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SEE OF HER ing in the fashion industry. seven
“Last looks!” are a call She landed a job on an inde- years, five of which
to action for Meghan Camp- pendent film as the assistant sharing in a tiny NYC apart-
bell. In the film industry it’s the costume designer and found ment, they decided to start a
phrase assistant directors shout her calling. She spent the next new adventure together and
right before the camera starts nine years working on TV moved to San Diego, Cali-
to roll and the “last chance” shows, movies, and commer- fornia. Although Meghan was
for costume designers to make cials. Creating a style for the passionate about being a
the finishing touches on their characters bringing them to life costume designer she felt like
costumes. using the script as a guide there were more things for
Growing up in Florida is what her to learn and achieve
Meghan spent play-time sew- Meghan so she went back
ing clothes for her dolls, doing loved to school studying
their hair and styling them for most. graphic design and
photo shoots. She went on While is looking forward
to study Fashion Design and on set she to embarking on
Merchandising at Florida State met and another creative
University. Her ambition led her fell in path. She hopes
to New York City for a sum- love to work as an art
mer internship and she fell in with director where she
love with the big city. As soon an on can utilize her film
as she graduated, she packed set- production experi-
her bags and moved to NYC ence and her new
to pursue her dream of work- dresser, Chris Ayala. After graphic design skills. Meghan Campbell April 26, 2018
For as long as I can remember, I always have been
around the printing industry. My parents always
owned and operated their own Print Shop. I was
born and raised in Chicago, Ill. So of course as
you can imagine after school and homework
where I spent most of my free time, you guessed
it , working and observing all the levers, & parts as
they interactively moved simultaneously with other
levers . . . simply amazing ! ! !

As the world continues to change, evolve and

grasp the new DIGITAL ERA, so must we. Over
25 years of machine experience and knowledge
have been replaced with the new digital
equipment. I am using all my gathered
experience and knowledge from setting up,
running and maintaining various printing, die cutting
and finishing equipment to make the transition to
the digital aspect of the Printing industry easier.
Currently enrolled and attending the Interactive Me-
dia Certificate Program
Module 1: Print: Photoshop/Illustrator/InDesign/Ac-
Module 2: Multimedia: Sound, After Effects, Premier
Module 3: Web Design: Flash, Dreamweaver, HTML.
years this May

Ar t Hippies Food will be the

anniversary for I’m the
has been a
raised me.
My parents is what I have
my parents.
oldest of three
girls. Alyssa
love of mine par ticipated in in common is my only
is in PR at
since I was a many protests: with two of child. He’s
a children’s
little girl. I love anti-Vietnam my most close almost 16
hospital while
all types of ar t: war, for one. friends. All and a very
Erica is state
photography, As I grew up, three of us are thoughtful
drawing, their activism foodies. We person, a
painting, was instilled love to cook math wiz, a
design, glass, in me. Along and bake, too. pretty good
sculpture, cake with my son water polo
and husband,
I now stand
goalie and an
exper t video Gary
list could go up for the less game player. and I met our
on forever. I for tunate. last semester
was blessed in high school.
with the Our first
ability to date was at
draw almost prom. We
anything very then dated
realistically, just off and on for
not people. three years,
I’m still trying lived together
to tackle that for five, and
challenge. married at
age 26 (he’s
three days
older than I).
This May
will be our
23 wedding

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wa o t g h a in (o tt
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at ie r f pr e en tha itin a s re nt t e
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s a at ter s on and ca uat ev ney the igh s dr ed sp at y , c ing
nd he noo th my ed l l ed e
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so itu llfi Frie yclin ab
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“ w s n c w As me al ll m nds g, ou
du m a ni w ns o o a wo rig time wa e , Re de t a
ce e t n h t n f s fu rki ht s I’ y. I in ad sig bo
bu wa gs ere ruc a v the y r n m a ing n, ut
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to ea r y eo g ” ag cyc lik bra e m l bl enj sica d en bie
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My me is Wear
Mando Medina. I am passionate
about the place I live, San Diego,
its many local, independent estab-
lishments with makers of craft
beer, coffee, food, music, and art.
I enjoy its outdoors, hiking local I am a workaholic and
trails, skateboarding its parks. The like to work on many
thing I love to do the most.. meet business ventures at
people, especially when pouring at the same time. It keeps
craft beer festivals. Volunteering in the things interesting. I
community, that’s where it’s at. grew up being
influenced by European

