Creative Writing Supplementary

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Republic of the Philippines

Region IX, Zamboanga Peninsula
Gutalac, Zambonga del Norte



Activity 1: Let’s Read!

Directions: Read the selection below and answer the questions that follow.

The Wallet

Jenny stared at the store window longingly. There was nothing in this world that she wanted
more than a Happy Hannah doll and all that currently separated her from the hottest doll of the
holiday season was a thin piece of glass and $29.95 plus tax. Unfortunately, Jenny didn't even
have the 95 cents, so she let out a deep sigh and continued walking home.
As she stomped across the slushy sidewalk, she considered her options. She thought about
taking over her brother's chores. If she shoveled the driveway, washed the dishes all month,
dusted, and vacuumed… she fidgeted with her fingers as she added it up… she would have
eleven dollars. Just as she was concluding that this would not be enough, something caught her
eye. It was a small, pink triangle poking out from the snow on the roadside.
Jenny walked over to the triangle and removed it from the snow, whereupon she realized
that it was not a triangle at all but a rectangle. More importantly she realized that the rectangle
was a fashionable leather wallet. She unzipped the bulging wallet to find a thick wad of folded
green bills. Jenny gasped and nearly dropped it. She gathered herself and went to close the snap
on the wallet when she saw some plastic cards. One was a credit card and the other an ID.
Jenny stared at the old woman in her driver’s license photo. The woman had a beautiful
smile that reminded Jenny of her grandma. Jenny sighed and then she shoved the wallet into
her purse. She turned around and walked in the direction from which she came.
Jenny’s heart beat quickly as she entered the store. She had long dreamed about this
moment, but something didn't feel right about it. As she approached a stack of Happy Hannah
dolls, she pushed away her feelings. She grabbed one of the dolls off of the stack. She felt
electricity surging through her body as she began walking toward the checkout.
As Jenny approached the register, the Happy Hannah Show theme song began playing.
Jenny looked around startled, and then realized that it was her mobile phone. She checked the
caller ID and saw that it was her grandma. In one hand she held the Happy Hannah doll and in
the other she held the phone on which her grandma was calling. Jenny heart filled with love and
appreciation as she thought of her sweet old grandma. She put the doll down and picked up the
phone call.
"Hi, Grandma? I'm going to be a little bit late tonight. I've got to drop something off… Yeah,
it was good… O.K… Alright… I love you too." Jenny left the store and walked through the slush
all the way to the other side of town. She thought of her grandma as she rang the bell at 301
West Street. The women who answered the door had been crying recently and looked distressed.
Jenny recognized her from the ID. "Here, I found this in the snow," Jenny said as she handed
her the wallet. The woman face glowed with joy and relief.
"Oh, good God! This is the money for the orphanage! Now we can bring the children the
puppies for Christmas! It's a miracle!" The woman took the wallet smilingly. She was so
appreciative that she gave Jenny a cookie and a ride home. Jenny had sort of hoped that she
would reward her good deed with a Happy Hannah doll, but Jenny did get a chocolate chip
cookie, and chocolate chip cookies were her favorite.
After doing her brother's chores for three months, Jenny finally got a Happy Hannah doll.
She hated doing all of that extra work, but she knew that she had made the right choice when
she was done because she could play with her Happy Hannah doll and look her grandma in the

1. What type of conflict is used in the story?

2. What POV is used in the story?

3. Arrange the following scenario found in the selection using Freytag’s plot development.

A. Jenny puts the doll down and returns the wallet, getting a cookie in return.

B. Jenny works hard and eventually gets the doll. She feels good about her actions.

C. Jenny finds a wallet.

D. Jenny receives a call from her grandmother and reconsiders her actions.

E. Jenny walks to the store, takes a doll of the shelf and lines to buy it.



Rising Action:




Falling Action:




Fiction and Its Elements

Fiction is a term used to describe e an imaginative work of prose, either a folktale, a myth,
a novel, a short story or a novella. It is the creation of the writer’s imagination, or simply an
imagined story – not true.

