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Payroll Management System

Submitted by

Vrushika H. Ruwala (166150316049)

Monika D. Tiwari (166150316058)
Devanshi V. Trivedi (166150316059)

In partial fulfillment for the award of the

degree of


Information Technology

Government Polytechnic for Girls, Surat

Gujarat Technological University,

Ahmedabad April , 2019

Government Polytechnic for Girls, Surat

Athwa Gate, Surat-395002


This is to certify that the project report, submitted along with the project
entitled Payroll Management System has been carried out by Vrushika H.
Ruwala, Monika D. Tiwari, Devanshi V. Trivedi under my guidance in
partial fulfillment for the degree of Diploma in Information Technology 5th
Semester of Gujarat Technological University, Ahmedabad during the
academic year 2018-19. These students have successfully completed project
activity under my guidance.

External Examiner:

Mr. Pragnesh A. Patel Ms. Jigna J. Desai

Guide, Lecturer Head
IT Department IT Department
GPG, Surat GPG, Surat

The satisfaction that accompanies that the successful completion of any task would be
incomplete without the mention of people whose ceaseless cooperation made it possible,
whose constant guidance and encouragement crown all efforts with success.

We are grateful to our project guide Mr. Pragnesh A. Patel for the guidance, inspiration
and constructive suggestions that helpful us in the preparation of this project.

We also thank our colleagues who have helped in successful completion of the project.

Vrushika H. Ruwala (166150316049)

Monika D. Tiwari (166150316058)

Devanshi V. Trivedi (166150316059)


In our institute process of salary slip generation done manually by an admin. Admin uses
Microsoft excel for maintaining all information related to faculties salary and salary slip
generation. But using Microsoft excel for such task makes overall process more time
consuming and error prone as lots of manual work has to be done by admin. Payroll
management system will be used for maintaining and monitoring salary slip generation
process of faculties within institute. The primary objective of system is to maintain details
of various allowances, tax, deductions and increments that need to be given to the
faculties of the organization. System enables faculties to view or print their salary slip of
particular month or year. Using this system admin can generate salary slip and perform
pay bill calculation according to the salary structure assigned to individual faculty
efficiently and timely manner. If faculties have any query related to salary slip or have
any other queries, they can ask to admin about query and admin resolve query.

Table of Contents

Table of Contents...........................................................................................................................III
Chapter 1: Introduction...................................................................................................................1
1.1 Project Summary........................................................................................................1
1.2 Purpose.......................................................................................................................2
1.3 Scope..........................................................................................................................3
1.4 Report Outline......................................................................................................................4
Chapter 2: Literature Review..........................................................................................................5
2.1 Existing System..........................................................................................................5
2.2 Problems in existing system.......................................................................................5
2.3 Problem Solution:.................................................................................................................6
Chapter 3: Project Management.....................................................................................................7
3.1 Project Planning and scheduling................................................................................7
3.1.1 Project Development Approach..........................................................................7
3.1.2 Project Plan..........................................................................................................9
3.1.3 Schedule Representation...................................................................................10
Chapter 4: System Requirements Specification............................................................................11
4.1 functional Requirement............................................................................................11
4.2 Non-functional requirements....................................................................................13
4.3 Hardware and Software Requirement................................................................................14
Chapter 5: System Analysis...........................................................................................................15
5.1 Feasibility Study.....................................................................................................15
5.1.1 Technical Feasibility.........................................................................................15
5.1.2 Economical Feasibility......................................................................................16
5.1.3 Operational Feasibility...................................................................................16
5.2 Function of System.............................................................................................................17
5.2.1 Use Case Diagram..............................................................................................17
5.3 Data Modeling....................................................................................................................18
5.3.1 Class Diagram.....................................................................................................18

5.3.2 E-R Diagram........................................................................................................20

