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Senior High School

Second Semester – Module 5
Health and Fitness Related
Career Opportunities

Department of Education Republic of the Philippines

Published by the
Department of Education
Region X - Northern Mindanao
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Published by the Department of Education – Region X – Northern Mindanao

Regional Director: Dr. Arturo B. Bayocot, CESO V
Office Address: Masterson Avenue, Upper Balulang, Zone 1, Cagayan de
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Senior High School

Second Semester – Module 5
Health and Fitness Related
Career Opportunities

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Department of Education Republic of the Philippines


Title Page
Title Page ……………………………………… i
Overview ……………………………………… 1
Objective ……………………………………… 1
Pretest ………………………………………. 2
Lesson 1: Health-and Fitness Related Career
Opportunities …………………………………..…... 3
Lesson 2: Benefits and How to Become Successful
In Fitness Industry ………………………………………. 5
Lesson 3: Responsibilities of A Health-and
Related Specialist ………………...……………………… 6
Self-Test Activities ………………………………………... 7
Answer Key ………………………………………... 9
References ………………………………………. 10
MODULE 5: Grade 11 PE and Health (Second Semester)
Health-and Fitness Related Career Opportunities

What is the Module about?

Nowadays, as people become more aware of the value of healthy living, you will hear
about the increasing demands for health and fitness related jobs almost everywhere. With
the emergence of different health and wellness hubs in the country, more and more people
venture into the industry. After all, celebrity fitness enthusiasts seem to be an interesting
path to follow.

This module is about realizing one’s potential for Health-and Fitness related career
opportunities. It consists of the following lessons:

• Lesson 1 – Health-and Fitness Related Career Opportunities

• Lesson 2 – Benefits and how to become successful in fitness industry
• Lesson 3 – Responsibilities of a health-and fitness related specialist
What you are expected to learn?
1. Identify career opportunities in physical education, exercise science, and sport.
2. Self-assess strengths, interests, goals, and career preferences.
3. Identify leadership skills for professionals in the field of physical education, exercise
science, and sport.
4. List professional organizations in physical education, exercise science, and sport.

What I Know?


MULTIPLE CHOICE. INSTRUCTION: Choose the correct answer and

write it on a separate sheet.
1. This health-and fitness career facilitates patients’ recovery from physical impairment and
examine patients and develop exercises and different techniques to strengthen and stretch
their muscles, relieve pain, and prevent disability.
a. Nutritionist c. Physical Therapist
b. Sports Coach d. Fitness Specialist
2. This health-and fitness career helps students or professional athletes realize their full
potential. This is done through instruction of the sports discipline, health and lifestyle
training, and advice.
a. Nutritionist c. Physical Therapist
b. Sports Coach d. Fitness Specialist

3. This health-and fitness career plans food and nutrition programs required for the particular
needs of individuals. They also supervise food preparation and serving to help prevent
illnesses, as well as encourage people to develop healthy food habits.
a. Nutritionist c. Physical Therapist
b. Sports Coach d. Fitness Specialist

4. This health-and fitness career will develop individual or group activities like strength training,
cardiovascular exercises and stretching. They might apply some of the skills discussed
above to achieve one’s overall wellness.
a. Physical Education Teacher c. Physical Therapist
b. Sports Coach d. Fitness Specialist

5. This health-and fitness career promote the importance of exercise and healthy diet to
students. They organize events like team and individual sports, routine exercises, as well
as recreational activities.
a. Physical Education Teacher c. Physical Therapist
b. Sports Coach d. Fitness Specialist
6. Which of the following is not a job description of a Sports Therapist?
a. Advice worker c. Care manager
b. Medical sales representative d. Massage therapist

7. Which of the following does Goal Setting is defined best?

a. assesses individual needs and develop a plan of action to achieve a desired
b. sticking with the habit is even tougher as work and other commitments
c. understanding what will make you happiest in your new career
d. helping people become healthier and more physically active
8. The following are the first steps in considering a path in health-and fitness related jobs
a. Want to work part-time or full-time
b. Would like to work for yourself or for a company
c. Want a good salary in the chosen career path
d. Want to work alone or with a team
9. A Nutritionist must work collaborate with who?
a. Nurse c. Physical Therapist
b. Dietician d. Dentist
10. To be a Licensed Physical Education Teacher, he/she must pass the?
a. Bar Exam c. Licensure Examination for Teachers
b. English Proficiency Test d. National Achievement Test

