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Speaker 1 (00:00):

Uh, this is a good list that I've put together inspired by a couple of others and my own contribution. And
I'd like to share this list with you first learning the power of purpose, a person who has purpose in their
life. They have something to go for some meaning. One writer described it for some people. It becomes
a magnificent obsession. And for you and I, maybe it doesn't need to be that dramatic as a magnificent
obsession, but it has to be something that does something to us. Something that pulls us, especially into
the future. You know, there are many options on is. One is the influence of the past. Some people are
always pulled back back, back by the past. Some people are always pulled aside by the distractions
distractions, but here's, what's powerful. If you have a list of high purpose in your life, it pulls you
toward the future.

Speaker 1 (01:03):
And the more powerful the purpose is, the stronger it pools. And here's the other great advantage. If
you have purpose for the future, it pulls you through all kinds of challenges and all kinds of difficulties. If
you don't have these strong purposes for the future, it's easy to get swallowed by a bad day. It's easy to
be almost denial lated by a poor month. And it's easy sometimes to almost disappear beneath the waves
of, uh, a year that goes backwards. If you don't have something to pull you beyond that year. So if you
want something to pull you through all kinds of challenges, all kinds of difficulties and things that come
at you, you got to have something on out they're beyond today, beyond next week, beyond next month,
beyond this year, that pulls you into the future and the clearer it is the stronger it pools the board.

Speaker 1 (01:57):
And the more dynamic it is, more of the effects, your life, your spirit, your heart, your soul. It also
creates imagination. It gets your mind working on how to achieve that purpose. And if your mind will
work and if your heart works and if your spirit works, and if you have good input, like good ideas, I'm
telling you there isn't anything you can. So that's one of the great powers. That'll make a variable of you.
And that is purpose. Here's the next one? Self confidence. Where does self-confidence come from? And
this is the best advice I can give you on that. Not neglecting. First of all, the small daily discipline self-
confidence really comes from feeling good about yourself. And one of the best ways to feel good about
yourself is at the end, end of the day, to know that you poured it on, you did your best.

Speaker 1 (02:50):
If you conducted the meeting, you did the best you could. If you made a phone call, it was the best
phone call you could possibly make. If you wrote a letter, it wasn't a casual letter. It was your best letter
at the end of those kinds of days, when you feel good about yourself, self confidence starts to rise. You
know that if you can have this kind of a good day, you can have another one the next day. And those
days become the weeks. The weeks become the months and the months becomes a powerful year. Self-
confidence comes from the lack of neglect. If you will not neglect to do the small daily disciplines, that's
where self-confidence comes from. Part of good health is self-confidence. I know I'm going to be
healthy. I take the Herbalife products. I eat the apple a day. I walk around the block.

Speaker 1 (03:37):
I do the jogging on the beach at the end of the day, when you've really poured it on. And you've done all
the stuff self-confidence grows that self-confidence affects your health. That affects your future, affects
your psyche. Well, this is true. One of the great powers is self-confidence self-confidence means
willingness to do whatever it takes to achieve. Some people say, well, I'll do it for a little while and see
what happens. You know, I'll try a couple of things. If that doesn't work I'm out of here. And all of us
know that that kind of person doesn't have much of a future, but if you're willing to do whatever it
takes, if I have to learn a couple of things, I will learn those things. If I got to learn five or six things, I'll
learn all six. If I have to take an extra class, I'll take an extra class.

Speaker 1 (04:25):
If I've got to read the books, I'll read the books. If I have to consult with people who know more than I
know I will do the necessary consulting, whatever it takes I will do that starts to develop unbelievable.
Self-confidence self-confidence also comes from the ability to rise above your circumstances, to rise
above what happens, the petty little things, the discouraging things that would sink everyone else's ship,
except you. That would cause someone else to quit early in the day. But you keep going that kind of
willingness to overcome all circumstances, whether it's a little challenges or the big challenges, if you're
willing to do that, I promise you this kind of power will work for you and in you, the variable it'll make it

here. STOP .The third on the list I had was enthusiasm. And here's what I wrote about enthusiasm.
Enthusiasm. That's powerful is mostly enthusiasm.

