195 - Salat Al-Lail - Short

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Æal°t al-La¢l is a Kaff°rah for the sins committed in the

Æal°t al-La¢l day.4
3. That house in which Æal°t al-La¢l is recited beams with
Taken from Weapon of the Believer
Translated by Saleem Bhimji light for those who are in the heavens just as the stars beam
www.al-mubin.org | al-mubin@al-mubin.org with light for those who are on earth.5
4. The great and noble people of our nation are those who
In many of the verses of the Qur˜°n, the performance of are protectors of the Qur˜°n and who stay awake the night in
Æal°t al-La¢l and staying awake a portion of the night after worship.6
midnight in the worship of All°h (Glory and Greatness be
5. There are three things which raise a person’s rank and
to Him) has been mentioned, of which, we present some
station: (1) Initiating the greeting to a fellow Muslim, (2)
of these verses:
feeding people, (3) Æal°t in the darkness of the night when all
other people are busy sleeping.7
6. Æal°t al-La¢l makes one’s face beautiful; beautifies one’s
“…and those who ask forgiveness in the morning times.” etiquette; gives a pleasant smell to one’s body and increases
one’s daily sustenance. It also removes sorrow and grief and
gives strength to the eyes.8
. !" # $ %&'( " )*!
7. One who does not read the Æal°t al-La¢l is not considered
“Say your special (tahajjud) prayer during as a Sh¢`a of the Ahl al-Ba¢t.9
some part of the night…”
8. One who is not able to perform the Æal°t al-La¢l is truly a
very unfortunate person.10
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9. Committing sins is one of the reasons for one to be
“And they who pass the night prostrating
unsuccessful in the performance of Æal°t al-La¢l.11
themselves before their Lord and standing.”
10. The performance of Æal°t al-La¢l leads to gaining the

19 : ".; +(& -.4% <6 = 4 +( .56 7" ' 8

pleasure of All°h; love of the Angels; is the Sunnah of the
Prophets; leads to the light of true recognition of All°h; is the
.-.>? 5 +@ 52A B foundation of belief; tranquility of the soul; destruction of
Shaiß°n; a weapon against one’s enemies; acceptance of one’s
“Their sides draw away from (their) beds, they call upon supplications; acceptance of one’s actions; blessings in one’s
their Lord in fear and in hope, and they spend sustenance; intercession when the Angel of Death comes;
(benevolently) out of what We have given them.” brightness in the grave; protects the person while in the
grave; ease in the answering of the angels Munkir and Nak¢r
+@ F A17B -.9'( )*! , C*!2 3.# DE and is the companionship and friendship in the grave.12

A18B -
“They used to sleep but little in the night. And in the
morning they asked forgiveness.”

The Æal°t al-La¢l was W°jib upon the Messenger of All°h1

and no Prophet had been sent before him except that it
Bi¦¡r Al-Anw¡r, Vol. 87, Pg. 136
was obligatory upon them too.2
Bi¦¡r Al-Anw¡r, Vol. 87, Pg. 161; Raw¤hatu `l-W¡i`dh¢n, Pg. 320
In the a¶°d¢th from the Ahl al-Ba¢t (peace be upon all of Bi¦¡r Al-Anw¡r, Vol. 87, Pg. 138; Am¡l¢ Sha¢kh ¯ad£q, Pg. 141
them), it has been emphatically mentioned that: Bi¦¡r Al-Anw¡r, Vol. 87, Pg. 141; Khi¥¡l, Vol. 1, Pg. 42
Bi¦¡r Al-Anw¡r, Vol. 86, Pg. 153, Thaw¡b Al-A’m¡l, Pg. 38

