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Creating a Self extracting (SFX) Archive File Using WinRAR

This will show how the self-extracting file malware-quiz.exe was most likely created by
Pedro when using the program WinRAR. Let‟s begin the archiving process for this file. Or
as I like to phrase it, “Let‟s roll this „evil‟ file up into a self-extracting, innocent looking file
with a pretty little MSN butterfly icon on top.”

Step 1
Start up the WinRAR application; click „Browse for folder‟ under the „File‟ menu and browse
to the location of the file.

Fig. 1

With the file highlighted, clicking on the „Add‟ button will kickoff the archiving process. In
Fig.2 we are given the opportunity to give our new archive-to-be a name and selecting the
„Create SFX archive‟ option will give the file its self-extracting feature.
Fig. 2

Step 3
In Fig.3, under the „Advanced‟ tab and clicking on the „SFX options‟ button will lead us to
Fig. 4, where we can now configure our „Advanced SFX options‟.

Step 4
This is where all of our self-extracting configurations will be set. The default „Path to
extract‟ is configured under the „General‟ tab.
Fig. 4

Step 5
The „Modes‟ tab will give us our ability to drop into „silent‟ mode, making sure nothing is
displayed on the screen when the file is executed.
Fig. 5

Step 6
The „Text and icon‟ tab is where you set the title of the SFX window (that we‟re suppressing
from being displayed, „silent mode‟), the text to be displayed in the SFX window (again, not
seen due to „silent mode‟) and towards the bottom is where you can pick the deceiving icon
that you would like to be associated to this file.
Fig. 6

Step 7
The „License‟ tab is where you can set the title of the licensing window and any licensing
text that you want to have displayed. Again, this window will not be displayed due to the
„silent mode‟ that we will be running under.
Fig. 7

Step 8
After clicking the „OK‟ button we are taken back to the main configuration tabs. The „File‟
tab is where you will choose the file you want to archive (the „evil‟ file that we are rolling
up). In our case it‟s the file malware.exe.
Fig. 8

Step 9
The „Comment‟ tab contains a list of all the different configurations that we have set during
this archive process. The interesting part here is that we could clear out all of this text and
have no comment at all. This would have made it a little more challenging to figure out the
configuration settings.
Fig. 9

This screen shot just scrolls down the rest of the text so you can see the full comment.
Fig. 10

These next two screen shots (11 & 12) are most likely what you don't see when you
execute and run malware-quiz.exe. Although, the little graphic located in the white box on
the left-hand side could have been different.
Fig. 11

Fig. 12

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