India Cryptocurrency Article

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Reproduced with permission. Published September 03, 2021. Copyright R 2021 The Bureau of National Affairs, Inc. 800-
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Cryptocurrencies—Legal and Tax Considerations in India

BY BIJAL AJINKYA, RAGHAV KUMAR BAJAJ AND evolving legal landscape as well as the income tax re-
lated implications related to cryptocurrencies in India.
With a global market capitalization of around $2 tril-
lion, cryptocurrencies (or virtual currencies—the ex- Technological Aspects of
pression in use recently for such assets) can no longer Cryptocurrencies
be ignored. The hunger for alternative investment op-
portunities fueled by pandemic-hit business sentiment Cryptocurrencies are usually defined as a digital rep-
has been a prominent reason for the astounding jump resentation of value which is secured using crypto-
in crypto valuations in the past 12 months. graphic methods and is recorded, transferred, or stored
From a global tax perspective, this provides a mas- electronically using distributed ledger technology. Sim-
sive tax opportunity for countries, and governments as ply put, these are electronic peer-to-peer currencies.
well as international economic bodies have become This concept gained traction after the 2007–08 global
more active and pragmatic in their approach towards financial crisis, with the introduction of a cryptocur-
cryptocurrencies. Though there are several macro-level rency named Bitcoin.
policy issues and aspects—legal, regulatory, and The core ideology behind cryptocurrencies was to
taxation—that require clarity in this area, the underly- create and move money without a central authority (i.e.
ing technology (i.e. the blockchain technology) needs to a central bank of a country). Hence it was necessary to
be leveraged and explored proactively to usher in the ensure that the underlying technology and infrastruc-
transition towards a digital economy. ture on which a cryptocurrency is based has an in-built
India’s approach towards cryptocurrencies has been trust mechanism and that the data/information entered
cautious and conservative, but it has certainly evolved on such networks remains immutable and tamper-
over time. From a tax perspective, there is no official proof.
guidance from the Indian government yet on how In this regard, we outline below some of the key tech-
crypto-related gains should be taxed and what should nological aspects:
be the most appropriate characterization for cryptocur- s Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT): a distrib-
rencies. The taxation of crypto-related gains will there- uted network of participants, using independent com-
fore need to be examined in light of the existing taxa- puters (also called nodes) which record, share, and syn-
tion principles. chronize information (essentially transactions or data)
In this article we discuss some of the key technologi- independently in their respective electronic ledgers. For
cal concepts that surround cryptocurrencies and the ease of understanding, as an analogy, DLT can be un-
derstood as a WhatsApp group chat where the chat his-
tory (which contains the information) is the ledger
Bijal Ajinkya is a Partner, Raghav Kumar
which is distributed on every member’s phone (node/
Bajaj is a Principal Associate and Milind Has-
rajani is an Associate at Khaitan & Co.



