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Jennifer Furin, Helen Cox, Madhukar Pai

Lancet 2019; 393: 1642–56 Tuberculosis remains the leading cause of death from an infectious disease among adults worldwide, with more
Published Online than 10 million people becoming newly sick from tuberculosis each year. Advances in diagnosis, including the use
March 20, 2019 of rapid molecular testing and whole-genome sequencing in both sputum and non-sputum samples, could change
this situation. Although little has changed in the treatment of drug-susceptible tuberculosis, data on increased
efficacy with new and repurposed drugs have led WHO to recommend all-oral therapy for drug-resistant tuberculosis
Department of Global Health
and Social Medicine, Harvard for the first time ever in 2018. Studies have shown that shorter latent tuberculosis prevention regimens containing
Medical School, Boston, MA, rifampicin or rifapentine are as effective as longer, isoniazid-based regimens, and there is a promising vaccine
USA (J Furin MD); Division of candidate to prevent the progression of infection to the disease. But new tools alone are not sufficient. Advances
Medical Microbiology and the
must be made in providing high-quality, people-centred care for tuberculosis. Renewed political will, coupled with
Institute of Infectious Disease
and Molecular Medicine, improved access to quality care, could relegate the morbidity, mortality, and stigma long associated with tuberculosis,
University of Cape Town, to the past.
Cape Town, South Africa
(Prof H Cox PhD); McGill
International Tuberculosis
Introduction Epidemiology, pathogenesis, and risk factors
Centre, McGill University, Tuberculosis—the leading cause of death worldwide from Tuberculosis continues to cause considerable morbidity
Montreal, QC, Canada an infectious disease among adults—has been considered and mortality globally. According to WHO,4 an estimated
(Prof M Pai MD); and Manipal a global public health emergency for the past 25 years.1 10 million people became newly sick with tuberculosis in
McGill Centre for Infectious
Although public health approaches to tuberculosis have 2017; 8·7 million (87%) of these individ­uals reside in
Diseases, Manipal Academy of
Higher Education, Manipal, saved tens of millions of lives, modest progress has been 30 high-burden countries. Among these 10 million
India (Prof M Pai) made to control (let alone to end) tuberculosis. Drug- individuals, only 6·4 million were diagnosed and officially
Correspondence to: resistant forms of tuberculosis are currently on course notified. 1·3 million people are estimated to die from
Dr J Furin, Department of Global to be the world’s deadliest pathogens, responsible for a tuberculosis each year.4
Health and Social Medicine,
quarter of deaths due to antimicrobial resistance.2 Great Tuberculosis is a disease of poverty. Although most
Harvard Medical School, Boston,
MA 02115, USA ambition and radical action are needed to tackle this high-income countries have estimated tuberculosis inci­
jennifer_furin@hms.harvard. completely curable pathogen, which remains one of the dences of less than ten per 100 000 population per year,
edu greatest health problems in the world. the 30 high tuberculosis burden countries (which are
The global tuberculosis situation is dire, but now is predominantly low-income and middle-income countries)
also a time of great promise and discovery for the disease. have an esti­ mated collective tuberculosis incidence of
Numerous advances have been made in our 183 per 100 000 population per year, with the incidence
understanding of the epidemiology, risk factors, and being above 400 per 100 000 population per year in eight
pathophysiology of tuberculosis, and new diagnostics countries.4 Within countries, the tuberculosis burden is
and treatment for all forms of tuberculosis infection and also primarily borne by the poorest people.5
disease are appearing on the horizon. Access to these Global tuberculosis incidence is estimated to be
innovations remains a substantial challenge for the slowly declining by 1·6% per year, far from the
majority of people living with the disease, but if the 4–5% estimated to be required to reach WHO’s End TB
political will that seems to be building in the tuberculosis Strategy targets6 By contrast, mortality is declining
community and beyond3 is put into action, with a focus more rapidly at 4·1% per year. Global Burden of
on the rights of people affected by the disease, the next Diseases, Injuries, and Risk Factors7 data for
decade might finally see the devastation caused by this tuberculosis (1990–2016) show that if current trends in
age-old disease start to abate. incidence continue, few countries are likely to meet the
UN Sustainable Development Goals’ target to end the
epidemic by 2030.
In many settings, drug-resistant tuberculosis is also a
Search strategy and selection criteria major threat to tuberculosis control efforts. Each year,
We searched the Cochrane library, PubMed, and Ovid for more than half a million people become sick with
items published between Jan 1, 1946, and Nov 21, 2018. rifampicin-resistant forms of tuberculosis, but in 2017,
We used the search terms “tuberculosis” in combination with only 160 684 people were diagnosed or notified, and
“epidemiology”, “pathophysiology”, “risks”, “diagnosis”, “test”, only 139  114 were started on treatment.4 Modelling
“treatment”, “prevention”, “vaccine”, “infection”, “quality”, suggests that, in the absence of rapid diagnosis and
“political will”, “patient-centered”, “person-centered”, specific treatment for rifampicin-resistant tuberculosis,
“drug-resistant”, “drugs”, “access”, and “prognosis”. tuberculosis incidence will continue to increase.8–10
We prioritised research published since 2014, but we also Currently, prevalence of rifampicin-resistant tuberculosis
included other papers of substantial clinical impact. is increasing in several key countries including Russia,
Myanmar, China, and South Africa.11

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Infection eliminated Latent tuberculosis infection Subclinical tuberculosis disease Active tuberculosis disease

With innate With acquired

immune response immune response



TST Negative Positive Positive Positive Usually positive

IGRA Negative Positive Positive Positive Usually positive

Culture Negative Negative Negative Intermittently positive Positive

Sputum smear Negative Negative Negative Usually negative Positive or negative

Infectious No No No Sporadically Yes

Symptoms None None None Mild or none Mild to severe

Preferred treatment None None Preventive therapy Multidrug therapy Multidrug therapy

Figure 1: Spectrum of tuberculosis infection and disease

Reproduced from Pai et al,14 by permission of Springer Nature. IGRA=interferon-γ release assay. TST=tuberculin skin test.

