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To maintain order and good workflow, follow the netiquette guidelines below. These rules cover
classroom behavior, reminders about courtesy, format of sending a message, and other values that
must be observed in the class.

Formatting Messages

When constructing messages, make sure to follow the format below. It's courteous to start with a
greeting and an introduction of yourself before writing the body of your message. Do not type in ALL
CAPS. Maintain formality in typing your messages. Avoid shortcuts.

"Good day, Sir. I am ______________ (state your name) from ______________ (state your section).”

After this intro, proceed with your concern and then end with “Thank You”.

Writing the Content of Messages

Be careful with your choice of words especially when conversing on group chat, discussion board, or
email because it can easily be misinterpreted. Let us maintain a positive online environment by
refraining from the use curse words, sarcasms, angry tone, etc. Avoid sending irrelevant contents.

Proper Timing on Sending Messages

Avoid reaching out to your teachers beyond the standard office time (7:30AM-5:30PM). This is a way
to respect your teacher's personal time. I will not entertain any message beyond 5:30PM. Response will
be given the next office day. Use my contact information as the recipient of your message.

Using Facebook Group Chat

The purpose of our FB group chat is for the dissemination of announcements and reminders. Avoid
spamming messages so that you won't having any difficulty in backreading for information.
Attending Synchronous/Virtual Classes

You are highly encouraged to join synchronous classes. Use your real name when attending so that
the teacher can easily identify you. You may opt to use nicknames as long as you asked for a
permission. Always mute your mic unless you want to raise your concern or share your insights. Also,
respond when the teacher asks a question. If you are not comfortable with communicating through
audio or mic, use the chat box instead. Wait for your turn before speaking. Respect the insights of your
classmates and be polite when correcting mistakes.

Please do not just speak when the meeting is ending.

Using Modules

Avoid skipping your lessons. Read and understand the contents of the module before answering your
activity. Use the video guides provided to reinforce your understanding of the lessons. Also, if you have
concerns with your modules, kindly contact you subject teacher.
Doing Activities on Canvas

Please read and follow the instructions carefully. When one part of the activity requires you to upload
an image, see to it that the image is clear enough to be seen and is properly oriented (hindi
nakabaligtad). In addition, make sure that your uploaded image is not locked. I have experienced
checking activities with images that are not viewable. Double-check before submitting, or else you will
get a lower score.


Submitting Requirements Outside of Canvas

If you do not have access to your Canvas account, submit through my email (kaamlos@uc- or FB messenger (Kenny Jones Amlos). Do not just attach a document and send it right
away. Follow the format I mentioned; start with a greeting by telling your name and section, then tell
that you are submitting your activity. Please make sure that you have attached/uploaded your output
in the email before sending it. Your output may come in the form of image, word document, or pdf.
Before attaching your output, rename the file following the format below.


Example: Amlos, Kenny Jones (ABM 11Z-FABM1-M1-A1)


Asking for an Extension of Submission Date

You can ask for an extension of submission date, but your reason must be valid (to make it valid, proof
must be provided), and it must be raised before the submission date itself. The length of extension
depends on my assessment of our academic schedule and degree of your concern. Be honest. Or
else, 'di ka lang minus points sa langit, plus points ka pa sa impyerno’.

Submitting Late Requirements

Avoid late submissions. In case you do, state your reason (valid or not). This is to inform and enlighten
me about what happened. Expect that I will be asking follow-up questions regarding your concern.
Late submissions will be assessed on a case-to-case basis.


“Always keep in mind this NETIQUETTE for us to have a bright and beautiful world”

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