Lesson 1 Health-and Fitness Related Career

What’s New


When it comes to health and fitness related careers, people often think about gym
instructors, yoga gurus, fitness class teachers, or personal trainers. But did you know that
job opportunities are not just limited in these professions? There is a range of occupations
that you can try to pursue your passion for health. Here are some of the health and fitness
careers you probably haven’t heard of:

What Is It

Physical Education Teacher

If you have a goal of teaching young students improve their physical development, a
teaching career in Physical Education might be the best one for you! They promote the
importance of exercise and healthy diet to students. They organize events like team and
individual sports, routine exercises, as well as recreational activities. A Licensure for
Examination for Teachers is required for this profession.

Physical Therapist

Assisting people to walk again or facilitating patients’ recovery from physical

impairments are just some of the daily works of Physical Therapists. Commonly referred to
as PT, they are licensed healthcare professionals who finished rigorous education, board
exam, and trainings. Physical Therapists examine patients and develop exercises and
different techniques to strengthen and stretch their muscles, relieve pain, and prevent
disability. The Lyceum of the Philippines University – Batangas and San Pedro College –
Davao are just some of the top performing schools in Physical Therapy courses.

Sports Coach

Are you a sports aficionado? Does the sound of taking part in competitions thrill you?
Then you should definitely consider a career as a Sports Coach. The essential goal of a
coach is to help students or professional athletes realize their full potential. This is done
through instruction of the sports discipline, health and lifestyle training, and advice. If you are
a senior high school student, you may consider taking the Sports Track. If you want to
continue a college degree, the University of Santo Tomas, University of the Philippines, and
University of the Cordilleras offer courses in Sports Science.

Fitness Specialist

As a Fitness Specialist, you will develop individual or group activities like strength
training, cardiovascular exercises, and stretching. You might apply some of the skills discussed
above to achieve one’s overall wellness. Aside from the wellness and fitness related

courses, you will also have to pass certifications like the National Strength and Conditioning
Association to be certified.

It may seem like an unrelated field but the truth is, nutritionists play a big role in keeping
people healthy and fit. Together with dietitians, nutritionists plan food and nutrition programs
required for the particular needs of individuals. They also supervise food preparation and serving
to help prevent illnesses, as well as encourage people to develop healthy food habits. There are
many schools in the Philippines that offer Nutrition and Dietetics courses like the Benguet State
University which is designated as a Center of Development by CHED. To be a registered
professional, you must pass first the Nutritionist-Dietitian Licensure Exam.

What’s More


Job options directly related includes the following:

• Art therapist
• Dance movement psychotherapist
• Ergonomist
• Health promotion specialist
• Occupational therapist
Sports therapist jobs where the degree would be useful includes the following:

• Advice worker
• Care manager
• Medical sales representative
• Play therapist
• Primary care graduate mental health worker
• Social worker
• Special educational needs teacher
• Teaching assistant


1. Preventive programs
• Specialists work with healthy adults to increase their level of fitness.
• Corporate fitness centers, commercial fitness centers, and community agencies
2. Rehabilitative programs
• Specialists work with individuals who exhibit the effects of coronary heart disease
focusing on attaining a functional state of living and an enhanced quality of life.
• Most often found in hospitals, medical clinics or community agencies affiliated
with corporate fitness centers.

Lesson 2 Benefits and How to Become
Successful in Fitness Industry

What Is It

Benefits in the Health-and Fitness Career Opportunities

There are a wide variety of paths you can take in the health and wellness industry,
no matter what you decide to specialize in. The first step in understanding which path is right
for you is to consider what you want your day-to-day life to look like. You may examine
whether you:
• Want to work part-time or full-time
• Would like to work for yourself or for a company
• Want to work alone or with a team
• Want a steady paycheck and health benefits or if flexible hours are important
• Are willing to commute to work or if you’d like to work at home

Of course, there are benefits and drawbacks to any career choice. Full-time
employees may not have much scheduling flexibility, while self-employed people may stress
about not having a steady income, for example.
Understanding what will make you happiest in your new career will help you discover
whether you’d rather opt for employment or more of an entrepreneurial path. In some cases, you
can combine the two by being employed and also starting your own business on the side.


