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“EXPERIMENT NOG 7 = GIEVE ANALYSIS OF FINE AND coarse AGGREGATES (ASTM C186-88 Siew. Analysis: of Fine andl Coarse Aggregates ) OBJECTIVE To determine the groding of fine and coarse aggregates by seve analysis method DISCUSSION Sieve test is performed to evaluate grosting and te gain jntormation regarding the particle aze distibution of fine to coarse aggregates The aggregate gradation influences the workability Of concrete mixes because it affects the umter cement ad the paste aggregate ratio. Well-gradkd coarse aggregate will need tess quantities of fre aggregates and cement sce there would! be less surtace area th be enveloped by the cement pact. Likewise, well ~grerctec! fine aggregates. will enharce the workability andl the fining quality of concrete. The we of properly. graded aggregertes will produce a dense concrete. Therefore, the conto! of groding aggregates Tor use 1) Concrete. mixes ke Amportent 7p ensure the quality of concrete, Fineness modulus CFM.) 1s used ac an index to gine ideas about fineness and Coarseness Of aggregates. Apparatus AND MATERIALS Gord and Gravel ‘Sieres ~ complete cet for fine andl Conrst, aggegates BrisHe. Brush Riffle Box Balance TES PROCEDURE 1 Reduce the field sample to a test of Sample size by means of gpartering 2. Ory the comple conctant weight at a temperatre of ot 5 aegrecs centgecke [ 3 Weigh the fest samples According to the criteria below «Fine Aggregates . Aggregate with at feast 95‘ passing @ 236mm (No.8) sieve — 10 ~ Aggregate with at least 857 passing a 4.75 mon (No.A) sient and more that 5%} retained On 23% mm (No.8) steve — 800g “Coarse Aggregates Nominal Mavienum Size (mm) | Minimom Weight of Test Sample (kg) 95 1 12.5 2 19.0 oO 25.0 10 37.5. 16 60.0 20 a.Nest fe sieves in order of decreasing sizes of opening from ‘bp to bottom A. Siewes for Fine. Aggregates = 1915125, 42,06, 0:3, 015 pan B. Sieves for Coarse, Aggregates — 28.1, 25:4, 19.1, 189, 962, 4.1, 298 pan &. Place the ample on the top sieve. 6. Agiterte the sieve by hare or by mechanized Sieving machine tor sufficient pena, 7 Check If sieving 1c already cutticient: by the criteria wed in the Hert thr fineness of cement by sieve B. Get th weight of the ample retained in each sreve. 9. Rrform the mecescany calovlations. DATA AND COMPUTATION Total Comulatine Peroen ta Fineness Modulus = Biel Gomes Rreentge Recent Error = Weight of Sample - Total Weight rekoined) Yop Weight of Sanple COARSE AGGREGATES DATA = SIEVE NO. |W Retained | Cum. Mass | ‘fo Retained | Cum. ‘le Retained | Je Finer oo | 20 440 12.04 11.04 81.96 8. | 18 978 $7.01 41905 @.95 2.90 | 663 flo O95 9940 7 9.52. NZ 119° | Gor 68.91 41.08 4% | 21 1994 11.08 too 0 PAN oO 1994 0 400 0 Tora, 1994 $6.31 FING AGGEGATES DATA: Fine. SO GRAMS Greve No.| W Reramen | Cum. Mass | 7 RETAINED | Cua. RetameD | “Jo Fwer, 4.To 2.48 2.43 0.83 0.88 9.17 | 2.50 4.15 6.73 14d 225 9115 1.70 oft 82.01 0.09 134 91.66 119 25.02 | 6.48 bat to41 £9.29 059 2140 | 19.14 10.52 4 B18 on 5.06 | 288. | 2B08 49.86 oA 0.08 19.66 | 200.09 | bt 9% 53 an fan 9.1 199.10 1.04 98.18 188 Tote! 299.10 1.85 vo 0 t 951-91 COMBE AGGREGATE Fineness Mopvius = wo =|3.993) Percent Ferog = [eo - [os] Fine Accreeare Fivevess Mopwus = asi = [8.819 Perosar anor = [ 225507°"P red = [0.97] OBSERVATION / ANALYSIg fiom the result we can observe frat by doing analysis with normal sieves, itis measured. The accumulated Percentage retained on each sit. is applied and We coarse aggregate, valuation is given by subdividing a by 400 Therefore, we fineness modulus is larger Ahan the fine, aggregate thus ee fineness wails of the coarse, aggeegate ic grater than the fine aggegate ILLUSTRATION Conewusion According ty the code, fineness medub's of fine aggegate varies fom 2.0 40 Ssmm .Fine aggregate having freness modulus more han 3.2 ehovld not consideed! as Fine aggregate. Therefore the data that we attained jc right and te experinent ig done conectly However a6 per cade, the fineness modulus oF coarse aggregate. Varies from 5.540 B.0.The the result of te computation , it abo! nod meet he standard fineness modulus of coarse agate Since, We only get 3.339) ivenecs madulus. There cold be a lot & reason on why it didn't meet to standard finentss woduos There ond be an error or mistoke that was dowe during he eecrtionn Of He experiment.

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