" for advice speaking countries.
Toronto Writing about a city you would like to live in
Listening: Customs in Turkey
Modal verbs for advice: could, should, Strange customs from around the world Discussing the weirdest custom in Turkey Writing a scenerio of an American tourist
must visiting your hometown by stating the
Bedri Rahmi Eyüboğlu Listening: Funny journeys
difficulties s/he faces with.
Talking about the funny and shameful moments
Vocabulary related to the listening audio during a journey

7 Inventions and Vocabulary: Inventions Talking about inventions that failed

Discoveries The dawn of the digital age
Listening: The discovery of coffee Writing about an example of a failed invention
The Passice Voice Vocabulary: Coffee making
Guessing the objects of 90's The process of making the perfect Turkish tea
How to make Turkish coffee
Transitive and intrasitive verbs
Vocabulary: Sequence adverbs Listening: Life changing inventions (discovered by Preparing a text for presentation about a new
accident) invention
The suffix -able (or -ible)
Leonardo Presenting a new invention

8 Work and Money Vocabulary: Job stress Talking about possible reasons for stress

The stresses and strains of work Stressful jobs

Writing a paragraph about the advantages
Conditional sentences: Type 2 Speaking: How important is money to you? and disadvantages of being self-employed
Vocabulary: Money
Language use: lend vs. Borrow Listening: A good presentation Making a presentation
The "do's and don't's" for an effective
presentation Listening: The (un)luckiest man Writing a paragraph about your unluckiest day

12 of the most amazing lottery stories Talking about the luckiest and unluckiest moments


İngilizce öğrenmek için çıktığınız yolculuğa bizi de dahil ettiğiniz için teşekkür ederiz.
Deneyimli bir öğretmen ve yayıncı kadrosu tarafından hazırlanmış olan On Time Serisi İngilizce öğrenim sürecinde
en sık karşılaşılan güçlükler ve öğrencilerin öncelikli gereksinimleri göz önünde bulundurularak hazırlanmıştır.
Toplam 8 ünitede ele alınan 32 dersin akışı içinde, dört temel dil becerisinin geliştirilmesine yönelik çalışmalara eşit
oranda yer verilirken, öğrencilere doğru ve kalıcı bir İngilizce dilbilgisi kazandırılması da hedeflenmiş, bu doğrultu-
da her dersin akışı içinde ele alınan gramer konuları ve kelime çalışmaları her ünitenin sonunda yer alan “Practice
Makes Perfect” bölümü ile desteklenmiştir.
Her biri belli beri temaya odaklanmış olan ünitelerin başında yer alan “warm up” aktiviteleri ve derslerin akışı
içinde geniş yer verilmiş olan dinleme, konuşma ve yazma çalışmaları ile Genel İngilizce bilginiz ve kullanım
beceriniz tahmin ettiğinizden daha hızlı bir sürede gelişecek ve ilerleyecek.
Şu an elinizde tutmakta olduğunuz ders kitabı üzerinden alacağınız eğitim tamamlandığında Avrupa Dilleri Ortak
Çerçeve Programı (CEFR) kriterlerine uygun olarak aşağıdaki tabloda belirtilen yetileri de edinmiş olacaksınız.

Bağımsız Kullanıcı

İş, okul, boş zaman vb. ortamlarda sürekli Ortalama bir konuşma hızında karşınızdaki kişinin
Karşılıklı Konuşma

karşılaşılan bildik konulardaki net, standart söylediklerini anlayabilecek ve tüm temel konularda
konuşmaların ana hatlarını anlayabileceksiniz. ve yaşamsal gereksinimlerinizi gidermek amaçlı tüm
konularda rahatlıkla iletişim kurabileceksiniz.
Güncel bir konu olması koşuluyla uzun konuşma ve
Dilin konuşulduğu ülkede seyahat ederken ortaya
sunumların genelini anlayabilecek, karmaşık
çıkabilecek bir çok durumla başa çıkabileceksiniz.
olmayan tümcelerle ve standart dilde yapılan
Bildik, ilgi alanınıza giren ya da günlük yaşamla ilgili
tartışmaları takip edebileceksiniz. Standart dilin (Örneğin; aile, hobi, iş, yolculuk ve güncel olaylar gibi)
kullanıldığı filmlerin genelini - alt yazı yardımı konularda hazırlık yapmadan konuşmalara
olmadan - anlayabileceksiniz. katılabileceksiniz.

