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Oral Communication in
Module No. 5
Communicative Competence
Strategies In Various Speech Situations

Department of Education ● Republic of the Philippines

Oral Communication in Context
Alternative Delivery Mode
First Edition, 2020

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Undersecretary: Diosdado M. San Antonio
Assistant Secretary: Alma Ruby C. Torio

Development Team of the Module

Author: Dorcas M. Bandiala
Marife Abatayo
Content Editor: Daryl A. Pamisa and Ivy O. Niñeza
Language Editor: Ma. Alemil L. Fontilar and Joanne Kathryn
Proofreader : Ma. Alemil L. Fontilar
Illustrator/s: Vincent R. Cailing
Layout Artist: Ivy O. Niñeza
Development Team:
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Oral Communication in
Module No. 5
Communicative Competence
Strategies In Various Speech Situations

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Department of Education ● Republic of the Philippines

FAIR USE AND CONTENT DISCLAIMER: This SLM (Self Learning Module) is for
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Objectives 3
Pretest 3
Lesson Proper 4
Enrichment Activities 6
Generalization 7
Post-assessment 7

Objectives 8
Pretest 8
Lesson Proper 9
Enrichment Activities 10
Generalization 11
Application 11
Post -assessment 12

Objectives 12
Pretest 12
Lesson Proper 13
Enrichment Activities 15
Generalization 16
Application 16
Post -assessment 17
Additional Activities 18
Answer Key 19
References 20

Hi, welcome to Senior High School! I am so delighted to

see you!

You must have been experiencing a lot of

adjustments now that classes are on again! Well, I
want to let you know, we are happy to see you and
we will help you get through with your new learning
adventure. Through this module, your learning ride
will be easier and more fun!

What I Need to Know

For the Learners

Congratulations for completing the previous modules! You are now

ready for the next step which is learning how to employ various communicative
strategies in different situations. To learn more effectively, do not forget to
enjoy learning. Good luck!

Module Content

In this part of the module, you will learn the various strategies to be successful in
communicating effectively. These will surely be useful in different situations. Your
communicative competence will be developed in the activities that follow. So, have fun
and maximize your speaking potential.

Learning Competencies in this module:

Identifies the various types of speech context (EN11/12OC-Ifj-15)

Exhibits appropriate verbal and non-verbal behavior in a given speech context

Distinguishes types of speech style (EN11/12OC-Ifj-17)

Identifies social situations in each speech style is appropriate to use

Observes the appropriate language forms in using a particular speech style

Responds appropriately and effectively to a speech act (EN11/12OC-Ifj-20)


1. Do not put some markings on this module as there are still other students
who will be using it. You will need a separate COMMUNICATION ACTIVITY
NOTEBOOK where you will write all your answers and writing activities of
this module. Be sure to LABEL your work according to the Module, lessons
and the date you work on it.

2. Read texts and follow instructions carefully.

3. Do the tasks given and do not delay in submitting requirements. This can
help you avoid having a pile of unfinished activities. Do not forget to Enjoy!


At the end of the lesson, you will be able to:

identify various types of speech context; and

exhibit appropriate verbal and non-verbal behavior in a given speech context.

What I Know (Pretest)

Let us check your prior knowledge about this module’s coverage. Write
the letter of your answer on your COMMUINICATION ACTIVTY

1. Successful communication requires:

A. Understanding word-sentence relationships
B. Understanding word-sentence relationships and its speech acts
C. Letters A and B are true
D. Letters A and B are not true

2. Presents a particular topic, clearly, truthfully and saying only relevant details.
A. Nomination B. Restriction C. Turn-taking D. Termination

3. It is a speech context where the speaker acts both as the sender and the
receiver of the message.
A. Dyadic B. Interpersonal C. Intrapersonal D. Public

4. It is communication that occurs between two people

A. Dyad B. Small group C. Mono D. Peer Group

5. It refers to the distinctive way of communicating which consists of pattern

of linguistic, vocal and nonverbal behaviors.
A. Speech Context C. Speech Act
B. Speech Style D. Speech Competence

What’s New
What you KNOW about

Copy the boxes below on your COMMUNICATION NOTEBOOK

and fill them with speeches you have conducted both inside and
outside the classroom. Classify each according to the title found in
the box. There are no wrong or right answers.



 e.g. When I was thinking 
how to tell my mother
about our next project


(3 -12) PERSONS

What Is It
Speech context is the way that people use to communicate and
transmit message orally or verbally in a particular situation. People
must understand the environmental context so that they can
connect with their audience and effectively deliver their speeches.

