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Describing my surroundings
What english do you know? ENGLISH 0 week 3

This lesson will help you to
learn the topics related to the Colors.

week 3 Toys and games.

Hundred, thousand and

You will learn about:
Position of adjectives.
What english do you know? ENGLISH 0 week 3

What english do you know? ENGLISH 0 week 3


Adjectives are used to give attributes to a noun.

Here you have a vocabulary list:

How is your cake?

It is sweet, and
so delicious.

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What english do you know? ENGLISH 0 week 3


To describe sensitive experiences:

Adjective Translation

Bitter Amargo

Boiling Hirviendo
Cold Frío
Cool Fresco
Delicious Delicioso
Dirty Sucio
Dry Seco
Freezing Helado
Hard Duro

Your classroom is dirty.

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What english do you know? ENGLISH 0 week 3


Adjective Translation

Hot Caliente

Icy Gélido
Noisy Ruidoso
Painful Doloroso
Salty Salado
Sharp Agudo
Smooth Liso
Soft Suave
Warm Cálido
Wet Húmedo

Yummy Sabroso

This music is so noisy!

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What english do you know? ENGLISH 0 week 3


To describe shape and size:

Adjective Translation

Broad Ancho

Crooked Torcido
Curved Curvo
Deep Profundo
Fat Gordo
Giant Gigante
Huge Enorme
Large Largo
Little Pequeño

My spoon is crooked.

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What english do you know? ENGLISH 0 week 3


To describe shape and size:

Adjective Translation

Low Bajo

Massive Masivo
Miniature Miniatura
Narrow Estrecho
Skinny Flaco
Short Corto
Small Pequeño
Straight Recto
Tall Alto
Thin Delgado

Tiny Minúsculo

This highway is straight.

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What english do you know? ENGLISH 0 week 3

To describe emotions:

Adjective Translation

Afraid Asustado

Aggressive Agresivo
Amused Entretenido
Angry Enojado
Annoyed Irritado
Ashamed Avergonzado
Bad Malo
Boring Aburrido
Calm Calmado

Claire’s dog is aggressive.

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What english do you know? ENGLISH 0 week 3


Adjective Translation

Comfortable Cómodo

Confused Confundido
Cooperative Cooperativo
Creepy Pavoroso
Cruel Cruel
Dangerous Peligroso
Defiant Desafiante
Depressed Depresivo
Determined Determinado
Disturbed Perturbado

Embarrassed Avergonzado

I really like your couch.

It’s very comfortable.

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What english do you know? ENGLISH 0 week 3


Adjective Translation

Energetic Energético

Enthusiastic Entusiasta
Evil Perverso
Excited Emocionante
Exhausted Agotado
Faithful Fiel
Fantastic Fantástico
Friendly Amistoso
Funny Gracioso
Furious Furioso

Kevin is friendly.

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What english do you know? ENGLISH 0 week 3


Adjective Translation

Gentle Amable

Good Bueno
Grateful Agradecido
Happy Feliz
Healthy Saludable
Hilarious Divertidísimo
Hungry Hambriento
Damaged Dañado
Inmoral Inmoral
Itchy Que pica
Lazy Perezoso
Grace is healthy.

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What english do you know? ENGLISH 0 week 3


Adjective Translation

Lonely Solitario

Lucky Suertudo
Mad Enojado
Mysterious Misterioso
Nervous Nervioso
Obedient Obediente
Persuasive Persuasivo
Proud Orgulloso
Repulsive Repulsivo
Sad Triste

Marc is lonely.

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What english do you know? ENGLISH 0 week 3


Adjective Translation

Scary Que da miedo

Selfish Egoista
Tedious Tedioso
Tense Tenso
Terrible Terrible
Thankful Agradecido
Tired Cansado
Upset Molesto
Weak Débil
Worried Preocupado

He is worried about his job.

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What english do you know? ENGLISH 0 week 3


Here you have some examples:

That movie was hilarious. This coffee is bitter.

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What english do you know? ENGLISH 0 week 3

What english do you know? ENGLISH 0 week 3


Here you have a vocabulary list about colors:

Word Translation

Yellow Amarillo

Blue Azul
Red Rojo
Green Verde
Purple Morado
Orange Naranja
Brown Café
Grey Gris
Pink Rosado
White Blanco
Black Negro

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What english do you know? ENGLISH 0 week 3


Here you have some examples:

A black jacket. A blue sky.

A red balloon. The trees

are green.

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What english do you know? ENGLISH 0 week 3

Toys and
What english do you know? ENGLISH 0 week 3

Toys and games

Here you have some vocabulary lists about toys:

Word Translation

Ball Balón

Balloon Globo
Dice Dados
Doll Muñeca
Dollhouse Casa de muñecas
Drum Tambor
Jack in
Payaso sorpresa
the box

My daughter wants a
dollhouse for Christmas.

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What english do you know? ENGLISH 0 week 3

Toys and games

Word Translation

Kite Cometa

Puppet Títere
Racket Raqueta
Skates Patines
Robot Robot
Slide Tobogán
Soccer ball Balón de fútbol
Tale Cuento
Teddy bear Oso de peluche

I want to go to a puppet show.

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What english do you know? ENGLISH 0 week 3

Toys and games

Here you have some vocabulary lists about games:

Word Translation

Cards Cartas

Checkers Damas
Dominoes Dominó
Memory game Juego de memoria
Parcheesi Parqués
Puzzle Rompecabezas
Soccer Fútbol
Tennis Tenis

We spent a lot of time

playing dominoes.

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What english do you know? ENGLISH 0 week 3

Toys and games

Here you have some examples:

I really like your skates! Kevin loves to make puzzles.

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What english do you know? ENGLISH 0 week 3

and millions
What english do you know? ENGLISH 0 week 3

Numbers: Hundred, thousand and millions

Numbers are important to say your age,

phone number, solve math operations and
some other things.

Numbers Word Form

100 Hundred

1,000 Thousand
1,000,000 Million

This is the Colombian one

Tip! Use commas to separate thousands hundred thousand bill.
and millions.

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What english do you know? ENGLISH 0 week 3

Numbers: Hundred, thousand and millions

Here you have some examples:

Numbers Word Form

1,480 One thousand, four hundred and eighty

23,200 Twenty-three thousand, two hundred

140,000 One hundred forty thousand

585,000 Five hundred eighty-five thousand

Three million, four hundred
and fifty thousand
16,500,000 Sixteen million, five hundred thousand

Tip! Use commas to separate thousands.

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What english do you know? ENGLISH 0 week 3

Numbers: Hundred, thousand and millions

Here you have more examples:

Dinosaurs existed about two Mercury is at an approximate

hundred million of years ago. distance of seventy-seven million
kilometers from the earth.

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What english do you know? ENGLISH 0 week 3

Position of
What english do you know? ENGLISH 0 week 3


Here you have an explanation about how to use adjectives

and their position:

Position Explanation Examples

This the most usual form to

use adjectives. It is located I am smart.
Verb to be. after the verb to be. In this He is rude.
case you are making an That couch is soft.
emphasis in the characteristic.

In this case, the adjective It is a fast car.

modifies the noun and goes She is a beautiful girl.
Before the noun. before it. That is a violent

Tip! Use commas to separate thousands.

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What english do you know? ENGLISH 0 week 3


Here more examples to read:

He is a wise man. Tom is an obedient son.

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What english do you know? ENGLISH 0 week 3

Describing my surroundings

Now, go to the activities
and practice what you have learnt.
week 2
week 4

week 6 week 8 week 10

week 12 week 14

week 1
week 3
week 5 week 7 week 9 week 11 week 13

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