Open Book Questions For Api 653

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Note: try these questions after read API 653 once; these questions are prepared to under stand each and every section of the
API 653.

1. The lowest average thickness ‘t’1 and least minimum thickness ‘t’2 are……………

a. The value of ‘t’1 shall be greater than or equal to ‘t’ minimum.

b. The value of ‘t’2 shall be greater than or equal to 60% of ‘t’ minimum.
c. Any corrosion allowance required for service until the time of next inspection shall be added to
‘t’ minimum and 60% of ‘t’ minimum.
d. a & b
e. All of the above.

2. The maximum vertical length ‘L’ calculated by formula L=3.7*√D*’t’2 where D is…..…

a. Pit area diameter.

b. Deepest pit diameter.
c. Tank diameter.
d. Annular diameter.

3. Identifies a procedure for installing a nozzle in the shell of tank that is in service.

a. API 653 does not allow this.

b. It is nothing but hot tapping.
c. Very critical repair.
d. In service repair.

4. Widely scattered pits may be ignored provided …………..

a. All pits should inspect and can’t ignore in any case.

b. Sum of their dimensions along any vertical line does not exceed 2 inch in an 8 inch length.
c. If each pit less than 2 inch length.
d. None of the above.

5. When calculating required minimum thickness from formula ‘t’ min.= 2.6*(H-1)*D*G/ S*E or
‘t’ min. = 2.6*H*D*G/ S*E. In this formula H will be……….

a. Nominal height of tank.

b. Height from the bottom of the length ‘L’ from the lowest point of the bottom of ‘L’ of the locally
thinned area to the maximum liquid level.
c. Height from the lowest point with in any location of interest to the maximum liquid level.
d. All of the above.
e. ‘b’ & ‘c’.

6. From the above question (S) maximum allowable stress in lbf/ is smaller of 0.80Y or
0.429T for bottom and second course. When Y is unknown what will be your action?

a. Take only 0.429T to calculate S.

b. Use 30,000 lbf/
c. Must need all the value to calculate.
d. Consult with tank engineer.

7. What will be the allowable hydrostatic test stress (lbf/ for A537 Class-2 material of 2nd
course shell in tank?

a. 41,500
b. 37,800
c. 34,300
d. 30,000

8. What will be the allowable product stress for A516-65 material in shell lower to the roof?

a. 27,900
b. 31,500
c. 65,000
d. 30,700

9. Where we can get maximum allowable shell stresses for reconstruction tanks?

a. Table 4.1 API 653.

b. Table 3.2 API 650.
c. 8.4 API 653
d. ‘a’ & ‘b’.
e. All of the above.

10. When calculating minimum thickness, the weld joint efficiency for butt welled tank constructed
according to API 650 10th edition.

a. 1.0
b. 0.85
c. 0.7
d. None of the above.

11. The following are some historical causes of tank bottom leakage or failure. But not one of this is.

a. Lack of an annular plate ring when required.

b. Inadequately supported sumps.
c. Weld joint cracking.
d. Thinner the bottom plate more the corrosion.

12. For bottom plate thickness measurement we are using MFL & UT. The quality of data obtained
for these techniques is dependent on personnel, equipment and _________

a. Location where the measurement was taken.

b. Procedure
c. Inspector
d. All of the above.

13. The 1st shell thickness of the tank is 1inch and its stress is 27000 lbf/ what will be the
annular plate thickness. (note: product specific gravity is 0.9)

a. 0.33 inch.
b. 0.50 inch.
c. 0.22 inch.
d. 0.10 inch.
e. Not enough information given to calculate annular plate thickness.

14. The 1st shell thickness of the tank is 1 inch and material is A537 Gr-2, what will be the annular
plate thickness (note: product specific gravity is 1.1)

a. 1/3 inch.
b. ¼ inch.
c. 5/8 inch.
d. 3/8 inch.
e. Not enough information given to calculate annular plate thickness.

15. Hairline cracks of uniform width do not seriously affect the strength of the concrete foundation.
However these cracks can be potential access points for moisture or water seepage that could eventually
result in corrosion of the ____________.

a. Bottom plate.
b. Annular plate.
c. Reinforcing steel.
d. Shell plate.