1. Intrapersonal- It is when communication centers on one person such as

thinking, imagining, reflecting, etc. over various situations. The speaker plays
the roles of both the sender and the speaker of a message. “This message is
made up of your thoughts and feelings. There is feedback in the sense that
asyou talk to yourself, you discard certain ideas and replace them with others.”
(Hybels & Weaver, 2012,p6)

Example: A student is thinking about how fulfilling it was to receive high scores and
a commendation from the teacher for an excellent project made.

2. Interpersonal
It is when communication occurs between and among people which
establishes relationships, and develops rapport among them. “This
highlights how interpersonal communication connects and links people
together. It becomes personal as people’s unique qualities matter.”
(Solomon and Theiss, 2013, p5)

Types of Interpersonal Context

a. Dyad- communication involves two persons who are formally or informally
interacting with each other verbally and nonverbally.
Example: A student gives feedback on a speech performance by a
b. Small Group- communication involves at least three to fifteen people who
are doing a face-to- face interaction when all participants share ideas freely
in a discussion.
Example: The class officers are discussing how to impose classroom rules.

3. Public
This type of communication requires a speaker to deliver or send
message in front of a group. “In public communication, unlike in
interpersonal and small group, the channels are more exaggerated and in
big crowd, hence speakers need to increase voice volume,
use gestures, and visual aids such as PowerPoint presentation to
emphasize information.” (Hybels & Weaver, 2012, p19)

Example: A Class Valedictorian delivers a graduation speech to his

batch during the graduation rites.

Form of Public Communication

a. Mass Communication – It is to communicate between an entity and a
large and diverse audience, mediated by some form of technology such
as television, radio, magazines, newspapers, books, internet and other
types of media.

Example: A journalist expressing his stand on current issues through a

radio program.

How did you find the new information you have learned? I
hope it could help you as you accomplish the exercises
that follow. Good Luck!

Activity 1.1 LIST THEM!

Complete your list by providing the speech scenario (Column A)

with the correct speech context (Column B) and illustrate the
appropriate behavior, either verbal (Column C) or non-verbal
(Column D), in delivering the speeches. The first entry is done for
you as guide but please add more.

Appropriate behavior in delivering a

CONTEXT speech

Verbal Non-verbal
I thought of
answering a negative
post on my 1. Furrowed eyebrows,
1. Talking to the self
Facebook’s timeline looking up or eyeballs
but I have decided to rolling like thinking
hide the post instead
Asking a teacher
about the
performance task on
speech delivery

You are asked to

report to your class
on Safety and Health

What I Can Do
Activity 1.2 Reflect and Write! Please write your answers in your

1. Why do you think it is important to learn the various types of

speech context?
2. What do think should a speaker do to be able to make appropriate speeches in
particular situations?

What I Learned
Remember these key points:

 These are the types of speech context – which are

important in knowing the purpose why a speech is given.
A. Intrapersonal
B. Interpersonal - Dyad or Small group
C. Public Communication
D. Mass Communication
 Learning the types of speech context will build confidence to
communicate effectively to be understood.

Answer the following questions. Write T if the statement is true and
write F if the statement is false. Your answers must be written in
1. To communicate effectively is a complex process.
2. A speaker can also play a role as a receiver of message in an
intrapersonal context.
3. In a small group discussion, participants can freely share and express
4. It is important to make the voice louder in speaking to a bigger audience.
5. It is not easy to notice nonverbal cues among speakers in an
interpersonal communication.
6. Non-Verbal behavior includes maintaining eye-to eye contact to establish
7. Radio, television, books, billboards are examples of mass communication
8. Ethics in communication includes proper word choice in consideration of
the gender, roles, ethnicity and preferences of the person being talked to.
9. One major function of verbal communication is to relay a message to one
or more recipients.
10. A speaker in an intrapersonal communication context needs additional
visual channels such as slides in a PowerPoint presentation to share


At the end of the lesson, you will be able to:
 distinguish types of speech style;
 identify social situations in which each speech style is appropriate to use; and
 observe the appropriate language forms in using a particular speech style.

