26-12-19 SR - Icon All GTM-3 Question Paper NOPASS

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Sri Chaitanya IIT Acedamy 26-12-19_Sr.

Icon All_GTM-3_Question Paper

MATHS Max Marks: 100
This section contains 20 multiple choice questions. Each question has 4 options (1), (2), (3) and (4) for its
answer, out of which ONLY ONE option can be correct.
Marking scheme: +4 for correct answer, 0 if not attempted and –1 in all other cases.

1. If the equation x 2 2x a 2 has exactly 4 real and distinct solutions. Then

1) a 3 2) a ,1 2,

3) a ,1 3, 4) a 1

2. Let A1, A2 , A3 ,..... A11 be 11 Arithmetic means

and H1, H 2 , H 3 ,.....H11 be 11 Harmonic means

and G1, G2 , G3 ,.....G11 be 11 Geometric means
between two numbers 1 and 9 then value of Ak G12 2k H12 k is
k 1

1) 35 2) 311 3) 315 4) 310

3. Let f x be a polynomial of degree 4, with

f 2 1, f ' 2 0, f '' 2 2, f ''' 2 12, f ''''(2) 24 , then the value of f '' 1 is

1) 24 2) 26 3) 28 4) 30
4. The height of the right circular cylinder of maximum volume that can be inscribed in a
sphere of radius ‘a’ is

a 2a 2
1) 2) 3) 4) a 2
3 3 a

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Sri Chaitanya IIT Acedamy 26-12-19_Sr.Icon All_GTM-3_Question Paper
5. Let A1, A2 and A3 be the regions on R defined by

A1 x, y : x 0, y 0, 2 x 2 y x2 y2 1 x y ,

A2 x, y : x 0, y 0, x y 1 x2 y2 ,

A3 x, y : x 0, y 0, x y 1 x3 y3

Denote by A1 , A2 and A3 the areas of the regions A1, A2 and A3 respectively. Then

1) A1 A2 A3 2) A1 A3 A2

3) A1 A2 A3 4) A1 A3 A2
6. The negation of the statement
“If I become a teacher, then I will open a school”, is :
1) I will become a teacher and I will not open a school
2) Either I will not become a teacher or I will not open a school
3) Neither I will become a teacher nor I will open a school
4) I will not become a teacher or I will open a school
7. Let r be a relation from (set of real numbers) to defined by r { a, b | a, b and

a b 3 is an irrational number}.
The relation r is
1) an equivalence relation 2) reflexive only
3) symmetric only 4) transitive only

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8. If the sum of the coefficients in the expansion of x 2 y 3 z n , n is 128, then the

greatest coefficient in the expansion of 1 x is

1) 35 2) 20 3) 10 4) 15
n n
9. Let x1, x2 ,.......xn be n observations such that x12 300 and x1 60 . Then a possible
i 1 i 1
value of n among the following is.
1) 5 2) 10 3) 15 4) 11
ln x
10. Rolle’s theorem is applicable to function f x over a, b where a,b are positive
integers, then the value of a b
1) 2 2) 3 3) 4 4) 6

2 2 2
11. If I cos sin x dx , J sin cos x dx and K cos x dx , then
0 0 0
1) K I J 2) J I K 3) I J K 4) I K J
3 6
12. lim cos x a sin b x x e512 , value of ab 2 is equal to
x 0

5 5
1) 2) 3) 8 4) 8
2 2

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13. Number of values of c for which set x, y : x 2 y2 2x 1 x, y : x y c 0

contains only one element

1) One 2) Two 3) Zero 4) More than two

2 x2 1
14. Let S t R: f x x 3x 2 e 1 cos x is not diff at t , then set S is equal to