Mycobacterium tuberculosis and humans have coexisted concentrations, drug gradients in pulmonary tissue, and
for thousands of years.12 Although 1·7 billion people the presence of drug efflux pumps at the surface of
globally are estimated to be infected with M tuberculosis, bacteria.20 Additionally, new analyses of older data also
only some of these people will go on to develop active show the time course of progression from infection to
tuberculosis.13 Our understanding of the pathophysiology disease. Although there has long been a shared belief
of tuberculosis continues to evolve, and there is growing within the scientific community that people newly infected
acceptance that, beyond the classical model of distinct with M tuberculosis have the highest risk of progression to
latent and active forms of tuberculosis disease, the complex disease within the first several years after infection,
bacterial and host dynamics result in the pathology of analysis of historical data has confirmed that the incubation
tuberculosis disease falling on a spectrum (figure 1).15 of M tuberculosis is probably shorter than previously
On an individual basis, immunity to tuberculosis also thought: around 24 months.21 This finding suggests that
appears to fluctuate over time, even within a single human identifying recently exposed individuals (eg, close contacts)
host.16 In a recent study, immune responses found at high risk of progression, and offering them preventive
within individual granulomas suggest that local immune therapy, might be an effective strategy to prevent
responses at the site of infection are as important in progression to disease. Some biomarkers show promise
controlling tuberculosis infection as systemic immunity.17 for identifying individuals at highest risk of progression.22
Data also show that some individuals exposed to tuber­ A substantial amount of work has looked at how
culosis do not become infected, whereas others rapidly pathogen and host factors, including local immune
succumb to infection and disease even, with minimal responses and disease tolerance, can explain the patho­
exposure.18 genesis and risk factors for developing tuberculosis
In terms of tuberculosis drug resistance, data suggest disease, but important work has also been done on
that many people who present with drug-resistant socioeconomic risk factors that might be just as
tuberculosis are infected with drug-resistant strains.19 predictive of who becomes infected with, and sick from,
Other data show that non-adherence to the prescribed tuberculosis. People from low socioeconomic-status
antibiotic drug regimen might have a lesser role in the populations are known to be at high risk of becoming
development of drug resistance than other causes of sick from tuberculosis,23 and in low-burden tuberculosis
acquired drug resistance, including inefficient serum drug countries, substantial declines in tuberculosis morbidity Vol 393 April 20, 2019 1643

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and mortality have occurred as a result of improvement 100 cells per μL, are seriously ill, and are hospitalised.33
in overall living conditions.24 A seminal study done in Higher sensitivity LAM assays have been developed and
Peruvian shanty towns found that some modifiable show great promise for rapid tuberculosis diagnosis, even
socioeconomic risk factors, including indoor air among people without HIV, including children and those
pollution, living in a house with a low number of in the outpatient setting.34,35
windows per room, and socioeconomic position of the Developments continue in the field of tuberculosis
household, can be powerful predictors of tuberculosis biomarkers, with multiple promising candidates identified
infection and disease.25 Furthermore, people who have for risk of infection, risk of disease, likelihood of cure,
had one episode of tuberculosis are at increased risk of and disease protection.36 Most of these biomarkers are
developing tuberculosis again, further exacerbating the associated with host immunity and include proteins,
vicious cycle of poverty and tuberculosis.26 Addressing metabolites, cell markers, and signals of transcription.37
socioeconomic factors, in­cluding smoking and indoor Although numerous reports of correlation with different
air pollution, could be just as important as addressing phases of tuberculosis have been reported, most notably
host and pathogen factors in easing the global burden of in children,38 to date, no predictive biomarker signatures
tuberculosis. A controlled human infection model to are close to commer­cialisation and no clinically useful
improve the understanding tuberculosis infection is an biomarker tests are available on the market.
unmet need in the field. In terms of bacteriological testing, our understanding
of the bacterium itself also needs to be improved,
Diagnosis including understanding factors that affect its growth and
Although multiple advances have been made in the virulence.39 Most advances have been in the area of
diagnosis of tuberculosis, no reliable, simple, point-of- molecular testing both for the presence of M tuberculosis
care test exists to definitively diagnose the disease. and for drug resistance. The Xpert MTB/RIF test
Clinicians often seek bacteriological diagnosis, but this (Cepheid, CA, USA), which can detect genetic material
evidence is also supplemented by clinical findings, from M tuberculosis along with mutations that cause resis­
radiological evidence, and tests for bacterial products that tance to rifampicin, remains the genotypic diagnostic test
indicate the presence of M tuberculosis. WHO currently of choice. Although access to this form of testing remains
endorses a range of diagnostic and drug susceptibility restricted, time-trend analyses show increasing market
See Online for appendix tests (appendix). penetration in many high-burden countries.40,41 A more
New developments exist for the use of radiological sensitive version of the assay, called Xpert MTB/RIF
screening for and diagnosis of tuberculosis, and interest Ultra, has been developed. The new test, which has a
in this area is increasing. Digital chest x-rays with sensitivity for M tuberculosis detection similar to culture
computer-aided detection of tuberculosis have been assays (which are known to be highly sensitive), but the
increasingly used in various settings, including prisons, advantages of requiring fewer resources and yielding
among household contacts, and for people who have faster results, has been endorsed by WHO and is being
worked in the mining sector.27 Although research is used in South Africa; however, this test does have a lower
required to refine the use of computer-aided detection, specificity for detection of M tuberculosis, and so
chest x-ray appears to be making a comeback as a interpretation of so-called trace-positive results remains a
triage test, and this assessment method is now challenge. An expanded version of the Xpert cartridge,
recommended by WHO for screening and diagnosis of called Xpert XDR, which allows for detection of resistance
tuberculosis in some populations.28 to isoniazid, injectable agents, and fluoroquinolones was
Tuberculosis bacteria shed multiple proteins and also shown to be effective in a large validation study,42 and
byproducts when they replicate in the human host, and is expected to become commercially available in 2019.
one of these substances, lipoarabinomannan (LAM), There have been some breakthroughs in sample
forms the basis of the urinary LAM test, the use of which collection and processing to allow for broader use of these
has been associated with a mortality reduction for tuber­ Xpert MTB/RIF tests in paediatric populations, including
culosis.29 The test has the advantages of being administered the use of stool samples.43 In terms of hardware used for
at the point of care and making use of an easily obtained these tests, in 2015, Cepheid had announced a novel,
specimen type (urine). Although initial evidence for the portable, battery-operated, point-of-care version of their
clinical utility of urinary LAM testing was disappointing GeneXpert system. However, the release of this
(showing a low degree of sensitivity),30 a clear mortality technology, called GeneXpert Omni, has been repeatedly
benefit is shown when used in hospitalised people with pushed back because of technical challenges. Meanwhile,
HIV and a CD4 count of less than 200 cells per μL.31 in July, 2018, Cepheid announced the launch of the
In 2018, a study found the test not only to be associated GeneXpert Edge, a portable, single-module, near-patient
with a higher rate of case detection and a lower rate of technology that can be used in decentralised settings.
mortality, but also to be cost-effective.32 The existing Cartridges available for use on the Edge include Xpert
urinary LAM test is currently recommended for all MTB/RIF, Xpert MTB/RIF Ultra, and Xpert HIV-1 Qual
patients who have HIV and a CD4 count of less than assays.

