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DED (Opn.

) informed the meeting that IWM has tripartitely started the handover and takeover process
with VolumeZero and respective vendors since 24 th May 2021 and the process has completed on 10 th
August 2021. IWM has also prepared a snag list of incomplete and faulty works for all the vendors and
they were given revised deadlines to complete the works in the snag list. Almost all the vendors have
completed their snag listed works except Charuta and Syntax. However, they have already started to
accomplish the works and it is currently in progress.

DED (Opn.) also acknowledged that besides the completion of handover and takeover process,
processing final bills of each vendor is also a huge challenge for IWM. IWM has received final bill from all
vendors except Syntax. All the bills were checked thoroughly with the help of VolumeZero
representatives. It has been noticed that the vendors have submitted higher bill than the actual bill.
During the checking process it was found that Charuta submitted more than actual quantity in their
measurement sheet and claimed Tk. 1 crore higher in their final bill. Other vendors submitted around Tk.
50 lacs higher in respective final bill. It is anticipated that all the bills will be checked and processed
within August 2021. However, in the case of Syntax, it seems ambiguous due to their reluctance in
submitting final bill and correcting the snag listed works. DED (Opn.) informed that so far 10 (ten)
exterior glasses were broken at IWM Bhaban. Syntax did not take any action to replace the broken
glasses. However, they have already started the glass leakage proofing works. DED (Opn.) has gone
through the contract agreement with Syntax and found that there are specific clauses penalizing them
for not accomplishing the snag listed works. The clauses state that if Syntax cannot complete the
correction works required by IWM in the stipulated time will have to pay the expenditures for the
completion of the works to IWM. Moreover, if Syntax cannot accomplish the works within 28 days of the
notice by IWM, IWM may terminate the contract with them. IWM has already sent a letter inclusive of
the above clauses to Syntax. The ultimate decision to retain or terminate them may be taken later based
on the response and efforts from Syntax.

DED (Opn.) mentioned that according to contract, each vendor is required to provide certain number of
full-time resources for the maintenance period of 12 months. Vendors such as Aziz & Co. has already
provided 02 (two) resources whereas AC Bazar provided 03 (three) resources. ICEL will provide 02 (two)
resources on regular basis and another 02 (two) resources to stand-by upon calls. IWM contacted other
vendors to provide respective resources within August 2021.

DED (Opn.) informed that IWM contracted with Green Land Nursery for landscaping and garden
maintenance works which have already started. The nursery has provided 02 (two) person on daily basis
to regularly maintain indoor and outdoor plants at IWM Bhaban. DED (Opn.) also expressed his
disappointment on the standard of food and service quality provided by Monsoon Catering. Besides
costly food, IWM staffs often do not get meals during lunch time. Though Monsoon has begun serving
lunch at the cafeteria for the time being, IWM Admin unit is actively looking for other catering service
providers who can provide better food at cheaper price.

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