Li-Fi Documentation

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RAYABARAPU YAMINI (1005-17-735086)
ORUGANTI ANITHA (1005-17-735081)
AHMED FARID (1005-17-735037)

Under the guidance of

Dr. M. Shyam Sunder

Assistant professor,
Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering,UCE (A), OU.




Osmania University, Hyderabad-500007, Telangana, India

2017 - 2021


This is to certify that the Project report on “Implementation of LIFI communication with
load control unit” is a bonafide work carried out by RAYABARAPU YAMINI (1005-
17-735086), ORUGANTI ANITHA (1005-17-735081) and AHMED FARID (1005-17-
735037) in the partial fulfillment for the award of B.E. degree in Department of
Electronics and Communication Engineering, University College of Engineering
(Autonomous), Osmania University, Hyderabad under our guidance and supervision.


(Associate Professor) (Professor)
Department of Electronics &communication Department of Electronics &Communication
Engineering. Engineering.
University College of Engineering (A) University College of Engineering (A)
Osmania University. Osmania University.


The satisfaction that accompanies the successful completion of any task would
be incomplete without the introduction of the people who made it possible and whose
constant guidance and encouragement crowns all efforts with success.

We would like to express our deepest sense of gratitude and thankfulness to

our guide DR.M.SHYAM SUNDER Associate Professor, Department of Electronics
and Communication Engineering, University College of Engineering, Osmania
University, Hyderabad for giving us this opportunity, providing guidance and
encouragement to complete the project within the stipulated time.

We take immense pleasure in thanking PROF. B.RAJENDRA NAIK, Head,

Dept. of Electronics and Communication Engineering, University College of
Engineering, Osmania University, Hyderabad providing excellent computing facilities
and the right atmosphere for completing this project.

We are also thankful to PROF. M. KUMAR, Principal, University College of

Engineering, Osmania University, for his timely cooperation and providing us all the
required facilities to complete the project successfully. Finally, we would like to thank
all the faculty and supporting staff that have helped us directly or indirectly in
completing the project.


We declare that the work reported in the present thesis titled “Implementation
of LIFI communication with load control unit” is a record of work done by us in the
department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, University College of
Engineering, Osmania University.

No part of the thesis is copied from books, journals, document or internet and
whenever the portion is taken, the same has been duly referred in the text; the reported
are based on the project work done currently by us, not copied from any other source.

RAYABARAPU YAMINI (1005-17-735086)

AHMED FARID (1005-17-735037)
ORUGANTI ANITHA (1005-17-735081)







Li-Fi stands for Light-Fidelity.The technology is very new and was proposed by
the German physicist Harald Haas in 2011. Li-Fi provides transmission of data through
illumination by sending data through an LED light bulb that varies in intensity faster than
human eye can follow. Wi-Fi is useful for general wireless coverage within buildings
while Li- Fi is ideal for high density wireless data coverage in confined areas where there
are no obstacles.LiFi is a wireless optical networking technology that uses light for
transmission of data.The term Li-Fi refers to visible light communication (VLC)
technology that uses as medium to deliver high-speed communication in a manner similar
to Wi-Fi. Li-Fi provides better bandwidth, efficiency, availability and security than Wi-Fi

The frequency spectrum that is available to us in the atmosphere consists of many waves
but why the Visible Light part is chosen? The reason behind this is the easy availability
and lesser harmful effects that occur due to these rays of light. VLC uses the visible light
between 400 THz (780 nm) and 800 THz (375 nm) as medium which are less dangerous
for high-power applications and also humans can easily perceive it and protect
themselves from the harmful effects. Visible light portion (from red to blue) of the
electromagnetic spectrum does not cause any harm to the people as visible rays are safe
to use, provide larger bandwidth and also have a promising future in the communication
field. This project presents a system implementation of new home automation system by
using light fidelity technique.

The proposed system consists of two parts ,the first part is software implementation, this
is done by using different types of codes to control microcontroller.The next part is
hardware in which microcontroller controls the multiple devices according to the user’s
need based on switching commands.


In the era of overcrowded (data communication) world, Li-Fi is a new way of

wireless communication that uses LED lights to transmit data wirelessly.
Transmission of data is one of the most important day to day activities in the fast
growing world. The current wireless networks that connect us to the Internet are very
slow when multiple devices are connected. Also with the increase in the number of
devices which access the Internet, the availability of fixed bandwidth makes it much
more difficult to enjoy high data transfer rates and to connecta secure network. Radio
waves are just a small part of the electromagnetic spectrum available for data transfer.
Li-Fi has got a much broader spectrum for transmission compared to conventional
methods of wireless communications that rely on radio waves. The basic ideology
behind this technology is that the data can be transferred through LED light by
varying light intensities faster than the human eyes can perceive. This technology
uses a part of the electromagnetic spectrum that is still not greatly utilized- The
Visible Spectrum, instead of Gigahertz radio waves for data transfer.

The idea of Li-Fi was introduced for the first time by a German physicist Harald Hass
in the TED (Technology, Entertainment, Design) Global talk on Visible Light
Communication (VLC) in July 2011, by referring to it as ―data through
illumination‖. He used a table lamp with an LED bulb to transmit a video of a
blooming flower that was then projected onto a screen. In simple terms, Li-Fi can be
thought of as a light-based Wi-Fi i.e. instead of radio waves it uses light to transmit
data. In place of Wi-Fi modems, Li-Fi would use transceivers fitted with LED lamps
that could light a room as well as transmit and receive information. By adding new
and unutilized bandwidth of visible light to the currently available radio waves for
data transfer, Li-Fi can play a major role in relieving the heavy loads which the
current wireless system is facing. Thus it may offer additional frequency band of the
order of 400 THzcompared to that available in RF communication which is about 300
GHz. Also, as the Li-Fi uses the visible spectrum, it will help alleviate concerns that
the electromagnetic wavescoming with Wi-Fi could adversely affect our health.

By Communication through visible light, Li-Fi technology has the possibility to
change how we access the Internet, stream videos, receive emails and much more.
Security would not be an issue as data can‘t be accessed in the absence of light. As a
result, it can be used in high security military areas where RF communication is
prone to eavesdropping.


LiFi is a revolutionary new technology capable of transmitting high volumes of data
through the modulation of visible light. It is a form of visible light communication
technology that is capable of transmitting data in two directions. As such, to define its
history, we must also define the history of VLC technology.

➢ Visible Light Communications: Visible Light Communications (VLC) technology

uses visible light for the transmission of data. Although it may be considered a
relatively new form of technology, it can actually be traced back to the time of
Alexander Graham Bell and his invention, the photophone.

➢ The Photo phone: On February 19, 1880, Alexander Graham Bell and his

Sumner Tainter jointly invented the photophone. The photophone was a device that
wirelessly transmitted speech using a beam of light.

➢ Invention of LiFi:VLC is an umbrella term that encompasses all communications

technologies that use visible light. LiFi makes use of the basic principles of VLC yet
uses a twoway network protocol to provide high-speed network connectivity. Much
of the research into LiFi was conducted by a team of researchers at the University of
Edinburgh, spearheaded by Prof. Harald Haas.

➢ Other Developments:Advances in LiFi technology were on display over the years.

In August

2013, LiFi systems were able to demonstrate data rates of over 1.6 Gbit/s over a
single color LED. • One of the biggest concerns about using LiFi for wireless
communication is that it would require a line of sight to gain a signal. Those concerns
were assuaged, thankfully, as it was announced in 2013 that LiFi systems will not

require line-ofsight conditions. • In October 2013, Chinese manufacturers were
working on LiFi development kits. The scientists say data speeds of up to 150 Mbps
were possible through the use of microchipped bulbs. Chi Nan, the lead scientist on
the team, acknowledges thatLiFi‘s success as a commercial technology will rely on
the development of key pieces of technology. These will include light communication
controls and microchip design and manufacturing. • In April 2014, Russian company
StinsComan announced their development of BeamCaster, a LiFi wireless local
network capable of transferring 1.25 gigabits of data per second. They foresee
boosting speeds of up to 5 Gb/s in the near future.


As the consumption of wireless data increases by 60%,every year that means the
radio frequency space is slowly becoming saturated which can lead to phenomenon
called a spectrum crunch. So, by considering the following features of LiFi, the
efficiency of communication is increased.

➢ Speed: LiFi provides speeds around 100 times faster than currently achievable
speeds in WiFi. Faster communication would result in better service quality and
better communication.

➢ Efficiency:LiFi is much more efficient when it comes to cost and power

consumption. Since it makes use of LED bulbs for communication, these bulbs can
double up as regular lighting for a household reducing power consumption of a LiFi
network and making it far efficient than existing technologies alongside not requiring
any additional hardware for implementation would reduce the cost of setting up LiFi.

➢ Availability: Due to the use of LED bulbs, LiFi can be made available everywhere
by replacing traditional LED bulbs with LiFi compatible bulbs.

➢ Security: Since LiFi makes use of visible light spectrum, it cannot penetrate
through optically opaque objects like walls making it difficult for unauthorised access
unlike present WiFi which could be accessed from beyond walls and making it
vulnerable to unauthorised access.