5.3.3 Activity Diagram…...........................................................................................22
Table of Contents
5.4 Functional and Behavioral Modeling.....................................................................23
5.4.1 Data Flow Diagram.............................................................................................23
Chapter 6: System Design..................................................................................................25
6.1 Database Schema Design..........................................................................................25
Chapter 7: Implemenation/Testing....................................................................................29
Chapter 8: Conclusion and Future work...........................................................................37

List of Figures

Figure 1: iterative model......................................................................................................7

Figure 2 : use case diagram................................................................................................17
Figure 3 : class diagram.....................................................................................................19
Figure 4 : ER Diagram.......................................................................................................21
Figure 5: Activity Diagram................................................................................................22
Figure 6 : DFD level 1.......................................................................................................24

List of Tables

Table 1: project plan.............................................................................................................9

Table 2 : admin module......................................................................................................11
Table 3 : faculty module....................................................................................................12
Table 4: data dictionary......................................................................................................28
Table 5: Unit Testing.........................................................................................................36


Chapter 1: Introduction

1.1 Project Summary

Payroll management system deals with the maintenance of salary slip generation
.faculties do registration. In registration process faculties add their personal and bank
account related details. Faculties can update their profile. For administration login,
separate username and password will be provided. Admin will add salary details of each
faculties and system will calculate salary based on increments, deduction and other salary
details. Salary slip will be generated month wise by system. Faculties will view their
salary slip of particular month or year with login into their account and also can print their
salary slip. At the end of the year salary report will be generated for specific criteria. If
faculties have any query related to salary slip or have any other queries, they can ask to
admin about query and admin resolve query.

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1.2 Purpose
The purpose of developing Payroll Management System is that Payroll management
system will be used for maintaining and monitoring salary slip generation process of a
faculty within institute. The primary objective of system is to maintain details of various
allowances, tax, deductions and increments that need to be given to the faculties of the
organization. Using this system user can generate salary slip and perform pay bill
calculation according to the salary structure assigned to individual faculty efficiently and
timely manner.
1.3 Scope
The payroll management system is basically a web application which is a software
program which a user access over an internal network, or via the internet through a web
browser. This web application is built for automatic calculation of salary and generates
salary slip of faculties. It will generate month wise salary slips based on various
allowances, tax, deductions and increments. It enables faculties to view or print their
salary slip of particular month or year. It enables faculties to send query to admin related
to salary details or salary slip and admin give response related to query. It will generate
reports at the end of the year.
1.4 Report Outline

The next chapters will cover following contents:

Chapter 2: Literature view

It is show the comparison between existing system and our system and also shows what is
drawback of existing system and how we overcome that drawbacks by making our

Chapter 3: Project management

Project management includes project planning and scheduling and it divided into subparts
such as project development approach, project plan &schedule representation. Project
development approach tells about the model which we are going to use in our project.
Project plan represent the time duration of different task of project and schedule represent
shows the graphical representation of project.

Chapter 4: System Requirement Specification

This chapter gives the idea about functional and non-functional requirements of system
and requirement of software and hardware tools.

Chapter 5: System analysis

This chapter contains information such as feasibility study, functions of system, data
Modeling and functional and behavioral modeling.

Chapter 6: System Design

Data base design shows the tables of data dictionary of each table.

Chapter 7: Conclusion & future work

It includes references and short description about future work.

Chapter 2: Literature Review

2.1 Existing System

₋ Presently in our institute process of salary slip generation is done manually it
takes much of time to compose salary slip of all faculties. We are also
Maintaining all these information on paper and also Pay slips are to be generated
and distributed manually due to these manual processes sometime it delays the
pay bill generation which is very crucial. In the process of salary slip generation
we need to maintain details of various allowances, tax, deductions, increments and
leaves given to faculty of institute. The other main problem is error, even with the
double cross check there some errors will happen which creates large problem.
We use Microsoft excel to store all information and for salary calculation of all
faculties. Microsoft excel is very time consuming and all calculation cannot to be
done automatically. The data they collect from faculty must be input in excel and
they may need to manually enter data into multiple locations to process payroll.