Folktales are types of narrative prose literature found in the oral traditions of the world.
These are stories that grew out the lives and imaginations of the people which are passed orally
from generations to generations.

A myth is a narrative tale involving gods and goddesses, it also describes practices and
some explains certain phenomena.

A novel is an extended fictitious prose narrative which consists of 50,000 words or more
and putting emphasis on exciting events designed to entertain readers. Novel deals with human
character in a social condition, man as a social being. Novels are usually longer than a short
Short story is fictional narrative that deals with a single incident that can be read at one
sitting. While novella is a prose narrative that is normally longer than a short story but shorter
than a novel.

The Elements of Fiction

A. Character/s.
This element refers to a representation of a human being or any other creature in the
course of the story. A character can be any person, a figure, an animate object, or animal
usually endowed with human qualities. The characters are the people or any figures in the

Types of Character

1. Protagonist is the main character in a novel, play or in a story. The protagonist is also referred
as the hero of the work. Frodo Baggins, a hobbit, who inherits The One Ring from Bilbo in The
Lord of the Rings is an example of this type of character.

2. Antagonist is a character in a story who deceives, frustrates or works against the main
character or the protagonist. In The Lord of the Rings the title character named Sauron, who
desires for power is an example of an antagonist character.

3. Flat Character is a character who is the same kind of person at the end of the story as he/she
was at the beginning. Gollum from The Lord of the Rings is an example of this type. Gollum’s
character is determined by his obsession with the recovery of the ring “his precious.” Jafar from
the folktale Aladdin, was described as evil and ambitious and always wants to be evil and

4. Dynamic Character is a character who undergoes a permanent change in the aspect of

his/her personality or outlook. Aladdin from Aladdin is an example of a dynamic character.
Aladdin was first described as a thief but eventually becomes an honest hero in the end.

5. Tragic hero/Tragic figure is a protagonist who comes to a bad end as a result of his own
behaviour, usually caused by personality disorder. Romeo in Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet is
a good example of this type. Romeo killed himself when he thought that Juliet is actually dead.

6. Antihero is a protagonist character who has the opposite of most of the traditional attributes
of a hero. This type of character may be bewildered, deluded, or merely pathetic. A good example
of this type is Captain Jack Sparrow in Pirates of the Caribbean , a major character named
Captain Jack Sparrow is described as a selfish pirate he even ran away to save himself when
others need help too.

B. Point-of-View.

Point of view is the perspective from which the story or work is told. Point –of-view is also
defined as the eyes and mind through which the reader views the unfolding of events. It tells
through whose eyes we are seeing the story and as well reveals the attitude of the writer toward
the character.

First Person POV. This is used when the narrator is a character of the story. This point of
view is identifiable by the use of the pronoun “I.” Narrators of first person fiction are characters
in the story. They can be the protagonist (very common choice), a participant in the action (a
major character), a bystander (a minor character, mainly an observer), or even a frame narrator.

Second Person POV. This is the rarest narrative voice in literature. The narrator refers the
reader as “you” making the reader feel as if he/she is a character or part within the story.
Instructional manuals, how-to-guides and self-help books are usually written using this point-

Third Person POV. This happens when the narrator does not take part in the story. The
narrator relates events, but is not one of the characters.

C. Plot.
This refers to the series or sequence of e vents that give a story its meaning and effect. It is
built around the events that take place within a definite period. This is what happens to the
characters found in the work.
Traditional Parts. This presents the events of a story in a non-chronological order.
Gustav Freytag divided the plot into five essential parts: exposition, rising action, climax,
falling action and resolution or denouement.