s Cryptography: the method of sending secured in- Key Taxable Events

formation between two or more participants. It essen-
tially involves converting information that is available The foundational step for imposing any tax on cryp-
in plain ordinary text into unintelligible text (encryp- tocurrencies is their characterization. It remains open
tion) and vice versa (decryption). Cryptography in the whether cryptocurrency should fall under the definition
realm of cryptocurrencies is used to secure and authen- of a ‘‘currency’’ or whether it should simply be classi-
ticate the information being recorded on a DLT. As the fied as an ‘‘intangible asset.’’ This question has become
idea behind cryptocurrencies is to eliminate the need even more interesting recently as El Salvador has rec-
for a central authority, cryptographic methods are used ognized Bitcoin as its legal tender and therefore it may
to secure and authenticate the information relating to be argued that Bitcoin falls under the definition of a
such cryptocurrency, to instil trust between the partici- ‘‘foreign currency.’’
pants transacting in a cryptocurrency. The taxable events in relation to cryptocurrencies can
be broadly divided into two categories—events which
lead to the creation or generation of a cryptocurrency,
s Blockchain: A blockchain is a subset of DLT and and events which relate to the secondary disposal of a
one of the most commonly used forms of DLT. As the cryptocurrency. The possible Indian income tax impli-
name suggests, it is essentially a chain of blocks with cations of such events are discussed below.
each block linked to the previous one. Each block con-
sists of information on the transactions (timestamp, Creation of Cryptocurrencies
value, etc.) that have taken place on the blockchain s Mining: If the activity of mining is carried out with
DLT and which has been cryptographically authenti- the intention of earning profits (i.e. as a business), then
cated by the participants on the DLT. According to the the rewarded cryptocurrency should be taxable as busi-
World Economic Forum, blockchain technology is be- ness income. However, if mining is carried out as a ca-
ing hailed as one of the seven revolutionary technolo- sual activity or a hobby, it needs to be evaluated
gies that will revolutionize various aspects of human whether the rewarded cryptocurrency will be character-
lives. ized as ordinary income or as a non-taxable capital re-
ceipt. For it to be characterized as ordinary income, the
relevant test will be whether cryptocurrency falls within
s Mining: As explained above, information related the ambit of a ‘‘security.’’ This is because under Indian
to transactions in a cryptocurrency is required to be au- income tax law, receipt of a ‘‘security’’ for nil or inad-
thenticated using cryptographic methods before it is equate consideration triggers a taxable event for the re-
stored on a DLT. Thus, mining is deploying computers cipient.
to cryptographically authenticate such information be-
ing recorded on a DLT. However, not every participant
s Initial Coin Offering (ICO): Similar to an initial
on the DLT may be interested in authenticating infor-
public offering by a company, an ICO refers to an event
mation and may merely be interested in transacting
where a new cryptocurrency is issued in exchange for
with the cryptocurrency. Therefore, to incentivize par-
one of the existing major cryptocurrencies (for ex-
ticipants to authenticate such information, a reward in
ample, Bitcoin, Ether) or in some cases even in ex-
the form of the cryptocurrency itself is given to such
change for fiat currencies. An ICO is a commonly used
participants. Participants who successfully authenticate
method for raising funds for a new project in the cryp-
such information using cryptographic methods are
tocurrency space. In the absence of any specific taxing
called ‘‘miners.’’
provision for such events in relation to cryptocurren-
cies, it seems that the existing provisions of Indian in-
come tax law relating to primary issuance of shares will
not be attracted in the case of an ICO.
Evolving Legal Landscape in India
s Airdrop: This refers to an event where cryptocur-
Since Bitcoin and the concept of cryptocurrencies rency is given or distributed, without any consideration,
started gaining traction, the Indian government has to a select few people (such as influencers, celebrities,
consistently taken a cautionary approach, with the Re- or other public figures) to increase awareness of the
serve Bank of India (RBI) warning the Indian public cryptocurrency. This method is generally adopted by
about the uncertainties surrounding cryptocurrencies. new cryptocurrencies upon their launch in the market.
In 2018, the RBI issued a prohibition on Indian banks A recent example of airdropping occurred when more
facilitating any transactions in cryptocurrencies. Fur- than 50% of the Shiba Inu (a relatively new cryptocur-
ther, in 2019 an Inter-Ministerial Committee set up by rency launched in 2020) in circulation was donated to
the Indian government also recommended that all pri- Vitalik Buterin, the co-founder of Ethereum. In the case
vate cryptocurrencies, except any official digital cur- of influencers and celebrities, the receipt of cryptocur-
rency issued by the state, be banned in India. rencies via an airdrop is likely to be taxable in the same
However, the legal landscape and the perception in manner as fees received for promoting brand aware-
India of cryptocurrencies has evolved, and the RBI pro- ness, i.e. as business income. However, in the case of
hibition described above was set aside by the Supreme public figures (such as Buterin), who are not in the busi-
Court of India in 2020. Arguably, this was a watershed ness of carrying out brand awareness or marketing ac-
moment in India’s cryptocurrency ecosystem. However, tivities, and to whom cryptocurrencies are airdropped
the statements made by the government and regulators without any expectation of service in return, the receipt
from time to time still indicate that the future of crypto- may be taxable as an ordinary income, provided that
currencies from an Indian regulatory perspective may the cryptocurrency falls within the ambit of a ‘‘secu-
be uncertain. rity.’’



