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Choose the correct answer.

____ 1. We were very happy to find a park with grass after walking on _____ all day.
a. highways c. streams
b. concrete d. land
____ 2. My dad’s office is in our house. He doesn’t have to______ for work.
a. commute c. train
b. create d. explore
____ 3. Some bike races take place at night. Racers must use ______ to see.
a. sunrise c. daylight
b. dawn d. headlights
____ 4. I like spending time with my mother. We have a close ______.
a. habitat c. access
b. relationship d. conflict

Choose one or more correct answers.

____ 5. I like to wear dresses, but they are not ______when I’m in gym class.
a. formal c. casual
b. practical d. fashion
____ 6. I know an artist who uses trash in her artwork. It’s very ______.
a. original c. modern
b. rural d. weird
____ 7. Scientists study old ______ to learn about past civilizations.
a. origins c. skulls
b. skeletons d. bones

Complete each sentence with the correct word.

8. The park ______________ (has / have) benches, so people can rest.

9. I enjoy sitting ______________ (in / on) the grass and reading a book.

10. My brother runs on the ______________ (park’s / parks) trails.

11. The bike path is very busy _______ (at / in) the morning.

12. ______________ (Robert’s / Roberts’) dad is a dentist.

Match to complete the sentences.

a. I could make
b. the coolest
c. I can make
d. the most cool
e. too much
f. difficult than skateboarding
g. They have always been
h. difficult as skateboarding
i. too many
j. There have always been
____ 13. When I was seven, ______ my own breakfast.
____ 14. My friend has ______ bicycle I’ve ever seen.
____ 15. Ice skating is more ______.
____ 16. I ate ______ pizza last night.
____ 17. ______ sun celebrations around the world.

Answer the questions.

18. How long have you studied English?


19. Make a prediction about smartphones.


Read. Write T (True) or F (False).

Tiny Town
Most settlements in Antarctica are scientific bases. Researchers and military personnel from many countries
work on these bases. But did you know that there are two settlements where families (and not just
researchers) live? One of these settlements is a Chilean village called Villa Las Estrellas, where researchers
and military families live. With only fourteen homes, one bank, and a school with two teachers and three
computers, it’s a truly unique place. In the summer, there are only about 100 residents, and in the winter there
are even fewer residents. The town has a radio station, TV reception, and even Internet access! There is also a
small hostel that can host up to 20 guests.

Visitors arrive in Villa Las Estrellas by cruise ship. Tourists can go on snowmobile and ski expeditions. They
can observe Antarctic wildlife, from emperor penguins to killer whales. One of the most popular activities
among tourists is visiting the village’s post office to send postcards with a postmark from Antarctica!

____ 20. Villa Las Estrellas is the only village on Antarctica.

____ 21. There are about 100 residents in Villa Las Estrellas in the winter.

____ 22. Popular tourist activities include observing wildlife and visiting the post office.

____ 23. Read the text again.

Tiny Town
Most settlements in Antarctica are scientific bases. Researchers and military personnel from many countries
work on these bases. But did you know that there are two settlements where families (and not just
researchers) live? One of these settlements is a Chilean village called Villa Las Estrellas, where researchers
and military families live. With only fourteen homes, one bank, and a school with two teachers and three
computers, it’s a truly unique place. In the summer, there are only about 100 residents, and in the winter there
are even fewer residents. The town has a radio station, TV reception, and even Internet access! There is also a
small hostel that can host up to 20 guests.

Visitors arrive in Villa Las Estrellas by cruise ship. Tourists can go on snowmobile and ski expeditions. They
can observe Antarctic wildlife, from emperor penguins to killer whales. One of the most popular activities
among tourists is visiting the village’s post office to send postcards with a postmark from Antarctica!

Which of these paragraphs best summarizes the reading?

a. Villa Las Estrellas is a city on Antarctica. The town has a school for the researchers’
children and is best known for its penguins. Many tourists visit in the winter.
b. Villa Las Estrellas is one of two villages on Antarctica. The town is home to 100 residents
in the summer. Tourists visit the village for winter sports, wildlife, and education.

Listen. Answer the questions. TR: 12

24. What is the Tet Festival?


25. How long does the festival last?


26. How do people prepare for the festival?


Writing. Choose a topic. Write a paragraph.

27. a. Write about your favorite kind of music. Use examples to explain why it’s your favorite.
b. Write a description of a place that was important to you when you were younger.


