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Detailed Lesson Plan in Earth Science (STEM)

(September 8, 2021)

During and after the lesson, the students should be able to:
1. Define Rocks.
2. Identify and describe three basic rock types.
3. Describe a rock in terms of texture and structure.


A. Topic: Classification of Rocks
B. Instructional Materials: Visual Aids, Laptop, Projector and
Rock sample.
C. Strategy: Discovery Approach, 4A’s (Activity, Analysis,
Abstraction, Application)
D. Skills to be developed: Critical Thinking, Listening,
Analyzation, Listening and Speaking
E. Values to be integrated: Confidence, Cooperation, and Team
F. Time Frame: 60 minutes.

Teacher’s Activity Students’ Activity
1. Prayer
“Please all stand for the prayer. Ms. De La Cruz, “Classmates, are you ready to pray. Let
kindly lead the prayer.” us pray…”
2. Classroom Management
“Before you sit please pick up the pieces of (Students will arrange their chairs
papers and plastics around you. And, kindly properly and pick up the pieces of
arrange your chairs properly.” papers and plastics.)

3. Checking of Attendance
“Ms. Secretary of the class, who are the “Maam there is no absent for today.”
absentees for today?”

“Thank you.”
4. Checking of Assignment
Did I give you an assignment? “None Maam”
5. Recall
“What was the lesson we discussed last
meeting?” “The topic we discussed last meeting
was all about the Earth Science…”
Exactly, can you name one?
Very good, thank you.

6. Motivation
Do you want a game?
It is entitled YELLOW or GREEN.

 You will be given a two cards which

are the YELLOW card and GREEN
card. (The students will respond)
 If the picture shown is Rock you will
raise the YELLOW card and if it is
not raise the GREEN card.

Is that clear?

7. Introduction of the Lesson

“Did you enjoy the game?” “Yes maam.”
I believe you are very familiar with the
game, aren’t you?”

“Based on the activity that we had done, “It’s all about rocks.”
what do you think is our topic for today?”

“Exactly, our topic for today class is all

about the pictures I have shown to you
which is the Rocks and its Classification”

8. Presentation of Objectives
“Here are our objectives for today:
During and after the lesson, the
students should be able to:
4. Define Rocks.
5. Identify and describe three basic (Students will read the objectives
rock types. simultaneously.)
6. Describe a rock in terms of texture
and structure.

“Can you attain those objectives class?” “Of course maam.”


“To formally start our lesson. Let’s have another
1. I will group into three.
2. Each group will go to your respective
station. (Students will group their selves and
3. The group member must choose a leader proceed to their designated area given.)
and reporter to deliver and discuss your
group findings about the specimen in every
4. Every group will have a reading guide to
describe the rock.

“Before that here is the rubric for your

Group 5 Points 4 Points 2 0 Points
Participation Points
All actively participates Participates in Does not Disrupts
and work cooperatively the activity participate group task.
.Answers the Share ideas actively Share and
questions correctly. and answers Answers discuss ideas
aptly. questions but irrelevant
when asked and
but limited inappropriate.
relevance. Does not
Rock 5 Points 4 Points 3 Points 2 Points
IAll 4 rock specimens 3 rock 2 rock 1 rock
are identified correctly specimens specimens specimens
are identified are identified are identified
correctly. correctly. correctly
Presentation 5 Points 4 Points 3 Points 2 Points
Outstanding Well Somewhat More than two
organization and organized organized elements are
preparation. and prepared with evidence missing.
of preparation

Total Points: 15

“Can you do that class?” “Yes maam.”

Analysis/ Discussion

“Let’s have the Group 1 to present their findings.

Let’s have the Group 2 to present their findings.

Each group will present their findings.

Let’s have the Group 3 to present their findings.” (The students will respond)


Our next activity today is entitled as (The students will do the tasks)
“Complete me, Please.”, on this activity you
are going to identify different parts of the
volcano on the activity sheet.

If you have questions, clarifications and violent

reactions. Kindly approach me so that I can
help you.

You may begin.

“Complete me, Please.”

Values Integration
Why do we need to study minerals? “To gives us a glimpse about the
possible resources that we may get
from the minerals.”

“To fully understand what rocks is made

up of.”

“Minerals are source of different metals

and nonmetals resources that we
enjoyed today”

Choose the correct answers.

1. Which of the following is not a mineral?

a. Quartz c. Corundum
b. Topaz d. Cement
2. The following are criteria to know if it is a mineral, EXCEPT.
a. Liquid b. Inorganicc. Solid d. Definite Chemical Composition
3. What is the hardest mineral?
a. Gypsum c. Diamond
b. Corundum d. Quartz
4. Which of the following will show fizzing effect or effervescence?
a. Pyrite c. Calcite
b. Magnetite d. Analcime
5. The property of a mineral to show attraction or repulsion.
a. Luster c. Color
b. Specific Gravity d. Magnetism

Give the following

1. Write an essay with a topic: Should the Philippines needs to ban


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