6607 hw1

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ECE6607 Computer networks–Fall 2021

Instructor: Chuanyi Ji
TA: Desmond Caulley
School of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Georgia Tech
Homework 1
Due 9/9/2021 11:55pm – please submit electronically to Canvas.

Reading: Please read the sections of the textbook suggested at the beginning of lecture slides (for
chapters 1 and 2)

Chap 1: P8

Chap 2

P7: First sketch out the network with DNS servers. Then sketch how an IP address is obtained
from the DNS. Finally solve the problem.

P8 (c) only.

P18 (a) through (e) (not (f) and (g)) .

Topic 1 (optional) on mini-presentation is in the lecture notes on application layer protocols.

Due to present in class on 9/9.

If you did the homework problems in the past in an undergrad networking class, you can choose
to skip this homework: You may submit a succinct note ``skip” before the due time. Then your
remaining home works will be given more weight. Make sure that you know the materials in hw1.

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