QUESTIONS: Forms of Energy Soal Part I:: Nama: Mujibul Rijal Nim: 200204003

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Nama : Mujibul Rijal

Nim : 200204003

QUESTIONS: Forms of Energy

Soal Part I:

1. A simple, general definition of energy is: A.

change in temperature
B. energy cannot be created or destroyed, it can only be changed. C. the ability
to do work
D. what comes from a source that never runs out

2. Which of the following is the standard unit for measuring energy in physics?
A. calories
B. Joules
C. kilowatt-hours
D. foot-pounds

3. The Law of Conservation of Energy says:

A. energy comes from a source that never runs out
B. energy comes from a source that will run out one day
C. energy is the ability to do work
D. energy cannot be created or destroyed, it can only be changed or transferred

4. What kind of energy is at play when your body uses food so you can move?
A. gravitational energy
B. heat energy
C. chemical energy
D. nuclear energy

5. Which of the following is NOT a source of renewable energy?

A. sun B.
wind C.
coal D.

Soal Part II:

Identifikasi dan tulislah sebanyak mungkin kata benda (noun), kata kerja (verb), dan kata sifat
(adjective) dalam teks diatas, dan temukan artinya.

Jawaban Part I:
1. C
2. B
3. D
4. C
5. C

Jawaban Part II:

Kata Benda Kata Kerja Kata Sifat

1. Energy = energi 1. understood = dipahami 1. Different = berbeda
2. living things = makhluk hidup 2. do = melakukan 2. living = hidup
3. meals = makanan 3. work = bekerja/usaha 3. extremely = sangat
4. car = mobil 4. use = menggunakan 4. large = besar
5. tooth = gigi 5. maintain = mempertahankan 5. sitting = yang duduk
6. Chemical energy = energi 6. grow = tumbuh 6. high = tinggi
kimia 7. change = berubah/mengubah 7. renewable = terbarukan
7. Atoms = atom 8. move = bergerak 8. runs out = habis/kehabisan
8. Molecules = molekul 9. prepare = mempersiapkan
9. Body = tubuh 10. travel = bepergian
10. Food = makanan 11. brush = menyikat
11. Electrical energy = energi 12. found = ditemukan
listrik 13. makes = membuat
12. Electrons = electron 14. eat = makan
13. Planets = planet 15. caused = disebabkan
14. Sun = matahari 16. called = disebut
15. Light = cahaya 17. comes = berasal
16. Motion = gerakan 18. relating = berkaitan
17. Something = sesuatu 19. resulting = menghasilkan
18. Shelf = rak 20. generated = dihasilkan
19. World = dunia 21. stored = disimpan
20. Solar panels = panel surya 22. has = memiliki
21. Home = rumah 23. measuring = mengukur
22. Power home = peralatan rumah 24. says = dikatakan
23. Wind = angina 25. created = diciptakan
24. Coal = batu bara 26. destroyed = dimusnahkan
25. Electricity = listik 27. burn = membakar
26. Potential Energi = Energi 28. can = dapat
potensial 29. transferred = menyalakan
27. Kinetic Energi = energi kinetic 30. fall = jatuh
28. Object = benda
29. Nuclear energy = energi nuklir
30. Gravity Energy = energi gravity

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