Kontrollü bir dille ele alınmış, bilgilendirme, duyuru, Düşünce ve planlara ilişkin açıklamaları ve nedenleri
Sözlü & Yazılı Anlatım

uyarı vb. amaçlı her türlü metinde verilen mesaj(lar)ı kısaca sıralayabilecek, bir öykü ya da anıyı
rahatlıkla kavrayabilecek, kişisel mektup, e-mail veya anlatabilecek, bir kitap ya da filmin konusunu
iletilerde belirtilen olay, duygu ve dilekleri aktarabilecek ve izlenimlerinizi belirtebileceksiniz.

Yazarların belirli tutum ya da görüşü benimsedikleri,

güncel sorunlarla ilgili makaleleri ve raporları
okuyabilecek, çağdaş edebi düzyazıyı

Eğlenceli ve başarılı dersler geçirmeniz dileğiyle,


UNIT 1 1A Our life and times

Work in pairs.
Talk about your daily routines, use the
prompts in the box to help you make questions.

What / do / spare time?

When / do / usually / work?
How / do / go there?
What / time /…….?

Discuss these questions.

What do you think the following people do on a typical working day?
a) a doctor b) an actor c) a farmer d) a dj e) a teacher f) a student

A day in the life of a university student in the UK.
Read (scan) the text and write the activities next to the times:
7.30 _____ 11.00-11.30_____ 4.00 _____
7.00 _____ 8.59 _____ 8.45 _____

What does a typical day look like for a UK university student?

It varies but blogger Holly Brandon explains her daily routine as a university
student in the UK.
The one thing I can say with certainty about life as a student is that there is
no typical day. A first year’s day is completely different from a third year’s or a day
in the life of a language student is different from a chemist’s. Every day is different.
But here is a description of what a typical day is like for me, as a linguistics student
at the University of York.
Morning– unfortunately!
I usually wake up at 7.30 am. but my day typically begins at 8.45 am. I get dressed,
grab a cheese sandwich for breakfast and arrive at my lecture at 8.59 am, with pen,
paper and the sandwich.
As a linguistics student, contact hours are very few. I go to the occasional lectures or seminars about three times a
week. On many days, my timetable consists of hour-long gaps. I should use these to try to prepare for the next day’s
psycholinguistics seminar, or read an article on Jamaican Creole and decide on the topic of my thesis, but in reality,
I look through my Facebook newsfeed and ask myself; “Should I treat myself to some chocolate from the library
vending machine?”
Fun, fun, fun!
Between essay-writing and lots of reading, I spend my afternoons swimming or studying. At 4.00 pm, I go to
aerobics classes. In the evening, around 7.00 pm, I usually go and practice with my band, my favourite activity or I
meet up with a friend. There is always something to do on the campus. Sometimes, I go to a concert or the cinema.
Most days, I go to bed at around 11 – 11.30 pm. At the weekends, I usually visit my family or study for my exams.
Underline all the verbs in the text.

What tense are they in?

True or False ?
( ) 1. Holly works hard at university.
( ) 2. Every day is the same. Life at university is boring.
( ) 3. There are lectures every day.
( ) 4. Holly studies all night and all day.
( ) 5. Holly’s favourite activity is swimming.

Simple Present Tense
When do we use the simple present tense?
How is it formed?
What time words do we use with the simple present tense? Give some examples.

Match the following sentences with the correct headings (1 to 4).

1. It never gets too hot here in summer time.
2. Jane doesn’t believe in marriage.
3. The bus leaves at 6:30 tomorrow morning.
4. People frequently invite their friends to dinner in Turkey.