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Other genotypic tests based on nucleic acid amplifi­ contacts, people living with HIV, and people living
cation are being developed, and some are commercially in congregate settings. Strategies include systematic
available for centralised laboratories, including RealTime screening, community-based activities, and deployment
MTB (Abbott, IL, USA), FluoroType MTBDR (Hain of novel screening and diagnostic technologies.55 A 2017
Lifescience, Nehren, Germany), and BD MAX MDR-TB randomised controlled trial of different tuberculosis
(Beckton, Dickinson and Company, NJ, USA), whereas diagnostic tools used during intensified case finding, for
the chip-based Truenat MTB (Molbio Diagnostics, Goa, example, found that when coupled with active mobile
India) is designed for microscopy centres.44 Line probe van screening services, the Xpert MTB/RIF resulted
assays, which can detect drug resistance to isoniazid, in an increased proportion of people being started on
rifampicin, injectable agents, and fluoroquinolones, are treatment for tuberculosis.56
also available and WHO-endorsed, but require additional
laboratory capacity.45 Treatment
Whole-genome sequencing is becoming an increasingly The treatment landscape for tuberculosis has changed
appealing option for detection of drug resistance in dramatically over the past 5 years, with the introduction
M tuberculosis and can also be used to improve the under­ of two new drugs, bedaquiline and delamanid, and
standing of tuberculosis transmission.46 This technology multiple clinical trials whose results are being used to
relies on identifying mutations in the M tuberculosis radically alter the care of people with all forms of
genome that are associated with phenotypic drug resist­ tuberculosis.57 More tuberculosis treatment studies are
ance, and data show a correlation between the genetic happening than ever before in the history of the disease,
mutations and culture-based drug susceptibility results, and not only will these studies help improve the care of
at least for the four first-line drugs (isoniazid, rifampicin, people living with tuberculosis, but they should also help
ethambutol, and pyrazinamide).47 As technology enables show aspects of tuberculosis pathophysiology that can be
sequencing directly from specimens and more genotypic used to develop better, targeted therapies for people with
or phenotypic correlations are confirmed, whole-genome tuberculosis.
sequencing is likely to become the preferred method To date, no major changes in treatment of drug-
for tuberculosis drug-resistance testing in the next susceptible tuberculosis have been made. For pan-
decade,48 especially given its potential use in outbreak susceptible tuberculosis, treatment still consists of
investigations.49 four drugs (isoniazid, rifampicin, pyrazinamide, and
For the diagnosis of latent tuberculosis infection, ethambutol) given for a total of 2 months followed by
two main immune-based approaches are currently used two drugs (isoniazid and rifampicin) given for an
and included in WHO guidelines:50 the tuberculin skin additional 4 months. Data from a 2014 study show that a
test (TST) and the interferon-γ release assay (IGRA). so-called hard-to-treat phenotype, defined by high smear
Although the IGRA has higher specificity than the TST, grades and cavitation, can require durations of more than
neither test can accurately differentiate between latent 6 months to achieve cure.58 Studies have shown that daily
tuberculosis infection and active tuberculosis. Both tests administration of therapy results in improved treatment
have low sensitivity in a variety of immunocompromised outcomes com­ pared with thrice-weekly treatment, and
populations. Cohort studies have shown that both TST WHO recom­mends all people diagnosed with tuberculosis
and IGRA tests have low predictive value for progression be offered daily treatment with fixed-dose combinations.59
from infection to active tuberculosis.51 Therefore, testing Of note, studies show that some combination tablets can
only people at risk of progression and use of all clinical result in subtherapeutic concentrations of certain key
data, in addition to test results, is important. User-friendly drugs (especially rifampicin)60 but the clinical implications
calculators, such as the Online TST/IGRA Interpreter, are of this occurrence are not entirely clear. For more on the Online
available to assist with evaluation of results. C-Tb (Statens Therapeutic advances in the treatment of drug- TST/IGRA Interpreter see
Serum Institut, Copenhagen, Denmark), a skin test that susceptible tuberculosis have focused on two areas:
is based on the more M tuberculosis-specific ESAT-6 and high-dose rifampicin and the addition or substitution
CFP10 antigens, has a similar safety profile to the TST, of fluoroquinolones in the regimen. Although high-
and accuracy similar to IGRAs in phase 3 clinical trials in dose rifampicin shows early promise for treatment-
adults and children.52,53 shortening,61–65 randomised controlled trials with the
Whatever sampling and testing techniques are used, a fluoroquinolones did not show a treatment-shortening
more active approach to finding people with tuberculosis benefit.66–69 Multiple studies to assess shorter tuberculo­
is essential. Active case finding (as opposed to waiting sis treatment regimens are ongoing, including regimens
for people to present to the health system with signs and containing rifapentine, clofazi­mine, and the novel drugs
symptoms of tuberculosis) involves systematic efforts to bedaquiline and PA-824, also known as pretomanid (an
seek out people who might have the disease.54 Although experimental nitroimidazole agent for drug-resistant
a detailed review of active case finding is beyond the tuberculosis).70
scope of this Seminar, multiple strategies are involved, Isoniazid-resistant forms of tuberculosis are the most
usually focused on high-risk groups, such as household common forms of drug-resistant tuberculosis in the Vol 393 April 20, 2019 1645