The frequency spectrum that is available to us in the atmosphere consists of many

wave regions like X-rays, gamma rays, u-v region, infrared region, visible light rays,
radio waves, etc. Any one of the above waves can be used in the upcoming
communication technologies but why the Visible Light part is chosen? The reason
behind this is the easy availability and lesser harmful effects that occur due to these
rays of light. VLC uses the visible light between 400 THz (780 nm) and 800 THz
(375 nm) as medium which are less dangerous for high-power applications and also
humans can easily perceive it and protect themselves from the harmful effects
whereas the other wave regions have following disadvantages:- Radio waves are
expensive (due to spectrum charges) and less secure (due to interference and possible
interception etc.), and radio waves effects the humans life time . Gamma rays are
harmful because it could be dangerous dealing with it, by the human beings due to
their proven adverse effects on human health. Xrays have health issues, similar to the
Gamma Rays. Ultraviolet light can be considered for communication technology
purposes at place without people, otherwise they can also be dangerous for the human
body when exposed continuously. Infrared, due to high safety regulation, can only be
used with low power. Hence the Visible light portion (from red to blue) of the
electromagnetic spectrum does not cause any harm to the people as visible rays are
safe to use, provide larger bandwidth and also have a promising future in the
communication field.

1.3. Objective of the project:

 The main objective of the project is to provide an efficient, low cost, secure,
digitally controlled and fast data transfer technique which can be used as an
alternative for conventional data transfer technique Wi- Fi.
 At the same time the project also lets us to use more efficient light source i.e.,

 Our project also aims at a communication tool in public places which comes up
with transfer of data at a faster rate over a wide spectrum.

1.4. Applications:

Li-Fi technology can find application in a wide variety of fields. A detailed discussion
of its various applications is given below.

(i) Medical and Healthcare

Due to concerns over radiation, operating rooms do not allow Wi-Fi and even though
Wi- Fi is in place in several hospitals, interferences from computers and cell phones
can block signals from medical and monitoring equipment. Li-Fi solves these
problems. Lights are an essential part of operating rooms and Li-Fi can thus be used
for modern medical instruments. Moreover, no electromagnetic interference is
emitted by Li-Fi and thus it does not interfere with any medical instruments such as
MRI scanners.

Airlines and Aviation

Wi-Fi is often prohibited in aircrafts. However, since aircrafts already contain
multiple lights, thus Li-Fi can be used for data transmission.

(i) Power Plants and Hazardous Environments

Wi-Fi is not suitable for sensitive areas like power plants. However, power plants still
require fast and interconnected data systems for monitoring grid intensity, demand,
temperature etc. In place of Wi-Fi, Li-Fi can provide safe connectivity throughout the
power plant. Li-Fi offers a safe alternative to electromagnetic interference due to
radio waves in environments such as petrochemical plants and mines.

(ii) Underwater Explorations and Communications

Remotely operated underwater vehicles or ROVs work well except in situations when
the tether is not long enough to fully explore an underwater area or when they get
stuck. If instead of the wires, light were used then the ROVs would be freer to
explore. With Li-Fi, the headlamps could also then be used to communicate with each
other, data processing and reporting findings back to the surface at regular intervals,
while also receiving the next batch of instructions. Radio waves cannot be used in

water due to strong signal absorption. Acoustic waves have low bandwidth and
disrupt marine life. Li-Fi offers a solution for conducting short-range underwater

(iii) Traffic
Li-Fi can be used for communications between the LED lights of cars to reduce and
prevent traffic accidents. LED headlights and tail-lights are being implemented for
different cars. Traffic signals, signs and street lamps are all also transitioning to LED.
With these LED lights in place, Li-Fi can be used for effective vehicle-to-vehicle as
well as vehicle-to-signal communications. This would of course lead to increased
traffic management and safety.

(iv) GigaSpeed Technology

The Li-Fi Consortium provides the fastest wireless data transfer technology presently
available. Our current solutions offer effective transmission rates of up to 10 Gbps,
allowing a 2 hour HDTV film to be transferred in less than 30 seconds. This can be
extended to several 100 Gbps in future versions

(v) Smart Lighting

Street lamps can in the future be used to provide Li-Fi hotspots and can also be used
to controland monitor lighting and data.



In broad area of Wi-Fi Internet devices, most of the people are using 2.4-5GHz RF to
deliver wireless Internet access surrounded our offices, schools, home, and some
public places also. We become quite dependent upon these nearly ubiquitous services
[7, 15]. While Wi-Fi cover an entire house, school, the bandwidth is limited to 50-
100 megabits per seconds (Mbps). It is a mostly current Internet services, but
insufficient for moving large data files such as HDTV movies, music libraries and
video games. The most of the dependent upon the cloud or our own media services to
store all of our files, including audio and video devices, movies, photos, games, the
more and most bandwidth and speed should be needed to access this data. Hence
RFbased technologies Wi- Fi are not the optimal way. In addition, Wi- Fi may not be
the most efficient way to provide new desired capabilities such as gesture recognition
and precision indoor positioning. The optical wireless technologies, sometimes called
visible light communication (VLC), and more recently referred to as Li-Fi. On the
other hand, offer an entirely new paradigm in wireless technologies in
communication speed, usability and flexibility, reliability. VLC is the possible
solution t o the global wireless spectrum storage.LIFI technology is a fast and cheap
optic al version of Wi-Fi. It is a based on Visible Light communication medium using
Light between 4000 THZ to 375 THZ as optical carrier for the data illumination. The
data is encoded into light to generate data stream by varying the flickering rate, to be
clearer, by modulating the LED light with the data signals , it illustrates the
communication source [4]. Thi s is a whole new spectrum of possibilities as
compared to the radio waves spectrum and is 1000 times more in size radio waves
Spectrum. And is 1000 times more in size. Visible light is not injurious to vision and
are mandatory part of infrastructure.


1. LIFI via LED light bulb data speed breakthrough ―.BBC News 28 oct
2013.archived from the original on 1 jan2016.Retrived 29 november 2015.
2. Herald Haas ,‘wireless data from every lightbulb‘.

3. Jyothi Rani,prema chauhan & Rithika Tripathi, ‗LIFI –the future technology in
wireless communication ‗.
4. Shilpa choudary, dolly kumari, supria goel,‖new lighting technology ―LIFI‖ –A
5.Thomson ,lain (18 oct 2013).‖FORGET WI- FI, boffins get 150 mbps lifi
connection fromlight bulbs‖.
6. Akshita M Sonnad ,anjana gopan ,sailakshmi N R,divya S ,Ambika R.‖ Recent
advancements in lifi technology‖.

Architecture of Li-Fi system
Li-Fi which can be the future of data communication appears to be a fast and cheap
optical version of Wi-Fi. Being a Visible Light Communication (VLC), Li-Fi uses
visible light of electromagnetic spectrum between 400 THz and 800 THz as optical
carrier for data transmission and illumination. It uses fast pulses of light to transmit
information in wireless medium. The main components of a basic Li-Fi system may
contain the following:

a) A high brightness white LED which acts as transmission source.

b) A silicon photodiode with good response to visible light as the receiving element.

Switching the LEDs on and off can make them generate digital strings with different
combination of 1s and 0s. To generate a new data stream, data can be encoded in the
light by varying the flickering rate of the LED. In this way, the LEDs work as a
sender by modulating the light with the data signal. The LED output appears constant
to the human because they are made to flicker at a phenomenal speed (millions of
times per second) and it‘s impossible for human eye to detect this frequency.
Communication rate more than 100 Mbps can be achieved by using high speed LEDs
with the help of various multiplexing techniques. And this VLC data rate can be
further increased to as high as 10 Gbps via parallel data transmission using an array of
LED lights with each LED transmitting a different data stream.

The Li-Fi transmitter system comprises of four primary subassemblies:


RF Power Amplifier Circuit(PA) Printed Circuit Board (PCB)


Fig 1: Block Diagram of Li-Fi sub-assemblies.

The Printed circuit board (PCB) controls the electrical inputs and outputs of the lamp
and houses the microcontroller used to manage different lamp functions. A Radio
Frequency (RF) signal is generated by the Power Amplifier and is directed into the
electric field of the bulb. As a result of the high concentration of energy in the electric
field, the contents of the bulb will get vaporized into a plasma state at the bulb‘s
centre. And this controlled plasma in turn will produce an intense source of light. All
of these subassemblies are contained in an aluminium enclosure as shown in Fig. 2

Li-Fi Bulb sub-assembly:

The bulb sub-assembly is the main part of the Li-Fi emitter. It consists of a sealed
bulb embedded in a dielectric material which serves two purposes: one, it acts as a
waveguide for the RF energy transmitted by the PA (Power Amplifier) and two, it
acts as an electric field concentrator that focuses the energy into the bulb. The
collected energy from the electric field rapidly heats the material in the bulb to a
plasma state that emits light of high intensity of Visible light spectrum. Figure 3
shows the sub-assembly of the bulb.