1. Exposition is the introductory part that creates the tone, gives the setting, and introduces
the character and other necessary facts in understanding the work.
2. Rising Action contains several events to make the story more interesting, in this part of
the story the characters have encountered problems.
3. Climax is the suspenseful part of the story. The character needs to face the problem and
the need to make a decision.
4. Falling Action is the part of the plot where the character has already made a decision
about handling the problem and the story is coming closer to the end.
5. Resolution/Denouement is the final unravelling of a plot; the living solution of a mystery;
an explanation or outcome. Denouement is the untying of the knot of intrigue, involving not
only a satisfactory outcome of the main situation but an explanation of all the secrets and
misunderstandings connected with the plot of complication.

D. Setting and Atmosphere.

Setting is the story’s time and place. Setting is made up of geographical location, its
topography, scenery, physical arrangements, the occupations and the daily living of the
characters, the time or period in which the actions take place. Setting tells when and
where the events occurred.
E. Conflict.
A story without conflict or problem is lifeless. Every good story must have a conflict.
Conflict is a problem or obstacle encountered by the character within the story. Conflict
creates tension and interest in a story by adding doubt as to the outcome.

Types of Conflict
1. Man against himself. This conflict happens when the character is experiencing inner
struggle or the character is in conflict with himself.
2. Man against man. A type of conflict that shows two characters pitted or in clash
against each other. One character is against another.
3. Man against society. The character is against a group of people or the society itself.
This is shown when the character has done something which offended society he/she is
part of. Also, when the character is unable to adjust to the ways of the people around
4. Man against nature. This conflict happens when the character has to deal with natural
disasters such as earthquakes, landslides, or the characters are found in a harsh
environment like, in the middle of the ocean or desert and struggles to survive against bit.
5. Man against culture. The character realizes that the customs, tradition and practices
that he/she must get accustomed to are unacceptable and against his own belief.
6. Man against supernatural beings. The hero/protagonist faces extraordinary creature
such as gods or monsters before he can achieve his goal.
7. Man against to technology/machinery. This type of conflict focuses on a person or
group of people fighting to overcome unemotional and unsympathetic machinery that
believes it no longer requires humanity.

F. Theme.
Theme is the meaning or concept left to the readers after reading a piece of fiction. A
theme usually depicts and unifies the central topic of the story. It gives the reader a
deeper significance of the work to people’s day to day lives. Moral/lesson of the story
is not the theme of the story. Theme is the author’s way of sharing ideas, perceptions,
and feelings with readers, and it may be directly stated or it may only be implied. The
theme unifies the concept of the story.

Activity 2: Who’s the character?

Directions: Read the description of the story and determine the protagonist and
antagonist character. Then describe the type of conflict found in the description.

1. Kiko is a ninja warrior trained by Mountain Master Yoho Mahrati. When master
Mahrati is slain by Shan Bhutan of the Lotus Clan in the most cowardly of fashions,
Kiko lays it all on the line to avenge the death of his master. Will Kiko lays overcome
the Shan Bhutan and the powerful Lotus Clan?

Protagonist: ___________________________________________________________
Antagonist: ___________________________________________________________
Type of Conflict: ___________________________________________________________

2. Greg is just a regular boy who tries his best in school and just so happens to have a
magical unicorn. When he’s not studying and playing baseball, Greg is riding his
unicorn through the enchanted land of Harmonia. When Greg brings something to
Harmonia that he shouldn’t, a secret gate is unlocked and the muck-muck monsters
are unleashed, causing terrible pollution in Harmonia. Can Greg and his unicorn stop
the muck-muck monsters before they find a way to Greg’s world?

Protagonist: ___________________________________________________________
Antagonist: ___________________________________________________________
Type of Conflict: ___________________________________________________________
Activity 3: Let’s Match!
Direction: Match column A to column B. Write your answer on the space provided. Use
upper-case letter.

Column A Column B
_____1. Direct Characterization A. the story’s time and place
_____2. Fiction B. the same person at the end of the story
_____3. Flat C. the series or sequence of events
_____4. Setting D. explicit characterization
_____5.Plot E. imaginative literary work
F. the writer shows the character’s
personality through speech

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