1) 0 2) 1,2 3) 4) 2

15. Let f x x 2 and g x f f f ...... f x ... . If equation g x k, k 0,2 has 8

( n times)

distinct solutions than value of n is equal to

1) 3 2) 4 3) 5 4) 8

16. Total number of solution for the equation x 2 3 sin x 3 is ____ (where [.] denotes
the greatest integer function)
1)1 2) 2 3) 3 4) 4
17. Consider the complex number “z” such that z 3 z z 3 12 , then number of integral

value of z is
1)1 2) 2 3) 3 4) 4

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18. let f : R R be non-constant differentiable function and satisfies.
f x x2 x f t dt . Then f 4 is equal to

1) 1 2) 2 3) 9 4) 4
19. In ABC if A 0,0 , internal angle bisector through vertex B is x 2 y – 5 0 and
perpendicular bisector of the side AC is 3 x – y – 10 0 , then the absolute value of slope of
line BC is
1 3
1) 2) 2 3) 4) 4
2 2
20. If 9 8cos40 a b sec40 a, b I , value of a b is
1) 1 2) 2 3) 3 4) 4
This section contains 5 questions. Each question is numerical value type. For each question, enter the correct numerical value (in
decimal notation, truncated/rounded-off to second decimal place. (e.g. 6.25, 7.00, 0.33, .30, 30.27, 127.30).

Marking scheme: +4 for correct answer, 0 if not attempted and 0 in all other cases.

21. A biased coin with probability p, 0 p 1 of head, is tossed until a head appears for the
first time. If the probability that the number of tosses required is even is , then the value of
p is _______

22. A matrix of order 3 3 is given as A aij , where aij 1,1 , i, j sum of all positive

possible values of A is ( where A is determinant of matrix A)

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23. Value of is___(Take )
cos x
1 2 1 2sin x

x 2 y 1 z 4
24. If image of point 1,2,3 in the plane x + 2y – z = 0 along line is
1 8 9
, , , then value absolute value of is _____

25. If 9 C4 3 9C5 3 9C6 9 C7 x C y ; x, y are positive integers, what is maximum

value of x y.

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Sri Chaitanya IIT Acedamy 26-12-19_Sr.Icon All_GTM-3_Question Paper
PHYSICS Max Marks: 100
This section contains 20 multiple choice questions. Each question has 4 options (1), (2), (3) and (4) for its
answer, out of which ONLY ONE option can be correct.
Marking scheme: +4 for correct answer, 0 if not attempted and –1 in all other cases.
26. A thin wire is bent into the shape of a parabola in the vertical plane as shown. A small bead ‘
P ’ can freely slide along the wire. The coefficient of friction between the bead and the wire
is ' ' . The condition on y so that the bead does not slip on the wire is :

2a 2a
1) g 2a 2) y 3) y 2a 4) y

27. Two waveforms, y1 x, t A sin kx t and y2 x, t A sin kx t , travelling

along x axis are superposed. The position of nodes is given by k ; 2 f

1 1
1) xn n 2) xn n 3) xn n 4) xn 2n 1
6 2 6 2 2 4
28. The fundamental frequency of a sonometer wire of length l is f o . A bridge is now
introduced at a distance l from the centre of the wire l l . The number of beats heard
if both sides of the bridge are set into vibration in their fundamental modes are :
l l l l
1) 8 fo 2) fo 3) 2 fo 4) 4 fo
l l l l
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Sri Chaitanya IIT Acedamy 26-12-19_Sr.Icon All_GTM-3_Question Paper
29. A hollow sphere of radius R is made of metal whose specific gravity is . The sphere will
float in water if thickness of wall of sphere is (thickness of wall << R)
R 2R R 4R
1) 2) 3) 4)
3 3 3 3
30. Two identical charges, 5 C each, are in the air. What is the largest charge to be transferred
from one charge to another, so that their interaction force decreases to 2.5 times?
1) 11 C 2) 4 C 3) 13 C 4) 15 C
31. An insulated container, there are two fluid with specific heat capacities C1 and C2 ,
separated by insulating barrier. Liquid temperatures are different. The partition is removed
and after the establishment of thermal equilibrium, the difference between initial temperature
of first liquid and temperature established in the vessel is two times smaller than the
difference between the initial temperatures of liquids. Find the mass ratio of the first and
second fluid.
C C C 2C2
1) 2 2) 1 C) 1 1 D) 1
C1 C2 C2 C1
32. Force acting on a particle moving in a straight line varies with velocity of the particle as
F , k is a constant. The work done by this force in time t is : (At t 0 , particle is
moving with non zero speed)
k 2kt
1) t 2) 2kt 3) kt 4)
v v2
33. The focal length of a spherical mirror from the following observations : object distance
u 50.1 0.5 cm and image distance v 20.1 0.2 cm is
1) 14.3 0.2 cm 2) 14.3 0.1 cm 3) 14.3 0.4 cm 4) 14.3 0.3 cm
34. When a belt moves horizontally at a constant speed of 1.5m s , gravel is falling on it at
5kg s , then the extra power needed to drive the belt is :
1) 11.25W 2) 37.5 W 3) 7.5 W 4) 0.75W