2.2 Problems in existing system

₋ In Our institute we are using Microsoft Excel for maintaining all the information
and for salary calculation so there is inadequate security especially for private
information if we process faculties payroll on Microsoft excel. The use of
Microsoft excel to process payroll will result in the quick accumulation of
multiple sheet and files as we need different document for faculties information
and other data. In Microsoft excel a single erroneous entry could result in a
completely inaccurate record and finding the source of the error would be time
consuming and complex process.
₋ When the records are changed they need to update each and every excel file. Even
performing salary calculation manually for different category faculty increases the
possibilities of mistakes and errors in pay bill generation process.
2.3 Problem Solution:
₋ To solve above stated problem we develop “Payroll Management System”.
Payroll management system will be used for maintaining and monitoring salary
slip generation process of faculties within institute. The primary objective of
system is to maintain details of various allowances, tax, deductions and
increments that need to be given to the faculties of the organization. Using this
system user can generate salary slip and perform pay bill calculation according to
the salary structure assigned to individual employee efficiently and timely
₋ In our system an unauthorized person cannot access any information. Our system
will store all records in one place and the different process can be seamlessly
integrated with one other. As our system perform all calculation automatically so
there is no possibility of occur any error. As all information of faculties are stored
in our system so it reduces paper works also. Using our system all faculties can
view their salary slip and reports and they can also print their salary-slip
themselves. Even performing salary calculation manually for different category
faculty, there is no possibilities of mistakes and errors in pay bill generation
Chapter 3: Project Management

3.1 Project Planning and scheduling

3.1.1Project Development Approach

Iterative waterfall model

Iterative development is a way of breaking down the software development of a large
application into smaller chunks. In iterative development, feature code is designed,
developed and tested in repeated cycles. With each iteration, additional features can be
designed, developed and tested until there is a fully functional software application ready
to be deployed to customers.

The iterative waterfall model provides feedback paths from every phase to its preceding
phases, which is the main difference from the classical waterfall model.

Feedback paths introduced by the iterative waterfall model are shown in the figure below.

Figure 1: iterative model

When errors are detected at some later phase, these feedback paths allow correcting errors
committed by programmers during some phase. The feedback paths allow the phase to be
reworked in which errors are committed and these changes are reflected in the later
phases. But, there is no feedback path to the stage – feasibility study, because once a
project has been taken, does not give up the project easily.

Why we use this model for our system.

₋ Iterative waterfall model is very simple to understand and use.

₋ Requirements of the complete system are clearly defined and understood.

₋ Major requirements must be defined; however, some details can evolve with time

₋ In iterative model we are building and improving the software step by step.

₋ In iterative waterfall model feedback path from one phase to its preceding phase
allows correcting the errors that are committed and these changes are reflected in
the later phases.

3.1.2 Project Plan

Date Action Month

15/07/18 to 20/07/18 Find definition, July

Analyzing definition

22/07/18 to 30/07/18 Abstract generation, July

Analysis of system

01/08/18 to 15/08/18 Development Approach August

16/08/18 to 18/08/18 Work Division August

19/08/18 to 01/09/18 Functionalities & August/September

characteristics of system

10/09/18 to 09/10/18 Diagrams September/October

10/01/19 to 25/01/19 Documentation January

01/02/19 to 28/03/19 Integrating and Coding February/March

30/03/19 to 14/04/19 Testing March/April

Table 1: project plan

GPG (IT) Page 9

3.1.3Schedule Representation

Work task Jul Aug Sep Oct Jan Feb March April

Find definition ,
analyzing definition
Abstract generation,
analysis of system
Development approach

Work division

Functionalities and
characteristics of


Integrating and Coding

Chapter 4: System Requirements Specification
4.1 Functional Requirement
The functional requirements discuss the functionalities expected from the system. These
are statements of services that provide how the system should react to particular inputs
and how the system should behave in particular situation. It describes relationship
between inputs and outputs.

 Administrative module.

