Here We Go 3 Units 1-2

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QF |. Label the pictures in the corresponding QB boxes. Follow the examples. Then, listen and check. occupations ay a. horse Freswiiics g. playing video games @ 2. Create a fictitious character using the previous categories. Fill in the chart and make a drawing of it. y — a = ao a — ——w ) e . My Character Name: Profession: Favorite place in town: | Favorite animal: Hobbies: | Doesnitilike: os Aa ei ee | At the moment he/she/it is: = . @ 3. Now ask your partner about his or her fictitious character, Is your character a teacher? What does your character do in his/ her free time? His/Her/its name is... Yes, heshe/it is. No, hehe/It isn’t, What's your character's favorite What is he/she/tt place/animal? doing right now? Right now, he/ shefit 's... @ 4. Write about your partner's character. My partner's character is a/an His/Her/Its name is His/Her/Its favorite place in town is . His/Her/Its favorite farm animal is * In his/her/its free time he/she/it likes . He/She/It doesn’t like 7 At the moment he/she/it is, i es Pere su eK urea nts i sco c9 astes Boarding Pass den ee The Power of Music! | Yea il es om B 1. Recognize some musical instruments. Paste the stickers. Then, listen and check. ga Tool Kit a. saxophone f. accordion e. violin g. guitar h. bongo drums @: Listen and number Kim’s feelings from 1-4 in the order you 3 hear them. 10 i e 2 i a. sad b. happy ¢. excited d. bored i ee ME Ey (2) 3. Discover Eric's favorite kind of music. Listen and complete using words from exercise 2 Eric: Hey, Kim. Listen to this. Do you like it? Kim: | do! What is it? Is it salsa music? No, it isn’t. It’s jazz. It's my favorite kind of music. Ki Eric: How does it make you feel? Kim: It makes me feel Wow! It’s awesome. Eric: Wow! Many people don't like jazz. Kim: And, how does it make you feel? Eric: It makes me feel _ and at the same time. Grammar Bridge Eric likes jazz. | Do you like jazz? How does jazz make you Kim doesn’t like rap. | Yes, do//No, I don't. | feel? They like pop. | Does kim lke pop? | ftmakes me feel excited. | Many people don’t like jazz. | Yes, she does. | No, she doesn't. How does reggae make you fos’? eT elena Workbook, page 4 i > Destination | You will describe your favorite artist. a | @ B 1, Kim is describing the members of the school band. Listen and write their names. Cemmnracieren * He/She is short. © He/She isn’t tall. © They are tall. © They aren't short. Crimean © His/Her hair is long and black. * His/Her eyes are blue. © Their hair is black. 2, Eric and Kim are talking about Yokoy Kenyi, a piano player. Listen and complete using the verb to be. Eric: Who __is _ that? Kim: He ____ my favorite piano player, Yokoy Kenyi. Eric: Where he from? Kim: He ____ from Japan, and he 8 years old Eric: Wow! That's incredible! What does he look like? Kim: He _____ short. His eyes__ brown and his hair _____ short, straight and brown. Eric: What kind of music does he play? Kim: He plays classical and rock music. Eric: How does his music make you feel? Kim: It makes me feel happy and sad at the same time. It's awesome! re ELUM CLE EL @ 3. Look at the picture. Describe Eric's favorite band. a, What does Ada look like? — She_is_ __tall_. Her hair and . Her eyes b. What do the bothers Jet and Bruce look like? — They short Their hairis and Their eyes brown £. What does Leo look like? - Heal His hair ___.. His eyes © 4. Complete the questions with the verb to be. Then, match them with the answers, CGEnenenea Is she/he a singer? Is she/he from Japan? a singer? Are they tall? Are they from Japan? 0 Ada and Leo from England? ~ O)%es, they are. They have great voices. O %ee.he is. ON, they arent: They are from Australia, CO)No she lerit: She is the guiter player © Na they arent They are from Kerea. ‘the brothers the singers? susazyed Guta) joy Ate _ the brothers from Japan? Whe is your My favorite artist is, favorite artist? He/She is His/rer eyes are__.. What does he/she lok like? is hesshe from No, hesshe isnt England? Yes, hesshe I. D Workbook, page 6 Destination You will identify and pronounce the soun INI. Fun for 1 e 1. Let's sing and move! | My Fun Drum What Type of Musi Oxoe Go nuts: To be crazy. Thave a drum | play it for fun I want to jump ‘love its buzz, buzz, buzz But my uncle goes nu7s When | play my drum He just wants to run Because he hates its buzz, buzz, buzz Using physical response @ 2. Listen and organize the rap. Number the stanzas from 1 to 4. Then, sing and act out. Every day | get up Curae With love in my heart | give thanks for the sun And the milk in my cup I'm