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Sri Chaitanya IIT Acedamy 26-12-19_Sr.Icon All_GTM-3_Question Paper
35. Truth table for system of four NAND gates as shown in figure is :

0 0 0
0 1 1
1 0 1
1 1 0
0 0 1
0 1 0
1 0 0
1 1 1
0 0 1
0 1 1
1 0 0
1 1 0
0 0 0
0 1 0
1 0 1
1 1 1

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36. A carrier wave of peak voltage 12 V is used to transmit a message signal. The peak voltage
of modulating signal in order to have a modulation index as 0.75 is :
1) 12 V 2) 9 V 3) 6 V 4) 3V
37. A plane electromagnetic wave of frequency 25MHz travels in free space along the x

direction. At a particular point in space and time, electric field E 6.3 ˆj V m . Strength of
the magnetic field at this point

1) 2.1 10 8 kˆ T 2) 2.1 10 8 kˆ T 3) 2.1 10 8 iˆ T 4) 2.1 10 8 ˆj T

38. A compound microscope is used to enlarge an object kept at a distance 0.03m from its
objective which consists of several convex lenses in contact and has focal length 0.02 m . If a
lens of focal length 0.1m is removed from the objective, find out the distance by which the
eye piece of the microscope must be moved to refocus the image.
1) 9cm away from objective 2) 15cm away from objective
3) 6 cm away from objective 4) 21cm away from objective
39. The temperature of inside and outside of a refrigerator (working based on carnot cycle) are
273K and 303K respectively. Assuming that the refrigerator cycle is reversible, for every
joule of work done, the heat delivered to the surrounding will be nearly :
1) 10 J 2) 20 J 3) 30 J 4) 50 J
40. If unpolarised light is incident on a crystal at 60 so that the refracted light is completely
polarized. The refractive index of the crystal should be :
1) 2 2) 1 3) 3 4) 1.1

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41. A bar magnet of magnetic moment 10 Am has a cross sectional area of 2.5 10 4 m 2 . If the

intensity of magnetization of the magnet is 106 A m , the length of magnet is

1) 0.4 m 2) 0.04 cm 3) 0.04m 4) 40cm
42. Photoelectric emission is observed from a metallic surface for frequencies 1 and 2 of

incident light 1 2 . If the maximum value of kinetic energies of photoelectrons emitted

k 1
in these two cases are in ratio 1 , then find the threshold frequency of the metal surface
k2 k

k 1 2 k k k
1) 2) 1 2 3) 2 1 4) 1 2
k 1 k 1 k 1 k 1
43. If I o is the intensity of the principal maximum in the single slit diffraction pattern then, with
doubling the slit width, the intensity becomes
1) I o 2) o 3) o 4) 4I o
2 4
44. A light emitting diode has a voltage drop of 2 V across it and passes a current of
10 mA . When it operates with a 6 V battery through a limiting resistor R , the value of R is :
1) 40 k 2) 0.4k 3) 200 k 4) 400 k
45. In Young’s double slit experiment, the separation between the slits is halved and the distance
between the slits and the screen is doubled. The fringe width is :
1) Unchanged 2) halved 3) doubled 4) quadrupled

