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Name: Roa, Lindsay P.

Section: BSBA-MM 3-3P


1. Describe the mindset of Ramon S. Ang as Chief Executive Officer

of San Miguel Corporation. Is he simply an astute businessman, or
is he innately a good person? What makes SMC’s CSR Programs
- In my own opinion, Ramon S. Ang is both an astute businessman
and a good person. This man knows what is best for his company
and also how he wants to help the nation because we all know that
he is a man with different capabilities. His mindset doesn’t stop on
making their company lead the industry but he also focuses on
helping other people that are in need. Their programs became so
admirable because they provide a better and safer community for
the people like for example one of the SMC’s projects which
proposes the government a $2-billion, 14-meter spillway that will
allow the waters of Laguna de Bay in the east of Metro Manila to
flow directly to Manila Bay, this is an important flood-control which
was offered by Mr. Ramon S. Ang. He’s not limiting the fortune he
has only for himself but he did study the main problems of our
communities and gave a solution to it.

2. Do you have (attitude, skills, etc.) what it takes to be an effective

and efficient CSR Program administrator or manager? What
makes you think so?
- I have the characteristics of being an effective CSR program
administrator/manager since I am aware of what is needed for the
betterment of our society. I am open to every possibility and is very
much willing to try everything whether it is impossible or too hard
to be executed, anything that it takes to have a sustainable project
that will help people. Another thing is that I have experienced the
lackness which made me have a soft heart for those people in

3. If you are designated as CSR Youth Organizer of PUP, what is

your recommended program?

- If I am a designated CSR Youth Organizer of PUP, I would

recommend a program that would make the youth be mindful or
know the importance of family planning to our communities, most
especially to those places where they lack knowledge about this
matter. I know the Philippines is somehow a free country but then
our population is getting bigger, such as unemployment,
malnutrition and millions of kids couldn’t receive the right education
that they deserve. The program that I have in mind would also
encourage the students to engage in this charity or volunteer work.

4. From your personal observations and/or readings, why do a lot of

corporate entities have:

No CSR Programs
- They don’t have the money to provide CSR Programs, they lack
investments or the profit that they’re earning isn’t enough to build
different programs like this.
Failed CSR Programs
- The reason why some had failed CSR programs is because the
goals of most CSR efforts were too broad, they failed on executing
these programs and some do not really address the basic needs
which lack inputs from individuals/communities that they gave their
support to.
On-Off (sporadic) CSR Programs
- They don’t gain enough profit to sustain these programs.

5. Of the many inspirational/motivational articles that I have given

you, which one article impacted you most? Why?
- That one article that has this great impact on me is the “Ways To
Get Negative Thoughts Out (And Let Positive Thoughts In)”
because to be honest, I’ve been thinking a lot of negative things
because of what I am experiencing right now. Thoughts of not
graduating on time, or that I am not good enough or didn’t exert
much effort in studying. My future is what I am most worried about.
I have become anxious since then but the amount of despair
increased when the pandemic started. But because of this article,
the negative thoughts were washed away, although I still worry
sometimes but I have learned that every worry will come to an end,
I realized that no life is perfect, we'll have opportunities and at the
same time we face different kinds of problems everyday. I now
think of it as a challenge that will make me stronger for the rest of
my life, and also if something or someone dishearten you, life
doesn't stop there and it will continue to bloom each day with or
without them. We find our real happiness within us.

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