Choose the correct answer.

____ 29. I saw a building that was floating on water. Its ______ was very interesting.
a. habitat c. architecture
b. pattern d. behavior
____ 30. My favorite subject is science. Someday I hope to use science as my ______.
a. civilization c. relationship
b. behavior d. profession
____ 31. Some animals are active at night. They use _______ to hide from other animals.
a. darkness c. dawn
b. access d. survival
____ 32. My dog is usually calm. But her ______ changes when she sees a cat.
a. choice c. behavior
b. feeling d. relationship
____ 33. I like to wear soft sweaters. I think they are always in ______.
a. culture c. passion
b. fashion d. teenager
____ 34. Have you heard of orchestra rock? It _______ rock music and orchestra music.
a. combines c. interacts
b. observes d. imitates
____ 35. I use my phone a lot, but my mom says no _______ are allowed at the kitchen table.
a. chemicals c. hits
b. clues d. gadgets
____ 36. The researchers found old bones at a ______ in the Sahara Desert.
a. habitat c. land
b. site d. function
____ 37. If you love nature, you may enjoy a(n) ______ in a national park.
a. chore c. career
b. passion d. education
____ 38. The lake in our town is a ______ for birds and turtles.
a. habitat c. wildlife
b. resident d. capital

Read. Complete each sentence with the correct word.

39. My uncle ______________ (don’t / doesn’t) like big cities.

40. He prefers to live ______________ (on / in) a quiet, rural area.

41. However, my uncle ______________ (Johns’ / John’s) wife loves to spend time in the city.

42. If you live in the city, you can go to ____________ (your / our) local nature park to see some animals.

43. I like the skyscrapers and museums, but my uncle ___________ (enjoys / is enjoying) the trees and animals.

44. ________ (In / At) the summer, I visit my uncle’s farm.

45. Last summer, I ______________ (can’t / couldn’t) go to the farm because I was sick.
46. My uncle has ____________ (much / many) domestic animals on his farm.

47. The chickens are ____________ (smellier / as smelly) than the pigs.

48. The sheep are the ____________ (more soft / softest) of all the animals.

Read. Write T (True) or F (False).

Keeping Wildlife Wild

Wild animals are not pets. That’s the message Juliana Machado Ferreira wants to spread. Juliana is a
conservation biologist. Her passion is saving wildlife from poachers in Brazil.

Poachers are people who take wildlife from their habitats and sell them as pets. Many people in Brazil think
it’s normal to have songbirds and parrots as pets. Juliana is trying to educate the public on the negative effect
poaching has on nature. When species are removed from their habitats, it’s bad for the entire ecosystem.

Juliana spends much of her time rescuing wildlife from poachers. Then she tries to return the animals to their
natural environments. She hopes that her work will help end wild animal poaching. She wants people to
understand that humans and wildlife are connected. We are all part of the same ecosystem.

____ 49. Juliana Machado Ferreira is a poacher.

____ 50. Parrots and songbirds should be kept as pets.

____ 51. Juliana rescues wild animals kept as pets and tries to return them to the wild.

Listen. Write T (True) or F (False). TR: 13

____ 52. The White Nights Festival is an event that celebrates the end of summer.

____ 53. The events of the festival take place on the darkest night of the year.

____ 54. The Scarlet Sails event is the last part of the festival.


Choose the correct word to complete each sentence.

____ 56. City parks are great places to get away from ________.
a. symbols c. land
b. concrete
____ 57. The ______ of the library makes the indoor areas bright and sunny.
a. pattern c. architecture
b. capital
____ 58. Bats sleep during the day. They are ______ at night.
a. active c. healthy
b. dangerous
____ 59. It’s wrong to ______ animals. We should be kind to them.
a. mistreat c. need
b. rescue
____ 60. An archaeologist’s job is to______ caves.
a. design c. fascinate
b. explore
____ 61. I knew raccoons came every night. One of the ______ they left was the trash everywhere.
a. patterns c. conflicts
b. clues
____ 62. The birds always wake me up. They start singing at ______.
a. dawn c. sunset
b. darkness
____ 63. Animals ______ a safe place to live.
a. train c. need
b. avoid

Complete each sentence with the correct word.

64. Animals ______________ (don’t / doesn’t) know how to cross a highway safely.

65. Residents are walking ______________ (in / on) a bridge designed just for them.

66. There is a ______________ (birds / birds’) nest right outside my window.

67. (On / In) ______________ December, it’s warm in Australia.