What I Know (Pretest)

Answer the following questions. Choose the letter of the correct
answer and write it in your COMMUNICATION ACTIVITY

1. Which of the following situations need a consultative speech style?

A. a campaign speech delivery
B. counseling session with the guidance counselor
C. a talk of encouragement for a son / daughter
D. a speech delivery of a president during a press conference
2. Which of the following situations need a casual speech style?
A. a talk with a friend while jogging
B. leading a prayer before meal
C. oratorical speech delivery
D. a talk to a guidance counselor
3. This style is private and occurs between or among close family members
or individuals?
A. consultative
B. intimate
C. formal
D. frozen
4. The following situations use formal speech style, except:
A. inquiring at a hotel
B. delivering an oratorical speech
C. a homily from a priest
D. a State of the Nation Address of the president
5. This uses jargons, slang or the vernacular language
A. casual
B. consultative
C. frozen

What’s New
Activity 2.1 What you KNOW about

Observe the illustrations in the boxes. Are there differences between

the two illustrations in terms of speech styles? What do you think is
the speech style used by the speakers in in Box A? in Box B?

Box A Box B

Insert illustration here

on group of friends Insert illustration
talking, laughing at here on the
the park president of the
delivering his SONA

"Hanging at SJU" by SJU Undergraduate Admissions is licensed with CC BY 2.0. To "Duterte_Philippines_President_Business_Forum_03" by KOREA.NET - Official page
view a copy of this license, visit of the Republic of Korea is licensed with CC BY-SA 2.0. To view a copy of this license,

What Is It
Speech style refers to the distinctive way of communicating to
others such as the patterns of speaking which are
characterized by vocabulary, pronunciation, intent, participants
and grammatical structures.

Five Types of Speech Styles

1. Intimate – This style is private, which occurs between or among close family
members or individuals. The type of language used in this style may not be
shared publicly.
2. Casual –This style is common among peers and friends. Jargon, slang, or
vernacular language are used. This style is usually seen in the streets,
during lunch time with friends and the like.
3. Consultative –The style of speech is a standard one where professional or
mutually acceptable language is a must. Examples of this are situations
between teachers and students, employers and employees, doctor and
patient, judge and lawyer, or president and his/her constituents.
4. Formal –This style is used in settings that adhere to formal procedures. This
speech style is one-way in nature. Examples of this are sermons by priests
and pastors, state of the nation address of the president, formal speeches or
pronouncements by the judges.
5. Frozen – This style is ‘frozen’ in time and remains unchanged. It mostly
occurs in ceremonies. Common examples are the Preamble of the
Constitution, Lord’s Prayer and Allegiance to the country or flag.

Activity 2.2 IDENTIFY!
Name the type of speech style appropriate for the following
situations. Write the letter of your choice in your



_____ 1. The field reporter delivers a news report on TV.

_____ 2. The students recited in unison their pledge of allegiance to the
Philippine National Flag.
_____ 3. Ysabelle consulted her parents about her preferred course for college.
_____ 4. The counselor gave counsel to students who are always late in classes.
_____ 5. A stranger was asking where to find the municipal hall.

Activity 2.3.Examine the dialogues below. Marked A – C. Name the type of speech
style used and describe whether the language forms used are appropriate in the given
situations. Write your answers in your COMMUNICATION ACTIVITY NOTEBOOK.



What I Learned
Remember these key points:
These are the types of speech style which dictates
what appropriate language should be used to make the
speech effective: Intimate, Casual, Consultative, Formal, Frozen.
 Learning the types of speech style will enable you to use language
properly and creatively to express well.