Speaker 1 (05:26):
That is enthusiasm inside 90%, 10% outside. We all know what the enthusiasm is like when somebody
lets us see their enthusiasm, which is the, like the 90% and only 10% of it is inside. But the enthusiasm
that really affects people is not just being loud, but the enthusiasm that runs deep, the enthusiasm that
comes from deep inside created by self-confidence created by purpose created by genuine willingness,
to help other people that kind of enthusiasm, knowing that you're going to get the job done, knowing
you're going to affect people, knowing you're going to have testimonials flowing in from all kinds of
directions, that kind of enthusiasm. A lot of it is quiet. A lot of it is unheard and the 10%, the turd, it
rings a bell. People call it genuine enthusiasm because they know that what you say in the outward
display of your enthusiasm is only a small tip of the iceberg of the enthusiasm you feel inside. That really
motivates you to do the best job you can.

Speaker 1 (06:40):
Next on my list to help you become the powerful variable is expertise, wanting to Excel in all of the skills
and settling for nothing less than an outstanding perform. If you're willing to be the best in your field, if
you're willing to demand of yourself, excellence in skill, to be the best that you can possibly be in the
training, do the best you possibly can in doing a workshop, do the best you possibly can. Developing the
skills of using your personality, developing the skills of language, developing the skills of influence,
developing the skills of organizing. If you're willing to be an expert in all of the skills, Herbalife has the
way for you to invest those skills. And not only make a handsome living, not only make a lot of money,
but if you would so desire and if it would be your purpose, a chance to make your fortune expertise
excellence in skills here with the next one on my list, making a powerful contribution to you, the variable
and that is preparation well-prepared and preparation of course involves a whole lot of things.

Speaker 1 (08:03):
A big share of our life is preparing, getting ready. When we go to the first grade in school, we're just
preparing for the second grade. After we finished two grades, the two grades prepare us for number
three. Sometimes it seems like a long excruciating time and the time will just sing likes. It'll never come
when we can finally have the performance that we really want, but it takes time to prepare. It takes
time to get ready and the decisions you make and the preparation time, those are the decisions that
lasts for a lifetime. Preparing to have a good day. It's that preparing maybe the night before, maybe the
couple of days before the day that you're going to put everything together. The preparation for a
meeting means that you've taken it serious. And the preparation for doing a workshop means you're
serious about the workshop you want to make the best contribution.

Speaker 1 (09:00):
That kind of preparation is important, but here's preparation. That's very vital. And that is to prepare
yourself for success. Life seemingly does not wish to waste success on the unprepared life says, why
waste the fortune on this person? They're not prepared to do the right things with it. They're not
prepared to use it wisely. If a fortune was bestowed upon this unprepared person, it would probably be
wasted. The people that could have been touched won't be touched. What could have been done.
Won't be done because this fortune will have been wasted on the unprepared person. So not only look
for fortune, not only look for the promise, but prepare yourself and ask of yourself. What can I do to
make myself ready? Because remember it was designed not to give us what we want, not to give us

what we need, but life was designed to give us what we deserve. STOP
Speaker 1 (10:02):
Every value in life must be paid for. And those that pay are the ones that get it. It says those that give a
receipt, someone says, I wish to receive. I wish to receive. You don't have to concentrate on receiving.
Just become a good giver. It says those that search will find someone says, well, I need to find some
good ideas to help change my life for the future. Then to find good ideas that doesn't come because you
need them because it comes because you search for them. If you want good ideas, you've got to go after
them. You got to go to the class. You've got to go to the workshop. You got to go to the training, go to
the book, right? You got to go to the journal, right? Go where good ideas are being taught. Go searching,
go looking because good ideas are not going to be wasted on those that are not seeking, searching.

Speaker 1 (10:49):
Well-prepared so prepare yourself to be ready for fortunate. When it comes to be ready for challenge,
when it comes to be ready for opportunity. When it comes, opportunity comes along and passes by the
person that is not well-prepared. I want to prepare myself this year for next year. Yes. I wish to be
effective this year, but I'm also thinking of ways. How could I be better? How could my ideas be more
powerful? How could they be sharper, more clear? How could I reach some people next year that I
perhaps can't reach this year? I haven't reached deep enough into my own soul to affect some people.
Some people just pass by and say, Hey, what a good speech, but how could I make it stronger than that?
Deeper than that, more powerful than that, I cannot be as powerful as I could be next year.

