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Machine Learning Based Support System for Students to Select Stream (Subject)

Article  in  Recent Patents on Computer Science · November 2018

DOI: 10.2174/2213275912666181128120527

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3 authors:

Kapil Sethi Varun Jaiswal

Shoolini University Shoolini University


Mohd Dilshad Ansari

CMR College of Engineering & Technology


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Recent Patents on Computer Science 2019, 12, 1-9 1


Machine Learning Based Support System for Students to Select Stream


Kapil Sethi1, Varun Jaiswal1,* and Mohd Dilshad Ansari2

School of Electrical and Computer Science, Shoolini University of Biotechnology and Management Sciences, Solan,
Himachal Pradesh, India; 2Department of Computer Science & Engineering, CMR College of Engineering & Technolo-
gy, Hyderabad, India

Abstract: In most of the countries, students have to select a subject/stream in secondary education
phase. Selection of subject/stream is crucial for students because further their career proceeds ac-
ARTICLE HISTORY cording to their selection. Mostly subject/stream selection cannot be changed in the further career.
Inappropriate selection of subjects due to parental pressure, lack of information etc. can lead to lim-
ited success in the selected stream. Guidance for subject/stream selection based on information of
Received: October 01, 2018 successful scholars of their stream and information of students such as interest, family background,
Revised: November 03, 2018
Accepted: November 08, 2018 previous education and other associated can enhance the success in career. A data mining and ma-
chine learning based methods were developed on the above information. Data from the different in-
DOI: stitution and students of two different streams were used for training and testing purpose. Different
10.2174/2213275912666181128120527 machine learning algorithms were used and methods with high accuracy (86.72) were developed.
Developed method can be extended and used for different subject/stream selection.
Keywords: Secondary education, subject selection, support system, career, student, machine learning.

1. INTRODUCTION be helpful to the students to some extent because their sug-

gestions are mostly based on current trends and market de-
The aim of education requires three needs to be fulfilled
mands, which may end up in selecting a wrong stream irre-
i.e. human capital theory, discourses and capability approach spective of their (student) interest and their early perfor-
[1]. Out of three stages of education i.e. primary, secondary
mances [8]. Overall available systems which help the stu-
and higher secondary [2], secondary education is of utmost
dents to choose the stream /subject do not use data mining
importance since it motivates the career aspiration of the
(DM) and machine learning (ML) methods based on data of
students and selecting subjects. Every year thousands of sec-
successful scholar of their different stream/subject. It was
ondary school students in every country face the challenge of
also observed that presently career counselling methods are
choosing their career stream/subjects [3]. Selecting a career not based on practical observation or technical formulas to
in a definite stream describes the future of a student [4].
provide an accurate selection of the stream/subject [12].
However, it is challenging for a student to choose a stream
Instead, they are expensive, require time and are away from
(subjects) at an initial age. Selection of inappropriate sub-
the reach of many potential students [13].
jects by the students due to peer and parental stress [2, 5] or
lack of proper information may outcome failure or dropout Generally, students select medical, non-medical, com-
in a further career. Hence, it is essential for the students to merce, arts, and social science stream for bright future [14].
choose the appropriate stream carefully best suited to them When the students secure good marks people suggest and
for better and successful direction. expect to opt science stream. In many countries like India
secondary education is a more important phase [15, 16] for
In-stream selection, a large number of factors play their
students as they have to select a major stream of their career.
influencing role [6, 7]. Stream selection under influence of
Indian education system is not flexible in terms of changing
celebrities, famous personalities like role models, actors, subjects once students have opted. For example, a commerce
actresses and politicians [5] often fail to discover their inter-
student cannot opt for medical and non- medical
nal potential,capabilities,and attitude which may result in the
stream.Generally,stream selection for career happens in three
selection of inappropriate stream [8]. In some conditions,
ways (Fig. 1); the first one is selecting stream influenced by
providing support through online career guidance [9], teach-
parents and relatives, the second one is selecting stream by
ers, tuition centres and coaching institutes [10, 11] proves to
own choice and the third one is selecting stream by the help
of career guidance/counsellors [6].
*Address correspondence to this author at the School of Electrical and
Many developers design various advising/guidance tools
Computer Science, Shoolini University of Biotechnology and Management
Sciences, Solan, Himachal Pradesh, India; like PAS [17], IS A- DVISOR[18], ONLINE ADVISOR
E-mail: [19], JESS [20] and APE for under graduate (UG), postgrad-