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Sri Chaitanya IIT Acedamy 26-12-19_Sr.Icon All_GTM-3_Question Paper
This section contains 5 questions. Each question is numerical value type. For each question, enter the correct numerical value (in
decimal notation, truncated/rounded-off to second decimal place. (e.g. 6.25, 7.00, 0.33, .30, 30.27, 127.30).
Marking scheme: +4 for correct answer, 0 if not attempted and 0 in all other cases.

x 2/5 z 3
46. A physical quantity Q is related to four observables x, y, z and t by the relation Q
y t
.The percentage errors of measurement in x, y, z and t are 2.5%, 2%, 0.5%, and 1%
respectively. What will be percentage error in Q.
47. Ship A is moving with velocity 30m s due east and ship B with velocity 40 m s due north.
Initial separation between the ships is 10 km as shown in figure. After what time (in seconds)
ships are closest to each other ?

10 km
48. A capacitor is charged to a potential difference of 100 V and is then connected across a
resistor. The potential difference across the capacitor decreases exponentially with respect to
time. After 1s , the potential difference between the plates of capacitor is 80 V . After 2s
from the beginning, the potential difference between the plates will be (in volts)

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49. For maximum power delivered to the external circuit by the battery, the internal resistance of
battery r (in ) is


50. When the gap is closed without placing any object in the screw guage whose least count is
0.005mm , and the 5th division on it’s circular scale coincides with the reference line on
main scale with zero mark on main scale visible, and when a small sphere is placed, reading
on main scale advances by 5 times to the corresponding reading when on object was placed.
There are 200 divisions on the circular scale. The radius of the sphere is (in mm)

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Sri Chaitanya IIT Acedamy 26-12-19_Sr.Icon All_GTM-3_Question Paper
CHEMISTRY Max Marks: 100
This section contains 20 multiple choice questions. Each question has 4 options (1), (2), (3) and (4) for its
answer, out of which ONLY ONE option can be correct.
Marking scheme: +4 for correct answer, 0 if not attempted and –1 in all other cases.
51. Which of the following combinations give

C6H5 C CH3
2 - Phenyl 2 butanol



4) All of these

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Br2 /CC 4
52. OH one of the possible products of the above reaction

1) Br 2)

3) Br 4)

(1)LiAlH4 Pred Br2 (1)Mg/Et2O

2 H 3O (2)HCHO
(3) NH4Cl(aq) (1) Ph-CH2MgX
(2) H3O+
The product is “F” is :

1) 2)

3) 4)

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excess HBr
54. THF the product is

Br O Br
1) 2)
3) O 4) Br


COOH ’Z’ is


1) OH 2) HO OH

3) OH 4) HO

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56. Ph The product is :


1) O 2)
3) CH3 C CH3 4)
57. Insulin is dissolved in suitable solvent and the osmotic pressure in atm of solutions at

various concentration g/cc C is measured at 20 C . The slope of the plot of against C is

found to be 4.65 10 3 . The molecular weight of insulin is 5.17 10 x . Then ‘x’ is

1) One 2) five 3) two 4) Six
58. In which pair the first atom or ion is not larger than the second?

