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Adaptive Community for the Continuity of Education and Student Services

National Teachers College


In this module, you will understand how amazing light is. As you accomplish
the readings and activities in this learning module, you are expected to:

1. Explain how refraction happens in different media.

2. Differentiate dispersion, scattering, interference, and diffraction.
3. Design and create a useful product for practical purposes that uses
mirrors and lenses.


At the end of this module 3 quarter 4, learners are expected to perform DIY
KALEIDOSCOPE. This will serve as a major assessment for this learning module. Read and
follow the procedures and use the rubrics as reference for the pointing system.
Like a microscope or telescope, the optics in a kaleidoscope are used to enhance our
vision in some way. Vision depends on light, and optics are used to control light by reflecting or
bending it so that we can see in different ways. Kaleidoscopes use mirrors to reflect light into
beautiful shapes and patterns.

What You Need:

 Three small mirrors that are approximately the same size.
 Thin cardboard
 Overhead transparency or plastic page protector
 Candy sprinkles or colored paper
 Tape

What You Do:

1. Tape the long edges of the mirrors together so that they form a pyramid shape, with the
reflecting sides of the mirrors all facing inward.
2. Next, cut out a triangle of thin cardboard to fit one end of the kaleidoscope and tape it
on. Use a sharp pencil to poke a hole in the center of the cardboard, to serve as a
3. Cut two triangles of a transparent substance, like a plastic overhead transparency, to fit
the other end; tape up two of the edges to form a three-sided envelope, and put candy
sprinkles and/or bits of colored paper inside. Tape the third side closed, then use tape to
attach the envelope to the end of the kaleidoscope.
4. Now, look through the end that has the peephole and aim the kaleidoscope at a light
source. The colored objects on the other end will reflect off of the mirrors into star-shaped
5. Take a photo of your DIY Kaleidoscope as well as the image of that reflects inside of it.
Upload it in our designated google classroom or attach a photo on your module.

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Grade 11, Fourth Quarter – MODULE 3, SY 2020-2021

NAME: ___________________________________________ GRADE AND SECTION: ___________________

Adaptive Community for the Continuity of Education and Student Services
National Teachers College


21-30 POINTS:
The DIY KALEIDOSCOPE was creatively made and able to show the image reflected from

11-20 POINTS:
The DIY KALEIDOSCOPE was creatively made but can only show a partial image reflected
from it.

1-10 POINTS:
The DIY KALEIDOSCOPE wasn’t able to show the image reflected from it.

Use this table as your guide for this module for the next two weeks:


Week 5 April 19 - 23 Reading 1 Activity 1-2
Week 6 April 26-28 Reading 2; Activity 3-4


Use one of the mirror found in your house and draw the exact image how you
see yourself out on it. Place your drawing in the mirror below.

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Grade 11, Fourth Quarter – MODULE 3, SY 2020-2021

NAME: ___________________________________________ GRADE AND SECTION: ___________________

Adaptive Community for the Continuity of Education and Student Services
National Teachers College


The Law of reflection

Whenever you look into a mirror or squint at sunlight glinting off a lake, you
are seeing a reflection. When you look at the text in a book, you are actually
seeing the light that is reflected from it. Large telescopes use reflections to form
images of stars and other astronomical objects. In fact, the only way we can see
an object that does not itself emit light is if that object reflects light.

The law of reflection is illustrated in, which also shows how the angles are
measured relative to the perpendicular to the surface at the point where the light
ray strikes. The law of reflection is very simple: The angle of reflection equals the
angle of incidence. When we see our reflection in a mirror, it appears that our
image is actually behind the mirror — we see the light coming from a direction
determined by the law of reflection. The angles are such that our image appears
exactly the same distance behind the mirror as we stand away from the mirror.

Figure 1: Mirror Reflection: An image in a mirror appears as though it is behind the mirror. The two rays shown are those that
strike the mirror at just the correct angles to be reflected into the eyes of the viewer. The image appears to come from the
direction the rays are coming from when they enter the viewer’s eyes.

Figure 2: Law of Reflection: The law of reflection states that the angle of reflection equals the angle of incidence: θr = θi.
The angles are measured relative to the perpendicular to the surface at the point where the ray strikes the surface.

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Grade 11, Fourth Quarter – MODULE 3, SY 2020-2021

NAME: ___________________________________________ GRADE AND SECTION: ___________________

Adaptive Community for the Continuity of Education and Student Services
National Teachers College

We expect to see reflections off a smooth surface. However, light strikes different
parts of a rough surface at different angles, and it is reflected in many different directions
(“diffused”). Diffused light is what allows us to see a sheet of paper from any angle. Many
objects, such as people, clothing, leaves, and walls, have rough surfaces and can be
seen from all sides. A mirror, on the other hand, has a smooth surface (compared with
the wavelength of light) and reflects light at specific angles. When the moon reflects off
the surface of a lake, a combination of these effects takes place.

