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This will probably be the longest, most honest and detailed, employment ad you will ever read.

We did this so that you don't waste your time applying for a job that you know, deep down, is not for

We want to lay it out from the get go - what type of person we are looking for and what we expect
from you.

If you are up for a job that is as demanding as it is rewarding, please continue reading the rest of
this ad. If you are up to the challenge, we look forward to receiving your application, resume and
cover letter.

To those of you who read this entire ad and apply for the position, we thank you in advance and
look forward to meeting you.

We are looking to hire offshore talent for the position of Administrative Assistant.

This is not a temporary position, the successful applicant will become an integral part of our team.

We are looking for a hardworking, detail-oriented individual to be our staff.

What will you do?

Administrative Assistant responsibilities include making travel and meeting arrangements, preparing
reports and maintaining appropriate filing systems. The ideal candidate should have excellent oral
and written communication skills and be able to organize their work using tools, like MS Excel and
office equipment.

You will handle direct interaction with clients and parties to transactions here in the US once you
have been trained and established your proficiency in the English and Spanish.

What are some characteristics that you should have?

You will need to speak English and Spanish clearly. You will need strong grammar and writing skills
in both English and Spanish.

You must be a positive person. If you see the glass as being half full, you are the type of person we
are looking for. Our office does not do well with toxic or negative attitudes, complainers or victims,
and you will not fit in if you even think that you may fit into one of the above categories of negative

We prefer people who are not afraid of computers or learning new things that will make their jobs

If you lose stuff, are not organized, and get easily distracted, please don't apply.

You need to be detail oriented and willing to go the extra mile to get the job done right the first time.
In our practice getting it done right the first time for our clients is very important and we need
everyone to work with this goal in mind. If this seems too much to ask of you, don't apply for this
job. As a way to test your attention to detail we have included a question on our application which
reads “Do you feel attention to detail is important?” Please answer this question by placing the
words “Apple Pie” and nothing else in the space provided for your answer.
You must be a team player. We are strong believers in the team approach, so if you are not a team
player, this is not the job for you.

You need to be able to interact with people in a manner that is polite, educated, and puts them at

You cannot talk down to anyone that you deal with in our office. You need to have compassion
when dealing with those you meet as part of our team.

Your ability to listen to what you are being told and ask follow up questions is very important. If you
cannot listen, understand, evaluate and interview someone, this is not the job for you.

You MUST be able to handle working with several different databases of information. If you aren't
100% confident managing data and people, you are not the right person for this job.

At times, you will also need to know how to figure things out on your own, creatively problem solve
and come up with solutions.

To put it simply, we want you to earn what we are paying you. We don't want to pay you to
socialize, surf the Internet, e-mail friends and family, work for another company or any other non-
work related activities while you are on the clock for us. This does not mean it is not fun to be on our
team, it just means we know when we have to work and we know when to have fun.

If this sounds harsh or unfair, then this is not the job for you.

At this point some of you may be thinking that this job will be the w orst job in the world.
If you are, this is not the job for you.

If, on the other hand, you realize that such a team will help you get your job done efficiently and
also have a life outside of work, then you are the type of candidate we would like to discuss the
opportunity we are offering.

If you are hired, you will be part of a wonderful team of people, who work hard to get the job done
right the first time and take pride in the work that they do. You will be part of a team that is rewarded
for their hard work.

Regarding compensation, it is negotiable based upon experience and is subject to review after
90 days. After 90 days, if you have completed your training and established yourself as a
valuable member of the team you will receive an increase of salary. Please refer to the ad
where you found this position for more specific information.

You will be challenged  but you will have fun and you will enjoy helping our clients.

If you have gotten this far, you are truly an exceptional worker looking for a professional team, as
most people will have stopped reading this ad a long time ago. You want to be part of a team where
your hard work and efforts are recognized, appreciated and rewarded.


Fill out our application and link the necessary documents.

The application requires you to attach two photos one of yourself and of your workstation. For the
photo of you please hold a sheet of paper which says “The Job Duck”. For the photo of your desk
please put a sheet of paper on your desk which reads “The Job Duck” so that it can be seen in the

Thank you for taking the time to read this entire ad. If you decide to apply we look forward to
meeting you.

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