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11.1 Tests Concerning Means

μ=population mean
Tests on two meansmeanTests on one

μo =hypothesized mean
σ =standard deviation of population
s=standard deviation of sample
x́ =mean of sample taken from the
μ1=mean of population 1
μ2=mean of population 2
σ 1 =standard deviation of
population 1
σ 2=standard deviation of
population 2
x́ 1=mean of sample taken from
population 1
x́ 2=mean of sample taken from
population 2
s1=standard deviation of sample 1
s2=standard deviation of sample 2
dμo =hypothesized difference of μ1
pairedTest on

D=population mean of the

d o =hypothesized mean difference
s=standard deviation of differences
x́ =mean difference of sample
EXERCISES: the salaries for the teachers in the state is $4,415. Test the
1. DUNKIN donuts claim that the waiting time of union's claim at the 5 percent level of significance.
customers for service is normally distributed with a mean of
three minutes and a standard deviation of one minute. The 4. Cloud seeding has been studied for many decades as a
quality assurance department found in a sample of 50 weather modification procedure. The rainfall in acre-feet
customers that the mean waiting time is 2.85 minutes. At a from 20 clouds that were selected at random and seeded
0.05 level of significance, can we conclude that the mean with silver nitrate follows: 18.0, 30.7, 19.8, 27.1, 22.3, 18.8,
waiting time is less than three minutes? 31.8, 23.4, 21.2, 27.9, 31.9, 27.1, 25.0, 24.7, 26.9, 21.8,
29.2, 34.8, 26.7, and 31.6. Can you support a claim that
2. A manufacturer contemplating the purchase of new tool mean rainfall from seeded clouds exceeds 25 acre-feet? Use
making equipment has specified that, on average, the a 0.01 level of significance.
equipment should not require more than 10min of setup
time per hour of operation. The purchasing agent visits a 5. A drug company alleges that the average time for a cough
company where the equipment being considered is syrup to take effect is 15 minutes, with standard deviation
installed; from records there the agent notes that 25 of 3 minutes. In a random sample of 49 patients, the
randomly selected hours of operation included a total of 4hr average time was 18 minutes. Test the company’s allegation
and 30min of setup time, and the standard deviation of against the alternative that the average time is not 18
setup time per hour was 3.0 min. Based on this sample minutes using 1% level of significance.
result, can the assumption that the equipment meets setup
time specifications be rejected at the 1 percent level of 6. A random sample of 100 deaths in certain area during the
significance? past year showed an average life span of 71.8 years.
Assuming that the population standard deviation is 8.9
3. A teachers' union would like to establish that the average years, does this seem to indicate the average life span today
salary for high school teachers in a particular state is less is significantly greater than 70 years? Use 0.05 level of
than $32,500. A random sample of 100 public high school significance.
teachers in the particular state has a mean salary of $31,578.
It is known from past history that the standard deviation of
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7. Ten subjects were chosen for an experiment. They were 76 90 85 84 96 61 69
asked to perform a certain physical activity. The number of 82 77 91 58 68 87 72
heart beats per minute, before and after the experiment are
recorded as follows: 11. Suppose that the makers of Duracell batteries want to
Subject Before After Subject Before After prove that their size AA battery lasts an average of at least
No. No. 45 minutes longer than Duracell’s main competitors, the
1 60 92 6 72 76 Energizer. Two independent random samples of 100
2 67 79 7 71 73 batteries of each kind are selected, and the batteries are run
3 72 72 8 69 81 continuously until they are no longer operational. The
4 71 80 9 75 80 sample average life for Duracell is found to be x́ 1=308
5 68 72 10 68 76 minutes, and the sample standard deviation is s1=84
Test whether there is a difference in the heartbeats of the minutes. The results for the Energizer batteries are x́ 2=254
subjects before and after the physical activity at 5% level of
significance. minutes and s2=67 minutes. Is there evidence to
substantiate Duracell’s claim that their batteries last, on the
8. Two Groups X and Y of freshman students, 28 in each average, at least 45 minutes longer than Energizer batteries
group, are paired for age and score on Form A of the Otis of the same size? Use α =0.01.
Group Intelligence Scale. Three weeks later, both groups
are given Form B of the same test. Before the second test, 12. The following data represent the running times of films
Group X, the experimental group, is praised for its produced by two different motion picture companies:
performance on the first test and urged to try to score better Company Time (in minutes)
than the other group. Group Y, the control group, was given A 102 68 98 109 92
the second test without comment. Will the incentive (praise) B 81 165 97 143 92 78 114
cause the final scores of group X and Group Y to differ
significantly? Test the hypotheses at 0.01 level of Test hypothesis that the average running time of films
significance given the information below: produced by Company B exceeds the average running time
Mean Scores on Form Standard Deviation on of films produced by Company A by 10 minutes against
B Final Test Form B Final Test the alternative that the difference is more than 10 minutes.
Group X Group Y Group X Group Y Use a 0.05 level of significance and assume the
88.63 83.24 24.36 21.62 distribution of times to be approximately normal and the
population variances are equal.
9. A researcher wishes to determine if vitamin E
supplements could increase cognitive ability among elderly 13. Many companies that cater to teenagers have learned
women. In 1999, the researcher recruits a sample of elderly that young people respond to commercials that provide
women age 75-80. At the time of the enrollment of the dance-beat music, adventure, and a fast pace, rather than
study, the women were randomized to either take Vitamin E words. In one test, a group of 128 teenagers were shown
or a placebo for six months. At the end of the six month commercials featuring rock music, and their purchasing
period, the women were given a cognition test. Higher frequency of the advertised products over the following
scores on this test indicate better cognition. The mean and month were recorded as a single score for each person in
standard deviation of the test scores of 81 women who took the group. Then a group of 212 teenagers were shown
vitamin E supplements was 27 and 6.9 respectively. The commercials for the same products, but with the music
mean and standard deviation of the test scores of the 90 replaced by verbal persuasion. The purchase frequency
women who took placebo supplements was 24 and 6.2. scores of this group were computed as well. The results for
Compute a 95% confidence level for the mean difference in the music group were x́=23.5 and s=12.2; and the
cognition test scores between Vitamin E and placebo results for the verbal group were x́=18.0 and s=10.5.
groups. What would you conclude from these study results? Assume that the two groups were randomly selected from
Assume unequal variances. the entire teenager consumer population. Using the
α =0.01 level of significance, test the null hypothesis that
10. The resting heart rates were measured in sample of both methods are equally effective versus the alternative
women smokers and non-smokers at a state university. Was hypothesis that they are not equally effective.
there a significant difference in the resting heart rates of the
two groups? Use 5% level of significance?
Smokers Non-smokers
78 100 88 90 72 62 82 78 80
62 94 88 68 66 62 68 76 64
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