Fig 2: Bulb Sub Assembly

There are various inherent advantages of this approach which includes high
brightness, excellent colour quality and high luminous efficacy of the emitter – in the
range of 150 lumens per watt or greater. The structure is mechanically robust without
typical degradation and failure mechanisms associated with tungsten electrodes and
glass to metal seals, resulting in useful lamp life of 30,000+ hours. In addition, the
unique combination of high temperature plasma and digitally controlled solid state
electronics results in an economically produced family of lamps scalable in packages
from 3,000 to over 100,000 lumens.
Important factors that should be considered while designing Li-Fi are as follows:
1) Presence of Light
2) Line of Sight (Los)

3) for better performance use fluorescent light & LED

Fig.3: sample diagram of lighting circuit

Working of Li-Fi

4.1 Basic Concept:

Light Fidelity (Li-Fi) technology is a wireless communication system based on the
use of visible light between the violet (800 THz) and red (400 THz). Unlike Wi-Fi
which uses the radio part of the electromagnetic spectrum, Li-Fi uses the optical
spectrum i.e. Visible light part of the electromagnetic spectrum. The principle of Li-
Fi is based on sending data by amplitude modulation of the light source in a well-
defined and standardized way. LEDs can be switched on and off faster than the
human eyes can detect since the operating speed of LEDs is less than 1 microsecond.
This invisible on-off activity enables data transmission using binary codes. If the
LED is on, a digital ‗1‘ is transmitted and if the LED is off, a digital ‗0‘ is transmitted.
Also these LEDs can be switched on and off very quickly which gives us a very nice
opportunity for transmitting data through LED lights, because there are no interfering
light frequencies like that of the radio frequencies in Wi-Fi. Li-Fi is thought to be
80% more efficient, which means it can reach speeds of up to 1Gbps and even
beyond. Li-Fi differs from fiber optic because the Li-Fi protocol layers are suitable
for wireless communication over short distances (up to 10 meters).

This puts Li-Fi in a unique position of extremely fast wireless communication

over shortdistances

Fig 4: Binary data transferring

4.2 How it Works:
The working of Li-Fi is very simple. There is a light emitter on one end i.e. an LED
transmitter, and a photo detector (light sensor) on the other. The data input to the
LED transmitter is encoded in to the light (technically referred to as Visible Light
Communication) by varying the flickering rate at which the LEDs flicker ‗on‘ and
‗off‘ to generate different strings of 1s and 0s. The on-off activity of the LED
transmitter which seems to be invisible.

The LED intensity is modulated so rapidly that human eye cannot notice, so the light
of the LED appears constant to humans), enables data transmission in light form in
accordance with the incoming binary codes: switching ON a LED is a logical ‗1‘,
switching it OFF is a logical ‗0‘. By varying the rate at which the LEDs flicker on and
off, information can be encoded in the light to different combinations of 1s and 0s.

In a typical setup, the transmitter (LED) is connected to the data network

(Internet through the modem) and the receiver (photo detector/light sensor) on the
receiving end receives the data as light signal and decodes the information, which is
then displayed on the device connected to the receiver. The receiver (photo detector)
registers a binary ‗1‘ when the transmitter (LED) is ON and a binary ‗0‘ when the
transmitter (LED) is OFF. Thus flashing the LED numerous times or using an array
of LEDs (perhaps of a few different colours) will eventually provide data rates in the
range of hundreds of Mbps. The Li-Fi working is explained in a block diagram

Fig 5: Sample diagram of Li-fi

Hence all that is required, is some or an array of LEDs and a controller that
controls/encodes data into those LEDs. All one has to do is to vary the rate at which
the LEDs flicker depending upon the data input to LEDs. Further data rate
enhancements can be made in this method, by using array of the LEDs for parallel
data transmission, or using mixtures of red , green and blue LEDs to alter the light‘s
frequency, with each frequency encoding a different data channel. Figure 7 shows
working/deployment of a Li-Fi system connecting the devicesin a room.

Fig 6: Li-Fi system connecting devices in a room

4.3 Why Visible Light Communication:

The frequency spectrum that is available to us in the atmosphere consists of many

wave regions like X-rays, gamma rays, u-v region, infrared region, visible light rays,
radio waves, etc. Any one of the above waves can be used in the upcoming
communication technologies but why the Visible Light part is chosen? The reason
behind this is the easy availability and lesser harmful effects that occur due to these
rays of light. VLC uses the visible light between 400 THz (780 nm) and 800 THz (375
nm) as medium which are less dangerous for high- power applications and also
humans can easily perceive it and protect themselves from the harmful effects
whereas the other wave regions have following disadvantages:-

Radio waves are expensive (due to spectrum charges) and less secure (due to
interferenceand possible interception etc.), and radio waves effects the humans life
time .

Gamma rays are harmful because it could be dangerous dealing with it, by the human
beings due to their proven adverse effects on human health.

X-rays have health issues, similar to the Gamma Rays.

Ultraviolet light can be considered for communication technology purposes at place

without people, otherwise they can also be dangerous for the human body when
exposed continuously.
Infrared, due to high safety regulation, can only be used with low power.

Hence the Visible light portion (from red to blue) of the electromagnetic spectrum
does not cause any harm to the people as visible rays are safe to use, provide larger
bandwidth and also have a promising future in the communication field.

2.1 Technical Aspects and Modulation

VLC refers to any use of the visible light portion of the electromagnetic spectrum to
transmit information. A VLC interest group is certified by the IEEE 802.15 with the
final standard being approved in 2011. The standard of VLC specifies VLC consisting
of mobile-to-mobile (M2M), fixed-to-mobile (F2M) and infrastructure-to-mobile
(I2M) communications. The main purpose of VLC is to focus on medium-range
communications for intelligent traffic systems at low-speed and on short-range
mobile to mobile and fixed to mobile communications at high speeds to exchange
data. Data rates are supported from some 100 kbps up to 100 Mbps using various
modulation schemes.

Li-Fi communication is 15odeled after protocols established by the IEEE 802

workgroup. It defines physical layer (PHY) & media access control (MAC) layer for

The MAC layer supports 3 multi-access technologies: peer-to-peer, star
configuration and broadcast mode. It also handles physical layer management issues
such as addressing, collision avoidance and data acknowledgement protocols. The
physical layer is divided into 3 types: PHY I, II, III and employ a combination of
different modulation schemes.

In order to actually send out data by means of LEDs, it is required to modulate these
into a carrier signal. The carrier signal consists of light pulses sent out at short
The manner in which this is done depends on the modulation scheme employed.
Li-Fi systems use the following different modulation schemes:

1. On-Off Keying (OOK): The 802.15.7 standard uses Manchester coding

so that the period of positive pulses is same as the period of negative ones, however
this doubles the bandwidth required for transmission. For higher bit rates, run length
limited (RLL) coding is used which is spectrally more efficient. Dimming is
supported by adding an OOK extension which adjusts the aggregate output to the
correct level.

2. Variable Pulse Position Modulation (VPPM): PPM encodes the data

using the position of the pulse within a set time period. The duration of the period
containing the pulse must be long enough to allow different positions to be identified.
VPPM is similar to PPM but it allows the pulse width to be controlled to support light

3. Colour Shift Keying (CSK): This is used if the illumination system uses
RGB- type LEDs. By combining different colours of light, the output data can be
carried by the colour itself and hence the intensity of the output can be near constant.
Mixing of RGB primary sources produces different colours which are coded as
information bits. The disadvantage is that it increases the complexity of the

4. Sub-Carrier Inverse PPM (SCIPPM): This method is divided into two
parts (1) subcarrier part and (2) DC part. The DC part is used only for lighting or
indicating. When there is no requirement for lighting or indicating, SCPPM (Sub-
Carrier PPM) is used in order to save energy.
5. Frequency Shift Keying (FSK): In this method, data is represented by
varying the frequencies of the carrier signal. Before transmitting two distinct values (0
and 1), there needs to be two distinct frequencies.
6. SIM-OFDM (Sub-Carrier Index Modulation OFDM): This is a new
approach to transmission in which an additional dimension is added to conventional
2D amplitude/phase modulation (APM) techniques such as quadrature amplitude
modulation (QAM) and amplitude shift keying (ASK). The key idea is to use the sub-
carrier index toconvey information to the receiver.

LED as Light Source

The most important requirement for a light source in order to serve communication
purposes is the ability to be switched on and off repeatedly in very short intervals of
time. Due to their ability to be switched on and off rapidly, LEDs are suitable light
sources for Li-Fi. LEDs offer many benefits over fluorescent lamps and incandescent
lamps such as higher efficiency, environment-friendly manufacturing, flexibility of

design, longer useful lifetimes and improved spectrum performance.

LEDs emit light when the energy levels change in the semiconductor diode. This
change in energy generates photons, some of which are emitted as light. The
wavelength of emitted light depends upon the difference in energy levels and the type
of semiconductormaterial used to form the LED chip. Solid-state design allows LEDs
to withstand vibration, shocks, frequent switching and extremes of environment
without compromising their long useful lives of typically more than 100,000 hours.

The basic LED consists of a semiconductor diode chip mounted in the reflector cup
of a lead frame that is connected to electrical (wire bond) wires, and then encased in a
solid epoxy lens. The variations in data rate with the size of LEDs are very important
in Li-Fi technology. Different data rates can be achieved with different sized LEDs.
Normal sized LED bulbs can be reduced to micro-LEDs which handle millions of

variations in light intensity. A micro-LED light bulb can transmit 3.5 Gbps and data
rates of more than 10 Gbps are possible. The micro LED bulbs allow the light stream
to be beamed in parallel thereby transmitting huge amounts of data in terms of Gbps.