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Class and Phase completed Summary of findings Adverse events Drug–drug interactions Access and Ongoing trials76
mechanism of and regulatory and overlapping toxicities pricing75
action approval
Bedaquiline77–79 Diarylquinoline; Phase 2b US FDA, Significantly faster time to QTc Cannot use with efavirenz; Available to <20% endTB (NCT02754765),
inhibits EMA, SAHPRA, culture conversion; prolongation use with protease inhibitors of individuals that TB PRACETCAL
mycobacterial ATP multiple other significantly higher culture (moderate), results in increased need it; US$400 for (NCT02589782), NiX-TB
synthase countries conversion; significantly hepatitis bedaquiline concentration a 6-month course (NCT02333799), STREAM 2
improved treatment but clinical significance not via GDF (NCT02409290), NeXT
outcomes when compared clear; cannot use with (NCT02454205), ZeNix
with placebo rifampicin; caution when (NCT03086486),
used with other QTc Janssen C211
prolonging agents (NCT02354014), ACTG 5343
(NCT02583048), Janssen
Japan Trial (NCT02365623),
SimpliciTB (NCT03338621),
P11018 (NCT02906007)
Delamanid80–85 Nitroimidazole; Phase 3 EMA, Faster time to culture QTc No clinically significant Available to <5% of endTB, MDR-END
inhibits mycolic Japanese conversion compared with prolongation drug–drug interactions individuals that (NCT02619994), ACTG
acid synthesis Regulatory placebo; no differences in (mild), need it; $1700 for a 5453, Otsuka 213
Authority final outcomes but study did generally well 6-month course (NCT01424670), Otsuka
not have statistical power tolerated from GDF 233 (NCT01859923),
for detection Otsuka 232
(NCT01856634), IMPAACT
2005 (NCT03141060)
Pretomanid86–88 Nitroimidazole; Phase 2b; currently Has only been tested in Hepatitis, No clinically significant Not available SimpliciTB, NiX-TB, TB
inhibits mycolic acid undergoing combination regimens and animal studies drug–drug interactions PRACTECAL, ZeNix
synthesis, generates regulatory review not as a single agent show ocular and
mycobacterial reproductive
nitrogen oxide toxic events
Linezolid89–111 Oxazolidinone; Phase 2b, phase 3 Improved outcomes (in Toxic effects on Caution when used in $1·30 per tablet endTB, NiX-TB, TB
inhibits (non-placebo delayed-start trial and bone marrow, patients on zidovudine due from GDF PRACTECAL, ZeNix, NeXT,
mycobacterial controlled); non-placebo controlled peripheral to overlapping toxic effects MDR-END, MDR-PK2
protein synthesis no registered trials), significantly higher neuritis, optic on bone marrow; caution (NCT02619994)
indication for rates of culture conversion, neuritis when given with other drugs
tuberculosis and faster times to culture that are associated with
conversion in people who peripheral neuropathy
received linezolid at the (eg, isoniazid); use with
start of treatment caution when given with
compared with those who other drugs associated with
had a delayed start optic neuritis or neuropathy
(eg, ethambutol)
Sutezolid93,94 Oxazolidinone; Phase 2a Significant 14-day early No severe Not available Not available Obtained by the Medicines
inhibits bactericidal activity adverse events Patent Pool for further
mycobacterial reported in testing
protein synthesis 14-day early
activity trial
Clofazimine95,96 Inhibits Phase 3 Improved treatment Skin Caution when used with $1·00 per tablet endTB, STREAM 2, TB
mycobacterial DNA (non-placebo outcomes, significantly faster discoloration, other QTc prolonging agents from GDF PRACTECAL
synthesis, increases controlled) time to culture conversion, QTc
activity of and higher rates of culture prolongation
mycobacterial conversion compared with
phospholipase A2 people that did not receive
Carbapenems β-lactams; inhibit Phase 2a Significant 14-day early Seizures, rash, Cannot use with penicillin $3·10 for one None known
(imipenem- mycobacterial cell bactericidal activity hepatitis allergy; must be given with 500 mg vial of
cilastatin, wall synthesis clavulanic acid to be imipenem;
meropenem)97 effective in tuberculosis; $0·14 for one
must be given intravenously 125 mg tablet of
clavulanic acid (only
available in
combination with
875 mg amoxicillin)
FDA=Food and Drug Administration. EMA=European Medicines Agency. SAHPRA=South African Health Products Regulatory Authority. GDF=Global Drug Facility.