The Law of Refraction: Snell’s Law and the Index of Refraction

The amount that a light ray changes its direction depends both on the incident
angle and the amount that the speed changes.

It is easy to notice some odd things when looking into a fish tank. For example, you
may see the same fish appearing to be in two different places. This is because light
coming from the fish to us changes direction when it leaves the tank, and in this case, it
can travel two different paths to get to our eyes. The changing of a light ray’s direction
(loosely called bending) when it passes through variations in matter is called refraction.
Refraction is responsible for a tremendous range of optical phenomena, from the action
of lenses to voice transmission through optical fibers.

Figure 3: Law of Refraction: Looking at the fish tank as shown, we can see the same fish in two different locations, because
light changes directions when it passes from water to air. In this case, the light can reach the observer by two different
paths, and so the fish seems to be in two different places. This bending of light is called refraction and is responsible for
many optical phenomena.

Law of Refraction

A ray of light changes direction when it passes from one medium to another. As
before, the angles are measured relative to a perpendicular to the surface at the point
where the light ray crosses it. The change in direction of the light ray depends on how the
speed of light changes. The change in the speed of light is related to the indices of
refraction of the media involved. In mediums that have a greater index of refraction the
speed of light is less. Imagine moving your hand through the air and then moving it
through a body of water. It is more difficult to move your hand through the water, and

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Grade 11, Fourth Quarter – MODULE 3, SY 2020-2021

NAME: ___________________________________________ GRADE AND SECTION: ___________________

Adaptive Community for the Continuity of Education and Student Services
National Teachers College

thus your hand slows down if you are applying the same amount of force. Similarly, light
travels slower when moving through mediums that have higher indices of refraction.

The amount that a light ray changes its direction depends both on the incident
angle and the amount that the speed changes. For a ray at a given incident angle, a
large change in speed causes a large change in direction, and thus a large change in
angle. The exact mathematical relationship is the law of refraction, or “Snell’s Law,” which
is stated in equation form as: n1sinθ1 = n2sinθ2

Total Internal Reflection and Fiber Optics

Total internal reflection happens when a propagating wave strikes a medium

boundary at an angle larger than a particular critical angle.

Total internal reflection is a phenomenon that happens when a propagating wave

strikes a medium boundary at an angle larger than a particular critical angle with respect
to the normal to the surface. If the refractive index is lower on the other side of the
boundary and the incident angle is greater than the critical angle, the wave cannot pass
through and is entirely reflected. The critical angle is the angle of incidence above which
the total internal reflectance occurs.

Critical angle

The critical angle is the angle of incidence above which total internal reflection
occurs. The angle of incidence is measured with respect to the normal at the refractive
boundary (see diagram illustrating Snell’s law). Consider a light ray passing from glass into
air. The light emanating from the interface is bent towards the glass. When the incident
angle is increased sufficiently, the transmitted angle (in air) reaches 90 degrees. It is at
this point no light is transmitted into air. The critical angle θcθc is given by Snell’s
law, n1sinθ1=n2sinθ2n1sinθ1=n2sinθ2. Here, n1 and n2 are refractive indices of the media,
and θ1θ1 and θ2θ2are angles of incidence and refraction, respectively.

To find the critical angle, we find the value for θ1θ1 when θ2θ2= 90° and
thus sinθ2=1sinθ2=1. The resulting value of θ1θ1 is equal to the critical
angle θc=θ1=arcsin(n2n1)θc=θ1=arcsin(n2n1). So the critical angle is only defined when
n2/n1 is less than 1.

Reference and Source of Images: Reflection, Refraction, and Dispersion | Boundless Physics (

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NAME: ___________________________________________ GRADE AND SECTION: ___________________

Adaptive Community for the Continuity of Education and Student Services
National Teachers College


In this activity students will discover the way light is affected when moving from
one medium to another (such as from air to water or from water to air). The experiment
is very simple and designed to be used with materials that can be found in most

Piece of paper

1. Get a sheet of paper and draw two arrows on it. One arrow near the top and
one arrow near the bottom. Make the arrows point in the same direction.
2. Fill a clear glass with water.
3. Slowly lower the piece of paper behind the glass of water.
4. Look through a glass of water and watch what happens. Take a photo of your
observation or draw it in the box below as part of your documentation.

