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OPEN European Journal of Clinical Nutrition (2013) 67, S21–S23

& 2013 Macmillan Publishers Limited All rights reserved 0954-3007/13


Nutritional management of children with cerebral palsy:
a practical guide
MN Kuperminc1, F Gottrand2, L Samson-Fang3, J Arvedson4, K Bell5,6, GM Craig7 and PB Sullivan8

European Journal of Clinical Nutrition (2013) 67, S21–S23; doi:10.1038/ejcn.2013.227

Keywords: cerebral palsy; children; growth; undernutrition; nutritional support; feeding difficulties

INTRODUCTION As in most of medicine, there is no ‘one size fits all’ approach,

In this supplement, we have gathered the evidence and best and so, we recommend asking the following general questions
practices around the nutritional management of children with regarding the feeding, nutrition and growth of an individual child
cerebral palsy (CP) to provide non-experts with a set of simple, with CP to help guide decision making.
practical suggestions to enable them to better manage these
children’s complex and challenging needs. Each article contains
specifics regarding the nutritional assessment and/or manage- HAVE THE PSYCHOSOCIAL SUPPORT NEEDS OF THE CHILD,
Successes of neonatal intensive care and progress in supporting The first step in growth and nutritional assessment is to consider the
care have led to the emergence of a large group of children with perspective of the child and their family. Feeding is a critical social
CP at risk of undernutrition. The nutrition and growth deficits in component of a child’s life, and the growth of the child can be
these children are often under-recognised or considered to be of viewed by parents/carers to be a reflection of their ability to nurture.
low priority. Undernutrition in children with CP can have various Structured support should be embedded within the care
adverse consequences, including growth failure, decreased pathway and included in the care plan before and after
cerebral function, impaired immune function, reduced circulation interventions and periodically throughout the child’s life. Profes-
time and diminished respiratory muscle strength. This is sionals with appropriate training and understanding of the issues
particularly compelling, given the evidence that poor growth in should be identified to ensure any emotional, practical and
children with CP is linked not only with poor health and social financial issues are addressed.
participation1 but also with increased mortality.2 Attention to the
nutritional status of children with CP should therefore be an
indispensable part of their overall management. IS THE CHILD GROWING PROPERLY?
Anthropometric assessment is the cornerstone of evaluation of
growth. However, measuring growth in a child with CP can be
FEEDING, NUTRITION AND GROWTH OF CHILDREN WITH CP challenging, because measurement tools are not always available
For a variety of reasons, largely due to impaired mobility and in the general pediatric clinic. Use of segmental measures is
inadequate nutrition, children with CP grow differently than recommended as a reliable and valid method for obtaining an
neurotypical children. As the level of motor impairment increases, estimated height for children who cannot stand to obtain a
the growth diverges more widely. Feeding and nutrition are reliable height. Equations are available to calculate height from
intricately interwoven with growth and present some very specific ulnar length, knee height and tibial length in some age groups.3–6
challenges in this population. There is not yet a ‘gold standard’ for Weight should be obtained on a digital scale, and weight of
the management of feeding, growth and nutrition in children with clothing and undergarments should be considered. Wheelchair
CP; however, there is a growing body of evidence to support best scales or weighing a child along with a parent and subtracting
practices. Our ability to understand, measure and intervene to parental weights provide a reliable weight if a child cannot stand
optimize nutrition and growth of these children results from on a scale.
research efforts over the past 20 years. Providers caring for children use descriptive growth curves to
Ideally, children with CP will be cared for in a multidisciplinary assess whether a child is growing adequately. Although children
setting with access to a variety of subspecialists. In such a setting, with CP may be smaller and lighter with less muscle and bone
a ‘feeding team’ should include experts in understanding the mass than neurotypical children, there is not adequate evidence
effect of medical conditions, measuring growth, managing to support the use of curves specific for CP (these describe how a
nutrition and the mechanics of feeding and providing social group of children grew rather than a prescription for how they
support. At times, however, health care professionals find should grow.) Most important is to follow a child over time and
themselves either managing these children in isolation or leading make sure he/she is growing along his/her own growth curve. For
a team that lacks experience with this population. infants, it is recommended to assess growth every 1–3 months; for
Division of Neurodevelopmental Pediatrics, Naval Medical Center Portsmouth, Portsmouth, VA, USA; 2Hôpital J de Flandre, CHRU Lille, Lille, France; 3University of Utah School of
Medicine, Salt Lake City, UT, USA; 4Children’s Hospital of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, WI, USA; 5Queensland Cerebral Palsy and Rehabilitation Research Centre, Children’s Nutrition
Research Centre, Queensland Children’s Medical Research Institute, The University of Queensland, Brisbane, Queensland, Australia; 6Department of Paediatric Rehabilitation,
Children’s Health Queensland Hospital and Health Service, Brisbane, Queensland, Australia; 7School of Health Sciences, City University London, London, UK and 8Children’s
Hospital, Oxford University Hospitals NHS Trust, Oxford, UK. Correspondence: Professor MN Kuperminc, Division of Neurodevelopmental Pediatrics, Naval Medical Center
Portsmouth, Portsmouth, VA, USA.
This supplement was derived from a meeting with experts facilitated by Josephine Garvey and Annemiek Goedhart, held in Orlando in 2012.
Nutritional management of children with CP
MN Kuperminc et al
Table 1. Key questions to ask parents for assessment of feeding/swallowing problems in children with cerebral palsy