2213-2759/19 $58.00+.00 © 2019 Bentham Science Publishers

2 Recent Patents on Computer Science, 2019, Vol. 12, No. 1 Sethi et al.

uate students (PG) or university students using different plat- To the best of our knowledge, there is no support system
forms [17]. In Table 1, all of the guidance tools are focused which can help secondary level students for stream/subject
on higher education courses and certainly not based on data (Medical and Non-Medical) selection. The current system is
of successful scholars of their stream. These tools spotlight derived for the students to choose the subjects like medical
only academic course plan, different courses offered current [21] and non- medical [22] based on machine learning ap-
subject demand and to reduce the faculty burden [18, 20]. proaches. The design system is based on the data of success-
They only display information about subjects and take two ful students of medical and non- medical streams.The study
or three subjective tests. They do not use DM and ML ap- aims at the development of a support system to help students
proaches for their tools.However,this information is not good by answering a set of questions.This support system uses a
enough for the students to decide the stream because these machine learning [23, 24]approach for predicting the stream
do not consider the influence factor like study interest, fami- of the student at a higher secondary level. Current approach
ly background and career motivation. Furthermore, these deals with data acquisition focusing subject of interest fol-
systems do not provide acceptable results for higher lowing usage of neural networks. The performance of the
education. This generates a need for a system which could model is measured by calculating performance matrices i.e.
guide the students by considering the factors like student’s accuracy, sensitivity, specificity, Matthews correlation coef-
interest, family background, potential history of previous ficient (MCC) and ROC curves. High accuracy justifies the
education. reliability.

As per Ryan S.J.d. Baker’s views educational data min-
ing method of learning decomposition (it is a kind of rela-
tionship mining) was used to calculate the efficiency of vari-
ous learning material given to the students. These popular
methods fall into the mentioned groups: relationship mining,
a discovery with models, prediction, clustering, and concen-
tration of data for human judgement.
All these techniques aim to predict scholar educational
consequences without predicting the middle or mediating
factors [25].
C. Romero and S. Ventura explain about a particular ap-
plication of data mining methods in web-based educational
systems in the year of 1995 to 2005. Educational data mining
is raising field related to numerous research fields including
e-learning, data mining, adaptive hypermedia, web mining.
Fig. (1). Students select their stream in three ways. The author shows the importance and significance of educa-
tional data mining as an undeveloped research area, which
needs to be focused to obtain success level in areas such as
Table 1. Dissimilar types of guidance systems and their target medical data mining, mining e-commerce data, etc. [26].
persons. S. B. Kotsiantis machine learning methods applied for
educational purposes is a potential area is pointed at devel-
Project Name Platforms Target Group oping approaches to exploring data from computational edu-
cational settings and finding significant patterns. The authors
PAS Wxpython Postgraduate students used existing regression methods with a specific goal like to
predict students’ marks which compare few art regression
IS A-DVISOR Software algorithms to catch out which algorithm is more suitable for
to predict student’s performance accurately and educational
ONLINE ADVISOR GUI based Students supporting. Toward the end the tool ranking the attributes
‘for final prediction [24].
Scripting envi- Undergraduate
ronment Students Bo Pang and Lillian Lee worked with Sentimental educa-
tional analysis seek to identify the viewpoint underlying a
Undergraduate text span and examined the relation between subjectivity
students detection and popular classification. To define this senti-
Oracle Policy ment, they proposed an alternate machine-learning strategy
Undergraduate that is related to text-categorization procedures to just em-
RBESSUS Automation
students phasize the particular part of the text. The outcomes show
(OPA) software.
that the subjectivity extricates they made precisely represent
A PROTOTYPE Object-Oriented
the sentiment information of the initiating documents in a
RULE-BASED EX- Software Devel-
substantially more minimized [27].
Machine Learning Based Support System Recent Patents on Computer Science, 2019, Vol. 12, No. 1 3

Table 2. Students Feature and their Description.