1) N,F 2) C ,C 3) A 3+ , Na + 4) Fe2 ,Fe3

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59. 0.05 mole of CaOC 2 reacts with excess of KI and liberated I 2 is titrated with V mL of
0.1 M hypo solution then value of V is
1) 500 mL 2) 1000 mL 3) 2000 mL 4) 250 mL
60. Which gives maximum hydrated form?
1) HCHO 2) C 6 H5CHO 3) C 3C CHO 4) CH3 3 C CHO

61. Electron affinity of:

1) Carbon is greater than oxygen 2) sulphur is lesser than oxygen
3) Iodine is higher than bromine 4) bromine is lesser than chlorine
62. The correct order for bond angles is:

1) NO2 NO 2 NO 2 2) NO 2 NO2 NO 2

3) NO 2 NO 2 NO 2 4) NO 2 NO 2 NO 2
63. Maximum concentration of Ortho H 2 in ordinary hydrogen at Room temperature is:
1) 75% ortho H 2 25% para H 2
2) 25% ortho H2 75% para H2
3) 50% ortho H2 50% para H2
4) 99% para H2 1% ortho H2
64. A drug that is antipyretic as well as analgestic is
1) chloropromazine hydrochloride 2) paracetamol
3) chloroquin 4) penicillin

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65. Which of the following processes involves smelting?
Heat Fe 2O 3 3C
1) 2) 2Fe 3CO

A 2O3.2 H 2 O Heat A 2O3 2 H 2 O
3) 4)
66. Dipole moment of the hydrides of group 15 elements decreases in the order
1) AsH 3 BiH 3 SbH 3 NH 3 PH 3
2) BiH 3 SbH 3 AsH 3 PH 3 NH 3
3) NH3 PH3 AsH3 SbH 3 BiH3

4) PH 3 NH 3 AsH 3 SbH 3 BiH 3

67. The equivalent weight of phosphoric acid H3PO4 in the reaction

NaOH H 3PO 4 NaH 2 PO 4 H 2O is

1) 25 2) 49 3) 59 4) 98
68. Which of the following represents the correct order of increasing pK a values of the given
1) HC O 4 HNO3 H 2CO3 B OH 3

2) HNO3 HC O 4 B OH 3 H 2 CO3

3) B OH 3 H 2 CO3 HC O4 HNO3

4) HC O4 HNO3 B OH 3 H 2 CO3.

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69. Mixture of volatile components A and B has total vapour pressure (in Torr)
p 254 119 xA , where xA is mole fraction of A in mixture. Hence pA and p B are (in
1) 254, 119 2) 119, 254 3) 135, 254 4) 119, 373
70. For a real gas (mol. mass 60 ) if density at critical point is 0.80 g / cm3 and its
4 105
TC K , then van der Waals’ constant a (in atm L2mol-2 ) is
1) 0.3375 2) 3.375 3) 1.68 4) 0.025


This section contains 5 questions. Each question is numerical value type. For each question, enter the correct numerical value (in
decimal notation, truncated/rounded-off to second decimal place. (e.g. 6.25, 7.00, 0.33, .30, 30.27, 127.30).
Marking scheme: +4 for correct answer, 0 if not attempted and 0 in all other cases.
71. Given the cell: Cd s | Cd OH 2 s | NaOH aq,0.01 M | H 2 g,1bar | Pt s with
Ecell 0.0 V .
If E 0.39 V , then Ksp of Cd OH 2 is 10 5 x : (take RT/F=0.06 ) Then find the
Cd 2+ |Cd
value of x
72. In an adsorption experiment, a graph between log x / m versus log P was found to be linear

with a slope of 45 . The intercept on the log x / m was found to be 0.3010 . The amount in
grams of the gas adsorbed per gram of charcoal under a pressure of 0.5 atm is
73. How many isomers [including stereo isomers] (of formula C5H10C 2 ) are obtained from the

monochlorination of S – + -1 – chloro -2 – methyl butane

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74. Number of Correct statement(s) regarding the following first-order reaction is/are
2N 2O 5 g 4NO 2 g O2 g

A) The concentration of the reactant decreases exponentially with time

B) The half life of the reaction decreases with increasing temperature
C) The half life of the reaction depends on the initial concentration of the reactant.
D) The reaction proceeds to 99.6% completion in eight half life cycles.
75. How many of the following compounds participate in Hoffmann bromamide rearrangement?
o Br
O o NH C H
, , ,
OH o

, , O

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