FR1: Login Input : login id , password

Process: if admin enters ID and password correct it
goes to the admin services otherwise displays the
same page with error message.
Output: displays the admin service page
FR2:Add salary details Input : s_id, basic salary, DA, TA, Grade pay etc.
Process: admin can update faculties salary details
Output: appropriate notification related to salary
FR3: Generate salary slip Input : F_id
Process: based on these details salary slip will be
Output: salary slip
FR4: Resolve query Input : get queries from faculties
Process: query stored in database and viewed
Output: queries will be resolved
FR5: report generation Input : criteria related to salary details
Process: based on salary details report will be
Output: report will be generated based on
Table 2 : admin module
 Faculty modules

FR1: Registration Input : personal details and bank account related

Process: the system should record following details
into faculty database
Output: faculty Id
FR2: Login Input : login id , password
Process: if faculty enters ID and password correct
it goes to the admin services otherwise displays the
same page with error message.
Output: displays the admin service page
FR3: View or Print salary slip Input : salary detail(month/year)
Process: system check salary details into salary
Output: view/ print salary slips.
FR4: Send query Input : query related to salary details or salary
Process : query stored in database n viewed by
Output : queries will be resolved.
Table 3 : faculty module

4.2 Non-functional requirements

Efficiency: Our payroll management system reduces time spent on processing employee
information, salaries, tax and other information. The efficiency of this system realised
when salaries related or other information is sought and need not be found manually in a
separate or paper based system. It takes less time to generate payslip.

Data Security: Our system does not allow data unauthorized person access to data that
includes their personal and banking details. Our system provide a password protected
environment by which only authorized person can view their personal and other
information related detail.

Accuracy: as the number of faculties rises, so will the paper work need to be done .The
higher the quantity the higher the risk of human error. Payroll system provides
automation of entire process. It provides accurate salary calculation and other

Reduce complexity: process of salary slip generation is done manually and maintaining
all these information on paper that increases complexity. Due this complexities errors also
increases. The use of MS excel to process payroll will result in the quick accumulation of
multiple sheets and files as we need different document for faculties information and
other data that also increases complexity. Using our system salary slip generates
automatically and all other information stores at one place so there is no possibility to
increases any complexity.

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4.3 Hardware and Software Requirement

HARDWARE REQUIREMENTS (Minimum Requirements)

 Minimum RAM: 2GB

 Hard Disk: 500GB
 Processor: Intel core(TM) i3(1.70 GHz) or above

SOFTWARE REQUIREMENT (Minimum Requirements)

 Operating System: Microsoft Windows XP, 7 or above

 Front-End Language: PHP
 Back-End Language: MySQL
Chapter 5: System Analysis

5.1 Feasibility Study

The Feasibility analysis is designed to determine whether or not, given the project
environment, a project will be successful. A feasibility analysis may be conducted for a
project with emphasis on financial viability, environmental integrity, cultural
acceptability, or political practicability. It is determination of a success and a description
of how that determination should be achieved.

It makes analysis of different aspects like cost required for developing and executing the
system, the required for each phase of the system and so on. It helps identifying the risk
factors involved in developing and deploying the system and helps in planning for risk
analysis. If these important factors are not analyzed then definitely it would have impact
on the organization and the development and the system would be a total fail.

5.1.1 Technical Feasibility

Technical feasibility is center around the computer system such as hardware, software etc.
this is determining whether the available technical system is feasible to run our project or
no? Suppose current computer is operating at 80% load then additional hardware. And it
affects financial consideration to enhance this system .if budget is available then you can
enhance it. It is determining whether the current hardware and software is sufficient to
complete project work or not.
5.1.2 Economical Feasibility

Economic analysis is most used method for evaluating the effectiveness of system .this is
commonly known as cost/benefit analysis. The procedure is to determine the benefit and
compare them with cost, whether it is economically feasible or not? If yes, then the
decision is made to design and implement the system. It is determining whether software
is in budget to develop or not.