( ) The simple present describes events that happen regularly.

( ) The simple present makes statements of fact.
( ) The simple present can also be used to express an opinion.
( ) The simple present can also be used for scheduled future actions.


1. How old is he?

A. 24 B. 28 C. 18 D. 26
2. Where does he work?
A. in a language course B. in a shop
C. in a language school D. in a library
3. What languages does he speak?
A. English, French, and Italian B. English and French
C. English, French, Italian, and Turkish D. English, German, and Italian
4. How many hours does he work in a day?
A. 10 B. 4 C. 6 D. 8
5. What age groups does he teach?
A. children B. adults C. teenagers D. 15 – 35
6. What is the most important thing that makes him happy?
A. his students’ smiling faces B. his salary
C. his co-workers D. preparing tests
7. Where is William from?
A. Texas B. Italy C. Istanbul D. Britain
8. Why is he going to go back to his country?
A. He doesn’t like Istanbul. B. He has to leave his job.
C. He has to go there to finish his master’s programme. D. His wife lives there.

1B Routines
Adverbs of frequency
Adverbials of frequency tell us how often people do things. Look at the following adverbials and group
them according to the rate of frequency.

once in a life time – always – usually – seldom – frequently – hardly ever – almost every day
constantly – from time to time – now and then – generally

All the time Sometimes Rarely

Write sentences to say how often you do things using the frequency adverbs below.
• feed street animals / …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….
• shut down your mobile phone / …………………………………………………………….………………………………………………
• say “hi” to a total stranger / ………………………………………………………………………………………………………..……….
• forget your friend’s name / …………………………………………………………………….…………………………………………….
• dream about being a singer / ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………….

Position of adverbials in a sentence
• An adverb of frequency is used between the helping verb (or a modal) and the main verb.
He doesn’t often arrive late. She never gets up before 8 am.

• Frequency adverbs usually come before the verb.

Joe always swims in the morning. We hardly ever go out for dinner.

• However, the verb “be” comes before frequency adverbs.

Holly is always happy in her aerobics class. She has never been on time to any meeting.

• Some frequency adverbs such as usually, often, frequently, occasionally, and sometimes, may also
come at the beginning of the sentence or at the end of the sentence.
Sometimes, I feel like screaming. I sometimes feel like screaming.
I feel like screaming sometimes.

Imagine that you are a stunt performer for world famous movie actors.
Write sentences about your daily routine.
Ex. I sometimes invite Robert De Niro for a chat over a cup of coffee.
Complete the dialogue.

Bob: Hi Clare! What __________(be) you _________(do) here?

Clare: I _________(wait) for my friend.
Bob: Where _________(be) you supposed to __________(meet) ?
Clare: We usually __________(meet) at this restaurant.
Bob: Great choice! They really have delicious food here. ________ (be)
you hungry? _________you _________(want) to join us?
Clare: No, thanks. I’d rather _________ (wait) until my friend
__________(arrive) .

Present Continuous
You have studied the present continuous tense before. See how much you can remember by
answering these questions.
When do we use the present continuous tense?
How is it formed?
What time words do we use with the present continuous?
Give some examples.

Are the sentences correct or incorrect?

___ Holly is studying linguistics this semester.
___ She is living in York in the UK for a short time.
___ The climate is changing around the world.
___ I see my accountant tomorrow morning to check our income tax.
___ I am seeing my dentist every six months.
___ Global energy use is increasing every year.
___ Car companies are now developing electric cars.
___ Many people are still preferring to drive rather than walk.
___ People are often forgetting to switch off lights.
___ We are all needing to change our lifestyles.

Using The Present Continuous
• The present continuous can describe activities at the moment of speaking or activities in progress.
It is formed with be + present participle (verb+ing).
The teacher is writing on the board now.

• It is also used to talk about future plans.

This is our last day here. We are all leaving early in the morning tomorrow.

Write three things you usually do at the weekend. Write three things you are doing now.

1C Unusual Occupations
Work in pairs.
How many unusual jobs can you name?

