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Zombie Nation (2006)

(1/2 Star)


In Zombie Nation, Los Angeles police officer

Joe Singer is a serial killer that can get away with

murder because his friends at the police station cover

for him. The movie begins with two cops driving a

red Grand Marquis with a cheap red light on top that

was supposed to be a cop car. The cop pulls over

women and ties them up and kills them with I can

only assume is some sort of poison that he injects into them. The cop takes the women

and puts them into a bag and goes and buries them in the woods. A new police officer

joins the precinct and is suspicious about Joe Singer. He tells the captain but the captain

already knows and it is not clear what happens to the officer. According to the back of the

DVD case a seventeen year old girl named Romy ask several voodoo priestesses to

protect her from evil. In the movie the girls name or age was never mentioned. The scene

when she was supposedly getting protected she was getting covered with blood and there

was a snake and a tarantula and she was surrounded by voodoo priestesses. There was no
mention of the girls missing in her community or that she was turning the murdered

ladies into zombies. The ladies came from under the ground but when they showed them

after they came up they were clean and did not have any mud on them. The scenes where

the female zombies were eating people were terrible effects and they never showed

anyone dying. There were no zombies until about fifty minutes into the movie. The

zombies could talk, drive a car, and did not look or act like zombies, to mark them as

zombies all that was done was that they put eye shadow all over their eyes. The ending

was terrible and it showed Joe Singer coming out of the water as a zombie and all the

female zombies became cops. Ulli Lommel wrote, produced, directed, and was an actor

in this movie. It was a low budget indie film and had no famous actors and some scenes

seem as if they were shot with a home camcorder. The plot line is very difficult to follow

and there are random scenes that are thrown in the middle of other scenes. The badges on

the uniforms look like they are paper maybe plastic and the cops do not carry guns, the

only police equipment I saw was handcuffs. The police station is a warehouse and you

can clearly see the studio lights in the scene. The acting was terrible and there were no

special effects. The plot was awful and there was not really much of a plot at all. The case

makes the movie look good because of the special effects they use for the cover; the

images used on the case were not in the movie and did not have anything to do with the

movie. Sometimes movies are bad and there a little humorous how bad they are but this

movie is just terrible and there is no humorous part about it. The actors could not act, the

story had no plot at all, and the movie all around was terrible. I have seen a lot of bad

movies but never one this bad; it is the worst movie I have ever seen by far. The movie
had about fifteen minutes of scenes pushing the plot forward and an hour of garbage that

did nothing. There are no redeeming qualities about this movie and I do not know why

the movies has not been gathered and burned. Do not waste your time or money watching

this movie it is worse than nothing. I would rather be punched in the face for an hour and

a half then watch this movie again.


Gunter Ziegler (Joe Singer) - Flat and static character

Joe Singer was the cop who was murdering the women, not developed and did not know

anything about him.

Brandon Dean (Vitalio)-Flat and static character

Vitalio was the cop that was with Joe Singer when he was murdering the women

and became suspicious after it happened two or three times. Undeveloped and knew very

little about him.

Axel Montgomery (Detective MacQueen)-Flat and static


Detective MacQueen was a detective at the station that protected Joe Singer,

undeveloped and knew nothing about his personal life.

Phil Lander (Scott)-Flat and static character

Scott was another officer at the police station and also undeveloped and knew very

little about his personal affairs.

Martina Bottesch (Romy)-Flat and static character

Romy was a character that became a zombie and was apparently seventeen

although she looks older. Undeveloped and I never even recall hearing her name and also

knew nothing of her personal affairs.

Point of view:
The movie is told in a third-person non-omniscient view. Any point of view you

use would not make this film interesting. Third person was the best point of view for the

story. If it was in first-person it would cut out a lot of information that is need to

understand the film, although it is already difficult to understand.

Additional Comments:

“I would rather watch the deterioration of a styrofoam cup returning to nature than

have to watch this ever again.” [ CITATION Zom07 \l 1033 ]

“The only way you'll get me to watch another Ulli Lommel film is to make me

choose between that or having a loaded pistol taped to my temple which is rigged to an

active landmine under my foot as you douse me with itching powder.” [ CITATION Sta06 \l

1033 ]

“I have never wanted someone to force me to drink gasoline and then have me

swallow 12 lit matches while being buried alive in rats and razor blades, and then rip my

eyeballs out with melon ballers until i saw zombie nation”[ CITATION Eva10 \l 1033 ]

“This movie really really did suck and I hated every minute of it. Everything

about this movie sucked…” [ CITATION GooNA \l 1033 ]

“It would be more enjoyable to stick your genitals in a blender and puree them for

a couple of seconds. “ [ CITATION The09 \l 1033 ]

“if i ever meet the makers, or stars of this movie i will ask for a hour and a half of

my life back.” [ CITATION Wil07 \l 1033 ]

”Needless to say, if you want to watch this movie, try kicking yourself in the balls

instead, it would probably be more enjoyable. [ CITATION Eva10 \t \l 1033 ]

Image citation:
Could not find any information on the images other than the website I got them from.

Picture of DVD case-

Picture of Gunter Ziegler (Joe Singer)-

Picture of Brandon Dean (Vitalio)-

Picture of Axel Montgomery (Detective MacQueen)-

Picture of Phil Lander (Scott)-
Picture of Martina Bottesch (Romy)-

Picture of Police Station-

Picture of Zombies-

Picture of Romy with blood-

Picture of the so called police station which was actually a warehouse

Picture of two “zombies” right after they came out of the ground. Notice how they are

completely clean and have no dirt on them and also notice that the eye shadow is the only effect

used for the “zombie look.”

This is Romy getting blood poured on her in a ritual done by the voodoo priestesses.

Additional Comments work cited page:

Works Cited
Googopqp. N/A N/A N/A. 6 April 2010 <http://www.horror->.

III, William Hanley. 27 June 2007. 6 April 2010


P., Evan. 21 March 2010. 6 April 2010


Vocabulariast, The. 28 May 2009. 6 April 2010


Wilson, Staci Layne. 25 December 2006. 6 April 2010


Zombob. 10 December 2007. 6 April 2010 <

This review is also online (but has no pictures online) at:


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