What I Can Do
Activity 2.4 On My Own

Decide what appropriate speech style should be used in a

given situation. Fill the graphic organizer that follows. The first
scenario is done for you. Answers must be written in your
What HOW
(Type of speech) (sample speech)
Scenario (situation)
(description) e.g. dialogue

Mother - daughter Intimate – it is between Mother: I understand you

conversation about private which close like to take STEM as SHS
daughter’s chosen may not be family track because you wish to
career path in SHS shared in public members become a nurse, but I
or would like to tell you
individuals that_________________
Daughter: I understand
mother… I am sorry.
Officiating Priest Frozen- formal, ________ Officiating Priest: by the
declares bride and fixed or ________ power vested up in me as
groom as wedded unchanged, ________ ordained minister, I now
couple listeners can’t ________ ____________________
Group of girl friends Informal, _______ Friend 1:
are talking over the casual, _______ _____________________
_______ _____________________
phone about their new conversational _______ _____________________
normal class in Oral _______ Friend _______________
Communication _____________________
Friend _______________

Directions: The types of speech styles are listed below, marked
A-E. Identify the speech style used in statements that follow.
Choose the letter of your answer and write it in your



The following are sample greetings in what type of speech?

______ 1. Hey, Jack. What's up?
______ 2. Hello, Good morning. May I speak to Ms. Abatayo, please?
______ 3. My darling, how was your first day at work?
______4. My salute to the dignitaries’ present. Ladies and Gentlemen, welcome to this
______5. Welcome to Binuangan SHS Open House. Where future leaders are
developed through faith and technology. I hope you will enjoy the tour.
The following are sample content of what speech type?
______ 6. I am sorry Sir. As I understand the task, we need to focus on improving our
delivery times rather than blaming our suppliers.
______ 7. Whoa, way to go! Nice catch!
______ 8. Lord, I offer You all my prayers, works, joys and suffering of this day.
_______9. Ako ay buong katapatang nanunumpa sa watawat ng Pilipinas
______ 10. You're so brilliant. Keep up the good work son.


At the end of the lesson, you will be able to:
 responds appropriately and effectively to a speech act.

What I Know (Pretest)

Answer the following questions. Choose the letter of the correct
answer and write it in your COMMUNICATION ACTIVITY

1. It is an utterance that the speaker makes to achieve an intended effect?

A. a speech context C. speech styles
B. speech acts D. formal speeches
2. The following are types of speech acts, except?
A. Locutionary C. perlocutionary
B. Illocutionary D. commentary

3. Which speech act shows consequence of the words we say?
A. Perlocutionary C. illocutionary
B. Locutionary D. colocutionary
4. The following classifications of speech act by Searle, except:
5. Assertive B. Directive C. commissive D. passive
An illocutionary point where statements commit the speaker to a course
of action
A. Assertive B. Commissive C. expressive D. directive
6. These are verbs that execute the speech act that they intend to affect the
receiver to do something
A. Performatives B. assertive C. expressive D. declarative
7. These are functions which are carried out through speech acts; except
A. Greetings B. Apology C. scrutiny D. compliment
8. Student A: “Thanks”
Student B: “Thank you for being so nice to me.”
A. Both A and B show appreciation
B. Both A and B does not show appreciation
C. Only B shows appreciation
D. A does not show appreciation
9. The phrase” I now pronounce you husband and wife,” when uttered by a
child to a couple in a gathering is not effective because
A. the occurrence was unusual
B. the condition was not met
C. the situation is not appropriate
D. the situation is critical
10. It is the ability to use language to effectively communicate with others.
A. communicative competence C. language use
B. communicative gap D. language nuisance

What’s New
Activity 3.1. What you KNOW about


the grid and provide what is being asked. List 5 famous product
taglines. Name the product and tell whether the tagline is catchy,
effective, meaningful, and truthful. Bear in mind that there are
no wrong answers. An example is given for you.


“In the Service of the ABS-CBN  Public Service/
Filipino”  Easy to remember

What Is It
Speech Act is an utterance that a speaker intends to affect his/her
audience which functions include apology, greeting, request,
invitation, complaint, compliment, or refusal. Speech acts have
real-life interactions and require not only knowledge of the
language but also appropriate use of that language within a given culture.