Match each job with a description.

a) Video game tester 1) sits and watches an event.
b) Movie stunt person 2) queues for you for a fee.
c) Line stander 3) extracts milk from a snake.
d) Snake milker 4) collects all the golf balls from the bottom of ponds on courses.
e) Golf ball diver 5) designs fun computer games.
f ) Seat filler 6) takes part in dangerous action movies.

Match each description with a picture.

1. That’s right, in this job you are paid to sleep at work. Sounds like a dream job! In reality,
it’s hard work. A good bed tester knows how to lie down to check that the mattress has no
dips and that the edges of the bed are strong enough to sit on.

2. Pets are our friends, and we have to make sure that they eat delicious and nutritious meals.
Call in the pet food testers! They taste pet food to evaluate the flavours and check if it’s up to
quality standards. Nobody deserves bad food, especially the favourite member of the family.

3. Every day, you slide down the slide to see how much water it needs, how quickly you can
reach the bottom, and how safe and fun it is. What a hard job!


True or False ?
1. Testing beds is a really easy job. ( )
2. A good bed tester knows how to sit down on a bed. ( )
3. A bed tester checks if the bed is strong and safe. ( )
4. Pet food testers taste dog food to see if it’s delicious. ( )
5. Pet food testers taste the food to make sure it’s good for the family. ( )
6. A water slide tester has a really exciting job. ( )
7. A water slide tester slides down the slide to see how fast the slide is. ( )
8. The main task of a water slide tester is to test the safety of the slide. ( )

1. Add a suffix to each word.

-y -ly -ful -ation -ous -ment - ance -or

a) use c) normal e) danger g) excite

b) inform d) health f) visit h) perform

2. Complete these texts with the words above.

A day in the life of Marco Vasquez , snake milker.
Brazil Snake venom (poison) can be used for many things.
Yes, it is (1) ……………but it is important for medical research
to produce "antivenom." This is a (2) ………….. job as there is
a high demand for snake poison every year. Snake milkers
spend their days pushing snakes (certain types only) into a
plastic container to extract or milk the snake. These true
heroes are doing a very (3)…………….. job and literally save
lives by milking snakes.
A day in the life of Junko Hayashi,
Line Stander Japan
I think this is an important job, I make life easy
for tourists. (1) ……….. come to Japan to see many
sights and don’t have time to queue, so I do it for
them! The Japanese Kabuki theatre is a real
favourite. They don’t want to miss a (2) ……………..
so they pay me to wait in line.
(3) ……………. I wait for two or three hours but
today I have waited the whole day!

Work in groups of four. Think about an unusual / dangerous job and write a paragraph about it.

Ask questions to the other group(s) and tr y to guess which job they described.

1D Families

Work in pairs.
Discuss the questions.
1) Where did you grow up, in a rural or urban environment?
2) Do you live in the same town or village as your grandparents ?
3) Why do people move from one place to another?

Make a list of the reasons.

e.g work opportunities
_____________________ _____________________ _____________________
_____________________ _____________________ _____________________

Read the first two paragraphs of the article “A mobile global population” and answer the questions.
1) Give three reasons why people move.

2) When a family moves, how does it affect parents, children and grandparents?

Read the last paragraph of the article. Are these statements true or false?

a) In many countries, people usually move from villages to cities.

b) People mostly move to the city for education.

c) Children live with their parents in the city.

Find words or expressions in the text with these meanings.

1. people in a family of about the same age
2. all the people who live in an area or a country
3. the process of cities getting bigger
4. people living in the countryside

A mobile global population
1. Local community
In the past, most people lived in the same place for their whole life. You stayed in the village where you were
born. So several generations of the same family – children, parents, grandparents, - all lived in the same area,
the same street or even the same house. It wasn’t common for people to move away from their hometown.
People used to belong to a community and feel happier.