Fig 7: Typical led circuit

Usage Models

Within a local Li-Fi cloud, several data based services are supported through a
heterogeneous communication system. Initially, the Li-Fi Consortium defined
different types of technologies to offer secure, reliable and ultra-high-speed wireless
communication interfaces. These included giga-speed technologies, optical mobility
technologies and navigation, precision location and gesture recognition technologies.
For giga-speed technologies, the Li-Fi Consortium defined Giga Dock, Giga Beam,
Giga Shower, Giga Spot and Giga MIMO models to tackle different user scenarios
for wireless indoor and indoor-like transfers of data. Giga Dock is a wireless docking
solution that includes wireless charging for smart phones tablets or notebooks, with
speeds up to 10 Gbps. Meanwhile, the Giga Beam model is a point-to-point data link
for kiosk applications or portable-to-portable data exchanges. Thus a two-hour full
HDTV movie (5 GB) can be transferred from one device to another within four

Giga Shower, Giga Spot and Giga-MIMO are the other in-house communication
models. On one side, a transmitter or receiver is mounted into the ceiling connected
to, say, a media server. On the other side are portable or fixed devices on a desk in an

office, in an operating room, in a production hall or at an airport. Giga Shower
provides unidirectional data services via many channels to multiple users with
gigabit-class communication speed over several meters. This is like watching TV
channels or listening to different radio stations where no uplink channel is needed. In
case Giga Shower is used to sell books, music or movies, the connected media server
can be accessed via Wi- Fi to process payment via a mobile device. Giga Spot and

MIMO are optical wireless single- and multi-channel Hot Spot solutions offering
bidirectional gigabit-class communication in a room, hall or shopping mall for

Implementation of Li-Fi:
The main components of a simple system based on Li-Fi are:
* High brightness LED which acts as the communication source

* Silicon photodiode which serves as the receiving element

Data from the sender is converted into an intermediate data representation i.e. byte
format and then converted into light signals which are emitted by the transmitter. The
light signal is received by the photodiode at the receiver side. The reverse process
takes place at the destination computer to retrieve the data back from the received

LEDs are employed as the light sources. The model transmits digital signal by
means of direct modulation of the light. The emitted light is detected by an optical
Source Computer: Data Reading Module Data Conversion ModuleTransmitter
Module Destination Computer: Receiver Module Data Interpretation Module Data
Display (GUI)The different components serve the following functions:

Data Conversion Module – converts data into bytes so that it can be represented as a
digitalsignal. It can also encrypt the data before conversion.

Transmitter Module – generates the corresponding on-off pattern for the LEDs.

Receiver Module – has a photo diode to detect the on and off states of the LEDs. It

capturesthis sequence and generates the binary sequence of the received signal

Data Interpretation Module – converts data into the original format. If encryption was
done, italso performs decryption.

Fig 8:Data transferring using light

Comparison Between Li-Fi and, Wi-Fi and other Radio

Both Wi-Fi and Li-Fi can provide wireless Internet access to users, and both the
technologies transmit data over electromagnetic spectrum. Li-Fi is a visible light
communication technology useful to obtain high speed wireless communication. The
difference is: Wi-Fi technology uses radio waves for transmission, whereas Li-Fi
utilizes light waves. Wi-Fi works well for general wireless coverage within
building/campus/compound, and Li-Fi is ideal for high density wireless data coverage
inside a confined area or room and is free from interference issues unlike the Wi-Fi.
Table I shows a comparison of transfer speed of various wireless technologies.
Table IIshows a comparison of Li-Fi with Wi-Fi.

Table 1: Comparison of speed of various wireless technologies

Technology Speed

Li-Fi ~1 Gbps

Wi-Fi – IEEE 802.11n ~150 Mbps

IrDA ~4 Mbps

Bluetooth ~3 Mbps

NFC ~424 Kbps

Table 2: Comparison of Wi-Fi and Li-Fi

Parameter Li-Fi Wi-Fi

Spectrum Used Visible Light RF

Standard IEEE 802.15.7 IEEE 802.11

Range Based on Light Intensity (< 10m) Based on Radio propagation


interference ( < 300 m)

Data Transfer Rate* Very high ( ~1 Gbps) Low (100 Mbps-1 Gbps)

Power consumption Low High

Cost Low High

Bandwidth Unlimited Limited

Shortcomings of Radio Waves Transmission vis-à-vis Li-Fi


The following are the basic issues with radio waves:

a) Capacity: Wireless data is transmitted through radio waves which are

limited and expensive. It has a limited bandwidth, vis-à-vis Li-Fi. With the rapidly

growing world and development of technologies like 3G, 4G and so on we are
running out of radio spectrum.
b) Energy Efficiency: There are a large number of cellular radio base
stations that consume massive amount of energy. Most of the energy is used for
cooling down the base station instead of transmission. Therefore, efficiency of such
Radio base stations is very low.

c) Availability: Availability of radio waves is a big concern. Further, Radio

waves are not advisable to be used in aeroplanes and at places where radio
interference may cause undesirable/catastrophic result.

d) Security: Radio waves can penetrate through walls. They can be

intercepted. If someone has knowledge and bad intentions, they may misuse it. This
causes a major security concern for Wi-Fi.






Display unit




Light emitting diodes (LEDs) can be switched on and off faster than the human eye
can detect since the operating speed of LEDs is less than 1 μs, thereby causing the
light source to appear to be continuously on. This invisible on-off activity enables
data transmission using binary codes. Switching on an LED is binary ‗1‘, switching
it off is binary ‗0‘. It is possible to encode data in light by varying the rate at which
LEDs flicker on and off to give different strings of 1s and 0s. Modulation is so rapid
that humans cannot notice it. A light sensitive device (photo detector) then receives
the signal and converts it back into original data. This method of using rapid pulses of
light to transmit information wirelessly is technically referred to as Visible Light
Communication (VLC).The term Li-Fi has been inspired due to its potential to
compete with conventional Wi-Fi. The VLC uses visible light between 400 THz

(780 nm) and 800 THz (375 nm) as the optical carrier for data transmission and for
illumination. Data rates of greater than 100 Mbps can be achieved by using high
speed LEDs with adequate multiplexing. Parallel data transmission using arrays of
LEDs where each LED transmits a separate stream of data can be used to increase the
VLC data rate. Though the lights have to be kept on in order to transmit data, they
can be dimmed to the point that they are not visible to humans but still be capable of
transmitting data



Despite its many advantages, Li-Fi like any other technology also comes with a
number of limitations and disadvantages.

These are enumerated below:

The main problem is that light cannot pass through objects, so if the receiver is
inadvertently blocked in any way, then the signal will immediately be cut out. If the
light signal is blocked one could switch back over to radio waves.

a) Reliability and network coverage are the major issues to be considered by

the companies while providing VLC services. Interference from external light sources
like sunlight, normal bulbs; and opaque materials in the path of transmission will
cause interruption in the communication.
b) High installation cost of the systems can be complemented by large-scale
implementation of VLC though adopting this technology will reduce further operating
costs like electricity charges, maintenance charges etc.

c) We still need Wi-Fi and we still need radio frequency cellular systems.
You can‘t have a light bulb that provides data to a high-speed moving object or to
provide data in a remote area where there are trees, walls and obstacles



Arduino interface boards provide the engineers, artists, designers, hobbyists and
anyone who tinker with technology with a low-cost, easy-to-use technology to create
their creative, interactive objects, useful projects etc., A whole new breed of projects
can now be built that can be controlled from a computer.



Arduino is a open source electronics prototyping platform based on flexible, easy-to-

use hardware and software.It‘s intended for artists,designers, hobbyists,and anyone
interested in creating interactive objects or environments. It‘s an open-source
physical computing platform based on a microcontroller board, and a development
environment for writing software for the or programmed by the
computer and then disconnected and allowed to work independently.Anyone can buy
this device through online auction site or search engine.Since theArduino is an open-
source hardware designs and ccreate their own clones of the Arduino and sell them,so
the market for the boards is competitive. An official Arduino costs about $30,and a
clone often less than $20.

The name ―Arduino‖ is reserved by the original makers. However, clone Arduino
designs often have the letters ―duino‖ on the end of their name, for example,

Freeduino orDFRduino. The software for programming your Arduino is easy to use
and also freely available for Windows, Mac, and LINUX computers at no cost.

Microcontroller can be described as a computer embedded on a rather small circuit
board.To describe the function of a microcontroller more precisely,it is a single chip
that can perform various calculations and tasks,and send/receive signals from other
devices via the available pins. Precisely what tasks and communication with the
world it does, is what is governed by what instructions we give to the
Microcontroller. It is this job of telling the chip what to do, is what we refer to as
programming on it.

However, the uC by itself, cannot accomplish much; it needs several external inputs:
power, for one; a steady clock signal, for another. Also, the job of programming it has
to be accomplished by an external circuit. So typically, auC is used along with a
circuit which provides these things to it; this combination is called a microcontroller
board. The Arduino Uno that you have received, is one such microcontroller board.
The actual microcontroller at its heart is the chip called Atmega328. The advantages
that Arduino offers over othermicrocontroller boards are largely in terms of reliability
of the circuit hardware as well as the ease of programming and using it.


