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An introduction to HTTP
Worksheet 2.1
HyperTest Transfer Protocol = HTTP
HyperText Markup Language = HTML
Uniform Resource Locator = URL
File Transfer Protocol = FTP
Simple Mail Transfer Protocol = SMTP
Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure HTTPS
Transport Layer Security = TLS
Secure Sockets Layer = SSL

New vocabulary:









Activity 2.2

Complete the following matching exercise using the new words and their

Vocabulary Definition
1.Browse J a. to convert secretly coded data
back into its original form. 9
2.request H b. the process of making data
unreadable by other humans or
3.response F c. the complete location or name
of where a computer, file, device,
or web page is located. 7
4. Stateless G d. a group of computers that are
connected and can share information.
5 D e. the address of a website 6
6. Domain E f. an answer or reaction.3
7.path C g. the condition of having no
previous data to address.4
8.encrypt B h. the act of asking for something
to be given or done.2
9.decrypt A j. to look through or over
Activity 2.3
Watch the video and answer the following questions.

1. How can we use the star?

we can use a star marking it next to whatever text you think is

2. Where is the exclamation point placed?

we can put an exclamation point next to key inflection points or something
you want to go back to
3. Color code your notes. Use different colors for:
4. Give each chapter a title (main idea)
Activity 2.4
Read the following text. As you read, annotate it by using colors, highlighting,
or underlining.

In this article, you will learn how the World Wide Web works at a fundamental level.

The core technology is HTTP - Hypertext Transfer Protocol. It's the communication protocol you
use when you browse the web. At a fundamental level, when you visit a website, your browser
makes an HTTP request to a server. Then that server responds with a resource (an image, video, or
the HTML of a web page) -  which your browser then displays for you. This is HTTP's message-
based model. Every HTTP interaction includes a request and a response.

By its nature, HTTP is stateless. Stateless means that all requests are separate from each other. So
each request from your browser must contain enough information on its own for the server to
fulfill the request. That also means that each transaction of the message-based model of HTTP is
processed separately from the others.


The URL (Uniform Resource Locator) is probably the most known concept of the Web. It is also one
of most important and useful concepts. A URL is a web address used to identify resources on the

The idea of the web is structured around resources. From its beginnings the Web was the platform
for sharing text/HTML files, documents, images etc., and as such it can be considered a collection
of resources.

Example of an URL.

Protocol — Most often they are HTTP (or HTTPS for a secure version of HTTP).

Other notable protocols are:

 File Transfer Protocol (FTP) — is a standard protocol used for transferring files between a

client and a server over a network.
 Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) is a standard for email transmission.
Domain — Name that is used to identify one or more IP addresses where the resource is located.

Path —Specifies the resource location on the server. It uses the same logic as a resource location
used on the device where you are reading this article (i.e. /search/cars/VWBeetle.pdf or C:/my

Parameters — Additional data used to identify or filter the resource on the server.

HTTPS (Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure)

The secure version of HTTP protocol is HyperText Transfer Protocol Secure (HTTPS). HTTPS
provides encrypted communication between a browser (client) and the website (server).

In HTTPS, the communication protocol is encrypted using Transport Layer Security (TLS) or Secure
Sockets Layer (SSL).

The protocol is therefore also often called HTTP over TLS, or HTTP over SSL.

Both the TLS and SSL protocols use an asymmetric encryption system. Asymmetric encryption
systems use a public key (encryption key) and a private key (decryption keys) to encrypt a

Anyone can use the public key to encrypt a message. However, private keys are secret, and that
means that only the intended receiver can decrypt the message.
Activity 2.5
Read the summary of the text and correct the mistakes that you can find.

The article briefly explains the main concepts related to HyperText Transfer Protocol
which is the communication protocol you use when you browse the web. First, your
browser makes an HTTP request to a server, and after that, your browser shows the
response of the server in a form of an image, video, or the HTML of a web page. All the
transactions of the message-based model of HTTP are processed separately to the others.
One of the most important concepts is the URL (Uniform Resource Locator) which is a web
address used to identify resources on the Web. The article also explains what HTTPS is – it
is the secure form of HTTP. TLS and SSL uses an asymmetric encryption system that has a
private and a public key. Anyone can use the public key.
Activity 2.5

Fill out the following self-evaluation section.

1. Entiendo qué es HTTP ?


2. Entiendo cómo puedo anotar un texto?


3. Anotar un texto me ayuda a entenderlo mejor?


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