2. A mobile work force

Nowadays, we have a highly mobile global population. People are moving around all the time; for work, for
education or for a better life. But what problems does this cause for society? People lose touch with old friends
and colleagues and they are always trying to build new networks. A new job in a new city often means a move
for the whole family. How does this affect family relationships? Children have to change schools and get to know
new teachers and classmates. Grandparents often live many kilometres away from their grandchildren. Modern
communication means that we can stay in touch by telephone, social media and Skype or e-mail.

3. Urbanisation
In most countries with fast growing economies like China and India, thousands of people are moving to cities
from countryside. Cities in Asia are some of the fastest growing in the world. People don’t want to work on the
family farm when there are more job opportunities in the city. Many villages are now full of older people as all
the families have moved away.

What is the future for these rural communities?

Topic Sentences
Write the topic sentences for each paragraph in the space below.

1. _________________________________________________________
2. _________________________________________________________
3. _________________________________________________________

Supporting sentences
In each paragraph, there are ‘supporting statements’. These support the topic sentence, and they
explain the main idea of the paragraph.

e.g Topic sentence

Nowadays, we have a highly mobile global population.
e.g Supporting statement.
A new job in a new city often means a move for the whole family.

For each topic sentence (1,2,3) underline the supporting statements in the paragraph and write
some examples here.

1. _________________________________________________________
2. _________________________________________________________
3. _________________________________________________________

Topic sentences
Which statement is correct?

a) A topic sentence is a sentence that gives the main

idea of a paragraph.

b) A topic sentence is a sentence that comes at the

end of each paragraph.

Predicting Read the following topic sentences and choose

which paragraph they belong to.
Look at the pictures above and guess T (true),
F (false) or ? (don’t know) for each statement. Other clowns are called bullfighters.
Paragraph _____

It may look fun, but a good rodeo clown needs to

think quickly and act fast.
Paragraph _____
Read the text to check your answers.
Rodeo Clowns work at bull riding competitions,
LIFE AS A RODEO CLOWN called rodeos.
Paragraph _____
A)………………………………. There are over 650 of
these all over the U.S. They perform exciting and
amusing acts to entertain the crowds. However One clown is called the ‘barrel man’.
their job also has a serious side – to save the bull Paragraph _____
riders. When the bull riders fall off, rodeo clowns
try to protect them from the bull. They run in front Read the text again and write (T) true or (F) false
of the bull, shout and throw their hats. They or (N) not in text.
encourage the bull to chase them!
[ ] There aren’t many bull riding competitions in the
B) ………………………………. It is one of the most
dangerous jobs in the world of entertainment.
Injuries such as broken bones are very common. [ ] A rodeo clown can easily get injured.

C) ................................... He sits in a large barrel in [ ] Rodeo clowns are well qualified.

the middle of the rodeo ring and entertains the [ ] It looks fun but it’s a hard job.
crowd. When a rider needs help, the barrel man
[ ] Rodeos are becoming less popular in the U.S.
jumps out and tries to distract the bull. When the
bull runs at him, he jumps back into the barrel!

D) ……………………………….Their only responsi-

bility is to save the bull riders from danger. This is
the most dangerous job for a rodeo clown. Bull
fighters get very close to the bull and sometimes
even jump on its back! Bull riders really respect the
bullfighters and at the end of the year they choose
the ‘bullfighting clown of the year’. There is also a
competition to find the best bullfighter, the ‘World
Bullfighting championships’. Would you like to
Write the words next to the correct definition.
Diner Counter Pour Pretend Horoscope Reflection

______________ to behave like a different person

______________ the image of something in a mirror or on any reflective surface
______________ a cheap, informal restaurant that traditionally is long and narrow and looks like part of a train
______________ a description of what is going to happen to you, based on the position of the stars and planets at the time
of your birth
______________ to make a liquid substance flow from a container into another container
______________ a long, flat, narrow surface or table in a shop, bank, restaurant, etc.

A “diner” is American English for a café/restaurant. Look at the photos of ‘Diners’ in New York carefully, then
close your books and describe one to your partner. Open your books and guess the photo.