5.1.3 Operational Feasibility

The System Working is quite easy to use and learn due to its simple but attractive
interface. User requires no special training for operating the system. Technical
performance include issues such as determining whether the system can provide the right
information for the Department personal faculty details, and whether the system can be
organized so that it always delivers this information at the right place and on time using
internet services. Acceptance revolves around the current system and its personnel.
5.2 Function of System
5.2.1Use Case Diagram
The requirements of a system can be captured by use case diagrams. They are modeled to
capture the intended behavior of the system. Use cases interact with human or actors that
use the system to accomplish some work. They define a set of sequence of actions that a
system performs to yield an observable result of value to an actor. An actor represents a
role that a human, a hardware device or another system plays with the system.

Use cases are used to a common understanding with the systems end users and the
domain experts. The purpose of use case diagram is to Captured the dynamic aspect of a
system. The use cases do not mention any specific algorithm to be used or the internal
data representation, internal structure of the software etc.

Figure 2 : use case diagram

5.3 Data Modeling
5.3.1Class Diagram

A class diagram in is a type of static structure diagram that describes the structure of a
system by showing the system's classes, their attributes, operations (or methods), and
the relationships among objects. A class is a set of objects that share a common structure
and common behavior. A class is an abstraction of real world items. When these items
exist in the real world they are instances of the class and are referred to as objects the
attribute and operation sections of the class box can be suppressed to reduce detail in an
overview. Suppressing a section makes no statement. Absence of attributes or operations,
but drawing an empty section explicitly states that there is no element in that part.


 Classes represent and abstraction of entities with common characteristics.

 Associations represent the relationship between classes.

Active Classes:

 Active classes initiate and control the flow of activity, while passive classes stores
data and serve other classes.


 Use visibility markers to signify who can access the information contained within


 Association represents static relationship between classes.

Figure 3 : class diagram
5.3.2E-R Diagram

An entity relationship diagram shows the relationships of entity sets stored in a database.
An entity in this context is a component of data. In other words, ER diagrams illustrate
the logical structure of database.

When documenting a system or process, looking at system in multiple ways increases the
understanding of that system. ERD diagram are commonly used in conjunction with a
data flow diagram to display the contents of data store. They help us to visualize how data
is connected in a general way, and are the particularly useful for constructing a relational
database. In the context of structured analysis, the ERD defines all data that are entered,
stored, transferred, and produced within an application.

ERD is detailed logical representation of the data of any system has three main element:
Object, Attribute, and their Relationship.
Figure 4 : ER Diagram
5.3.3 Activity diagram

Activity diagrams are graphical representations of workflows of stepwise activities and

actions with support for choice, iteration and concurrency. In the UML, activity diagrams
are intended to model both computational and organizational processes. Activity
diagrams shows the overall flow of control.

Arrows run from start towards the end and represent the order in which activities happen.

Figure 5: Activity Diagram

5.4 Functional and Behavioral Modeling
5.4.1Data Flow Diagram

A data flow diagram illustrates how data is processed by a system in terms of input and
outputs. As its name indicates its focus is on the flow of information, where data comes
from, where it goes and how it gets stored.

DFD Layers:

Draw data flow diagrams can be made in several nested layers. A single process node on
high level diagram can expanded to show a more detailed data flow diagram. Draw the
context diagram first, followed by various layers of data flow diagrams.

DFD Levels:

The first level DFD shows the main processes within the system. Each of these processes
can be broken into further processes until you reach pseudo code.

0- Level:

Figure 6 : context diagram

1- Level:

Figure 6 : DFD level 1


Chapter 6: System Design

6.1 Database Schema Design

Column Name Data Type Constraints Description
f_id Varchar(50) Primary Key Faculty id
Username Varchar(50) - User Name
f_name Varchar(30) - Faculty Name
Department Varchar(30) - Department Name
Address Varchar(50) - Address
f_Type Varchar(20) - Faculty Type
date_of_Joining Date - Date Of Joining

Column Name Data Type Constraints Description
Id Int(11) Private key Id
Username Varchar(30) - User name
Email Varchar(30) - Email address
Password Varchar(100) - Password