68. People ______________ (can’t / couldn’t) relax if there are no parks.

69. We ______________ (should / shouldn’t) choose a career we enjoy.

70. We’re helping with the chores. My brother is washing the dishes, and I ______________ (sweep / am
sweeping) the floor.

71. They’re building wildlife corridors so animals ______________ (can / could) cross the highway safely.

72. A: Why are you walking to school?

B: Because I ________________ (live / am living) just one block away.

73. I get up at six o’clock on school days, but on weekends I __________________ (shouldn’t / don’t have to) get
up so early.

Match the questions and answers.

a. He’s working on a cruise ship.
b. It’s my brothers’. I borrowed his because mine has a flat tire.
c. He works on a cruise ship.
d. It’s my brother’s. I borrowed his because mine has a flat tire.
e. Of course! We have to protect rhinos.
f. Of course! We don’t have to protect rhinos.
____ 74. Where does your brother work?
____ 75. Whose bicycle is that?
____ 76. Do you think we should do something to help rhinos?

Read. Answer the questions.

Are you a Future Archaeologist?

Would you like a job that requires training as a mountain climber, white-water rafter, and a deep-sea diver?
Christopher Begley, an archaeologist, does all of these activities.

Archaeologists study objects from the past to understand history. Sometimes the objects are hiding deep in the
jungle or high on a mountain. Begley explores the sites and shares what he learns with others. He likes his job
very much because it’s full of adventures.

When he was a kid, Begley already knew that he wanted to be a scientist one day. He also wanted to explore
the world. As an archaeologist, Begley feels like a detective. He studies clues from the past. His favorite part
of the job is telling the stories that have been lost.

If you would like a job that combines adventure with science, archaeology may be for you!

77. What is an archaeologist?


78. Who might enjoy being an archaeologist?


79. Where do archaeologists work?


80. How are an archaeologist and a detective similar?


Listen. Answer the questions. TR: 10

81. Sloths are nocturnal animals. What does that mean?

82. How long do sloths sleep?

83. What do sloths eat?


Writing. Choose a topic. Write.

84. a. Imagine it’s the year 2030. Describe a day in your life, including a description of your job.
b. Write a sensory paragraph about an event or a place you visited. Use describing words to explain what you
saw, heard, felt, smelled, or tasted.


Choose the correct answer.

____ 86. We can usually find farms in ______ areas.

a. unusual c. unique
b. rural d. urban
____ 87. My favorite ______ activity is hiking.
a. urban c. unusual
b. indoor d. outdoor
____ 88. The indoor waterpark is different from other parks. It has a ______design.
a. unique c. resident
b. rural d. traditional
____ 89. Large cities usually have ______.
a. farms c. beaches
b. skyscrapers d. forests
____ 90. The people who live in a city are its ______.
a. visitors c. designers
b. symbols d. residents

Complete each sentence with the correct word.

91. My dad ______________ (run / runs) in the park every morning.

92. Maya ______________ (don’t / doesn’t) drive to work.

93. I ______________ (enjoy / enjoys) the unusual architecture of this city.

94. Many families ______________ (go / goes) to the park to relax.

95. The shape of the skyscraper _________________ (on / in) this capital city is unique.

96. The TV tower is ______________ (on / in) top of the mountain.

97. My best friend lives ______________ (on / in) a small island.

98. Are there any bridges______________ (on / in) your city?

Read. Choose one or more correct answers.

Wildlife Corridors

What happens to animals when we build cities in the middle of their homes? We build highways
right through the animals’ habitat—the area where they live. This causes many problems for animals.
For example, deer may try to cross a busy highway in order to find food and shelter. Birds may not
hear the call of other birds because of traffic noise.

The good news is that more cities are designing wildlife corridors. These corridors help animals go
where they need to go in order to survive. A wildlife corridor connects one habitat to another. A
corridor may be a bridge without cars over a busy highway or a body of water that provides a place
for birds to migrate.

You can even plan a wildlife corridor in your own backyard. To create a corridor, simply plant
flowers that attract birds and butterflies. This way they can safely travel from backyard to backyard.