1. Why does the arrow change direction?

2. What scientific concept is applied in this experiment?


3. Cite three other scenarios where you can apply this concept.
2. __________________________________________________________
3. __________________________________________________________

4. Draw or capture your observations and place it in the space provided.

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Grade 11, Fourth Quarter – MODULE 3, SY 2020-2021

NAME: ___________________________________________ GRADE AND SECTION: ___________________

Adaptive Community for the Continuity of Education and Student Services
National Teachers College


Light is a wave and a particle at the same time; as a wave, it can be dispersed,
scattered, interfered, and diffracted.

Dispersion is the separation of white light into its seven color components when there is
a refraction or bending of light. White light is composed of the different color spectrum:
red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, and violet. Each color has its own wave
frequency; different light frequencies bend at different amounts when they pass
through a prism. When white light passes through a prism, it will refract two times making
the separation of the colors noticeable.

Source: Dispersion of Light by Prism | Definition, Examples, Diagrams (

Figure 4: Dispersion of Light wave by a Prism

Light scattering is the ability of particles to absorb light and scatter it in all directions.
Scattering of light components depends on the size of the particles; small particles scatter
components of short wavelengths (high frequency) while larger particles scatter longer
wavelengths (low frequency).

Our atmosphere is composed of tiny particles that scatter the color components of white
light. The atmosphere has an abundance in nitrogen and oxygen particles, which can
scatter higher frequency components of white light. They scatter violet the most, followed
by blue, green, and so on. This selective scattering is called the Rayleigh scattering. Our
eyes are more sensitive to blue frequencies of light, which is why we see the sky as blue.

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Grade 11, Fourth Quarter – MODULE 3, SY 2020-2021

NAME: ___________________________________________ GRADE AND SECTION: ___________________

Adaptive Community for the Continuity of Education and Student Services
National Teachers College

Diffraction is the bending of light when it encounters an obstacle or an opening. A

shadow is usually formed when light meets an obstacle. The bending of light is not very
much noticeable, but when you look around the edges of a shadow, you will notice
blurred areas or diffraction fringes; these are the areas where diffraction of light occurs.

The amount of diffraction depends on the wavelength of light and the size of the
obstacle. Also, the smaller the opening, the greater is the diffraction of light as shown in
diagrams A, B, and C below. The longer the wavelength, the greater is the diffraction of
light as shown in diagrams D and E below.

Interference is the result of the superposing of waves from different sources. If you
examine a shadow formed by the diffraction of light, you will see fringes on the edge of
the shadow. These fringes or the interference of light waves are the result of the
diffraction of light at different sides of the objects or obstacle which causes the shadow
to be fuzzy. When this property was observed in the visible light, it was considered as a
clear proof of the wave nature of light.

Constructive interference happens when two identical parts of two waves meet such as
a crest of one wave meets the crest of another wave of the same wavelength; this
would result in a new wave with the same wavelength but twice the amplitude.

Destructive interference happens when two opposite parts of two waves meet for
example a crest of one wave meets the trough of another wave which would result in
the cancellation of the two waves.
Reference: Microsoft Word - imaging-kap2.doc (

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Grade 11, Fourth Quarter – MODULE 3, SY 2020-2021

NAME: ___________________________________________ GRADE AND SECTION: ___________________

Adaptive Community for the Continuity of Education and Student Services
National Teachers College


In this activity, you are tasked to make a rainbow using a mirror, paper, tape and
a drinking glass.

To get ready follow the following procedures:

1. Take a piece of paper and cut a slot into the middle of it. Tape this onto the side
of a smooth/clear drinking glass so that the sun’s rays can pass through the
opening onto the SURFACE of the water in the glass.

2. You will need to do this on a very sunny day (or try a darkened room with a strong
direct light source.)

3. Make sure that the glass of water is VERY FULL. Place the glass on a white floor or
white piece of paper, making sure the sun’s rays are shining through the slot in your
paper and hitting the surface of the water.

4. You should see a mini rainbow below the glass.

5. Do not forget to document your observations and answer the following guide

Guide questions:

1. Provide other ways to make your own rainbow.


2. What happens if you place the paper further away from the glass?

3. Replace the water with mineral oil, what happens?


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Grade 11, Fourth Quarter – MODULE 3, SY 2020-2021

NAME: ___________________________________________ GRADE AND SECTION: ___________________

Adaptive Community for the Continuity of Education and Student Services
National Teachers College

4. If there were no signs of rain, would you be able to see a rainbow outside? Why
or why not?

5. Draw or capture your observations and place it in the space provided.


Now you are ready to perform your DIY KALEIDOSCOPE. Make sure to read
and follow the directions found in the first page of the module and refer to rubrics
for you to be guided on the activity.

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NAME: ___________________________________________ GRADE AND SECTION: ___________________

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