Suzanne Vega (American singer) wrote a very famous song about a *Diner. It’s called Tom’s Diner. Search for
the song on a music channel like YouTube, Spotify or Fizzy etc. Listen to the song and put the correct form of the
verbs below into the sentences.
sit read rain look for shake kiss pretend look listen wait
1. She __________________ at the diner in the morning.
2. She __________________ for the man to get her coffee.
3. The man _________________ out the window.
4. The girl _________________ her umbrella.
5. She looks the other way as they _________________ their hellos.
6. She is __________________ not to see them.
7. She __________________ the newspaper at the counter.
8. She turns to the horoscope because she _________________ the funnies.
9. She __________________ to the bells of the cathedral.
10. It __________________ outside.

Think of a job and write a paragraph about the positive and negative sides of it. Mention why you think that is
something positive or negative in a detailed way. Then, ask your friend to guess what this job is.
E.g ____________________________________
I work outside with some other people. I wear a special uniform,
short and t-shirt mostly. I earn lots of money depending on my
performance but sometimes it is difficult. I have to do sports,
training and practice regularly to stay fit. Also, there is no exact
working hours. I sometimes work in the morning, sometimes in ____________________________________
the afternoon and sometimes in the evening. One of the best ____________________________________
things about my job is the chance of seeing different cities and ____________________________________
countries. I can be very famous with my job if my performance ____________________________________
is outrageous. – Football player. ____________________________________
Practice makes perfect! 1A
Word order Reading
Rewrite the sentences with the words in the correct Are you satisfied or bored with your daily routine?
How can you improve your routine? Write down
e.g always/ you / read / do / book / a / in / evenings / the your ideas. Then, read the texts below to see if
Do you always read a book in the evenings? they are the same.
1. you / do / speak / English
2. don’t / speak / we / English
3. live / he / Antalya / in / doesn’t ………………………………………………………………………………
4. live / he / Antalya / in / lives / Ankara /
Write things down (pen to paper)
5. doesn’t / English / speak / she / she / French /
speaks When we write things by hand, our brains remember
____________________________________ and process them better. Wake up in the morning and
write down exactly what you want to accomplish and
by what time. Start with the little things, and cross
Circle the correct verbs. them off as you do them.
e.g: Tom wash / washes his car every Sunday.
1. Every weekend, Paula go / goes for a trip to the You cannot expect to relax in the same space that you
countryside. work. You cannot be inspired by staring at the same
2. The buses leave / leaves at 8:30 am and arrive / grey wall for another 7 hours. You have to make it a
arrives at 6:00 pm. point to change the scenery as often as you can.
3. A: What do / does your mother do? Redecorate! Work from home! Work from a coffee
B: She work/works as an accountant for a big shop! Just go outside for a little while. Take a day trip.
company. Shift the lighting. Changing what you see will actually
4. Many children has /have a computer at home, shift how your brain fires off signals, and it will
change your experience more than you'd assume.
and they usually play / plays computer games.
5. A: Do /Does your parents go to the office every day? STOP TRYING TO DO TOO MUCH!
B: No, they don’t / doesn’t work at the weekend. Don’t over-schedule just because you want to feel
tired, as though the day was well-spent. Replace your
endless list of tasks with a few meaningful ones. Be
Daily routine
Write sentences about your daily routine.
(You can use the verbs from the text (Unit 1) and
the Wh- question words in Exercise 1 (Unit 1) to True or False?
help you.)
___ 1. Don’t use your smart phone as soon as you
____________________________________ wake up.
____________________________________ ___ Write a list of all the things you should do.
____________________________________ ___ 3. Working in the same place is great. Who
wants to move around?
___ 4. Change is good !
___ 5. Don’t work so hard! Work less, take time and
sit in the coffee shop!
Grammar Write the verbs into the correct column.
Present Simple v Present Continuous
Complete the text using the correct form of the
verbs in brackets.