____ 99. Highways can make it difficult for birds and wildlife to ________.
a. find food and shelter c. build nests
b. hear the call of other animals
____ 100. An example of a wildlife corridor is a________.
a. highway c. body of water
b. bridge without cars
____ 101. One way to create a wildlife corridor in your backyard is to ________.
a. construct a fence c. build a bridge
b. plant a flower garden

Listen. Write T (True) or F (False). TR: 2

____ 102. Research shows that people who live in cities are happier.

____ 103. Parque do Ibirapuera has gardens and museums.

____ 104. When you spend time in nature, you feel happier.


105. Imagine you are going to design the perfect city. Think about what is important to you and use describing
words to explain your best ideas. Write at least three sentences.


Complete each sentence with the correct word from the list.

adventure office passion profession take risks

107. My sister likes to try new things. She’s always ready for ___________________.

108. My uncle loves to be outside. He doesn’t want to work in a/an ___________________.

109. I enjoy seeing new places. I have a/an ___________________ for travel.

110. It’s good to be safe. But sometimes people ___________________.

111. My neighbor is a pilot. She travels all over the world for her ___________________.

Match the answers to the questions below.

a. Yes, it is. A lot of people want the job.

b. Yes, they do!
c. They usually study food science first.
d. Yes, I do! It’s a great job.
e. Yes, it does! Testers can make up to $100,000 per year!
f. Sometimes they taste around 20 different flavors a day.
____ 112. Do some people really get paid to taste ice cream?
____ 113. How do ice cream tasters get the job?
____ 114. Does ice cream tasting pay well?
____ 115. How many ice cream samples does a taster taste in a day?

Complete each sentence with the correct word.

116. My ______________ (aunts / aunt’s) profession is amazing. Her job is to take care of sick birds.

117. If ______________ (birds’ / bird’s) wings are hurt, she can help them.

118. Sometimes baby birds fall out of ______________ (its / their) nests.

119. If the bird has ______________ (its / their) feathers, you should leave it alone.

Read. Write T (True) or F (False).

Studying Monkeys

Do you ever wonder what animals are thinking? Why they behave the way they do? What they are trying to
say to one another? You may want to consider ethology as a career. Ethologists study animal behavior.

When Dorothy Fragaszy was young, her passion was exploring nature. She especially liked to study animals.
In college, Dorothy learned that she could make a profession out of her interest. Now she’s an ethologist.

Dorothy’s work involves watching wild capuchin monkeys in Brazil. She notes what they eat, where they go,
how they use tools, and how they interact. Her job can be dangerous, and she takes risks. Sometimes she
climbs cliffs to follow the monkeys. She thinks the best part of her job is watching the monkeys play.

Dorothy wants people to love nature and protect it. Her work helps us understand our place in the world.

____ 120. Ethology is the study of plants.

____ 121. Dorothy’s passion is studying animal behavior.

____ 122. Dorothy’s job is always safe.

Listen. Choose the correct answer. TR: 3

____ 123. The favorite part of Captain Lorenzo’s job is ________.

a. taking risks c. having a great seat
b. going to new places d. having a lot of flight hours
____ 124. An airline pilot’s job is challenging because ______.
a. people find it exciting c. it’s a big responsibility
b. pilots fly with a lot of different people d. it’s dangerous
____ 125. Pilots who fly jumbo jets ______.
a. are new to the airline c. are in danger
b. have a lot of flight hours d. are new to the profession

126. Think of a person in your family. Describe his/her day. Where does this person work? What does he/she do?
What is unique about his/her job? Write at least three sentences.



Answer Section
1. ANS: B PTS: 1 REF: L1 TOP: Vocabulary
2. ANS: A PTS: 1 REF: L1 TOP: Vocabulary
3. ANS: D PTS: 1 REF: L1 TOP: Vocabulary
4. ANS: B PTS: 1 REF: L1 TOP: Vocabulary
5. ANS: B PTS: 2 REF: L1 TOP: Vocabulary
6. ANS: A, C, D PTS: 2 REF: L1 TOP: Vocabulary
7. ANS: B, C, D PTS: 2 REF: L1 TOP: Vocabulary
8. ANS: has

PTS: 1 REF: L1 TOP: Grammar

9. ANS: on

PTS: 1 REF: L1 TOP: Grammar

10. ANS: park’s

PTS: 1 REF: L1 TOP: Grammar

11. ANS: in

PTS: 1 REF: L1 TOP: Grammar

12. ANS: Robert’s
PTS: 1 REF: L1 TOP: Grammar
13. ANS: A PTS: 1 REF: L1 TOP: Grammar
14. ANS: B PTS: 1 REF: L1 TOP: Grammar
15. ANS: F PTS: 1 REF: L1 TOP: Grammar
16. ANS: E PTS: 1 REF: L1 TOP: Grammar
17. ANS: J PTS: 1 REF: L1 TOP: Grammar
18. ANS:
Sample answer: I’ve studied English for three years / since I was ten.