Questions Red flags

How long does it take to feed your child? More than 30 min, on any regular basis
Are meal times stressful to child or parent? Yes, if one or other, or both
Is your child gaining weight adequately? Lack of weight gain over 2–3 months in young child, not just weight loss
Are there signs of respiratory problems? Increased congestion at meal times, ‘gurgly’ voice, respiratory illnesses

older children the frequency of assessment may vary depending EFFICIENCY: IS FEEDING EFFICIENT FOR THE CHILD
on their nutritional and heath status. AND FOR THE FAMILY?
Methods used to assess body composition such as body mass In general, an individual feeding session should not last longer
index or weight for height are not valid in children with CP as they than 30 min and caregivers should not be spending excessive
do not take into account altered body composition.7–9 This means amounts of time feeding (to the exclusion of other activities.)
that specialized tools may be necessary to truly assess body fat. Some caregivers spend many hours a day trying to feed their
Underwater weighing and dual-energy x-ray absorptiometry are disabled child and quality of life in parents of children with CP
not feasible in most centers as regular assessment tools, but when may be significantly impaired.11
caring for a population of children with CP, it may be reasonable Feeding should not be stressful for caregiver or child. Ideally,
to invest in skinfold calipers or bioelectric impedance monitoring. the child and family will find feeding to be pleasurable. With these
Given a tendency to store fat centrally, reduced peripheral skinfolds conditions met, the child must still be growing properly and so
may not necessarily mean low fat stores. Equations to calculate must be taking in adequate nutrients to support growth.
percentage body fat from multiple skinfolds have been developed
and their validity is being evaluated in ongoing studies.10 FEEDING ROUTE: HOW SHOULD THE CHILD BE FED?
Total oral feeding is not a realistic goal for all children with
SAFETY: IS FEEDING SAFE? CP but the aim should be to introduce some feeding that is
physiologically possible and fits in with the social situation of the
Many children with CP have some degree of oropharyngeal
child and his/her family. Although most children with CP will be
dysphagia, which may be more prominent with certain textures.
able to take (some) food orally, others will require alternative
Oral and pharyngeal problems in children with CP include
feeding routes because of dysphagia, extended feeding times
reduced lip closure, poor tongue function, tongue thrust,
and/or insufficient nutritional intake. Caregivers should be
exaggerated bite reflex, tactile hypersensitivity, delayed swallow
gradually introduced to the topic of alternative feeding methods,
initiation, reduced pharyngeal motility and drooling.
with sensitivity and careful exploration and support of caregiver’s
Four key questions should be asked to parents/caregivers in order
belief system regarding feeding.
to evaluate whether a child has feeding/swallowing problems and
Alternative feeding routes should be considered if the child has
needs a more comprehensive feeding evaluation (see Table 1).
an unsafe swallow or if feeding is inefficient and/or insufficient. The
Providers may wish to refer for a swallow study if there is risk or
decision to feed a child through an alternative enteral route
history of aspiration or an unusual quality to the voice (breathy,
(nasogastric, gastrostomy with or without anti-reflux procedure or
husky and gurgly) that would suggest unsafe swallow. It is
post-pyloric feeding) should be considered with the input of the
noteworthy, however, that there is no direct relationship between
entire team including the family. Caregivers may experience an
gag and swallowing ability.
inability to feed their child ‘normally’ as a failure and should have
Even with ‘unsafe’ swallow, most children can participate in
ample and supported opportunities to explore feeding options.
non-nutritive oral stimulation and all children should be included
in family meals where appropriate. Non-nutritive oral stimulation
is important for the development of oral skills, and for pleasure. In NUTRITIONAL REQUIREMENTS: HOW MUCH DOES THE
tube-fed children, ‘taste’ sessions from 2–5 min, multiple times per CHILD NEED?
day should be possible. A few drops of lemon juice or ice water Estimating the nutritional needs of a child with CP is not
given via spoon may help stimulate swallowing and give pleasure straightforward. Many children with CP have decreased energy
without increasing the risk for aspiration. It is rare that a child requirements in comparison with neurotypical children, and these
cannot take anything orally. However, it is important that children differences increase with increasing severity of motor impairment.
are not put at risk for aspiration. Energy needs of children with severe CP who use a wheel chair for
Adequate positioning and physical support during meal times is mobility have been reported to be between 60 and 70% of those
important to ensure safe feeding. Many children with CP have of neurotypical children.12–14 Participation in physical activity may
their own customised seating and/or brace, but they may require increase the energy requirements of children with CP and needs
additional body and head support to keep them stable and to be considered when estimating energy needs.
comfortable (avoiding hyperextension or flexion), and to ensure There are a variety of methods to calculate energy requirements of
swallow safety. children with CP, although none is perfect. We recommend choosing
Textures of food and thickness of fluids may need to be a method to calculate needs and use this as a starting point.
modified under the guidance of a specialised feeding therapist, to Ongoing assessment and monitoring of weight gain and nutritional
ensure airway safety, maximise eating efficiency and reduce status is essential to avoid over- or underfeeding. If a child is growing
fatigue during meal times. Problems with liquids are common and along his/her growth curve, this should be considered successful. If a
usually relate to a timing problem with delayed pharyngeal child is growing appropriately, growth should be monitored every 3–
swallow initiation. Problems with thick smooth, lumpy or mashed 6 months, depending on the age of the child. If growth is faltering,
foods relate to residue in the pharynx when pharyngeal motility is more frequent monitoring may be necessary.
reduced. The bolus size can be manipulated for safety in some There is no evidence to suggest that protein needs of children
children. Small boluses are easier for many children than large with CP differ from those of typically developing populations
ones, although the opposite may be true for some. Regular and and therefore recommendations for typically developing children
thorough oral care is also vital for all children. can be used. For severely undernourished children with CP,