In 1950, only New York City had a population of more

than 10m. Now, more than 20 cities around the world
(1) ____________ (have) more than 10 million
residents and many cities (2) ____________ (get)
bigger. Tokyo, in Japan (3) ____________ (be) the
largest city in the world with a population of more
than 34 million. Almost 17 million people
(4)____________ (live) in Istanbul but New York
and Seoul are larger, they
5)____________ (have)
populations of around 20m.
Seven cities in the top ten
(6) ____________(be) in
Asia.Europe (7)
(not have) a city in
the top ten.
Cities in Africa
and Asia (8)
__________ Underline the correct verb in each sentence.
(grow) the most e.g: I am hating / hate watching movies on a DVD player.
1. I am thinking / think that I am needing / need a
computer these days.
2. My boss depends / is depending on me for this project.
3. He knows / is knowing that I am liking / like working
on computer.
4. Do you know / are you knowing what this project
Vocabulary is requiring / requires?
Non-action Verbs
6. What kind of a computer are you wanting / do you
Some verbs are non-action (stative) verbs, so they want?
are not normally used in continuous tenses.
7. A laptop! I am loving / love it very much. I am meaning
appear want love believe recognize / mean it’s very useful.
know own see mean understand 8. A: Do you usually take it wherever you go?
like think hear seem prefer
B: No, I am preferring / prefer not to because someone
belong hate smell imagine remember
taste feel require think have can steal it.

USING A DICTIONARY Look up the following words taken from the lesson.

word class synonym antonym


First answer the questions for you, then discuss For each word find the following information.
your answers with a partner.
1. How many definitions does the word have?
1. Do you use a dictionary? 2. What is the word class? Is it a noun / adjective /
2. Do you use a paper or digital (online) dictionary? adverb / verb etc.?
3. Do you use an English to English or a Turkish to 3. Find a synonym or antonym for the word.
English dictionary?
4. Do you use Google translate? Check the pronunciation of the words, and practice
5. What is your favourite dictionary? Why? with a partner.

Using a dictionary Write an example sentence using the word, and

compare with the example sentence in the
“Dictionaries are very important when we are
learning a language. ____________________________________
A dictionary gives us the spelling, pronunciation, ____________________________________
and meaning, along with a lot of other useful ____________________________________
information.” ____________________________________
Look up “remember” on the online dictionary. ____________________________________
Look up “remember” using the following
What ‘useful information’ dictionaries again.
can you find?

Compare the dictionaries.

Which do you think is the easiest to use? Why?
Which one has an app?
Choose one and bookmark it in your browser.

Phrasal verbs
Fill in the gaps with the correct phrasal verb.

settle in move away grow up

move out settle down
1. I ………….. one of my parents’ house when I went
Spell the words correctly. to University.
(They are from Unit 1 Lesson D)

rrula bnaru wtno 2. I lived in a small village when I was a child but
ticy llvigae mveo ………….. when I was 18.
wrgo eliv rkow
3. I ………….. in the countryside and moved to the city
Write the words in the columns.
when I was 17 yrs old.
peaceful commute calm noisy outskirts stressful
4. After years of travelling and working abroad, I
Urban Rural decided to ………….. in a small village near Izmir.

5. The house was very old and in poor condition,

it took me a long time to ……………

Writing Read the text about cities and decide whether the
statements are true or false.
What are the advantages and disadvantages of
living in an urban or rural environment?
In urban areas, there is often a historic centre
e.g Life in the city is stressful. of the city and the suburbs on the outskirts
Urban Rural where lots of people live. There are often

+ shopping areas in the bustling centre, and

industrial parks on the outskirts. Some people
__________________ __________________
have a long commute from the suburbs to work
__________________ __________________ every day. The bright lights of the city attract
__________________ __________________ lots of different people and the population of
__________________ __________________ cities is growing.
__________________ __________________

__________________ __________________
+ ______ Most people live in a city centre.

______ Most of the industry is located outside the city.

__________________ __________________
______ Commuting is easy for most people.
__________________ __________________
__________________ __________________ ______ People move to the city for the lights.

__________________ __________________ ______ The population of the cities is increasing.


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