Table 1: Summary of new and repurposed drugs for treating rifampicin-resistant tuberculosis

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world,71 although no data-driven guidelines exist on found that the patients who received bedaquiline had
when to systematically test people for isoniazid-resistant higher treatment success compared with those who
tuberculosis. With the roll-out of molecular tests, isoniazid- received injectable agents, and a delay in bedaquiline
resistant tuberculosis is likely to be more commonly initiation was significantly associated with mortality.108
diagnosed in the coming years. No formal trials have been Use of bedaquiline was also found to be cost-effective
done to guide therapy, but a 2017 meta-analysis found that when compared with injectable drug-based therapy.109
although there was great heterogeneity in treatment Although bedaquiline was only administered for
practice, with more than 55 regimens used, regimens 24 weeks in these clinical trials (in part to reach trial
containing fluoroquinolones resulted in improved out­ endpoints more quickly), many patients on bedaquiline
comes.72 WHO has recommended that fluoroquinolones will have few therapeutic options and will require
be given to people with isoniazid-resistant tuberculosis, bedaquiline for longer periods.110 A study done in France
but also note the need for formal clinical studies to assess found that people who received bedaquiline for prolonged
the optimal therapy for this form of tuberculosis.73 periods had no additional safety problems.111
Rifampicin monoresistant tuberculosis (with retained Bedaquiline is now recommended by WHO as a core
susceptibility to isoniazid) is increasingly documented, drug in the treatment of rifampicin-resistant tuberculosis
and this strain might constitute an important population and it is part of the newly recommended all-oral regimens.112
of patients with monoresistant tuberculosis in the future.74 Bedaquiline is also a component of most regimens being
Since treatment recommendations are the same as for tested in rifampicin-resistant tuberculosis clinical trials
those with multidrug-resistant tuberculosis (although this and is likely to remain part of the rifampicin-resistant
situation could change in the future), the treatment of tuberculosis treatment option for some time. The drug
these two entities will be considered together in this is also being tested in drug-susceptible tuberculosis as part
Seminar. of the SimpliciTB trial (NCT03338621) being run by
The treatment of rifampicin-resistant tuberculosis has Tuberculosis Alliance (known as TB Alliance).
substantially changed with the introduction of bedaquiline Access to bedaquiline has remained a major global
and delamanid, and with increasing use of repurposed problem with fewer than 20% of those in need of the drug
agents such as linezolid and clofazimine. For the first being able to access it.113 A joint donation programme
time, WHO has recommended all-oral therapy for a funded by Janssen Pharmaceutica (Beerse, Beligium) and
majority of people with rifampicin-resistant tuberculosis, the US Agency for International Development has
and regimens of 9–12 months’ duration (compared with allowed for 60 000 courses of bedaquiline to be provided
the standard 18–24 months of therapy) are also being rolled free of charge, but current pricing of bedaquiline
out for the treatment of rifampicin-resistant tuber­culosis. (US$400 for a 6-month course of treatment) means it will
These therapeutic advances have already been shown to be unobtainable by most people and programmes.114
greatly improve the treatment of rifampicin-resistant Global advocates are calling for a price no higher than
tuberculosis. Ongoing trials aim to assess new and $1 per day for bedaquiline treatment, given that most of
repurposed drugs for the treatment of rifampicin-resistant the drug’s development was through tax-payer funded
tuberculosis (table 1). studies.115 Given the prominent role of bedaquiline in the
Bedaquiline was first recommended by WHO in treatment of rifampicin-resistant tuberculosis access,
2013,98 and was recommended again in 2017.99 While ensuring access through affordability will be an important
phase 3 studies of bedaquiline are pending, widespread step in fighting this strain.116
experience with the drug has accumulated via com­ The second novel drug to be both conditionally approved
passionate use and observational cohort studies.101–103 A by stringent regulatory authorities and recommended by
majority of these have shown treatment success WHO in 2014 for the treatment of tuberculosis is
exceeding 75%, notable since most people who received delamanid.117 A phase 3 trial done with delamanid when
bedaquiline early in the course of its use were patients the drug was added to a multidrug backbone regimen for
with highly resistant tuberculosis and few therapeutic 24 weeks compared with the addition of placebo found
treatment options.104 The largest cohorts of patients to that the reduction in median time to sputum culture
receive bedaquiline are from South Africa, where high conversion over 6 months was not significant in the
treatment success and reduced mortality have been primary analysis (although significance was achieved
reported among people receiving the drug.105 Although when alternative methods for handling missing cultures
QTc prolongation was seen in patients receiving were used).118 Delamanid has been shown to be safe
bedaquiline, few patients required discontinuation of and effective in short-term pharmacokinetic studies in
the medication.106 These results led the South African children aged 2 years and older,119,120 and the treatment is
Government to commit to providing bedaquiline for all recommended by WHO as the drug of choice for treating
people with rifampicin-resistant tuberculosis in the children younger than 6 years with rifampicin-resistant
country.107 A 2018 case-control study done in South tuberculosis.121 Thus, few observational cohort studies
Africa compared the treatment outcomes of people who exist that include people who have been treated with
received bedaquiline instead of injectable agents and delamanid. Those studies that have been done support the Vol 393 April 20, 2019 1647