Speaker 1 (11:41):
You know, you can't go to the, to the 10th grade and the fifth grade, you just got to go through the
grades, but the more you are prepared when the 10th grade finally comes, now you can cash and get
two times, three times, five times more value from it by being prepared. I want to do my best this year
for Herbalife, but I also want to get ready for next year, 1999. And then when the year 2000 comes at
the turn of the century, I want to be well-equipped by language, by instinct, by temperament, by
personality, by influence to really be valuable. The year 2,002,000 1, 2 3, 4, 5. That's my goal. I'm sure
it's your goal now. Here's the next one. There's great power in self-reliance self-reliance means you
simply look mostly to yourself. It would be nice. If someone just gave you, this gave you, this gave you

Speaker 1 (12:46):
It would be nice if everyone did their job exactly as they're supposed to do it. But here's what you've got
to do. Primarily rely on yourself. Primarily say, I'm the person responsible. And I will learn the necessary
skills so that I can help people learn their skills. If I need lots of people to do certain things, to build my
organization, that is what I must have, but I've got to be the final backstop. I've got to be the final one
that people can rely on so that if this is missed and this is missed, I can catch up. I can fill the gap. I can
do the job. We have to do it. When we conduct meetings, we have to do it. When we conduct training,
we have to do it. When we were in a class of just a few, what someone might've missed, we're there to
fill in. Self-reliance primarily relearning to count on yourself so that you can do this. Never complain and
never explained.

Speaker 1 (13:48):
Here's the next key power. And that's image. There's many parts to image the image that others see you
as the image you have with other people. And that's very important. How other people see you if they
don't see you as a leader, chances are they won't pay attention. If they don't see you as being in control,
chances are, they won't have the trust. If they don't see you as knowing where you're going, what you
want to accomplish, they probably won't follow. But if people can see you, if you have the image of
someone that's in charge, in control, in control of your life, your future, your destiny in control of the
situation. If they see that, that kind of image is powerful, it helps to win the day. It attracts other people.
People want to be around people that are in control that are powerful, but they know how to use their
power influential, but they know how to use their influence. That kind of image is important.

Speaker 2 (14:54):
Here's a very important image. And that is your image of, of your

Speaker 1 (14:58):
Sell the way you dress, the way you talk, the way you think your capacity for learning. All of that is an

important image that you have of yourself. STOP. The image that you have, that if it needs to be
learned, you could learn it. If there's a book that needs to be mastered, you could master it. If there's a
skill, I feel that needs to be learned. Why couldn't you get busy now and learn that skill, that kind of self
image that I am continually trying my best to be the best I can. Because one of the most important
places you have to look as into the future. Yes. You've got to look into the past. Yes. You've got to look
around. Yes. But one of the most important places you have to look is in the mirror. You know how I
appear to other people that's important, but how I appear to me self is the ultimate importance.

Speaker 1 (15:55):
That kind of image to where you'll develop the self confidence. You'll develop the self reliance. Now
here's another one in my rather short list. The next word is Kerrick becoming a person of high values, a
person of principles, a person of honest, a person that earns respect that kind of character. It took
character. When mark started to put the marketing system together, how can we have a system that
will build in the integrity that people will know that if this happens, then this will happen. And if this
goes wrong, here's the way to fix it. Unless you have the principles and the character and the integrity to
put together a viable plan for a wide variety of people. Then the system is not going to last very long and
I've been around long enough. And I'm sure you have been around long enough to see a lot of systems
that got started, but they failed.

Speaker 1 (17:02):
And the reason is because they were not constructed with integrity, they were not constructed with
character. They were not constructed with doing the right thing. They might've been constructed to take
advantage, you know, cash it out as quickly as possible. And leave mark was involved when others took
advantage of him all those years ago, [inaudible] when someone took advantage and did it have the
character, didn't have the principles and didn't have the, the character to stay the character, to see it
through the character to do that. So this is important to develop the character within yourself, that
people see you as honest as fair, willing to do the right thing, willing to be helpful, but always willing to
walk the center line, not to pass the line. When we come to an opportunity to like Herbalife, especially a
multi-level network marketing, it is so dynamic. It is so powerful and it is so possible in fortune making
that sometimes people want to speed up the process by cutting the corners by neglecting to do the right
things, you know, to cheat a little here, cheat a little here, you know, cross the line just a little bit
because then, you know, it'll grow faster and you can cash in quicker, not necessary here doing
Herbalife, right?