PTS: 2 REF: L1 TOP: Grammar

19. ANS:
Sample answer: Smartphones will be / are going to be a lot cheaper.

PTS: 2 REF: L1 TOP: Grammar

20. ANS: F PTS: 1 REF: L1 TOP: Reading
21. ANS: F PTS: 1 REF: L1 TOP: Reading
22. ANS: T PTS: 1 REF: L1 TOP: Reading
23. ANS: B PTS: 3 REF: L1 TOP: Reading
24. ANS:
Suggested answer: It’s the Vietnamese New Year’s celebration.

PTS: 2 REF: L1 TOP: Listening

25. ANS:
Suggested answer: The festival lasts several days.

PTS: 2 REF: L1 TOP: Listening

26. ANS:
Suggested answer: They clean their homes, decorate with colorful flowers, and buy new clothes.

PTS: 2 REF: L1 TOP: Listening

27. ANS:
2 1.5 1 0.5
1. a. Student uses descriptive detail and examples. Student
uses appropriate phrases to introduce examples.
b. Student uses a variety of describing words that are
appropriate for a description of a beautiful place.
2. Theme: Topic of writing is clear. Student stays on topic.
3. Vocabulary: Student uses a variety of word choices.
4. Grammar: Student uses correct grammar.

PTS: 8 REF: L1 TOP: Writing

28. ANS:
1. Look at the first photo. What do you see?
Sample answer: There are baboons in a house / dining room.
2. Why are the baboons there? Why might this be a problem?
Answers will vary.
3. What other examples of wildlife and human interaction have you learned about?
Answers will vary.
4. Look at the second photo. What do you see?
Sample answer: Divers are holding a skull.
5. What do you think they will learn from the skull?
Answers will vary.
6. Why is it helpful to study the past? What can we learn from our ancestors?
Answers will vary.

PTS: 6 REF: L1 TOP: Speaking

29. ANS: C PTS: 1 REF: L1_PRE TOP: Vocabulary
30. ANS: D PTS: 1 REF: L1_PRE TOP: Vocabulary
31. ANS: A PTS: 1 REF: L1_PRE TOP: Vocabulary
32. ANS: C PTS: 1 REF: L1_PRE TOP: Vocabulary
33. ANS: B PTS: 1 REF: L1_PRE TOP: Vocabulary
34. ANS: A PTS: 1 REF: L1_PRE TOP: Vocabulary
35. ANS: D PTS: 1 REF: L1_PRE TOP: Vocabulary
36. ANS: B PTS: 1 REF: L1_PRE TOP: Vocabulary
37. ANS: C PTS: 1 REF: L1_PRE TOP: Vocabulary
38. ANS: A PTS: 1 REF: L1_PRE TOP: Vocabulary
39. ANS: doesn’t

PTS: 1 REF: L1_PRE TOP: Grammar

40. ANS: in

PTS: 1 REF: L1_PRE TOP: Grammar

41. ANS: John’s

PTS: 1 REF: L1_PRE TOP: Grammar

42. ANS: your

PTS: 1 REF: L1_PRE TOP: Grammar

43. ANS: enjoys

PTS: 1 REF: L1_PRE TOP: Grammar

44. ANS: In

PTS: 1 REF: L1_PRE TOP: Grammar

45. ANS: couldn’t

PTS: 1 REF: L1_PRE TOP: Grammar

46. ANS: many

PTS: 1 REF: L1_PRE TOP: Grammar

47. ANS: smellier

PTS: 1 REF: L1_PRE TOP: Grammar

48. ANS: softest

PTS: 1 REF: L1_PRE TOP: Grammar

49. ANS: F PTS: 1 REF: L1_PRE TOP: Reading
50. ANS: F PTS: 1 REF: L1_PRE TOP: Reading
51. ANS: T PTS: 1 REF: L1_PRE TOP: Reading
52. ANS: F

PTS: 1 REF: L1_PRE TOP: Listening

53. ANS: F

PTS: 1 REF: L1_PRE TOP: Listening

54. ANS: T

PTS: 1 REF: L1_PRE TOP: Listening

55. ANS:
1. Look at the first photo. What do you see?
Sample answer: a man with a baby elephant
2. What do you think is happening?
Answers will vary.
3. Look at the second photo. What do you see?
Sample answer: a woman with baby koalas
4. Have you ever been this close to wildlife? Explain.
Answers will vary.