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efficacy and safety of delamanid,122,123 and data increasingly Chief among these drugs is linezolid, an oxazolidinone
show that delamanid can be safely given in combination antibiotic that has been shown to be effective in
with bedaquiline. This combination had been discouraged two randomised trials among people with tuberculosis,89,90
in the early days of delamanid’s approval, given a potential and which is a regimen component of multiple ongoing
concern about additive or synergistic QTc prolongation if and planned clinical trials.91 The safety of linezolid is a
the two drugs were combined. In a cohort study of concern as the drug has been associated with bone
individuals requiring both bedaquiline and delamanid for marrow suppression, optic neuritis, and peripheral
the treatment of highly resistant forms of rifampicin- neuropathy;92 however, studies are ongoing to find strate­
resistant tuberculosis, no individuals had an absolute QTc gies to reduce these toxic effects, including alternate-day
interval (corrected by use of the Fridericia formula) greater dosing and discontinuation of the medication after
than 500 msec.124 2–3 months of therapy. Other oxazolidinones have been
Another medication in the nitroimidazole class that has tested for use in tuberculosis treatment with sutezolid
been developed further in the past 5 years is pretomanid.125 (Sequella; Rockville, MD, USA) showing some promise
This chemical entity has been in development for more in an early study.93 Testing of this drug has been delayed
than a decade and has been advanced as a component of but it has now been acquired by the Medicines Patent
treatment regimens in several clinical trials.86 Concerns Pool and might proceed into phase 2b trials.94
were raised about the safety of pretomanid after a study Another repurposed agent, clofazimine, has been
using the medication in combination with moxifloxacin shown to be effective against rifampicin-resistant tuber­
and pyrazinamide resulted in fulminant hepatitis in a culosis in a randomised, non-placebo controlled trial
series of participants with pan-susceptible disease.87 The done in China.95 The study suggested that the drug might
drug continues to be assessed in trials in both drug- be especially effective against mycobacteria that are
susceptible and drug-resistant tuberculosis; these include not actively replicating. Clofazimine is currently being
the SimpliciTB trial and, perhaps the most promising, studied in clinical trials for both treatment of rifampicin-
the NiX-TB trial (NCT02333799),88 which is sponsored resistant tuberculosis and for shortening of treatment for
by TB Alliance. In this single arm study, people with drug-susceptible tuberculosis, however QTc prolongation
extensively drug-resistant tuberculosis were given a and skin pigmentation are primary safety concerns.96
6-month to 9-month regimen of high-dose linezolid In 2018, a large meta-analysis, which included patient
(1200 mg daily), bedaquiline, and pretomanid. Of the data from more than 12 500 individuals, was done to assess
75 participants with results, 89% achieved cure and have the role of individual drugs in the treatment of rifampicin-
been followed for at least 12 months for relapse.69 High resistant tuberculosis.129 Although the limi­tations of meta-
rates of linezolid toxicity have been reported with this analyses (eg, population heterogeneity, absence of formal
regimen, and ongoing studies (eg, clinical trial control groups, and incomplete data sets) should be
NCT03086486) are assessing dose optimisation of this kept in mind when interpreting their findings, this study
drug. If confirmed, the results of this trial could had multiple unexpected outcomes. Commonly used
substantially transform the treatment of rifampicin- agents, such as kanamycin, capreomycin, pyrazinamide,
resistant tuberculosis. Pretomanid has not been used ethionamide, and para-aminosalicylic acid, were found to
outside of clinical trials and TB Alliance has submitted be associated with worse treatment outcomes, even when
a new drug application to the US Food and Drug used in people with sus­ceptibility to these medications,
Administration for regulatory approval. No head-to-head suggesting that the toxicity of these agents might be worse
comparisons between delamanid and pretomanid have than previously thought. Capreomycin was associated with
been made. higher mortality. Regimens containing bedaquiline,
Various other novel chemical entities are in de­velop­ linezolid, or the third generation fluoroquinolones were
ment for tuberculosis,126 including benzothiazone agents, associated with improved treatment outcomes and lower
decaprenylphosphoryl-beta-D-ribose oxidase (also known mortality than regimens that did not contain one or more
as DprE1) inhibitors and mycobacterial respiratory chain of these medications. In addition, the drugs clofazimine
inhibitors such as telacebec (previously Q203; Qurient, and cycloserine were found to be associated with improved
Seongnam, South Korea), and imidazopyridines.127 treatment outcomes. The data also showed no benefit to
Although in the early stages of development, these drugs administering drugs to which the individual had
could offer additional treatment options in a field where documented resistance and thus called into question
few therapeutics exist. The process for drug development the common practice of treating rifampicin-resistant
in tuberculosis, however, is anaemic and hampered by a tuberculosis with multiple agents without a strong
dearth of funding, a long trialling process, regulatory evidence-base.
delays, and a seeming difficulty for countries to roll This individual patient data meta-analysis formed the
out new drugs even when their efficacies have been basis of evidence that was used by WHO in July, 2018, to
established.128 issue new treatment recommendations for rifampicin-
In addition to new medications for the treatment of resistant tuberculosis.130 WHO recommends that the
tuberculosis, interest in repurposed drugs is increasing. majority of individuals are treated with all oral regimens

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that include the drugs bedaquiline, linezolid, a third