Open-source hardware shares much of the principles and approach of free and open-
source software.The founders of Arduino wanted people to study their hardware,to
understand how it works,make changes to it,and share those changes with the
world.To facilitate this,they release all of the original design files(Eagle CAD)for the
Arduinohardware.These files are licensed under a Creative Common Attribution
Share-Alike license,which allows for both personal and commercial derivative
works,as long as they(people) credit Arduino and release their designs under the same
license.The Arduino software is also oen-source.The source code for the Java
environment is released under the GPL and the C/C++ microcontroller libraries are
under the LGPL

While teaching a physical computing class at the Interaction Design Institute Ivrea in
2005, Massimo Banzi‘s students were unwilling to spend the 76 euros for the BASIC
Stamp microcontrollers commonly used in such applications. Banzi and his collegues
looked for alternatives, finally settling on the wiring platform developed by one of
Banzi‘s students. In his own words:
―…we started to figure out how could we make the whole platform even simpler,
even cheaper, even easier to use. And then we started to essentially reimplement the
whole thing asan open source project.‖
Once they had a prototype, a student wrote the software that would allow wiring
programs to run on the new platform. Upon seeing the project, visiting professor
Casey Reas suggested that there might be wider applications than just design schools
for the new product. The prototype was redesigned for mass production and a test run
of 200 boards was made. Orders began coming in from other design schools and the
students looking for Arduinos, and the Arduino project was born and MassimoBanzi
and David Cuartielles became its founders.‖ARDUINO‖ is an Italian word,meaning
―STRONG FRIEND‖.The English versionof the name is ―Hardwin‖. As of May
2011,more than 300,000 Arduino units are ―in the wild‖.

Design Goals
• Work with a Mac (as most design students use one)

• USB connectivity (MacBooks don‘t have serial ports

• Look nice

• Cheap (about 20 euros, the cost of going out for pizza in Europe)

• More powerful than a BASIC stamp

• Something you could build/fix yourself

Simple and easy to use by someone without formal electronics training

Business Models

Since the entire project is open source, anyone can build and sell Arduino-
compatible devices. So in this sense, the Arduino project relies heavily on its

branding for it‘s financial success . Other projects manufacture compatible and
cheaper boards, however people are loyal to the Arduino branded boards because they
associate quality and a certain image to the final product .
By the Numbers

Year Units Sold

2005 200
2006 10 000
2010 120 000
2011 300 000


Before Arduino, the largest players in the design/hobbyist market segment were the
PIC microcontroller family (made by Microchip) and the BASIC Stamp (made by
Parallax). Since the introduction of the Arduino, other large companies have tried to
enter the hobbyist market, including Texas Instruments , and even Microsoft .
However, the open-sourced tools of the Arduino and the size of its community are
large barriers for new platforms to overcome.

Figure 3.1GOOGLE trends comparing ARDUINO with its biggest competitors


As the project is aimed at students and hobbyists who may not have any formal
electronics background, there are many excellent guides online covering everything
from making a light blink to creating a laser harp. The official forum has almost 60
000 registered users, and along with helping users with their projects, is extremely

active in developing new libraries to extend the functionality of the Arduino . The
open-source share and share alike sentiment is very strong, and the vast majority of
users freely publish the code to their projects.

Physical Computing is an approach to learn how humans communicate through
computers that starts by considering how humans express themselves physically.


ARDUINO Board Layout

Figure 11: ARDUINO board layout

ARDUINO pin diagram

Figure 12: ARDUINO pin diagram


• 16 MHz

• 8 Kbyte Flash RAM(1K taken by the boot loader)

• 1 Kbyte RAM(eg.for auto/local variables and stack)

• 14 digital Input/Output Ports

Fig 13: ATmega328

Single chip USB to async. Serial data transfer interface

• USB 2.0 compatible

• Transmit and receive LED frive signals

• 256 Byte receive,128 Byte transmit buffer

• Data transfer rate from 300bits/sec to 2 Mb/sec

Fig 14: ARDUINO can run off with USB or EXTERNAL power source

The power requirement for ARDUINO is 9 to 12V DC,250mA or more,2.1mm

plug,centrepin positive.

The OFF-the shelf adapter

• must be a DC adapter (i.e. it has to put out DC, not AC)

• should be between 9V and 12V DC

• must be rated for a minimum of 250mA current output, although you will
likely want something more like 500mA or 1A output, as it gives you the current
necessary to power a servo or twenty LEDs if you want to.
• must have a 2.1mm power plug on the Arduino end, and

• the plug must be "centre positive", that is, the middle pin of the plug has
to be the + connection.

Current rating: Since you'll probably be connecting other things to the Arduino
(LEDs, LCDs, servos) you should get an adapter that can supply at least 500mA, or
even 1000 mA (1 ampère). That way you can be sure you have enough juice to make
each component of the circuit function reliably.

The Arduino's on-board regulator can actually handle up to 20V or more, so you can
actually use an adapter that puts out 20V DC. The reasons you don't want to do that
are twofold: you'll lose most of that voltage in heat, which is terribly inefficient.
Secondly, the nice 9V pin on the Arduino board will actually be putting out 20V or
so, which could lead to potential disaster when you connect something expensive to
what you thought was the 9V pin. Our advice is to stick with the
9V or 12V DC adapter.

ARDUINO flavors!!
There have been many revisions of the USB Arduino.some of them are

1. Arduino UNO:

This is the latest revision of the basic Arduino USB board. It connects to the

computer with a standard USB cable and contains everything else you need to
program and use the board. It can be extended with a variety of shields: custom
daughter-boards with specific features. It is similar to the Duemilanove, but has a
different USB-to-serial chip the ATMega8U2, and newly designed labeling to make
inputs and outputs easier to identify.

2. Arduino Mega 2560:

A larger, more powerful Arduino board. Has extra digital pins, PWM pins, analog
inputs, serial ports, etc. The version of the Mega released with the Uno, this version
features the Atmega2560, which has twice the memory, and uses the ATMega 8U2
for USB-to-serial communication.

Fig 15: ATmega2560

Basic Terminologies in ARDUINO:

1. Analog to digital converter(ADC)

The process of Analog to digital conversion is shown in figure. The Arduino has 10
bits of Resolution when reading analog signals.2 power 10=1024 increments
2. Pulse width modulation (PWM)

The Arduino has 8bit of resolution,when outputting a signal using PWM.The range
of outputvoltage is from 0 to 5 Volts
2power 8=255 Increments

Average of on/off(digital signals to make an average voltage),Duty cycle in 100% of



The Microcontroller on the board is programmed using the Arduino programming

language(based on wiring) and the arduino development environment(based on

2.3.1 Arduino Programming Language(APL)(based on wiring)

The Arduino programming language is an implementation of Wiring, a similar

physical computing platform, which is based on the Processing multimedia
programming environment. Wiring

Wiring is an open-source programming framework for microcontrollers. Wiring

allows writing cross-platform software to control devices attached to a wide range of
microcontroller boards to create all kinds of creative coding, interactive objects,
spaces or physical experiences. The framework is thoughtfully created with designers
and artists in mind to encourage a community where beginners through experts from
around the world share ideas, knowledge and their collective experience. There are
thousands of students, artists, designers, researchers, and hobbyists who use Wiring
for learning, prototyping, and finished professional work production.

Arduino development environment (based on processing)

Processing is an open source programming language and environment for people who
want to create images, animations, and interactions. Initially developed to serve as a
software sketchbook and to teach fundamentals of computer programming within a
visual context, Processing also has evolved into a tool for generating finished
professional work. Today, there are tens of thousands of students, artists, designers,
researchers, and hobbyists who use Processing for learning, prototyping, and


Arduino was basically designes to make the process of using electronics in

multidisciplinary projects more accessible.It is intended for
artists,designers,hobbyists,and anyone interested in creating interactive objects or
environments.Arduino can sense the environment by receiving input from a variety
of sensors and can affect its surroundings by controlling lights, motors and other
actuators. Because of these features, arduino finds extensive application in various

fields.Arduino projects can be stand-alone or they can communicate with software
running ona computer.

Arduino received an Honarary Mention in Digital Communication section of the 2006

Ars Electronica Prix

Arduino is used by all class of people in a different way.some students use it in their
projects,some using arduino for fun,some went out to become entreupreuners.This
onlyshows how useful is this tiny device.

ARDUINO is spreading rapidly across the globe. Arduino is actually an open source
hardware project that can be pro grammed to read temperatures, control a motor, and
sense touch. theArduino is both a cute, blue micro controller platform that fits nicely
in the palm of your hand and an expanding community of developers who support it,
distributed across two dozen coun tries, four continents, and counting.

The Arduino board is for anyone who wants to build a basic level of intelligence into
an object. Once programmed, it can read sensors, make simple decisions, and control
myriad devices in the real world. Using it is a snap: first, hook up a few sensors and
output devices to the Arduino, then program it using the free developer‘s software.
Next, debug your code and disconnect the Arduino.Then,the little blue Arduino
becomes a standalone computer.

The original intention of the Arduino project was to see what would happen if
community support were substituted for the corporate support that is usually required
for electronics development. The first developers — Massimo Banzi, David
Cuartielles, David Mellis, and Nicholas Zambetti — ran a series of workshops on
assembling the Arduino, giving away the board to stimulate development.