currency being facilitated by the exchange) whether

cryptocurrencies will fall under the definition of
Secondary Disposal of Cryptocurrencies ‘‘goods.’’
s Mined coins: Where the secondary sale relates to It is relevant to note that the definition of ‘‘goods’’ un-
mined cryptocurrencies, the gains arising upon disposal der the Indian Sale of Goods Act has wide import and
of such mined coins should be taxable as business in- includes movable property of every kind which is sold
come, if mining activities were carried out with the in- for monetary consideration.
tention of earning profits. In any other case of a mined
coin, the gains arising upon disposal of mined coins
should be taxable as capital gains. However, it may be Global Tax Considerations and
argued that no capital gains tax should be levied in the
case of mined coins, as the cost of acquisition of such Implications
assets is not determinable, thereby resulting in failure
The Organization for Economic Cooperation and De-
of the machinery provisions for computing capital
velopment (OECD) in its report titled ‘‘Taxing Virtual
gains. However, the tax authorities may want to argue
Currencies: An Overview of Tax Treatments And
that the computing costs, electricity costs, etc., incurred
Emerging Tax Policy Issues’’ has noted that countries
in relation to cryptocurrency mining should form the
have different approaches in their characterization of
cost base for computing such capital gains.
cryptocurrencies for tax purposes.
While many countries have characterized cryptocur-
s Other than mined coins: In other cases, it needs to rencies as merely an intangible asset, some have gone
be evaluated whether the gains arising from such sec- further and classified them as a financial instrument or
ondary disposal would be taxable as business income or a virtual commodity. Certain countries such as Italy,
capital gains, as may be applicable according to the Belgium, and Poland have also classified them as ‘‘cur-
facts of the case. rency.’’
While a majority of countries is yet to formulate spe-
s Exchange for goods/services: Where cryptocur- cific laws and regulations to govern the cryptocurrency
rency was held for a period of time, during which its space, some, like the U.S., U.K., and Singapore, have
value increased/decreased, and thereafter it was ex- released detailed guidance in relation to the income tax
changed in return for any goods or services, the gains treatment of cryptocurrencies. The approach taken by
earned or the losses incurred during the holding period the U.S. and the U.K. is to treat mining as the first event
(i.e. the increase or decrease in the value of the crypto- of taxation; whereas in Singapore, mere mining of cryp-
currency since its acquisition) before the cryptocur- tocurrencies will not lead to any tax implications, and it
rency was exchanged for goods or service will result in is only upon secondary disposal that tax implications
a taxable event. The tax implications in relation to such arise.
gains should be the same as in case of a secondary dis- Another notable difference is that while Singapore
posal, as discussed above. has provided clear implications in the case of different
types of ICOs, the U.S. and the U.K. have not provided
any guidance in relation to the tax implications in case
Other Tax Considerations of an ICO. The U.K. has provided further guidance with
respect to determination of the situs of the cryptocur-
Equalization Levy The Indian income tax law im- rencies as well for tax purposes.
poses an additional tax of 2%, the equalization levy
(EL), on the consideration received by an offshore en-
tity which manages, operates, or owns an electronic fa- Going Forward
cility or platform, for online sale of goods or online pro-
vision of services or both. The Indian government has on various occasions
clarified that cryptocurrency-related gains will be tax-
Thus, for offshore cryptocurrency exchanges provid-
able depending upon the nature of the holding of such
ing cryptocurrency-related services to Indian residents
cryptocurrency. A clear road map and official guidance
or to any person using services from an Indian IP ad-
are keenly awaited on critical aspects such as what
dress, the possible application of the EL should be
should be the first taxable event and the valuation
mechanism, and who should have the obligation to re-
Similarly, the application of the EL in the case of an port cryptocurrency trades.
offshore entity providing online wallet services for cryp-
In recent years, the Indian income tax authorities
tocurrencies should also be evaluated.
have also issued notices to cryptocurrency holders and
Tax Deducted at Source (TDS) Under the Indian in- exchanges seeking details about their cryptocurrency
come tax law, if sale of goods by an Indian resident is dealings.
facilitated through an electronic facility or a platform It thus remains to be seen how the Indian govern-
owned, operated, or managed by an entity (whether off- ment develops regulations in the crypto space. If regu-
shore or onshore), TDS at the rate of 1% needs to be de- lated properly, this asset class could reap huge tax rev-
ducted by such entity. Thus, cryptocurrency exchanges enues for the government which could be used to meet
will need to evaluate the applicability of this provision its planned objectives in relation to the development of
to their business models for facilitating the sale of cryp- the country.
tocurrencies held by an Indian resident. Further, with talk gaining momentum that the Indian
However, as the term ‘‘goods’’ is not defined under government is considering a phased introduction of a
Indian income tax law, it is necessary to evaluate on a Central Bank Digital Currency, it will be imperative to
case-by-case basis (depending upon the sale of crypto- embrace the underlying blockchain technology.



The environmental impact of cryptocurrency mining tan & Co. For any further queries, please contact us at
will also need to be weighed by governments when de-
ciding their next course of action in this field—for in-
stance, it has been reported that the electricity con- This column does not necessarily reflect the opinion
sumed in mining Bitcoins represented about 0.59% of of The Bureau of National Affairs, Inc. or its owners.
global electricity consumption, and in May 2021, the
Iranian government imposed a four-month long ban on
cryptocurrency mining operations amid major power Bijal Ajinkya is a Partner, Raghav Kumar Bajaj is a
blackouts in many cities. Principal Associate and Milind Hasrajani is an Associ-
ate at Khaitan & Co.
The authors may be contacted at: bijal.ajinkya@
The views of the author(s) in this article are personal;;
and do not constitute legal/professional advice of Khai-


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