Drugs Comments
generation fluoroquinolone, clofazimine, and cycloserine
(table 2).130 In essence, these recommendations challenged Group A Levofloxacin or moxifloxacin; bedaquiline; Include all three medicines (unless they
linezolid cannot be used)
the thera­peutic hierarchy at the time, and called for the
Group B Clofazimine; cycloserine or terizidone Add both medicines (unless they cannot
up-front use of medications such as bedaquiline, linezolid, be used)
and clofazimine (which had previously been relegated for Group C Ethambutol; delamanid; pyrazinamde; Add to complete a four-drug to five-drug
use only in salvage situations) and called for the com­ imipenem-cilastatin or meropenem (both must regimen and when medicines from
monly used agents (such as the injectables, ethionamide, be given with clavulanic acid); amikacin or groups A and B cannot be used
streptomycin; ethionamide or prothionamide;
and pyrazinamide) to be used only in cases when other
para-aminosalicylic acid
therapeutic options were not available. For the first
time ever, all-oral regimens are now recommended for Table 2: 2018 WHO grouping of medications for second-line drug-resistant tuberculosis130
the majority of people living with rifampicin-resistant
tuberculosis. Even the definitions that were previously already the standard in the management of paediatric
used to define the highly resistant forms of tuberculosis, rifampicin-resistant tuber­ culosis, where children with
known as extensively drug-resistant and pre-extensively non-severe disease are treated for 9–12 months,140
drug-resistant, are irrelevant given that the injectable and forms drug-susceptible extrapulmonary tuberculosis
drugs are no longer core agents in the treatment of drug- (including meningitis and osteoarticular disease), which
resistant tuberculosis.131 are treated for prolonged 12-month durations. Multiple
In addition to regimens including more effective drugs, components of tuberculosis treatment regimens that are
a substantial amount of clinical research has found considered fixed, including the number of drugs used and
that shorter regimens can be used for the treatment of the duration of therapy, could possibly be altered on the
rifampicin-resistant tuberculosis. A 9–12 month regimen, basis of the extent of disease. Data show that cavitary
often known as the Bangladesh regimen (since its effec­ disease and smear-positivity at 2 months predict relapse,141
tiveness was first shown in the country)132 has been and similar results have been found in people with drug-
shown to be effective among carefully selected patients in resistant tuberculosis.142 Patients with these indicators will
numerous observational cohort studies.133.134 A phase 3 probably require longer treatment than those without such
trial (STREAM 1; ISRCTN78372190) of the Bangladesh clinical features. Treatment choice should take into account
regimen, which contains kanamycin, isoniazid (high considerations for special populations (including children,
dose), pyrazinamide, ethambutol, moxifloxacin (high adolescents, and people living with HIV, diabetes, or other
dose), clofazimine, and ethionamide, found that overall comorbidities), the use of adjunctive therapies, and long-
outcomes were non-inferior to a longer 18–24 month term effects (appendix).
regimen.135,136 However, although the shorter treatment
course had lower loss to follow-up, this regimen also had Support for successful outcomes
a higher prevalence of failed treatment, relapse, and Adherence support aimed at ensuring successful tuber­
death. WHO recommended this regimen in 2016,137 and culosis treatment has historically relied on the use of
has maintained the recommendation in their 2018 directly observed therapy (DOT). The use of DOT has
guidance, although the organisation now notes that the shown mixed results in multiple studies and meta-
shorter regimen should not be given to people with analyses, largely because the term appears to be a catch-
resistance to any drug in the regimen (except isoniazid) all phrase for radically different treatment support
and that outcomes might be worse than with approaches. When coupled with emotional support,
administration of bedaquiline, linezolid, or both. The nutritional supplementation, and other types of enablers,
continued use of the injectable agents in the shorter DOT can be a way to ensure daily contact with vulnerable
regimen is problematic given the high amounts of individuals and close monitoring for the development of
hearing loss reported with this class of drugs.138 An adverse events.143 At the other end of the spectrum, DOT
ongoing trial called STREAM 2 (NCT02409290) is can add a substantial burden to the lives of people living
assessing a regimen with bedaquiline replacing the with tuberculosis (eg, patients are required to collect their
injectable agents, and results are expected in 2022. treatment from a facility each day),144,145 which could
Multiple ongoing trials exist that look at shorter, all increase the loss to follow-up. Data show that self-
oral regimens for the treatment of rifampicin-resistant administered treatment, even among people with
tuberculosis (appendix). Given the long time period it rifampicin-resistant tuberculosis results in similar out­
takes to recruit, enrol, treat, and follow-up people in this comes.146 Nowadays self-administered treatment can be
type of trial, it could be years before these results are enhanced by digital tools that could improve ad­herence
available.139 (eg, phone-based and smartphone-based technologies or
Although treatment for tuberculosis is currently selected digital pillboxes). Although published data are scarce,
on the basis of drug susceptibility alone, growing evidence several studies are ongoing.147
suggests that disease severity should be more broadly The first pillar of WHO’s End TB Strategy is patient-
considered in therapeutic determi­nations. This situation is centred care;148 however, although the term is often used, Vol 393 April 20, 2019 1649

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populations.164 In general, the vaccine is not thought to