done | finished ____ Imdone with my rep | know it by heart Come on listen up © Know by heart To memorize. =| jump out of bed And hug my pet You may think fm nuts But i's a great duck an A aime RAP is a music \ust have to ge : genre. It means: \Wish you good luck ae Rhythm Aad lots of fin And . Poetry 5 i erie (2) @ 3. Bingo time! Work in pairs. Listen to your teacher and cross @& st out (X) the words in your grid. The first one to cross out all the words wins. There are has 5 = | { Destination | You will describe | your favorite musical (instrument ole nro MiCL@AMe SIs a 1. Which instruments are they playing? Listen and paste the names of the instruments below each kid. a String: Accord or thread. Shake: To move from side to side. Rewrite information Blow: To expel air through your lips. a 2. There are basically three types of musical instruments. Classify the instruments from above in the chart. _——_— — a String family: They produce sound when | ———————————————-——— their strings vibrate. Their body is normally | made of wood. TEE Percussion family: They produce sound : when you hit, shake, or rub them. This —_— contact makes the instrument vibrate and produce sound. ae — Wind family: They produce sound when Pert tet oe you blow air through them. The sound ‘occurs because the air vibrates inside. fourteen «fl ——_—— 3. What kinds of instruments are these? Listen to the sounds and check (7) the correct box. Then, paste the instruments. a (Suc 4. Write a description of your favorite instrument. Use the words from the boxes. Follow the example. wv, $ e The piano has My favorite instrument is the Piano _. It ; hammers and belongs to the __Percussion family, It has nee keys _. People play _classical music _ on it. It makes me feel relaxed Family e My favorite instrument is the Itisa instrument. It has . People play with it. It makes me feel Workbook, page 8 } 1 FY i. | sixteen ‘ a, _Yes Q Workbook, page 10 Luisa’s family likes music. Luisa plays the guitar. Her father plays the violin. Her mother is sad. Her mother has brown eyes. Her father has long hair. ____ Luisa’s hair is yellow. serena rs Use scissors to cut around the edge of the opening and take the plastic Put the paper towel roll against out of the tissue box. the side of the tissue box, trace it with a marker and cut it out. BY” Add the rubber band aa strings. 21st Century SI Communication Discuss: My favorite musical instrument is the guitar. it makes me feel happy and 2, What's your favorite musical instrument? b. What kind of music is popular in excited. your country? ¢. What instruments are very important in your country’s music? In my country, salsa and vallenato are popular music genres. In vellenato, the accordion is a very imsortant instrument, Talking about free time activities isa You will discuss likes and dislikes in artistic activities. playing the plano 5 4 « ( | (Ganditg baler Listen again and complete using like, love and enjoy. Eric__loves __ painting. She drawing. >. Kim taking photos. They dancing ' ballet. os, playing the piano. They singing eighteen d ee Vocabulary @ 8. Draw ahappy face © when the sentence istrue & muni: for you. CEnneerD like enjoy painting. I don't like singing. love like | don’t enjoy painting. Ilove painting. I don't like taking photos. | enjoy playing a musical instrument. likes @ 4. Ask your classmates about their free time activities. She/He pifeys patting? loves On ithe Way, She/He like How about you? doesn’t enjoy painting. = love ‘And you? . Do you like painting? What do you like doing a in your free time? 4q € @ 5. Interview your classmates and complete the statements below. a. likes Painting doesn't enjoy loves + eae doesn't like enjoys s doesn't love Workbook, page 12 Destination You will alk about routines in your free time. Fasten Your Seatbelt How Often Do You Paint? @ |. Listen and complete Eric and Kim’s conversation. Kim: Eric, what do you like doing _in your free time? Tool Kit Eric: Well, | like ¢ painting * doing Kim: How often do you paint during the week? ° Eking " ° playing Eric: Always after school. | use many brushes and colors... It’s very relaxing, you know. How about you? Kim: Well, | never paint, but | love photos. Eric: How often do you take photos? Kim: I'm always taking photos! | carry my camera with me all the time. Eric: Wow, that's cool. | never take photos. Kim: Do you play a musical instrument? Eric: Yes, I do. | sometimes play the guitar on Saturdays and Sundays. How about you? “< Kim: Never. | don’t enjoy instruments, but sometimes | like ‘on the weekend. Eric: Hey, | enjoy dancing too! | dance on Wednesdays and Fridays in a dance class at school. (rnneacacre Adverbs of f Vondss | Tuescay | Wecnesiay| Frequency i 9 How often do you paint?