Feature category Feature Description

Area Student area where they belong

Geographical features Category Studentbelongs to which group

Physically challenged Physically challenged or not

Qualified the exam Qualified the exam from which board

Scholarship They get any scholarship or not

Education background Project Involvement in any project

feature Coaching Taken any coaching to get medical or engineering stream

Marks in Board exam Students marks in 8,10,12

Time Time devote for studies

Parents working Parents working or not

Parents employed Parents employed in which sector

Domestic Features
Family income Total family income

Stream has chosen Stream chosen was guided by

Satisfied with choice Students satisfied with choice or not

Personal Feature
Activities Interested in co-curricular activities (Yes or No)

Success rate what %age of success do student think

Future prospective Guide others Students guide other for this stream

Pursue your services Students like to pursue your services in which sector (Govt., Private etc.)

Inspiration Feature Same stream relation Any one from your family or relation in the same stream

W. G. Johnson, in his research, focused on the students tution basis to predict the performance of a student and its
of computer science in the USA the enrollment is based on graph of the track of performance. In this research, the au-
latest trends and interest in computer science course. The thor has used three main machine learning algorithms called
reason for the study is to find and investigate the area of poor Naive Bayes estimation, KNN and SVM. These are used in
performance and lower the student’s GPA scores. To solve predicting the actual grade and accurate comparison of re-
this problem, the author developed untried modules of the sults of students. SVM shows good results in this research
predictive course, sequencing, adaptive, etc. This model im- [30].
proves the knowledge of computer science students, lower-
ing the attrition and reducing the loss of time [28]. 3. MATERIAL AND METHODS
Josh Gardner explain that machine learning tech- 3.1. Data Collection
niques have expanded in education research area driven by
diverse and accurate rich data from various digital learning The primary goal of data collection is to gather infor-
environments. However, replication of various machine mation from the students who are doing well in their streams
models in the domain of learning science is specifically chal- so as to consider it for training a machine learning model.
lenging due to the influence of experimental methodology The data collected from 550 students of medical and engi-
and data barriers. Here, the author also discusses the specific neering. A set of questions, a questionnaire was framed to
challenges of the end to end machine learning replication in collect the data from the students of different educational
the context. The author presents an open source framework institutions i.e. IIT’s, NIT, IGMC and Dr.RPGMC. The
toolkit called HOOC replication framework (MORF) to ad- questionnaire was permitted by GovernmentMedical College
dress them. The author believes that the paradigm of the end name as DrRajendra Prasad Medical College (Dr RPGMC)
to end reproductively can be adopted by any domain which Ethical committee and Shoolini University Ethical commit-
utilizes large, complex, multi format education data [29]. tee. The questions were based on six factors i.e.
Geographical features, Eduactional background feature,
Timothy Anderson explain and discuss the need to domestic feature, personal feature, Future prospective and
quickly identify and investigate the students who are per- Inspiration feature. Table 2 shows the feature category, fea-
forming poorly in a course. Traditionally, earlier the overse- tures and their description.
ers or teachers used to rely on average score, grades on insti-
4 Recent Patents on Computer Science, 2019, Vol. 12, No. 1 Sethi et al.

further annotated making it suitable input to build a system

which is Data Pre-processing. Since the data was collected
from the students of two domains i.e. Engineering and Medi-
cal separately, the data needs to be converted into the text to
numeric format and fused in order to implement machine
learning approaches to it for suitable stream prediction.
Normalization followed by data pre-processing was done for
normalizing the data so that outliers could be removed mak-
ing the classification/prediction more accurate. Normaliza-
tion equation used for this study is given as:
!!  !
! =   (1)
!"#  (!)