Thousands of projects have been done worldwide using this tiny little device.some of
which to mention are:

• Simple room temperature readout

• Interactive real-time auditory feedback system

• GPS receiver Module

• Ultrasonic Sensor

• Infrared detectors


• Various sensor projects like

 Keypad security code

 Sensor tube for heart monitor

 Pulse rate monitor

• Various light projects like

 Multicolor light display

 Seven-segment LED display

 Double seven-segment LED dice

 LED array

 LCD module

• Various sound projects like

 Oscilloscope

 Light harp

 VU meter

• Various power projects like

 LCD Thermostat

 Computer controlled fan

 The hypnotizer

• Miscellaneous Projects like

 Lie detector

 Magnetic door lock

 Infrared remote

 Lilypad binary clock

Just to name a few….as the trademark goes,there are nearly infinite possible
projects usingthis tiny device,which we still yet to discover

Some of the major applications are 3D printers,whos founder went out to become an
euntreuprenuer,and major pride came to ARDUINO,when giant firm GOOGLE‘s
most ambitious ANDROID,deployed ARDUINO in its new venture ―ANDROID
DEVELOPMENT KIT‖.which allows external USB hardware to interact with an
Androidpowered device in a special accessory mode.ANDROID executive
announced this in annual GOOGLE IO meet conference 2011.ANDROID calls that
device made of arduino as ADK(Android development kit).

Arduino also has won annual ―2012 INTERACTION AWARD‖ sponsored by

GOOGLE,for its extensive applications in various fields.

Why Arduino is popular?

Here are five reasons why the Arduino is more popular than beagleboard:

• Starter Projects: Editing and rewriting is often easier than writing from
scratch. It‘s the same with electronics. It‘s easier to mod an idea than start with a
blank slate.That‘s where the BeagleBoard falls short. ―It has virtually no example
application that you can just copy and hack to learn from,‖ says Massimo Banzi, one
of the co-founders of the Arduino project. It‘s a chickenand-egg problem for the
BeagleBoard. Unless there are more example codes out there, it is difficult to draw in
the audience. And without the audience it is challenging to get enough sample
projects into the community.

• Cost and Durability: At $30 a piece, an Arduino is an inexpensive

investment for someone who wants to try it out. ―It‘s the price of a few sandwiches,‖
says Torrone. Compare that to the BeagleBoard-xM, which costs $180. One reason
why the Arduino is so cheap is because it is easy to clone. The microcontroller is
completely open source so the ―components are all commodity,‖ says Torrone. With
the BeagleBoard, hobbyists don‘t have the same amount of freedom. They have to
work closely with Texas Instruments or its partners, says Torrone. Arduino is also
very resilient. Drop it, smash it and it still stays alive. Add to that its low-power

requirement, and the product becomes a must-have for DIYers. An Arduino can run
on a 9V-battery for days.
―The BeagleBoard is fast and powerful but that also means lots of energy is needed,
which makes it difficult for simple projects,‖ says Torrone.
• A Thriving Community:Arduino‘s popularity means it‘s easy to get
started. Companies such as Adafruit, SparkFun and Liquidware not only sell chips,
but they also host blogs that suggest ideas on how to use your Arduino while
providing extensive project plans to guide you in completing your creations. Will
Chellman, a student who has played with Arduino for years, says he‘s now
experimenting with the BeagleBoard. But finding documentation and information to
work off is not easy, he says. The lack of well-documented projects done with the
BeagleBoard can be intimidating to new users as well, says Banzi. ―There‘s lots of of
interesting stuff (about the BeagleBoard) but it is very technical,‖ he wrote in a
comment recently on Gadget Lab in response to the launch of BeagleBoard-xM.
Banzi says BeagleBoard documentation is also scattered and fragmented. ―Parts of it
have aged and you spend quite a bit of time jumping from wikis to mailing list to
track which specific bit of documentation applies to your board, bootloader etc.,‖ he
• Maturity is the key:Arduino has had a head start on the BeagleBoard.
By October 2008, about 50,000 Arduino boards had already been shipped. That year,
the first BeagleBoards started making their way into the hands of hardware
enthusiasts. The BeagleBoard is just two years old.

Since it hasn‘t been around long enough, there‘s not enough people building apps
based on it,‖ says Chellman. That‘s not to say that BeagleBoard isn‘t catching up.
Earlier this month, we showed five projects ranging from a videowall to the iPad of
ham radios that use the BeagleBoard. There‘s also a build-your-own tablet kit that is
based off the BeagleBoard.
• Simple is attractive: With its single-board computer configuration, 1-
GHz processing power and the choice of accessories, the BeagleBoard is a creative
engineer‘s dream come true. But the same reasons make it intimidating to those who
want to geek out on a DIY project but don‘t have the technical know-how. Arduino
users point out that it is simple to connect external sensors to the board, and the
example codes out there make it easy to get started quickly. Arduino is a simple

system designed for creative people with little or ―no prior knowledge of electronics,‖
says Banzi. ―It‘s cheap and open source with lots of documentation written in a not
too technical language. Above all, it has a very welcoming attitude towards beginners
and tries not to scare them too much.‖



A DC motor is designed to run on DC electric power. Two examples of pure DC

designs are Michael Faraday's homopolar motor (which is uncommon), and the ball
bearin motor, which is (so far) a novelty. By far the most common DC motor types
are the brushed and brushless types, which use internal and external commutation
respectively to create an oscillating AC current from the DC source -- so they are not
purely DC machines in a strict sense.

Fig 16: mechanism of DC motor

Types of dcmotors:

1. Brushed DC Motors
2. Brushless DC motors
3. Coreless DC motors

Brushed DC motors:
The classic DC motor design generates an oscillating current in a wound rotor with a
split ring commutator, and either a wound or permanent magnet stator. A rotor
consists of a coil wound around a rotor which is then powered by any type of battery.
Many of the limitations of the classic commutator DC motor are due to the need for
brushes to press against the commutator. This creates friction. At higher speeds,

brushes have increasing difficulty in maintaining contact. Brushes may bounce off the
irregularities in the commutator surface, creating sparks. This limits the maximum
speed of the machine. The current density per unit area of the brushes limits the
output of the motor. The imperfect electric contact also causes electrical noise.
Brushes eventually wear out and require replacement, and the commutator itself is
subject to wear and maintenance. The commutator assembly on a large machine is a
costly element, requiring precision assembly of many parts. there are three types of dc
motor 1. dc series motor 2. dc shunt motor 3. dc compound motor - these are also two
type a. cummulative compound b. deffercialcompounnd

Brushless DC motors:

Some of the problems of the brushed DC motor are eliminated in the brushless
design. In this motor, the mechanical "rotating switch" or commutator/brushgear
assembly is replaced by an external electronic switch synchronised to the rotor's
position. Brushless motors are typically 8590% efficient, whereas DC motors with
brushgear are typically 75-80% efficient.

Midway between ordinary DC motors and stepper motorslies the realm of the
brushless DC motor. Built in a fashion very similar to stepper motors, these often use
a permanent magnet external rotor, three phases of driving coils, one or more Hall
effect sensors to sense the position of the rotor, and the associated drive electronics.
The coils are activated, one phase after the other, by the drive electronics as cued by
the signals from the Hall effect sensors. In effect, they act as threephase synchronous
motors containing their own variable-frequency drive electronics. A specialized class
of brushless DC motor controllers utilize EMF feedback through the main phase
connections instead of Hall effect sensors to determine position and velocity. These
motors are used extensively in electric radio-controlled vehicles. When configured
with the magnets on the outside, these are referred to by modelists as outrunner

Brushless DC motors are commonly used where precise speed control is necessary, as
in computer disk drives or in video cassette recorders, the spindles within CD, CD-
ROM (etc.) drives, and mechanisms within office products such as fans, laser printers

and photocopiers. They have several advantages over conventional motors:

• Compared to AC fans using shaded-pole motors, they are very efficient,

running much cooler than the equivalent AC motors. This cool operation leads to
much-improved life of the fan's bearings.
• Without a commutator to wear out, the life of a DC brushless motor can
be significantly longer compared to a DC motor using brushes and a commutator.
Commutation also tends to cause a great deal of electrical and RF noise; without a
commutator or brushes, a brushless motor may be used in electrically sensitive
devices like audio equipment or computers.
• The same Hall effect sensors that provide the commutation can also
provide a convenient tachometer signal for closed-loop control (servo-controlled)
applications. In fans, the tachometer signal can be used to derive a "fan OK" signal.
• The motor can be easily synchronized to an internal or external clock,
leading to precise speed control.
• Brushless motors have no chance of sparking, unlike brushed motors,
making them better suited to environments with volatile chemicals and fuels. Also,
sparking generates ozone which can accumulate in poorly ventilated buildings risking
harm to occupants' health.
• Brushless motors are usually used in small equipment such as computers
and are generally used to get rid of unwanted heat.
• They are also very quiet motors which is an advantage if being used in
equipment thatis affected by vibrations.

Modern DC brushless motors range in power from a fraction of a watt to many

kilowatts. Larger brushless motors up to about 100 kW rating are used in electric
vehicles. They also find significant use in high-performance electric model aircraft.