PTS: 4 REF: L1_PRE TOP: Speaking

56. ANS: B PTS: 1 REF: L1U1–4 TOP: Vocabulary
57. ANS: C PTS: 1 REF: L1U1–4 TOP: Vocabulary
58. ANS: A PTS: 1 REF: L1U1–4 TOP: Vocabulary
59. ANS: A PTS: 1 REF: L1U1–4 TOP: Vocabulary
60. ANS: B PTS: 1 REF: L1U1–4 TOP: Vocabulary
61. ANS: B PTS: 1 REF: L1U1–4 TOP: Vocabulary
62. ANS: B PTS: 1 REF: L1U1–4 TOP: Vocabulary
63. ANS: C PTS: 1 REF: L1U1–4 TOP: Vocabulary
64. ANS: don’t

PTS: 1 REF: L1U1–4 TOP: Grammar

65. ANS: on

PTS: 1 REF: L1U1–4 TOP: Grammar

66. ANS: birds’

PTS: 1 REF: L1U1–4 TOP: Grammar

67. ANS: In

PTS: 1 REF: L1U1–4 TOP: Grammar

68. ANS: can’t

PTS: 1 REF: L1U1–4 TOP: Grammar

69. ANS: should

PTS: 1 REF: L1U1–4 TOP: Grammar

70. ANS: am sweeping

PTS: 1 REF: L1U1–4 TOP: Grammar

71. ANS: can

PTS: 1 REF: L1U1–4 TOP: Grammar

72. ANS: live

PTS: 1 REF: L1U1–4 TOP: Grammar

73. ANS: don’t have to

PTS: 1 REF: L1U1–4 TOP: Grammar

74. ANS: C PTS: 2 REF: L1U1–4 TOP: Grammar
75. ANS: D PTS: 2 REF: L1U1–4 TOP: Grammar
76. ANS: E PTS: 2 REF: L1U1–4 TOP: Grammar
77. ANS:
Sample answer: a person who studies objects from the past to understand history

PTS: 2 REF: L1U1–4 TOP: Reading

78. ANS:
Sample answer: someone who enjoys adventure and science

PTS: 2 REF: L1U1–4 TOP: Reading

79. ANS:
Sample answer: in jungles, on top of mountains, underwater

PTS: 2 REF: L1U1–4 TOP: Reading

80. ANS:
Sample answer: They both study clues.

PTS: 2 REF: L1U1–4 TOP: Reading

81. ANS:
Sloths are most active at night.

PTS: 2 REF: L1U1–4 TOP: Listening

82. ANS:
They sleep 15 to 20 hours a day.

PTS: 2 REF: L1U1–4 TOP: Listening

83. ANS:
Sloths eat leaves and fruit from the trees.

PTS: 2 REF: L1U1–4 TOP: Listening

84. ANS:
2 1.5 1 0.5
1. a. Student uses a variety of details to describe a daily routine.
b. Student uses a variety of describing words and phrases that
appeal to the senses.
2. Theme: Topic of writing is clear. Student stays on topic.
3. Vocabulary: Student uses a variety of word choices.
4. Grammar: Student uses correct grammar.

PTS: 6 REF: L1U1–4 TOP: Writing

85. ANS:
1. For a project, explorer Daniel Raven-Ellison walked around cities and took a photo every eight steps.
Would you like to do that in your city? Why or why not?
Answers will vary.
2. Describe a day in the life of a professional photographer.
Answers will vary.
3. Explorer Guillermo de Anda said, “I have the coolest job in the world because I love what I do.” To you,
what is the coolest job in the world? Why?
Answers will vary.
4. What skills or training do you need for that job?
Answers will vary.
5. What might be difficult about this job?
Answers will vary.
6. Describe the typical workday of someone in your family.
Answers will vary.