Types of Speech Acts

According to the Speech Act Theory developer, J. L. Austin (1962), utterances
have three kinds of meaning, given the right circumstances or contexts which directly
affects what the speaker really means.
1. Locutionary act (what is said) is the actual act of uttering or the literal meaning of
the utterance. e.g. “Please pass your project.”

2. Illocutionary act (What is meant)is the social function of what is being said or the
purpose of the person saying such words. e.g. “Can you submit your project
today?” the person is requesting the listener to submit his/her project today.

3. Perlocutionary act (what is udnerstood) is the resulting act of what is said or the
hearer recognizes the intention of the speaker. e.g. “Can you submit your project
today?”, the listener gets the point, therefore he/she would submit his/her project on
that day.

Indirect speech acts are speech acts which function does not have a direct
relationship with what the speaker actually means in his/her statement.

Please consider this utterance:

“The door is still open!” (Implied speech act: are you capable to close the door?)
- Here, the speaker literally questioned somebody if he or she has the ability to
close the door, this indirectly requests the addressee to close the door in behalf
of the speaker.
Performatives is a special type of speech act which statements with verbs to
execute the speech act that intend to affect. Performative speech acts only “work”
when said by the authoritative person, for instance: in a wedding the priest would
say “I now pronounce you man and wife”.

Searle’s Classification of Illocutionary Speech Act

As a response to Austin’s Speech Act Theory, John Searle (1976) a university
professor of California, Berkeley has five general classifications of speech act:
1. Assertive – this speech act grants the speaker to convey his/her view that the
proposal made is correct. The examples are suggesting, putting forward, swearing,
boasting and concluding.
Example: I make the best cake in town.

2. Directive – In this speech act, the speaker tries to make the addressee do what is
being asked. Some examples of these include asking, ordering, requesting, inviting,
advising and begging.
Example: Please come tomorrow morning for the meeting.
3. Commissive – this speech act compasses the speaker to make future actions, e.g.
promises and oaths.
Example: Starting today, I will never comment negatively about a post on Facebook.
4 Expressive – This speech act allows the speaker to express his feelings and
attitudes. These are words that express gratitude or thanks, congratulating, apologizing,
welcoming and deploring.
Example: I appreciate your effort in solving this problem.

5.Declaration - This speech act brings a change in the external situation. Some
examples of declarations are baptizing, firing, bidding, wedding and blessing.
Example: I now pronounce you husband and wife.

How did you find the new information you have

learned? These are important for you to successfully do
the tasks that follow.

Activity 3.2
After learning the unique characteristics of Searle’s
Classifications of Speech Act in the previous activity, you are now
ready to identify what illocutionary act is used in the following
utterances. Write the letter of your chosen utterance that
corresponds to the illocutionary acts below. Accomplish this activity

A. Assertive B. Directive C. Commissive D. Expressive E. Declaration

1.I think I can do better than him.

2. Please pay attention.
3. I am sorry for not being able to help you in making our project.
4. You are fired!
5. You are now husband and wife.
6. Welcome to my 18th Birthday party.
7. Make yourself comfortable.
8. Put your phone in a silent mode.

9. We find the defendant guilty.

10.From now on, I’ll be nice to him.
Great Job! Activity 3 was a test on how much you have learned about
illocutionary acts through sample utterances that are often used in common
situations. Do not lose the momentum. The next activity will be about
recounting common experiences among students. Enjoy!
What I Learned
Remember these key points:

 Speech Acts – an utterance that a speaker makes to attain

meaning in various circumstance and attain desired effect to the
listener: Perlocutionary, Locutionary, and Illocutionary is
classified as Assertive, Directive, Commissive, Expressive, Declaration
 Learning the types of speech acts will make us come to a realization that words
are powerful since it does not only give information or describe but it can also be used
to do things through an expression with corresponding meaning.
What I Can Do
Activity 3.3 On My Own

Write at least two speeches based from the situations, and meanings
suggested by the illustrations below. Utilize your
activity. Please follow the suggested format.