European Journal of Clinical Nutrition (2013) S21 – S23 & 2013 Macmillan Publishers Limited
Nutritional management of children with CP
MN Kuperminc et al
additional protein and energy may be required to promote ‘catch each child maintain optimal growth over time. This requires
up’ growth. An intake of 2.0 g/kg per day of protein and an frequent follow-up (at least every 3–6 months), broad knowledge,
additional 20% increase in energy intake should be sufficient in and an individualized approach that takes into account the
these instances. specific needs of each child within his/her family. The child and
Standard recommendations for micronutrients (vitamins, family should enjoy a safe eating experience, the diet should be
minerals and trace elements) should be followed with particular varied enough to provide sufficient macro and micronutrients as
attention to vitamin D, given the risk of deficiency due to well as fibre and the child should not experience dehydration.
medications and lack of sun exposure. A sensitive and thoughtful approach to all of these questions can
Once the energy, protein and micronutrient needs of the child guide practitioners with decision making regarding the feeding,
have been identified, ideally a nutritionist (or a health care nutrition and growth of these children with complex needs.
professional with good nutritional knowledge) should work with A collaborative family-centered, longitudinal, ‘big picture’
the family to optimize the dietary intake of the child, using oral or approach lays the foundation for successful management.
enteral tube feeds if needed.
This supplement is provided as a professional service by the
Paediatric Division of Nutricia Advanced Medical Nutrition.
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SUMMARY This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-

In summary, providers caring for children with CP have a NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License. To view a copy of
responsibility to assess, reassess and sometimes intervene to help this license, visit

& 2013 Macmillan Publishers Limited European Journal of Clinical Nutrition (2013) S21 – S23

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