PTS: 6 REF: L1U1–4 TOP: Speaking

86. ANS: B PTS: 1 REF: L1U1 TOP: Vocabulary
87. ANS: D PTS: 1 REF: L1U1 TOP: Vocabulary
88. ANS: A PTS: 1 REF: L1U1 TOP: Vocabulary
89. ANS: B PTS: 1 REF: L1U1 TOP: Vocabulary
90. ANS: D PTS: 1 REF: L1U1 TOP: Vocabulary
91. ANS: runs

PTS: 1 REF: L1U1 TOP: Grammar

92. ANS: doesn’t

PTS: 1 REF: L1U1 TOP: Grammar

93. ANS: enjoy

PTS: 1 REF: L1U1 TOP: Grammar

94. ANS: go

PTS: 1 REF: L1U1 TOP: Grammar

95. ANS: in
PTS: 1 REF: L1U1 TOP: Grammar
96. ANS: on

PTS: 1 REF: L1U1 TOP: Grammar

97. ANS: on

PTS: 1 REF: L1U1 TOP: Grammar

98. ANS: in

PTS: 1 REF: L1U1 TOP: Grammar

99. ANS: A, B PTS: 1 REF: L1U1 TOP: Reading
100. ANS: B, C PTS: 1 REF: L1U1 TOP: Reading
101. ANS: B PTS: 1 REF: L1U1 TOP: Reading
102. ANS: F

PTS: 1 REF: L1U1 TOP: Listening

103. ANS: T

PTS: 1 REF: L1U1 TOP: Listening

104. ANS: T

PTS: 1 REF: L1U1 TOP: Listening

105. ANS:
Answers will vary.

PTS: 5 REF: L1U1 TOP: Writing

106. ANS:
1. What do you see in the first picture?
Sample answer: a city with skyscrapers, a highway, and a safe path/green space for people to walk
2. What do you think the person who designed this place had in mind?
Sample answer: a safe place for people to be outdoors and to enjoy green space
3. How is this picture similar to or different from where you live?
Answers will vary.
4. What do you see in the second picture?
Sample answer: a park along a stream and people enjoying the outdoors
5. How was the park planned for enjoyment?
Sample answer: There are trees / wide sidewalks. There is a bridge / a place for a festival / not a highway.
6. How is this picture similar to or different from where you live?
Answers will vary.

PTS: 6 REF: L1U1 TOP: Speaking

107. ANS: adventure

PTS: 1 REF: L1U2 TOP: Vocabulary

108. ANS: office

PTS: 1 REF: L1U2 TOP: Vocabulary

109. ANS: passion

PTS: 1 REF: L1U2 TOP: Vocabulary

110. ANS: take risks

PTS: 1 REF: L1U2 TOP: Vocabulary

111. ANS: profession

PTS: 1 REF: L1U2 TOP: Vocabulary

112. ANS: B PTS: 1 REF: L1U2 TOP: Grammar
113. ANS: C PTS: 1 REF: L1U2 TOP: Grammar
114. ANS: E PTS: 1 REF: L1U2 TOP: Grammar
115. ANS: F PTS: 1 REF: L1U2 TOP: Grammar
116. ANS: aunt’s

PTS: 1 REF: L1U2 TOP: Grammar

117. ANS: birds’

PTS: 1 REF: L1U2 TOP: Grammar

118. ANS: their

PTS: 1 REF: L1U2 TOP: Grammar

119. ANS: its

PTS: 1 REF: L1U2 TOP: Grammar

120. ANS: F PTS: 1 REF: L1U2 TOP: Reading
121. ANS: T PTS: 1 REF: L1U2 TOP: Reading
122. ANS: F PTS: 1 REF: L1U2 TOP: Reading
123. ANS: B

PTS: 1 REF: L1U2 TOP: Listening

124. ANS: C

PTS: 1 REF: L1U2 TOP: Listening

125. ANS: B

PTS: 1 REF: L1U2 TOP: Listening

126. ANS:
Answers will vary.

PTS: 5 REF: L1U2 TOP: Writing

127. ANS:
1. Look at the first photo. What do you think the man’s profession is?
Sample answer: He’s a photographer / a wildlife photographer.
2. What do you think his job is like?
Answers will vary.
3. Would you like to have his job? Why or why not?
Answers will vary.
4. Look at the second photo. What is the woman’s profession?
Sample answer: She’s a pilot / an airline pilot.
5. What do you think her job is like?
Answers will vary.
6. Would you like to have her job? Why or why not?
Answers will vary.

PTS: 6 REF: L1U2 TOP: Speaking

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