16. Any change in service must be evaluated to determine if it increase the risk of failure due to
brittle fracture. If the change in more severe, hydrostatic test is required, and following should be

a. The like hood of repair/ alterations similar hydrostatic test done.

b. The like hood of repair / alterations since the original hydrostatic test not meeting requirements
of API 653.
c. Determination of the tank since original hydro test.
d. All of the above.
e. ‘b’ & ‘c’.

17. For small nominal thickness of tank, the risk of failure due to brittle fracture is minimal,
provided that an evaluation for suitability of service in accordance with section 4 of API 653 has been
performed. For this assessment shell thickness will be _________.

a. The original nominal thickness for the thinner tank shell plate shall be used for this assessment.
b. ½ inch.
c. The original nominal thickness of the thickest tank shell plate shall be used for this assessment.
d. 1 inch.

18. Industry experience and laboratory test have shown that a membrane stress in tank shell plate of
______________ 7 ksi is required to cause failure due to brittle fracture.

a. Equal to.
b. At least.
c. More than.
d. Less than.

19. If tank bottom / foundation design with means to provide detection and containment of bottom
leak, minimum plate thick at next inspection shall be ________

a. 0.10 inch.
b. 0.05 inch.
c. 0.20 inch.
d. 0.025 inch.
e. 0.05 inch if applied tank bottom reinforced lining >0.05inch thick.

20. Inspection records shall maintain by owner/ operator. Completed record file consisting of three
types of records, they are________________.

a. Design drawing, inspection history, and repair/ alteration history.

b. Construction, inspection and repair / alteration history.
c. Thickness data, construction records and history of tank.
d. All of the above.

21. Material identification by original contract drawings, API name plate or other suitable
documentation __________________.

a. Require further identification.

b. Do not require further identification.
c. Should be documented in record.
d. None of the above.

22. There was a tensile test done to identify the plate and two specimen selected for this test, each
test results value of 50 ksi and 30 ksi. Tensile strength required by specification is 45 ksi. This test

a. Pass.
b. Fail.
c. Depends on code of construction.
d. Not enough data to deside.

23. Tank structural material shall meet ________________.

a. ASTM A7 as a minimum.
b. ASTM A36 or A992 as minimum.
c. ASTM A7 was a steel specification that was discontinued in the fourth edition of API 650: 1970.
d. If existing rolled structural as per ASTM A7 as a minimum and if new structural as per ASTM
A36 or A992 as minimum.
e. All of the above.

24. For reconstruction tanks, the maximum design liquid level for product shall be determined by
calculating the maximum design liquid level for the each shell course based on the specific gravity of
the product. For this calculation allowable stress for the material shall be determined using API std 650,
table 3-2, for material not listed in table 3-2 an allowable stress value of ___________.

a. Lesser of ¾ yield strength or 3/7 tensile strength shall be used.

b. Higher of ¾ yield strength or 3/7 tensile strength shall be used.
c. Lesser of 2/3 yield strength or 2/5 tensile strength shall be used.
d. Higher of 2/3 yield strength or 2/5 tensile strength shall be used.

25. The thickness of the replacement shell plate shall not be less than the greatest nominal thickness
of any plate in the same course adjoining the replacement plate except where the adjoining plate is a
__________________ plate.

a. Thinner insert.
b. Thickened insert.
c. Thickened patch.
d. Thinner patch.

26. In tank replacement, for existing shell plate ½ inch thick and less, the outer edge of the butt weld
attaching the replacement shell plate shall be at least _________ from the outer edge of vertical joints or
_____________ form the outer edge of horizontal.

a. 8t ; 10 inch.
b. 6 inch ; 6 inch.
c. 6 inch ; 3 inch.
d. 12 inch ; 12 inch.

27. To reduce the potential for distortion of an existing tank due to welding a replacement plate into
an existing tank shell must be considered of _________.

a. Fit up.
b. Heat input.
c. Welding sequence.
d. All of the above.

28. In a tank shell plate some area severely corroded and it has to replace with same shell plate
material, thickness of shell plate is ¾ inch. What will be the corner radius of the new insert replacement
shell plate?

a. 6 inch.
b. 3 inch.
c. 4.5 inch.
d. 12 inch.

