ONE Function of EACH Enzymes Named.: Daisy Alberto 4-General

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Daisy Alberto


1. Enzymes are biological compounds which speed up the rate of chemical reactions.

a. (i) Give the names of TWO enzymes associated with digestion in humans and state
ONE function of EACH enzymes named.

Enzyme (1): Amylase

Function: The function of Amylase is to break down starch and produce maltose.

Enzyme (2): Pepsin

Function: The function of pepsin is to digest protein into polypeptides and peptone.
(4 marks)

(ii) The breakdown of food takes place in the mouth, stomach and small intestine.
Name the type of digestion for which the enzymes are responsible. (1 mark)
The type of digestion which enzymes are responsible for is Chemical digestion.

(b) Both temperature and pH affect the manner in which enzymes function. Figure 2
and 3 are graphs showing the rate of reaction of amylase over a range of temperature
and pH.
Daisy Alberto

(i) At approximately which temperature and pH does amylase function BEST?

Temperature: Amylase functions the best at approximately 37 degrees


pH: Amylase functions the best when it is at around 7.5.

(2 marks)

(ii) Suggest what effect temperatures GREATER than 550C would have on
enzymes. (1 mark)
The effect that temperatures greater than 55 degrees Celsius would have on enzymes
would be to cause them to denature, meaning that they would no longer function and
would lose their shape.

2. Figure 1 shows the effect of temperature on the rate at which starch is digested down by
enzyme, amylase.
Daisy Alberto

(a) (i) Observe the graph above. Insert the numerical data for the mass of reducing sugar
produced per unit time (mg/min).

Temperature Mass of reducing sugar

(0C) produced per unit time
0 2.6
5 6
10 12.2
15 20
20 27.1
25 35
30 41.3
35 45
40 34.2
45 22
50 12

(4 marks)


(i) Identify M, N, O and P.

M: Substrate
Daisy Alberto

N: Active Site
O: Enzyme
P: Product (4 marks)

(ii) At high temperature, enzymes are denatured and can no longer act as catalyst.
By using the letters M and N from Fig 2.1, suggest what happens when an enzyme is
denatured. (2 marks)
When an enzyme is denatured it loses its shape and no longer functions meaning that the
substrate can no longer bind with the enzyme.


(i) What is represented by

(a) The inflated balloon: represents the substrate.

(b) The fragments of inflated balloon: represents the end product after the chemical
reaction has occurred.
(2 marks)

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