Coreless DC motors:

Nothing in the design of any of the motors described above requires that the iron
(steel) portions of the rotor actually rotate; torque is exerted only on the windings of
the electromagnets. Taking advantage of this fact is the coreless DC motor, a
specialized form of a brush or brushless DC motor. Optimized for rapid acceleration,
these motors have a rotor that is constructed without any iron core. The rotor can take

the form of a winding-filled cylinder inside the stator magnets, a basket surrounding
the stator magnets, or a flat pancake (possibly formed on a printed wiring board)
running between upper and lower stator magnets. The windings are typically
stabilized by being impregnated with Electrical epoxy potting systems. Filled epoxies
that have moderate mixed viscosity and a long gel time. These systems are
highlighted by low shrinkage and low exotherm. Typically UL 1446 recognized as a
potting compound for use up to 180C (Class H) UL File No.
E 210549.
Because the rotor is much lighter in weight (mass) than a conventional rotor formed
from copper windings on steel laminations, the rotor can accelerate much more
rapidly, often achieving a mechanical time constant under 1 ms.This is especially true
if the windings use aluminum rather than the heavier copper. But because there is no
metal mass in the rotor to act as a heat sink, even small coreless motors must often be
cooled by forced air.
These motors were commonly used to drive the capstan(s) of magnetic tape drives
and are still widely used in high-performance servo-controlled systems, like radio-
controlled vehicles/aircraft, humanoid robotic systems, industrial automation, medical
devices, etc.


How Relays Work
Relays are switches that open and close circuits electromechanically or electronically.
Relays control one electrical circuit by opening and closing contacts in another
circuit. As relay diagrams show, when a relay contact is normally open (NO), there is
an open contact when the relay is not energized. When a relay contact is Normally
Closed (NC), there is a closed contact when the relay is not energized. In either case,
applying electrical current to the contacts will change their state.

Relays are generally used to switch smaller currents in a control circuit and do not
usually control power consuming devices except for small motors and Solenoids that
draw low amps. Nonetheless, relays can "control" larger voltages and amperes by
having an amplifying effect because a small voltage applied to a relays coil can result
in a large voltage being switched bythe contacts.
Protective relays can prevent equipment damage by detecting electrical abnormalities,
including overcurrent, undercurrent, overloads and reverse currents. In addition,
relays are also widely used to switch starting coils, heating elements, pilot lights and
audible alarms.

Supply voltage – 3.75V to 6VQuiescent current: 2mA
Current when the relay is active: ~70mA
Relay maximum contact voltage – 250VAC or 30VDCRelay maximum current – 10A

Implementation of lifi communication:

The basic idea behind this communication scheme is transmission of 'Data
through illumination'. Heart of Li-Fi technology is high brightness LED's. The on-off
activity of LEDs enables a kind of data transmission using binary codes mode
however the human eye cannot perceive this change and the LEDs appear to have a
constant intensity. Switching on an LED is a logical '1' switching it off is a logical
"0". A light sensitive device (LDR) receives the signal and converts it back into
original data. This method of using rapid pulses of light to transmit data is called
Visible Light Communication the basic principle of VLC.

How Li-Fi Works?
There are many situations in which people get frustrated with the dull performance
signals of Wi-Fi at a place with many network connections in seminars conferences
etc. Li-Fi fulfils these needs .This fantabulous idea first stroked the mind of Harald
Haas from University of Edinburgh, UK, in his TED Global talk on VLC. His idea
was very simple that if the LED is "on" then the digital I can be transmitted and if the
led is "off" then the digital 0 can be transmitted. Led's can be switched on and off
very quick. For transmitting data this way all that we require is LED's and controller
that code data into Led's. Parallel data transmission can be done by using array of
LED's or by using red, green, blue LED's to alter light frequency with the frequency
of different data channel. Advancements and enhancements in this field generate a
speed of 10 gbps! But amazingly fast data rates and lowering band widths are not the
only reasons that enhance this technology. Lifi usually is based on light and so it can
be probably implemented in articrafts and hospitals that are prone to inference from
radio waves. Unlike Wi-Fi Li-Fi can work even under- water which makes it more
advantageous for military operations. Radio waves are replaced by light waves in data
transmission called Li-Fi.

Light emitting diodes can be switched on and off very much faster than the human
eye allowing the light source to appear continuously. The data transmission is done
through binary codes which involve switching on LED can be done by logic I and
switch off using logic 0. The encoding of information in light can therefore be
identified by varying the rate at which the LED's flicker.


The software used by the arduino is Arduino IDE.

TheArduino IDE is a cross-platform application written in Java, and is derived from

the IDE for the Processing programming language and the Wiringproject. It is
designed to introduce programming to artists and other newcomers unfamiliar with
software development. It includes a code editor with features such as syntax
highlighting, brace matching, and automatic indentation, and is also capable of
compiling and uploading programs to the board with a single click. There is typically
no need to edit makefiles or run programs on acommand-line interface. Although
building on command-line is possible if required with some third-party tools such as

The Arduino IDE comes with a C/C++ library called "Wiring" (from the project of
the same name), which makes many common input/output operations much easier.
Arduino programs are written in C/C++, although users only need define two
functions to make a runnable program:

 setup() – a function run once at the start of a program that can initialize

 loop() – a function called repeatedly until the board powers off

Figure 16 : A screenshot of the Arduino IDE showing the "Blink"program,a
simplebiginner program

A typical first program for a microcontroller simply blinks a LED on and off. In the
Arduinoenvironment, the user might write a program like this:
#define LED_PIN 13

void setup () {
pinMode (LED_PIN, OUTPUT); // enable pin 13 for digital output }

void loop () {
digitalWrite (LED_PIN, HIGH); // turn on the LED
delay (1000); // wait one second (1000 milliseconds)
digitalWrite (LED_PIN, LOW); // turn off the
LED delay (1000); // wait one second }

For the above code to work correctly, the positive side of the LED must be connected
to pin 13 and the negative side of the LED must be connected to ground. The above
code would not be seen by a standard C++ compiler as a valid program, so when the
user clicks the "Upload to I/O board" button in the IDE, a copy of the code is written

to a temporary file with an extra include header at the top and a very simple main()
function at the bottom, to make it a valid C++ program.

The Arduino IDE uses the GNU toolchain and AVR Libc to compile programs, and
uses avrdude to upload programs to the board.

For educational purposes there is third party graphical development environment

called Minibloq available under a different open source licene.

language reference

Arduino programs can be divided in three main parts: structure, values (variables and
constants), and functions.

Available datatypes in ARDUINO IDE are

• void

• boolean

• char ( 0 – 255)

• byte - 8 bit data ( 0 – 255)

• int - 16-bit data (32,767 - -32,768)

• long – 32 bit data (2,147,483,647 to -2,147,483,648)

• float

• double

• string - char array

• String – object

• array

Arithmetic operators

Arithmetic operators include addition,subtraction,multiplication and division.For

math that requires fractions,you can use float variables,if you can bear large size and
slow computation speeds in your microcontroller.
e.g. , y
= y + 3; x =
x – 7;
i = j *6; r =
r / 5;

Comparision operators

Comparisons of one variable or constant against another are often used in if

statements to testif a specified condition is true. e.g. , x == y // x is equal to y x != y
// x is not equal to y x < y // x is less than y x > y // x is greater than y x <= y // x is
less than or equal to y x >= y // xis greater than or equal to y

Logical operators

Logical operators are usually a way to logically combine two expressions and return a
or FALSE depending on the operator.
There are three logical operators, AND, OR, and NOT.
e.g. ,
Logical AND:
if (x > 0 && x < 5) // true only if both expressions are true

Logical OR:
if (x > 0 || y > 0) // true if either expression is true

Logical NOT:
if (!x > 0) // true only if expression


These are Boolean constants that define logic levels of the arduino.

FALSE is easily defined as 0 (zero)

TRUE is often defined as 1, but can also be anything else except zero. So in a
Boolean sense,
-1, 2, and -200 are all also defined as TRUE.
e.g. ,

if (abcd== TRUE);





These constants define pin levels as HIGH or LOW and are used when reading or
writing todigital pins.
HIGH is defined as logic level 1, ON, or 5 voltsLOW is logic level 0, OFF, or 0
e.g. ,

digitalWrite(13, HIGH);


These constants define pin levels as HIGH or LOW and are used when reading or
writing todigital pins.
HIGH is defined as logic level 1, ON, or 5 voltsLOW is logic level 0, OFF, or 0
e.g. ,

pinmode(13, OUTPUT);

Arduino/processing language Comparision

The Arduino language (based on Wiring) is implemented in C/C++, and therefore
has somedifferences from the Processing language, which is based on Java.
The Arduino Simulator app gives the user the freedom to work without the basic
setup of hardware and software. It is designed to be used by beginners and also,
experienced developers, who want to quickly develop Arduino projects.

The developer can make the necessary changes in the code - delay, pin number, and
state - 0 (low) 1 (high) - and check it immediately. The app shows the breadboard,
complete with 14 LED pins.

You can drag and place the wires in the correct positions to connect to Arduino. If the
wires are placed according to the code, then it will show the expected results. Once
satisfied, you can save it and email it. The code can be copied and used in an actual
project just as easily.

This app is an easy way to work through Arduino projects. With customisable codes,
and a simple to use interface, thisArduino Simulator app from Schogini Systems is a
convenient app for Arduino developers.