A. Assertive (Sample)
Situation: Nel wears his new pair of eye glasses.
Speech: This looks best on me.

B. Directive
Situation: John asks father to fix his toy.
Speech: ____________________________________

C. Expressive
Situation: ____________________________________
Speech: ____________________________________
D. _____________
Situation: ____________________________________
Speech: ____________________________________


Answer the following questions. Write the letter of the correct answer in

1.J.L Austin (1962) developed this breakthrough of the use of a language

A. Speech Context Theory C. Speech Styles Theory
B. Speech Acts Theory D. All of the above

2. John Searle (1976) classified which speech act?

A. locutionary C. perlocutionary
B. Illocutionary D. commentary
3. Which from the following is not a type of a speech act?
A. locutionary C. perlocutionary
B. Illocutionary D. commentary

4. “I have a class at 4:00 o’clock in the afternoon” this is a sample of what

illocutionary act?
A. Assertive C. commissive
B. Directive D. passive

5. What illocutionary act is expressed in this “ I nominate Mr. Earl John for the
office of the president.”
A. Directive C. commissive
B. Expressive D. declaration

6. “I will love him forever “ uses what speech act?

A. Commissive C. declaration
B. Expressive D. assertive

7. “The door is open.” What does this speech mean?

A. The listener is asking to close the door.
B. The listener is directing to close the door.
C. The speaker is asking if the door is open.
D. The speaker is directing to close the door.
8. What is the possible illocutionary act for the statement “ I promise to stop by”?
A. the speaker is stopping by
B. the speaker is making a promise
C. the receiver is waiting
D. the receiver is hearing the promise
9. Tell which speech is indirectly expressed
A. It’s cold in here.
B. Can you please close the door because its cold?
C. I am asking you to please close the door.
D. None of the above
10. The effect of the pandemic will dictate the economic trends of the next couple
of years. As used here “dictate” likely means;
A. Determined C. realistic.
B. Emotional D. sarcastic.


Great job! You have completed Lesson 1 successfully! Before going to the
next lesson, check the icon that best shows your learning experience.

I have understood the lesson well and I can even teach what I learned
to others.

I have understood the lesson but there are still other things that I
need to review and relearn.

I need to do additional work to be able to master the lesson. I need

help in some tasks.

If you checked the first icon, you are ready for lesson 2. If you have
checked the second icon, you need to review the things that you need to
relearn. If you have checked the third icon, it would be best if you read more
and ask help from your teacher, parents or peers in clarifying the lessons that
you find difficult. Be honest so that you will truly improve.

Additional Activity
Watch attentively the following videos. Follow the link or find a
video with similar situation/ scenario from YouTube. Choose
one from the videos to analyze. Complete the FOUR-SQUARE
MAP below. Please write your answers in your

Video 1. Telephone Conversation
Video 2. At the Restaurant Conversation

I think it would be better

I think it is about…
if …

I think it means that… I realized that…

Answer Key

Philippe John Fresnillo Sipacio, Anna Richie Garcia Balgos. Oral Communication
in Context textbook for Senior High School. C & E Publishing Inc. Quezon City,
Sipacio and Balgos. Oral Communication in Context. C&E Publishing House,
Inc. Quezon City:2016
Deped Curriculum Guide

Visit these links for more information.
speech style accessed May 15, 2020
characteristics and features of speech styles accessed May 13, 2020
speech styles accessed May 15, 2020
speech styles and samples accessed May 15, 2020
speech styles and samples accessed May 15, 2020
Short Situational Dialogs for Students of English as a Foreign Language Students of
English as a Foreign Language accessed May 15, 2020
accessed May 19, 2020
speech acts accessed May 20, 2020
speech act accessed May 20, 2020
discourse accessed May 22, 2020
speech acts accessed May 20, 2020
speech acts accessed May 20, 2020
speech acts accessed May 20, 2020
speech context accessed May 13, 2020
verbal and nonverbal behavior accessed May 13, 2020
nonverbal behavior accessed May 13, 2020
verbal behavior accessed May 13, 2020

For inquiries or feedback, please write or call:
Department of Education - Alternative Delivery Mode (DepEd-ADM)
Office Address: Masterson Avenue, Upper Balulang, Zone 1, Cagayan de
Oro City, Cagayan de Oro, Lalawigan ng Misamis Oriental
E-mail Address:


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