Speaker 1 (18:26):
We'll build your fortune longer and stronger than trying to cut the corners and not doing it right. If you
all have, if we'll have the integrity that mark had when he started it and keep perpetuating that, that we
will do the right thing by the marketing system, the right thing by a distributor who has a customer, and
they take care of that customer, that customer belongs to that distributor, that kind of integrity in the
marketing system, the kind of integrity we have among each other, the kind of character we have to rely

on each other, because here's what we cannot do. We cannot do this by ourselves. STOP. Mark's
got to count on me. I've got to count on mark. We've got to count on the president's team. President's
team has to count on the chairman's club for advice and telephone. We have to count on the millionaire
team, the tabulator team, the world team.

Speaker 1 (19:12):
We've got to count on the distributor. We've got to keep count on the distributor, giving the right
message to the potential customer. We've got to count on the distributor, giving wise counsel to the
new recruit, teaching them the right way, the Herbalife way, the principled way, the character way
vitally important building and developing your own carrot. Now here's another one it's called self-
discipline. Self-discipline all of us have a challenge with that because sometimes it's easy. And especially
if you're working hard, doing the best you can. It's easy sometimes to let up and let it go. But remember
so many people, especially now that we're as big as we are around the world are counting on what we
do at home office. They have to be careful. They have to be disciplined. It's easy for the person who
ships the product from Herbalife says, oh, well, I'll wait until tomorrow to ship it.

Speaker 1 (20:11):
And then they go home and sleep like a baby. But the distributor who's waiting for that product. Doesn't
sleep that night or doesn't sleep when the product doesn't show on time. But if everybody will have the
discipline to say, I will do the best job I can. I will make mistakes, of course, because we're all human,
but I'll try to remedy those mistakes and do the best job I can. That kind of self discipline that
understands how important your part is in all of the functions that work coming to work on the set here,
uh, HBN, there's so many people that play a part and each one of parts that are played is necessary to
put on the broadcast, make it viable, make it real, make it powerful, any couple of the missing. And it
would be a disaster, but all of it put together and it works like a chunk.

Speaker 1 (21:01):
Each person developing the self discipline to do their part, do their job. Here's one more. And that is the
power of extraordinary performance and demanding of yourself. Excellent results. This is so important.
If you want to live extraordinary, you must do it extraordinary. You want an extraordinary income. You
must do extraordinary things. If you want an extraordinary fortune, you must go with the demands of
what it takes to have that fortune. Mark. It's such an unfortunate, it's almost beyond comprehension.
What the numbers really are, but guess what? He has the satisfaction of knowing he earned it all. If he'd
have been lax in the performance, Herbalife would not be here. These 18 years later, Herbalife would
have been a footnote in multi-level history, but because he performed a year after year, the third year in
the fifth year and the seventh year and the 10th year and the 12th year and the 15th year forming well
in the 18th year, I'm telling you, that's what makes it such a viable fortune for mark personally, of
course, because he did the job.

Speaker 1 (22:24):
If we would ask about that kind of performance, got to ask it of yourself, you know, I can't ask it of you. I
would try to inspire you. I would try try my best to share with you what it might taste like, what it's like
to finally make your fortune. That happened for me. But here's what you must do. You must demand it
of yourself. Society does not demand that you not have a heart attack, but if you want to escape having
a heart attack, you must demand it of yourself. Society. Doesn't demand that you take Herbalife and
improve your health. You have to demand it of yourself. Society doesn't demand that you jog around
the block every morning. But if you want good health, you must demand it of yourself. Society. Doesn't
demand that you read a couple of books a week and improve your intelligence and your knowledge that
you must demand of yourself. Society does not demand that you build a financial wall around your
family. Nothing can get through. That's not a demand of society, but you must demand it. If you wish it,
you must demand it of yourself. Society doesn't demand that you learn a list of 10.

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