| never sweaty /) 3. Read the chart. Complete the sentences below with adverbs of frequency. People cy Twat TV watch TV swachty | 2 tread sread read 2 mi ree swatchTV + watch TV = tide ral stats ona ate = i swatch TV. read + + read + dance + road . Paul and Nelly b. Sarah 6. Tom and his family during the week. d. Matt dance salsa during the week. fairy tales during the week. their bicycles TV during the week. see @ 4. How about you? Complete the chart by checking (v) the activities you do. Then, talk toa Partner. metimes, | dance on Saturdays with How often de you dance during the week? O Workbook, page 14 twentyone ara Destination You will identify and pronounce the long sound /i/, Listen and organize each stanza of the poem. Use numbers from1-4. Then, recite it. was 3_To show you some art 2 Tobe here tis week 4 About the street and the’ beach We love eating peaches with ice cream Sometmes we want to be onthe streets And we Ike seeing peace feeling ‘tee And we erloy paling the sur over the se: We cinays wart 10 be on the beach We love reading under green palm trees Please enjoy our eaintings “They rearesest what we feel They shew our ert They represent what we are GF) % Urscrambe the words from the poem. Then, listen and repeat. cahbe: beach, etef: Se sretets: ahepces: dmera: ak sae reef: ekew: neerg: ase: ee raecm: EX twenty0 ‘ @Q Match the images with the words in exercise 2. There is a @ © irissing word. Which is it? @ The sound /i:/ is present in the colored words in exercise 1. Classify them. Then, listen and check. Spelled “ee” Spelled “e" Spelled “ea” week dream Cem twenty-three Colors are very important in life because they provoke sensations in us. Destination You will write about your color preferences. red represents good luck and happiness. Is it the same in your country? Think about thi the rainbow. icture. . @ 4. Think a outthe colors of the rainbow. Color the picture feCiae choirelon FEY he ea 2, Read and color the scheme. Colors can make you feel happy, sad, anxious or relaxed. For this reason, painters love using different colors to communicate their feelings and ideas. Artists and scientists have a system, to understand colors. This system has two basic groups: primary colors and secondary colors. Primary colors: Yellow, blue and red. They are unique and you cannot create these colors by mixing other colors. Secondary colors: Orange, green and violet. They are the result of mixing primary colors. aa twentyfur ere ETM on (@) © 3. Go to the Sticker Page and complete the color equations. 3) OO-D @ 4, Listen and complete. Use the Tool Kit ier Some restaurants paint their walls orange, red and yellow to make people hungry. Lea * extroverted * adventurous There is a relation or connection between colors and personality People who lovered are__ adventurous __ Those who like blue 2 enaical © calm y as A person who likes wearing yellow is * mysterious * sociable * relaxed * friendly Someone who enjoys green is Ifyou like violet, you are - Orange is for people who are - People who love black are . And those who love white are. @ 5. Dressing up is art. Write about the colors you wear. My three favorite colors are (color 1) and (color 2} (color 3) | always love wearing clothes {color 1) because I feel emotion) | also enjoy wearing because | feel (color 2) {emotion} Sometimes | wear because | feel (color 3) Draw a picture Pl of yourself, emotion) iceman Workbook, page 16 twenty ive ea | Checkpoint roy 1. Listen and check (V) the picture that answers each question. a. What does Carol do in her free time? e uia- b. What does Tim do in his free time? | er 2. Read the conversation and choose the best answer. Karl is talking to Nancy. I \ a A Nancy: Do you like dancing? Nancy: What do you paint? Karl: 1. | paint after school. 2. | love painting animals. 3. | never paint on Fridays. Karl: 1. No, | don’t. 2. No, thank you. 3. No, please don't do it. d. Nancy: How often do you paint? b Nancy: So, what do you do in your free time? Karl: 1. always paint on Saturdays. 2. | feel happy when | paint. Karl: 1. My mom loves painting. 3. | paint at home. 2. | enjoy painting. 3. No, | don't like painting. La hain © Workbook, page 18 — ur aie free time activities. You and your frienc Peete Cor Reflect: a. Do you express your ideas clearly? b. What interesting activities do you do in your free time? ¢. Who has free time activities in common with you? | sometimes sing in the shower.

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