29. 1-inch shell corroded area is planned to repair with lap welded 1-inch patch plate, this patch
planning to weld from outside of tank. What fillet weld size on the patch plate near shell to bottom
welds? (existing corner weld size is one inch)

a. 3/16 inch.
b. Lesser of repair plate thickness or bottom plate thickness.
c. ¼ inch.
d. ½ inch.
e. ¾ inch.

30. The maximum vertical and horizontal dimension of the repair plate for lapped patch shell repair
is ___________.

a. 36 inch and 72 inch respectively.

b. 48 inch and 72 inch respectively.
c. 24 inch and 64 inch respectively.
d. 56 inch and 80 inch respectively.

31. The minimum lapped patch shell repair plate dimension shall be 4 inch with a minimum and
maximum overlap of ___________.

a. 2t : 6t
b. 1 inch : 8t.
c. 4t : 6t
d. 6 inch : 24 inch.

32. Lapped patch repair method shall not be used if exposure of the fillet welds to the product will
produce ______________.

a. Product corrosion.
b. H2S corrosion.
c. Stress corrosion cracking.
d. Crevice corrosion.

33. When reinforcing plates are used over insert plate, the minimum diameter of the insert plate shall
equal to the diameter of the __________.

a. Penetration diameter + 12 inch.

b. Reinforcing diameter + 12 inch.
c. Penetration diameter + 24 inch.
d. None of the above.

34. A welded patch on bottom plate smaller than 12 inch in diameter is permitted. If __________.

a. It is equal to or exceeds 6 inch in diameter.

b. It is does overlap a bottom seam.
c. It is placed fully or partially over an existing patch.
d. It does not extend beyond the corroded bottom area, if any by at least 2 inch.

35. The tank bottom plate required repairing by weld on patch plate. What shape of patch plate
required, if the patch plate to be place 2 inch away form the critical zone.

a. Circular.
b. Oblong.
c. Polygonal with round corners.
d. Tombstone.
e. All of the above.

36. When replacing entire bottom, for tank constructed from material having 50,000 lbf/ yield
strength or less, existing shell penetration need not be raised, if this condition also meet _________.

a. For circular reinforcement plates blend-grind the nozzle attachment weld 60° on either side from
bottom center line of attachment and one pipe diameter length on either side of shell to bottom
weld inside and outside.
b. For diamond shaped reinforcement plates, blend-grind the four ‘O’ clock positions to the 8 ‘O’
clock position. Blend-grind the inside and outside of the shell to bottom corner weld a minimum
of one penetration diameter length on either side of the penetration’s centerline.
c. ‘a’ & ‘b’.
d. None of the above.

37. For tank shell plates of unknown toughness with thickness greater than ½ inch and having a
minimum shell design metal temperature below the curve given in figure 5.2 of API 653. What is the
one of limitation applying for hot tapping?

a. Nozzle maximum diameter 4 inch NPS.

b. The shell plate temperature shall be at or below the minimum shell design metal temperature for
the entire hot tapping operation.
c. All nozzles above 4 inch shall be reinforced.
d. All of the above.

38. In tank shell thickness ¼ inch required hot tapping of 10inch nozzle. As per API 653 this hot tap
is allowed?

a. No, only up to 6inch nozzle.

b. No, only up to 8inch nozzle.
c. Yes, only up to 14inch nozzle.
d. Yes, only up to 18inch nozzle.

39. A tank in service, this tank diameter is 200 feet and first shell thickness is ¾ inch, the tank design
engineer analyzed and allowed to weld one 14inch nozzle in service. This new nozzle location going to
be near to existing nozzle. As an API 653 inspector what distance you will suggest to install new nozzle
weld from existing one?

a. 9inch.
b. 12inch.
c. 30inch.
d. 43inch.
e. At least 14inch.

40. During dismantling of tank, how much minimum distance has to cut from the shell to bottom
weld toe, when the entire bottom is to reuse?

a. 1/2inch.
b. 2inch.
c. 12inch.
d. 6t (t is bottom plate thickness)

41. While dismantling of tank shell plate, any shell ring may be dismantled by cutting out existing
weld seems and the heat affected zone of the weld, for the purpose of this method, the minimum HAZ to
be removed will be_______________.

a. ½ of the weld metal width or 1/4inch, which ever is less, in any side of the weld seam.
b. ½ of the weld metal width or 1/4inch, which ever is less on both sides of the weld seam.
c. Cutting through the weld may use for dismantle any shell ring 1/2inch thick or thicker without
removing HAZ?
d. All of the above.