Column Name Data Type Constraints Description

a_id Int(11) Primary key

Acc_No Bigint(30) - Account No

f_id Varchar(50) Foreign key Faculty id

GPG (IT) P a g e 25
bank_name Varchar(30) - Bank Name

type_of_account Varchar(30) - Account Type

IFSC_Code Int(10) - Indian financial

system code
PPF Int(10) - Public Provident
GPF Int(10) - General Provident
NVPS Int(10) - National vehicle
protection service

Salary Slip:
Column Name Data Type Constraints Description

s_Id Varchar(50) Primary Key Salary id

f_id Varchar(50) Foreign key Faculty id

Account Int(30) - Account

r_date Date - Date of salary slip

net_payable Int(10) - Net payable

rate_of_basic_pay Numeric - Rate of basic pay

rate_of_da Numeric - Rate of DA

Year Int(11) - Year of pay slip

Month Date - Month of pay slip

Nvps Int(30) - NVPS

Column Name Data Type Constraints Description

deducation_id Int(11) Primary Key Deducation id

s_id Varchar(50) Foreign key Salary id

building_rent Int(10) - Building Rent

mis_recovery Int(10) - Mis Recovery

pay_recovery Int(10) - Pay Recovery
total_deducation Int(10) - Total Deducation

scooter_advance - Scooter/Cycle
Int(10) Advance

building_advance - Building Rent

food_grain Int(10) - Food grain Advance

festival_advance Int(10) - Festival Advance

GPF_loan Int(10) - GPF loan

NVPS_fund Int(10) - NVPS fund

insurance_saving Int(10) - Insurance & Saving

professional_text Int(10) - Professional Text
postlife_insurance Int(10) - Postlife Insurance
income_text Int(10) - Income Text
Society Int(10) - society

Column Name Data Type Constraints Description

earning_Id Int(11) Primary Key Earning id

s_id Varchar(50) Foreign key Salary id

basic_pay Int(10) - Basic Pay

special_pay Int(10) - Special Pay

grade_pay Int(10) - Grade Pay

da_ada - Dearness allowance/

Int(10) assistant district
house_rant Int(10) - House Rant
total_salary Int(10) - Total Salary
washing_allowance Int(10) - Washing Allowance

Transportation Int(10) - transportation

CLA Int(10) - Company leased

medical_allowance Int(10) - Medical Allowance

Column Name Data Type Constraints Description

q_Id Int(5) Primary Key Query id

q_Type Varchar(15) - Query type

q_Content Varchar(200) - Query Content

q_date Date - Query date

Username Varchar(50) - User name

Status Varchar(20) - Status

Table 4: data dictionary


Chapter 7: Implementation

7.1 Implementation

Figure 7.1 : Registration Form

 It is the registration form ,in this form faculty/ admin can fill this details like
username, email-address, password, confirm password and press the submit

Figure 7.2 : Admin Login Form

 The above figure shows the admin login form. Here admin can add his/her valid
username and password then press the submit button.

GPG (IT) P a g e 29
Figure 7.3 : Faculty Login Form
 The above figure shows the faculty login form. Here faculty can add his/her valid
username and password then press the submit button.

Figure 7.4 : personal info

 The above figure is about the personal details of the faculty. Faculty can
filled their personal details by this page. Personal details like Name,
Department, Faculty type, etc.
Figure 7.5 : banking info
 The above figure is about the banking details of the faculty. Faculty can filled
their banking details by this page. banking details like Name, account type, bank
name, etc

Figure 7.6 : faculty view salaryslip

 In this figure , if the faculty wants to view their salary slip then they can view by
this page.
Figure 7.7 : faculty query
 The above figure is the query form of faculty. If faculty have any query then they
can filled this details. like faculty can select the query type etc.

Figure 7.8: admin add salary

In this figure ,admin can add the salary details of faculty department wise. Salary
details like Deducation, earning and bank related data.
Figure 7.9: admin generate salary
 The above figure is generation of the salary slip of faculty. Here admin
can select the department and also faculty then they can generate their
salary slip by clicking the generate button.