Where ! is the mean and std(!) calculates the standard

Fig. (2). Area where students belong. deviation of x (set of features). Feature selection through
rank filtering in which rank is assigned to each of the feature
As shown in Fig. (2), students come from different areas vector uses scoring function. Higher value of scoring func-
such as 41%(225) students belong to urban areas, 39% (214) tion would lead to higher rank of feature vector. Rank indi-
students from rural areas, 19% (107) students from suburban cates the significance of feature vector in a way that higher
areas and 1% (4) belong to other areas. rank feature vector will have more significance than the low-
er rank feature vectors following setting up the threshold
value to filter out least significant feature vectors. The fea-
ture selection was done by WEKA using Principal compo-
nent analysis.Finally, the data was separated into training,
validation and test data set in which train data is used to train
the model using three machine learning approaches viz Feed
Forward Neural Networks, Support Vector machine and k-
nearest neighbour, whereas validation data is used to validate
the trained model and test data will evaluate the model
thereby calculating the performance metrics like specificity
sensitivity, accuracy, Mathews correlation coefficient and
ROC curve along with some other error histograms and
graphs. SVM kernel function (RBF) is used for a better re-
sult which is mathematically defined in equation 2:
‖!!! ! ‖!
Fig. (3). Stream chosen was guided by the parents/ relative, own !(!, !′)   =  !"# −   (2)
choice or others.
Where K is kernel value of RBF with the range between
0 & 1. In the other side !&! ! is a feature vector and σ! is a
The data set also includes the stream chosen a feature.
standard deviation.
Today this question has become most important that how
students select their streams/subject [31]. In Fig. (3), this The progressive system of various stages in the study is
feature explains that the students select the stream by their shown in Fig. (5).
own choice, sometimes under influence of parents/ relatives
or the other options. In this dataset, 110 students get influ- 3.3. NN Algorithm
enced by parents to select the stream/subject, 414 students
select their own choice of subject and the remaining 26 stu- Input  ! = !! , !! , !! , !! ⋯ !!!"  Output ! =  0,1
dents opt for the other options to select their subject of Training a neural network:
1) Randomly set weights.
As shown in above Fig. (4), 227 students were observed
2) Apply forward propagation to get ℎ!   (! (!) ) for any ! (!)
spending 1 to 3 hours devoting time in their studies whereas
using the given equation 3.
3 to 5 hours’ time was devoted by 132 students. The catego-
ry of extraordinary students spending 5 to 7 hours included 3) compute cost function !(!).
37 and 34 in the case of more than 7 hours in their study time Start
whereas the time given by the most common group of stu-
dents was only 1 hour by 120 students. For i = 1: m
 ℎ  ! ! =   (3)
!!  ! !!"#
3.2. Methodology
//Perform forward propagation using //
Current study comprised of the four steps viz. Data col-
lection, Pre-processing, Normalization, Feature selection input is ( ! ! , ! (!) )
model generation (ML algorithms implementation) and End
model validation (Fig. 5). The information collected was
Machine Learning Based Support System Recent Patents on Computer Science, 2019, Vol. 12, No. 1 5

Fig. (4). Students devote time for studies.

Fig. (5). Schema of experimentation methodology. Fig. (6). Confusion matrix of student’s dataset.