42. During reconstruction of shell vertical, new vertical joints in adjacent shell courses shall not be
aligned, but shall be offset from each other a minimum distance of plate thickness at the point of offset
is ____________.

a. 5 t of thicker course.
b. 5 t of thinner course.
c. 6 t of thinner course.
d. 6 t of thicker course.

43. Low hydrogen electrode shall be used for SMAW during reconstruction welding for the

a. All shell course of API 650 Group I – III materials.

b. All shell course over ½ inch thick of API 650 Group IV – VI materials.
c. Temporary and new permanent attachment to shell of API 650 Group IV – VI materials.
d. All of the above.

44. Maximum reinforcement of a reconstructed vertical joint of shell thickness 1inch is ________.

a. 3/16 inch.
b. 1/8 inch.
c. 1/32 inch.
d. 1/64 inch.

45. What will be the radii measurement tolerance for reconstructed tank measured in second shell
course of a 100 feet diameter tank?

a. + 2.25 inch.
b. + ¾ inch.
c. + 5 inch.
d. None of the above.

46. Allowable peaking & banding for reconstructed tank in any 36inch of welding will be _______.

a. ½ inch maximum peaking : 1inch maximum banding.

b. 1inch maximum peaking : ½ inch maximum banding.
c. ½ inch peaking and banding maximum.
d. None of the above.

47. The welds of permanent attachments and area where temporary attachments are removed and
remaining weld projections have been removed, shall be examined ____________.

a. MT or PT.
b. MFT or UT.
c. Visually.
d. All of the above.

48. A tank new shell plates replaced and welded over an existing shell plates, for this condition, what
will be the additional RT requirement?

a. New replacement shell plates to existing shell plates, one additional RT shall be taken in each
vertical joints.
b. New replacement shell to existing shell plates, one additional RT for each 50 feet of repaired
horizontal weld.
c. New replacement shell plates to existing shell plates, each intersection shall be radio graphed.
d. All of the above.

49. For replacement plate NDT which of the following requirement is correct?

a. For circular replacement plate one spot for all thickness and 100% RT if above 1inch thick.
b. For square and rectangular replacement plates, one spot in vertical joint and one spot in
horizontal joint for all thickness, and 100% of vertical joints if above 1inch thick.
c. ‘a’ & ‘b’.
d. None of the above.

50. Major repair and major alteration are_____________.

a. A 14inch nozzle replacement in the roof.

b. A 10inch nozzle replacement in the shell.
c. A bottom plate that next to the annular ring of full size replacement.
d. Shell to bottom corner weld repaired for 6inch length.
e. All of the above.

51. A full hydrostatic test for 24 hours shall be performed for ____________.

a. A reconstructed tank.
b. Any tank that has undergone major repairs or major alteration.
c. A tank where an engineer evaluation indicates that need for the hydrostatic test due to an
increase in the severity of service.
d. All of the above.

Answers for API 653 open book questions (samy’s).
1. D E API653 51. D API653
2. C API653
3. B 3.10. API653
4. B API653
5. E API653
6. B API653
7. B Table4.1 API653
8. D Table4.1 API653
9. D C Table4.1note6 API653
10. A Table4.2 API653
11. D 4.4.2 API653
12. B 4.4.6 API653
13. C API653
14. D API653
15. C API653
16. E 5.2.2 API653
17. C 5.3.4 API653
18. B 5.3.6 API653
19. B Table6.1 API653
20. B 6.8.1 API653
21. B API653
22. A API653
23. D 7.3.2 API653
24. C 8.4.2 API653
25. B 9.2.1 API653
26. C API653
27. D API653
28. A Fig. 9.1 API653
29. A Fig.9.2 API653
30. B API653
31. B API653
32. D API653
33. B 9.8.2c API653
34. A API653
35. D API653
36. A API653
37. A API653
38. B Table9.1 API653
39. C API653
40. C Fig.10.1 API653
41. B API653
42. A API653
43. C & API653
44. B Table10.1 API653
45. A 10.5.3 API653
46. A 10.5.4 & 10.5.5 API653
47. C API653
48. D & API653
49. C API653
50. D API653

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