• Fitness development and maintenance

• Educational efforts
• Health promotion
• Lifestyle modification
• Recreational sport opportunities

• Medical screening
• Fitness and lifestyle assessment
• Goal setting
• Supervised group programs
• Educational classes
• Motivation and reinforcement

Why should these aspects be included? How could you implement each of these

Lesson 3 Responsibilities of A Health-and
Related Specialist
What Is It


• Helping people become healthier and more physically active.

• As certified personal trainers/instructors/coaches, they design and implement
personalized exercise & fitness plans for individuals for improvement of overall
fitness levels and physical conditioning.
• Perform battery of tests to measure clients’ aerobic capacity, strength, flexibility &
• Offer a personalized exercise regimen that will help clients improve their physical
fitness levels


• Minimize cardiac risk while allowing the individual to achieve the maximum benefit
from physical activity;
• Identify medical problems that should be used to modify the activity program; and
• Identify functional impairments that the activity program will address.

• Planning a well-rounded physical fitness program for an individual requires

information regarding the client’s living habits.
• The lifestyle assessment provides useful information concerning the individual’s risk
factor profile.
• These factors can be used to pinpoint patterns and habits that need modifications
and to assess the likelihood of the client’s adherence to the exercise program.


Goal setting is a technique that can be defined as strategic approach to behavioral

change, creating an opportunity to assess individual needs and develop an individualized
plan of action in an attempt to achieve a desired outcome.

• Set goals that are realistic when initiating an exercise program


• A Personal Trainer, or ‘PT’, usually works on a one-to-one basis with individuals, but
sometimes small groups.
• Personal Trainers work with their clients to plan personal training programs to help
them achieve their desired health and fitness goals.


• Personal Trainers always keep up-to-date with the latest information from the fitness
industry on exercise trends, nutrition etc., trying to use a holistic approach to health
where possible.
• PTs regularly attend professional development workshops to keep themselves

• Sticking with the habit is even tougher as work and other commitments.
• Reinforcement or otherwise known as a reward system, might help you get to the
point where exercise is just a normal part of everyday activity.

What’s More
Health-and Fitness Related Guidance Self-Test

I. Direction: Mark check (√) if you agree with the statement.

1. Are you interested to become more aware of the value of healthy living?
2. Will you promote the importance of exercise and healthy diet?
3. Do you organize events like team and individual sports, routine exercises,
as well as recreational activities?
4. Are you willing to facilitate patients’ recovery from physical impairments
5. Are you a sports aficionado or enthusiast?
6. Does the sound of taking part in competitions thrill you and make instruction
of the sports discipline, health and lifestyle training, and advice?
7. Will you develop individual or group activities like strength training,
cardiovascular exercises, and stretching?
8. Do you want to play a big role in keeping people healthy and fit?
9. Will you plan a well-rounded physical fitness program for an individual
requires information regarding living habits?
10. Are you goal oriented and realistic when initiating an exercise program?

Score Interpretation (base on the number of YES answers from the table above)
8-10 CONGRATULATIONS, you are 100 % sure that you can pursue a Health-and
Fitness Career
5-7 You are 80%-90 % sure of your potential that it is ideal to pursue a Health-and
Fitness Career
2-4 You are uncertain of your potential if you will a pursue a Health-and Fitness
however, there is still an interest of pursuing this career
0-1 Maybe you can have another career ahead

II. Refection and Insights

Base from your result from the Health-and Fitness Related Guidance Self-Test, what do you
think will be the profession that suits your line of interest, and explain why you chose this
career (for those who score 5-10)? Why are you hesitant about this career (scored 2-4)?
Why aren’t you interested about it (scored 0-1)?



Nucum, Karl Nicole (2018), Wellness-Related Careers You Should Consider. 2020
All Rights Reserved.
Fomegas, Richard D. (2020), Careers and professional considerations in physical
education and sports, LinkedIn Corporation,


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