Description Examples
be immunogenic enough to induce long-term immunity,
Holistic care Care that sees the patient as a whole Effective and integrated care of comorbidities such although some studies show that intrapulmonary
and addresses multiple individual needs as diabetes, HIV, and harmful substance use152
administration might be more immunogenic and
Individualised Care that reflects each patient’s needs, The provision of individualised treatment for
care preferences, and concerns rifampicin-resistant tuberculosis based on development of an inhaled BCG vaccine could be an
detailed drug susceptibility testing153 important strategy to pursue.165 A 2018 phase 2b study
Empowering Care that recognises patients as active Mechanisms for supporting self-administration of of a novel vaccine candidate known as M72/AS01E
care consumers treatment154 (GlaxoSmithKline, London, UK) was found to provide
Respectful Care that encourages informed decision Patient choice in regimen composition is based more than 50% protec­tion from progression to active
care making and self-determination on understanding of efficacy and adverse events155 tuberculosis among adults with tuberculosis infection
Table 3: Key attributes of patient-centred care for tuberculosis156 and could be a candidate to advance into larger studies.166
In the past few years, major advances in the treatment of
little information is available to define what this means tuberculosis infection have occurred. Substantially shorter
and advise how to deliver it. Ideally, this term should mean tuberculosis prevention regimens have been developed,
that services and support for individuals affected by and have been shown to be effective in both adults and
tuberculosis should be focused on them and their needs as children, including those living with HIV. Such regimens,
opposed to the needs of the health system.149 Such care including a 4-month regimen of rifampicin was tested in
would include socioeconomic support, and new data now both adults and children and found to be as effective as
show that conditional cash transfer programmes (where 9 months of daily isoniazid.167 This regimen has the added
people are given a monthly spend during their threatment) benefit of using a drug with well established dosing
for people with tuberculosis are associated with a decreased and safety data available from populations of all ages,168
risk of mortality.150 This finding is not surprising given that and which can be used with almost all forms of
people living with tuberculosis often face catastrophic antiretroviral therapy within known dose-adjustment
costs, and providing tuberculosis services as part of parameters. However, concerns about the development of
universal health coverage is likely to be the best way to drug resistance when using a single drug in patients with
decrease the cost and impact of this disease on people’s undiagnosed active tuberculosis disease remain.
lives.151 To truly provide patient-centred care (table 3), or Other shorter regimens for the treatment of tuber­
what some advocates refer to as person-centred care, the culosis infection have focused on the use of rifapentine.
tuberculosis community needs to embrace a human rights The 12-week regimen of high-dose isoniazid given with
framework in the treatment of tuberculosis.157 Patient- high-dose rifapentine once a week has now been shown to
centred care should also focus on mental health care, pain be safe, and dosing has been established in children
relief, and the principles of palliative care for tuberculosis as young as 2 years.169 Preliminary data suggest that a
(appendix). 1-month regimen of daily isoniazid and rifapentine might
All services provided to people with tuberculosis, from be as effective as 9 months of daily isoniazid in the
the time of presentation with initial symptoms to the time treatment of tuberculosis infection among adults living
of discharge with non-relapsing cure, must be of the with HIV.170 Both of these regimens include the drug
highest quality possible. Unfortunately, much work is to rifapentine, and although there were initial concerns
be done in terms of quality of care. Studies from India about using this drug with the antiretorviral agent
and South Africa published in the past 2 years show dolutegravir,171 data presented on the combination of
large gaps in the cascade of care for tuberculosis and dolutegravir and rifapentine co-administration in
multidrug-resistant tuberculosis.158,159 Simulated patient people living with HIV (NCT03435146)172 found no
studies among tuberculosis care providers in India, grade 3–4 events, suggesting that the combination is safe
Kenya, China, and South Africa show that a wide spectrum in people with HIV. Additionally, there is concern that
exists in the quality of services offered to people with these shorter, rifapentine-based regimens might not
tuberculosis, with many receiving suboptimal services.160–162 confer sufficient protection among people with HIV living
Thus, improving quality of tuberculosis care must be a in high-tuberculosis settings, and studies on annual
key consideration for achieving better outcomes and will cycled courses are now underway.173 Both of these
require system-wide action to develop high-quality health rifapentine-based regimens could substantially shorten
systems.163 treatment for people who have been infected with
tuberculosis. WHO recommends that one of four
Prevention regimens be used for the treatment of tuberculosis
Prevention efforts have focused on tuberculosis vacci­ infection: daily isoniazid for 6 to 9 months, daily
nation and the treatment of latent tuberculosis or rifampicin for 4 months, daily isoniazid and rifampicin
tuberculosis infection. Immunisation with the BCG for 3 months, or weekly isoniazid and rifapentine for 12
vaccine is known to protect children from severe and weeks (appendix).
disseminated forms of disease, decrease infection by People who have been exposed to rifampicin-resistant
30%, and potentially offer some protection to adult tuberculosis previously had few options to treat

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Rapid diagnosis and

drug-susceptibility testing
Rapid triage

Sequencing confirmation

Early care seeking

Electronic data
and dashboard Short drug regimens


New vaccine
Patient support
Digital adherence support tools
and direct benefits

Figure 2: Schematic for a modern tuberculosis care delivery system

Reproduced from Pai.176

their infection. Individualised regimens with multiple together to serve those who need them the most. For
drugs based largely on fluoroquinolone were only some improvements to be made, such as the
available in selected settings. However, a meta-analysis development of a better vaccine or a shorter drug
of such preventive therapy found a 90% reduction in therapy, new invest­ments are urgently needed. High-
the risk of development of tuberculosis among contacts quality systems for data management need to be
that were provided with such treatment. Further­ established and maintained for national and
more, use of fluoroquinolone-based preventive therapy international monitoring, resource allocation, and
was also found to be cost-effective.50 These findings accurate problem solving.177
led to WHO recommending the treatment of drug-
resistant forms of tuberculosis infection with regimens Political will to end tuberculosis
selected on the basis of the drug-susceptibility pattern On Sept 26, 2018, a UN meeting focused on tuberculosis
of the known contact.174 Three studies (V-QUIN was held in New York, NY, USA.178 The pledges made
[ACTRN12616000215426], TB CHAMP [NCT02365623], by multiple, high-level delegations, including heads of
and PHOENIx [NCT03568383]) are either ongoing or state from high burden tuberculosis countries, such as
planned to formally assess treatment of drug-resistant South Africa, could herald a new level of political
tuberculosis infection with treatment regimens including commitment in the fight against tuberculosis. Although
either levofloxacin or delamanid. The results of these similar meetings held to discuss HIV and Ebola led to
studies are expected in 3–5 years. In the meantime, substantial increases in funding for research and
however, given the poor outcomes of people who become treatment, the effects of the UN tuberculosis meeting
sick with drug-resistant forms of tuberculosis, the benefit are not yet apparent. New global accountability systems
of such treatment is likely to outweigh the risks in most are badly needed to ensure that “ending tuberculosis”
situations. does not become yet another slogan tied to limited
action of little benefit for those most affected by
How to modernise tuberculosis care tuberculosis.178
For too long, tuberculosis care has relied on antiquated
tools that are no longer fit for purpose. This can and Conclusions
must change.175 As described in this Seminar, many Although tuberculosis continues to be one of the most
new tools and solutions already exist in some form important public health problems of the 21st century,
(figure 2); however, these developments have not come clinical and scientific advances exist that stand to Vol 393 April 20, 2019 1651

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revolutionise the diagnosis, treatment, and prevention 16 Michelsen SW, Soborg B, Diaz LJ, et al. The dynamics of immune
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literature review and writing. tuberculosis. Am J Respir Crit Care Med 2018; 198: 1208–19.
21 Behr M, Edelstein P, Ramakrishnan L. Revisiting the time table of
Declaration of interests
tuberculosis. BMJ 2018; 362: K2736.
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22 Zak DE, Penn-Nicholson A, Scriba TJ, et al. A blood RNA signature
Foundation, and the UK Medical Research Council, outside of the
for tuberculosis disease risk: a prospective cohort study. Lancet 2016;
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