4. RESULTS Sensitivity, specificity and MCC were figured out on the

This study aims at collecting data from the students stud- basis of following formulas.
ying in various reputed educational institutions of India of Accuracy=
questions and using it for building a model for predicting the !!!
stream of students at higher secondary education level. The Sensitivity=
data is collected from 550 students out of which 240 students !"!!"
are studying MBBS while the remaining are pursuing engi- Specificity=
neering. The collected data is further annotated by convert- !"!!"
ing them to values accepted by the machine learning ap- MCC=  
!"  ×  !"!!"  ×  !"
proaches. In order to put the values on a standard scale for !"!!" (!"!!")(!"!!")(!"!!")
effective prediction, normalization is performed using equa- Where TP, FP, TN, FN are the digit of true positives,
tion 1 discussed in the methodology section. Optimal fea- false positives, true negatives, and false negatives, respec-
tures were selected using principal component analysis [32]. tively P and N signifies the classes. The above-discussed
Finally, the data is divided in the ratio 1:10 where 90 % data matrices for the machine learning approaches are utilized in
was used to train the model, the other 10% data was used to this study, as shown in Table 3. A higher value of all metrics
validate and test the model using SVM, NN, k-NN. In SVM shows the effective prediction by the model. Further, the
the radial basis kernels function is used for the accurate re- efficiency of the model is tested using the Receiver Operat-
sults. To check the effectiveness of prediction a confusion ing Characteristics curve. This curve demonstrates the pre-
matrix is calculated as shown in Fig. (6).   diction ability of the classifier. The ROC curve showed in
Confusion matrix gives four factors by comparing the Fig. (7) shows the overall higher accuracy of the test in Neu-
expected output with the predicted one thereby calculating ral Networks.
the following performance matrix:
6 Recent Patents on Computer Science, 2019, Vol. 12, No. 1 Sethi et al.

Table 3. Accuracy, Specificity, Sensitivity and MCC achieved on the student's dataset using proposed method.

Method (Datasets) Train 90% Test 10% Accuracy (%) Specificity Sensitivity MCC

NN Students 495 55 86.72 0.82 0.91 0.72

SVM Students 495 55 75.02 0.82 0.87 0.68

KNN Students 495 55 83.52 0.78 0.90 0.70

The performance of the feed-forward neural network can

also be analysed using mean squared error given as:
! ! !
MSE = !!! !! −   !! (8)
Where m is the number of prediction, !! is predictive and
!! is observed value.
Fig. (8) shows the pattern of mean squared error during
17 iterations. The minimum MSE [33] was achieved at
epoch 11 which is 0.21259.The gradual decrease in MSE for
training testing and validation in the graph confirms good
prediction results. Fig. (9) shows an error histogram which is
calculated by comparing the differences between target and
output values in which error values are plotted against the
number of instances. This graph points towards the outliers
(features) where the data fit is not as good. The blue line in
the histogram is the train data. Separated zero error line from
any of the bins proves the best data fit. Analysis of the pa-
rameters and the graphs offers good results in general. This
proves the efficiency of the training model which was used Fig. (8). Performance of training, testing andvalidation phases for
to predict the streams for the students at higher secondary student’s dataset.
level.Only Indian data is used for the current research and
few medical and engineering college is covered for data col- 5. DISCUSSION
lection but the result is effective. In future, we have to
Secondary school education is the foundation of the stu-
collect the global data that is used in the predictive model for
dent’s career where they select the subjects/stream. Every
a better result.
year more than one million secondary school students in
different countries face the challenge of choosing their career
stream/subjects. According to the Indian education, there are
many subjects/streams are available but medical and engi-
neering streams are most popular and in demands. Mostly
students primarily go for the medical and engineering
streams. In the present study, only these two streams viz.
medical and engineering were considered for building a
support system because of the popularity of these two
streams. All over India, every year more than 10 Lakh stu-
dents have filled forms for IIT or Medical seats, but fewer
students got selected and enrolled. In 2017, 1,186,454
students applied for the engineering courses but 10988
students were selected and got admission. Similarly, in 2016
1,194,938 students applying and 10572 students were
selected (Result of Jee (Main) 2016-17.
According to Central Board of Secondary Education of
India (CBSE) in 2017, 11.5 lakh students recorded for Na-
tional Eligibility-cum-Entrance Test (NEET) exam in India,
but 56,000 students got selected for medical and dental insti-
tutes across the country. In 2016, 8,02,594 students regis-
tered and 53,500 got admission. Inappropriate selection of
subjects by the students is due to peer and parental pressure
[34-36], the absence of proper information and lack of career
guidance leads to high dropout rate in future studies, or they
Fig. (7). Shows the Roc curve of student’s dataset. get limited success[37]. In literature, there is no such support
Machine Learning Based Support System Recent Patents on Computer Science, 2019, Vol. 12, No. 1 7

