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"Año del Bicentenario del Perú: 200 años de Independencia"



-Damián Orosco Fiorella
-Huaylla Huaylla Nallely Brillithe-U18206750
- Sairitupac Orozco Mario Francisco-U20213419

"Año del Bicentenario del Perú: 200 años de Independencia"


Damian Orosco Fiorella Huaylla Huaylla Nallely

Sairitupac Orozco

"Año del Bicentenario del Perú: 200 años de Independencia"

A: Good morning, what's your name?

B: My name is Nallely.

A: Let me introduce myself. I'm Fiorella, nice to meet you and what is your name?

C: My name is Mario Sairitupac

A: Well, Nallely and Mario, nice to meet you, sit down, are you nervous?

B: No.

C: Just a little, but very confident to be part of the company.

A: Relax, everything will be fine. Let us begin. Tell me Nallely, what are your qualities?

B: I am a very active, persevering, responsible and empathetic girl with others, and I would also like to
grow with the company.

A: Well, these qualities will be of great use to you for the job. And Mario also tell us what are your

C: I can work with people very well, I can help the company to achieve its objectives and I can plan
strategies to increase the company's efficiency.

A: Well Mario, I'll tell you a bit about work, you have to be patient and know how to work as a team,
remember that you are in front of different clients, you have the ability to help people, you know how to
listen to the client, etc.

Nallely and Mario have previously worked in customer service.

B: Yes, I worked in the subway, my job was to serve the customer and be empathetic with him.

C: I see, I researched the company before coming here, I know the company has a lot of customers
and they are very demanding, so I have to listen to the customers, I have to help them meet their
goals and I have to be helpful to them. About your question, yes I have, I worked in customer service,
in the human resources area in a food company last year, before the pandemic started.

A: I like the answers you are giving me, would you be willing to work weekends?

B: yes, no problem for me.

C: Yes, I would.

A: How good are Nallely and Mario, in the next few days we will be communicating with you so that you
can sign your contracts, until then, take care of yourselves and have a great day.

B: Thanks, anyway.

C: Thanks, miss Fiorella.

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