i n g
music, the wave and

C r a f t punk genre. I spent most

nights going to punk

a Ca
and hardcore shows.
Roadie’d for a few
bands when I had
I was educated at SDSU’s Business school summers off.
of Craft Beer, where I learned how So I’ve always been
to start up a brewery business. When involved in music. I
I graduated I had all the tools neces- work as a Marketing
sary, but lacked the 1.5 million dollars Executive for a record
to fund a small brewery, so I partnered label called Misery Love Co.
a successful
with a friend to open Sanctum Ale I illustrate & layout graphic design
first year, I decided
House. It was the best decision I’ve for bands, creating websites, merch,
to re-focus all my energy into open-
ever made, because it allowed me to album covers, etc. On some nights you
ing my own brewery. I am currently
network and make connections, col- can catch me DJ’ing in clubs in San
working on opening a Meadery, a
laborate and brew beer, and purchase Diego and the Los Angeles area.
place where I can showcase all of my
beer from friends and support them. homebrewing recipes for craft mead,
coffee, tea, and soda. I plan to start up
a barrel-aging program utilizing beer,
bourbon, wine, and brandy barrels to
age maple syrup, brown sugar, coffee
beans, tea leaves, and cocao beans to
make specialty old fashioned sodas,
coffee, teas, hot cocoa and chocolate. I
also want to become a beekeeper, start
an apiary (bee hive) and collect honey
to use in our mead and other products.
My name is Hotaru Through my edu-
Morita and I am cational experience
23 years old. I here I aspire to gain
was born in a career in the online
Japan and came to computer graphics
the United States industry. I plan to be
at the age of 3. In a vocational
the United States, technician who
I grew up in many makes graphics and
different states up maintains layout for
and down the East clients as a freelancer.
Coast and finally
came to California.

“firefly” in
Creative Artist!
Hi I am Praveena. I love and it lets my creative in- ferent shades and moods
artwork and I enjoy dif- stincts flow freely. I have of nature. I enjoy working
ferent forms of paintings always found inspiration in oil painting and drawing
and craftwork. I have in simplicity and sponta- contemporary and tradi-
always enjoyed creative neous overflow of expres- tional portraits from his-
work. My art is inspired sions recollected in the tory and Indian mytholo-
by my mood and nature. tranquility of mind. Ever gy. I also enjoy teaching
I express my feelings since my childhood I have drawing to kids and chil-
through my art. I am dren. I take art classes
looking forward to dis- when possible. I plan to
play my artwork through hold an art exhibition to
this biography. I hope you display my paintings for
enjoy my paintings and my selling and appreciation.
artwork that I created I like to visit different
passionately. I work with museums and appreciate
different media, including artwork and paintings of
watercolor, oil painting different artists. I get
and color pencils. I cre- dwelled in various forms inspired by watching art-
ate artwork with paper of art. I have drawn na- work of different artists
quilling. I capture nature ture landscape by being in from different cultures
using different blends of the nature. I have numer- around the world.
paper. I find working with ous paintings of sunset
art extremely destressing and sunrise capturing dif-

chniques by
Te Pr

Le a

yee By Aurelia Yee

A urelia is a mommy, Web Developer and West

Coast Swing Dancer living in sunny San Diego. She grad-
uated from UC San Diego in 2012 with a B.S. in Man-
agement Science and started her career in Human
Resources. In 2014, she moved to the Bay Area to
work in University Recruiting for a large technolo-
gy firm.

In 2015, she decided that she wanted to

do more than Recruiting so she quit her
job to follow her dreams. She moved
back to San Diego and married her
college sweetheart. She found a
Front End Web Development pro-
gram and completed two certifications
while she was pregnant. In March 2016, she
and her husband welcomed to the world their beautiful son!

Aurelia currently freelance Web Development and is also in the pro-

cess of earning her Interactive Media Certificate. She specializes in
simple, functional, and modern designs and work closely with her
clients to bring her their visions to life. In her free time, Aurelia enjoys
visiting National Parks, photography, and West Coast Swing Dancing
during her free time.

15 | Self Magazine | Issue 20

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