1. Æal°t al-La¢l protects one during the daytime.3 9

Bi¦¡r Al-Anw¡r, Vol. 87, Pg. 162; Maqnah of Shaikh Muf¢d, Pg. 119
Bi¦¡r Al-Anw¡r, Vol. 87, Pg. 164; Ma`¡n¢ Al-Akhb¡r, Pg. 342
1 Bi¦¡r Al-Anw¡r, Vol. 87, Pg. 152; Taw¦¢d Shaikh ¯ad£q, Pg. 97
Bi¦¡r Al-Anw¡r, Vol. 87, Pg. 122
2 Bi¦¡r Al-Anw¡r, Vol. 87, Pg. 161; Irsh¡d Al-Qul£b, Pg. 316
Bi¦¡r Al-Anw¡r, Vol. 87, Pg. 136; Tafs¢r Al-Qumm¢, Pg. 701
Bi¦¡r Al-Anw¡r, Vol. 87, Pg. 154; Ma¦¡sin Barq¢, Pg. 53
The method of asking forgiveness as taught to us by Am¢r al-
Method of Reciting Æal°t al-La¢l Mo’min¢n `Al¢ ibn Ab¢ O°lib (peace be upon him) in the night as is
Æal°t al-La¢l is 11 Rak`at in which:
1. Recite the following 70 times:
1. The first 8 Rak`at are prayed in four Æal°t of two Rak`at
each with the intention of Æal°t al-La¢l.
$* H I.8G J, $K! G
2. Following this, two Rak`at would be read with the “I seek repentance from All°h, my Lord and to Him I turn
intention of Æal°t ash-Shaf`. back.”

3. Once this is recited, one Rak`at with the intention of 2. Followed by reciting the following seven times:
Æal°t al-Witr would be recited.

$* H I.8G O.N*? NJ .@ KLH $D H DL M0 $K! G

Qun£t of Æal°t al-Witr
“I seek repentance from All°h the One whom there is no god
except Him, the Living and Self-Subsisting and to Him I turn
The Æal°t al-Witr is one Rak`at and is the Æal°t and
whispered supplication that completes the Æal°t al-La¢l.
As it has been mentioned in the a¶°d¢th, the Æal°t is the
3. One of the most important acts in the Qun£t of the Æal°t al-
Me`r°j of the believer, and the Æal°t al-Witr is the wave
Witr is supplication for forty believers (men or women)
that carries the believer to the higher realms. It has been
amongst one’s family, friends, those who have asked to be
specifically mentioned in the a¶°d¢th that, “The more a
prayed for, the deceased and the Sh¢`a of Am¢r Al-Mo’min¢n
person stands while in the Æal°t al-Witr will have to stand
`Al¢ ibn Ab¢ O°lib (peace be upon him). Whosoever does this will
less on the Day of Judgement.”13
be assured that his supplications are answered.17

The main item that carries one during this spiritual

4. One should then say the following three hundred times:
journey is the Qun£t of the Æal°t al-Witr in which those
who are the true servants of All°h, spend countless hours,
engrossed in supplication and tears and asking . 93
forgiveness for their sins.
“I ask for forgiveness.”
The Prophet of Isl°m Mu¶ammad ibn `Abdullah (blessings
5. Following this, the following should be said once:
of All°h be upon him and his family) has said: “Whichever of you
prolongs the Qun£t in his Æal°t al-Witr will have more
ease on the Day of Judgement.”14 +*S& I3.& Q#G &#H ,J!4 R8 J5 S J P &I
“Lord, please forgive me and have mercy upon me and turn
During the Qun£t of the Æal°t al-Witr, there are many
back towards me. Verily You are the Oft-Turning back, Most
supplications, which can be recited, and although it is not
possible to list all of them here, we will mention the most
important forms of seeking forgiveness.
Please do not forget all of the believers throughout the world
in your Æal°t al-La¢l especially those downtrodden and
At the time of asking forgiveness, one should lift his left
oppressed Muslims of Palestine, Iraq, Kashmir, Chechniya,
hand for asking forgiveness and use the right hand to
Bosnia, and all over the globe. May All°h (Glory and
count the number of times15 and if one uses a tasb¢¶ made
Greatness be to Him) hasten the advent of the 12th Im°m
from the dirt of Kerbal°, then the reward of the
(may All°h hasten his return) to fill this world with justice
forgiveness is increased.
and equality.

Bi¦¡r Al-Anw¡r, Vol. 87, Pg. 308; Mi¥b¡¦ of Al-Kaf`am¢, Page 58
Bi¦¡r Al-Anw¡r, Vol. 87, Pg. 154; Fiqh ar-Ri¤¡, Pg. 9
Bi¦¡r Al-Anw¡r, Vol., 87, Pg., 284; Mi¥b¡¦ Al-Muttahajjid, Pg. 109
Bi¦¡r Al-Anw¡r, Vol. 87, Pg. 287; Al-Faq¢h, Vol. 1, Pg. 308
Bi¦¡r Al-Anw¡r, Vol., 87, Pg. 275; Mi¥b¡¦ Al-Muttahajjid, Pg. 109
Bi¦¡r Al-Anw¡r, Vol. 87, Pg. 208

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