A screenshot of Arduino simulator is shown in the figure below

Figure 17: screenshot of ARDUINO simulator


#include<SoftwareSerial.h> char ch,n; int ir=8; int data[8]; int k,i,t=1; int j,L,L1; int
l=0; String voice; void setup()
Serial.begin(9600); pinMode(ir,OUTPUT);

digitalWrite(ir,LOW); Serial.println("welcome");
void loop() { while(Serial.available())
{ delay(10);char c =; voice += c;
{ L1=l=0;


n=voice[l]; i=0; k=0; j=0;

if(k) data[j]=1;else data[j]=0;j++; }
++) {
; delay(10); digitalWrite(ir,LOW);t++; } if(data[i])
} else
delay(100); }
Serial.println(" "); digitalWrite(ir,LOW);delay(50);


> LiquidCrystal lcd(2,3,4,5,6,7); int ir_rx=8;//// RECEIVER int LIGHT=9; int
fan=11;int LIGHT1=10;

int i=0,j=0,sum=0,s,z;

int data[8]; String message;


int power(int num, int exponent); void setup() { Serial.begin(9600); lcd.begin(16,2);

); pinMode(fan,OUTPUT); pinMode(ir_rx,INPUT); digitalWrite(fan,LOW);
digitalWrite(LIGHT,LOW); digitalWrite(LIGHT1,LOW);s=0;
lcd.print(" WELCOMETO"); lcd.setCursor(0,1);
lcd.print(" LIFI"); }
void loop()

// Serial.println("WELCOME")
; delay(50); i=0,j=0,sum=0;while(i<8) { if(!digitalRead(ir_rx)) { data[i]=1; i++;
//Serial.println("1"); } else { data[i]=0; i++;
//Serial.println("0"); }

/* Serial.println();
Serial.print("BINARY DATA:");
for(i=0;i<=7;i++) ///////////////// /////// PRINT BINARY DATA



for(i=7;i>=0;i--) ////////////////////////// CONVERT BINARY TO



,j)); j++; }
/* Serial.print("SUM:");Serial.print(sum); Serial.println();
*/ switch(sum)
case 32: DECODED_DATA=' ';case 33: DECODED_DATA='!';

case 34: DECODED_DATA='"';


case 35: DECODED_DATA='#';




case 36: DECODED_DATA='$';


case 37: DECODED_DATA='%';


case 38: DECODED_DATA='&';


//case 39: DECODED_DATA=''';

// break;

case 40: DECODED_DATA='(';


case 41: DECODED_DATA=')';


case 42: DECODED_DATA='*';

case 43: DECODED_DATA='+';


case 44: DECODED_DATA=',';


case 45: DECODED_DATA='-';


case 46: DECODED_DATA='.'; case 47: DECODED_DATA='/';


case 48: DECODED_DATA='0';


case 49: DECODED_DATA='1';


case 50: DECODED_DATA='2';


case 51: DECODED_DATA='3'



case 52: DECODED_DATA='4';


case 53: DECODED_DATA='5';


case 54: DECODED_DATA='6';


case 55: DECODED_DATA='7';


case 56: DECODED_DATA='8';

case 57: DECODED_DATA='9';


case 58: DECODED_DATA=':';


case 59: DECODED_DATA=';'; case 60: DECODED_DATA='<';


case 61: DECODED_DATA='=';


case 62: DECODED_DATA='>';


case 63: DECODED_DATA='?';


case 64: DECODED_DATA='@';


case 65: DECODED_DATA='A';


case 66: DECODED_DATA='B';


case 67: DECODED_DATA='C';


case 68: DECODED_DATA='D';


case 69: DECODED_DATA='E';

case 70: DECODED_DATA='F';


case 71: DECODED_DATA='G';


case 72: DECODED_DATA='H';


case 73: DECODED_DATA='I'; case 74: DECODED_DATA='J';


case 75: DECODED_DATA='K';


case 76: DECODED_DATA='L';


case 77: DECODED_DATA='M';


case 78: DECODED_DATA='N';


case 79: DECODED_DATA='O';


case 80: DECODED_DATA='P';


case 81: DECODED_DATA='Q';


case 82: DECODED_DATA='R';


case 83: DECODED_DATA='S';

case 84: DECODED_DATA='T';


case 85: DECODED_DATA='U';


case 86: DECODED_DATA='V'; case 87: DECODED_DATA='W';


case 88: DECODED_DATA='X';


case 89: DECODED_DATA='Y';


case 90: DECODED_DATA='Z';


case 91: DECODED_DATA='[';


case 92: DECODED_DATA='\'';


case 93: DECODED_DATA=']';


case 94: DECODED_DATA='^';


case 95: DECODED_DATA='_';


case 97: DECODED_DATA='a';

case 98: DECODED_DATA='b';


case 99: DECODED_DATA='c';


case 100: DECODED_DATA='d';


case 101: DECODED_DATA='e'; case 102: DECODED_DATA='f';


case 103: DECODED_DATA='g';


case 104: DECODED_DATA='h';


case 105: DECODED_DATA='i';


case 106: DECODED_DATA='j';


case 107: DECODED_DATA='k';


case 108: DECODED_DATA='l';


case 109: DECODED_DATA='m';


case 110: DECODED_DATA='n';


case 111: DECODED_DATA='o';

case 112: DECODED_DATA='p';


case 113: DECODED_DATA='q';


case 114: DECODED_DATA='r'; case 115: DECODED_DATA='s';


case 116: DECODED_DATA='t';


case 117: DECODED_DATA='u';


case 118: DECODED_DATA='v';


case 119: DECODED_DATA='w';


case 120: DECODED_DATA='x';


case 121: DECODED_DATA='y';


case 122: DECODED_DATA='z';


case 123: DECODED_DATA='{';


case 124: DECODED_DATA='|';

case 125: DECODED_DATA='}';


case 126: DECODED_DATA='~';




/* Serial.print("DECODED_DATA:");Serial.println(DECODED_DATA);
*/ message+=DECODED_DATA;

Serial.println(message); delay(500); z=0; lcd.clear(); while(message[z]!='\0') {
if(z==0) lcd.setCursor(0,0); if(z==16) lcd.setCursor(0,1); lcd.print(message[z]); z++;


if(message=="FAN ON#")

digitalWrite(fan,HIGH);Serial.println("FAN ON");

if(message=="FAN OFF#")

digitalWrite(fan,LOW); Serial.println("FAN OFF");

if(message=="LIGHT ONE ON#")

digitalWrite(LIGHT,HIGH);Serial.println("LIGHT ON");

if(message=="LIGHT ONE OFF#")

digitalWrite(LIGHT,LOW); Serial.println("LIGHT OFF");

if(message=="LIGHT TWO ON#")

digitalWrite(LIGHT1,HIGH); Serial.println("LIGHT TWO ON");

if(message=="LIGHT TWO OFF#")

digitalWrite(LIGHT1,LOW); Serial.println("LIGHT TWO OFF"); } message="";

int power(int num, int exponent)

{ int z,result=1; for(z=1;z<=exponent;z+

} returnresult; }



Fig 18.snapshot of transmitter module

RECEIVER CIRCUIT:Fig19. snapshot of receiver module


Fig.20 Snapshot of transmitted data

LiFi data is transmitted in several bit streams and the receiver side consisting an IR
detector decodes the message. The transmission happens in the form of binary data
where 0 means LEDin „OFF‟ state and 1 means that the LED is in the „ON‟ state.


It works in the wavelength range of 780nm … 50 µm. Li-Fi is still in its

incipient stages and thus offers tremendous scope for future research and innovation.
The following is a brief overview of some of the research work being conducted in
the field and the future scope for this technology.

Researchers are developing micron sized LEDs which flicker on and off 1000 times
faster than larger LEDs. They provide faster data transfer and also take up less space.
Moreover, 1000 micron sized LEDs can fit into area required by 1 sq. mm large
single LED. A 1 sq. mm sized array of micron sized LEDs could hence communicate

1000×1000 (i.e. a million) times as much information as a single 1mm LED. The Li-
Fi Consortium asserts that it is possible to achieve speeds greater than 10Gbps.
Researchers at the Heinrich Hertz Institute in Berlin, Germany, have achieved data
rates of over 500 megabytes per second using a standard white-light LED.

Future scope
1) Driving illumination grade LEDs at high speed
2) Increasing data rate with parallelism/arrays
3) Achieving low complexity/low cost modulation
4) Overcoming the line of sight constraint
5) Achieving seamless interoperability with other networks
6) Making Li-Fi work in environments with little or no light


1. ShubhamChatterjee, ShalabhAgarwal, AsokeNath, ―scope and Challenges in Light

Fidelity(LiFi)Technology in Wireless Data Communication‖,
2. International Journal of Innovative Research in Advanced Engineering(IJIRAE), Issue 6,
Vol 2, Page 1-9,(June 2015).
3. TechnoElectronics44-IR light communication theory.
5. TechnoElectronics Display unit theory
7. Savage, Neil (2014). Li-Fi Gets Ready to Compete with Wi-Fi
9. Quick, Darren (2014). 10 Gbps Li-Fi System Shows Wireless Data Transfer in New
10. Cuthbertson, Anthony (2015). LiFi Internet Breakthrough: 224 Gbps Connection
Broadcast with an LED bulb
12. S. Vinay Kumar, K. Sudhakar, L. Sudha Rani (2014). Emerging Technology Li-Fi over
Wi-Fi ,International Journal of Inventive Engineering and Sciences (IJIES), Vol. 2 Issue
3, February 2014, Sharma, R.R., Sanganal, A., Pati, S. (2014). Implementation of a
Simple Li-Fi Based System, International Journal of Computing and Technology
(IJCAT), Vol. 1 Issue 9, October 2014


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