Fig. (9). This histogram shows the zero level of error.

system available till date which could help or guide the sec- works [69] which were used to train a model following mod-
ondary education students while selecting the sub- el testing and validation using various performance matrices.
jects/stream build with successful student’s information [11,
Table 3 proves that Neural Networks have performed
38, 39]. There are several tools/websites available which well with relatively higher accuracy 86.72% and find the
could help the students of graduate or postgraduate level to
Specificity and Sensitivity as compared to other two popular
opt subjects [17, 18]. These systems consider factors like
classifiers (SVM and KNN). Neural Network is very reliable
college or university subjects, available courses and their
and it is used to guide the students for subject/stream selec-
criteria scheme, academic course plan, number of seats
tion in secondary level. The model developed during the
available, but these systems only display the available in-
study will increase the success rate and reduces the dropout
formation. In the current research, data mining and machine rate. The benefit of considering factors related to student’s
learning approaches have been used for selecting
interest is to make this support system well appropriate for
stream/subjects.These approaches are not used in secondary
effectively providing a solution from the student’s point of
education earlier but this area is unexplored.This is the first
view keeping equal weighing with other aspects discussed in
attempt to predict subjects/stream on data mining approach
previous sections.
in ML.
In the current study, data is collected from a CONCLUSION
questionnaire through students of different institutions. In the
questionnaire, interesting, stress-free, and less time- A detailed analysis of data collected for stream selection
consuming multiple choice questions were asked. The ques- at higher secondary level shows promising results, which
tionnaire was framed with all possible questions related to demonstrates the robustness of the proposed approach. Three
the students [40, 41] and their family background like how methods were used viz. SVM, ANN and NN. According to
many numbers/marks score in earlier classes 8th, 10th and 12th our results, Neural networks have shown relatively greater
[42], they received any scholarship or not [43], how much efficacy as compared to the other two algorithms. This
time they devoted in studies [44], which board they selected method has produced a classification accuracy of 86.72%
in 10th and 12th, they got any coaching/tuitions [45] for se- with 0.91 sensitivity rate, 0.82 specificity rate and MCC is
lecting stream and question asked about their prospective 0.72. These experimental results have shown that Neural
future. The information collected through questionnaire, it networks based classification can successfully predict the
considers the successful scholar’s history and it is used for streams to opt for the higher secondary level. It is first at-
subject’s/stream selection [46-48]. The literature shows that tempted to design support system for subject selection in
family plays a vital role to suggest their children about the secondary education. It is more reliable and applicable glob-
subject/stream selection to reflect their career[49-51]. It is ally.The future aspect is this system can be further extended
also observed that sometimes family income and family edu- to more number of stream opted for higher secondary educa-
cation decide the future of the students [52-54]. tion. Furthermore, data collection from various areas
throughout the country can further enhance its ability to pre-
As per the previous research through machine learning, dict the stream at a higher secondary level.
different tools were developed to detect problems in the
human body like diabetes [55], lung cancer [56], heart dis- CONSENT FOR PUBLICATION
ease [57] and improving health care [58]. Machine learning
is also exploring the other areas like imaging [59-61], bioin- Not applicable.
formatics [62], stock exchange [63, 64] and recognizing hu-
man activity [65]. Various predicting models have been de- CONFLICT OF INTEREST
veloped in different areas [66] but they were unable to ex-
The authors declare no conflict of interest, financial or
plore the area of education. Existing approach uses three
different machine learning techniques viz. Support Vector
Machines [67], k-nearest neighbour [68] and Neural Net-
8 Recent Patents on Computer Science, 2019, Vol. 12, No. 1 Sethi et al.

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