Figure 7.10: admin query

 In this figure, the query sent by the faculty can be solved by the admin at
this page.
7.2 Testing:

Software testing is defined as an activity to check whether the actual results match
the expected results and to ensure that the software system isDefect free. It involves
execution of a software component or system component to evaluate one or more
properties of testing is an investigation conduct to provide
stackholders with information about the quality of the software product or service
under test. software testing can also provide an objective, independent view of the
software to allow the business to appreciate and understand the risks of software

 In general, these properties indicate the extent to which the component

or system under test
 meets the requirement that guided its design and development,
 responds correctly to all kinds of inputs,
 performs its function within an acceptable time,
 is sufficiently usable,
 can be installed and run in its intended environments, and
 Achieves the general result its stakeholder’s desire.

The box approach

Software testing also helps to identify errors, gaps or missing requirements in contrary to
the actual requirements. It can be either done manually or using automated tools. Some
prefer saying Software testing as a White Box and Black Box Testing.

White box testing

white box testing(also known as clear box testing, glass box testing, and transparent box
testing and structural testing, by seeing the source code) tests internal structures or
workings of a program, as opposed to the functionality exposed to the end-user. In white-
box testing, as internal perspective of the system, as well as programming skills, are used
to design test cases. The tester chooses inputs to exercise path through the code and
determine the appropriate outputs. This is analogous to testing nodes in a circuit,
circuit testing(ICT).

While white-box testing can be applied at the unit, integration and system levels of the
software testing process, it is usually done at the unit level. It can test paths within a
paths between units during integration, and between subsystems during a system-level

Black box testing

BLACK BOX TESTING, also known as Behavioral Testing, is a software testing

method in which the internal structure/design/implementation of the item being tested
is not known to the tester. These tests can be functional or non-functional, though usually

The above Black-Box can be any software system you want to test. For Example, an
operating system like Windows, a website like Google, a database like Oracle or even
your own custom application. Under Black Box Testing, you can test these
applications by just focusing on the inputs and outputs without knowing their internal
code implementation.

This method is named so because the software program, in the eyes of the tester, is
like a black box; inside which one cannot see. This method attempts to find errors in
the following categories:

 Incorrect or missing functions

 Interface errors
 Errors in data structures or external database access
 Behavior or performance errors
 Initialization and termination errors

Test case id Test Test data Expected Observed Pass/fail

Scenario Result result
TU01 Check Valid Faculty As expected pass
faculty login Username should
with valid and Login into on
data password application

TU02 Check Invalid Faculty As expected pass

faculty login Username should not
with invalid and login into an
data password application
TU03 Check Username Faculty As expected pass
faculty email should
registration password registered
confirm for
password application

TU04 Add salary Add valid Salary As expected pass

detail of data of each should add
each faculty field for each user
TU05 Generate Select faculty Salary slip As expected pass
salary slip of from generate for
faculty particular faculty
TU06 Send query to Query should As expected pass
admin be send to the
Table 5: Unit Testing

GPG (IT) P a g e 36

Chapter 8: Conclusion and Future work

Payroll management system project develop for an organization has been design
to achieve maximum efficiency and reduce the time taken to handle payroll activity. It is
design to replace an existing manual record system thereby reducing time taken for
calculation and for storing data. The system uses PHP as a front end and MySQL as back-
end for the database. The system is strong enough to withstand regressive daily operation
under conditions where database is maintain and cleared over certain time of span. The
implementation of system in the organization will considerably reduce the data entry time
and also provide readily calculated reports.

In payroll management system we can include tax calculation module for
faculties. So that faculties can add their proposed tax deduction details at the start of year.
Based on these details income tax value automatically calculated for every month
deduction in salary slip generation. In payroll management system we can also take into
consideration an important factor no of leaves for the calculation of salary by adding
module related to leave management.

GPG (IT) P a g e 37
6) Fundamentals of software development, Madhav Ajvalia
7) Fundamentals of software Engineering, Rajib Mall

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