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This chapter described the reasons for conducting the research and it deals
with several points: introduction that concerns with background, previous related
findings, research questions, objectives, and significance of the research.

1. Background

Language is a very important communication tool for humans. Through

language, a person can express all knowledge, messages, thoughts, ideas, and so
on. Language is an arbitrary symbol used by humans to work together, interact,
and identify them.

Since Indonesia's independence from Japanese colonial rule, the

Indonesian government has agreed to declare English as the first foreign language
that must be taught from junior high school to university level, both public and
private. English is a Germanic language that was first spoken in England in the
early middle Ages. English is a world language because it is considered a
relatively easy language to learn. So it can be concluded that: English is the oldest
language. English has undergone many changes, its vocabulary has also
experienced a very rapid increase.

The application of English in the Tarbiyah Takalar Islamic boarding

school environment is very important for the future. Moreover, English is an
international language used by almost all countries in the world. For this reason,
Tarbiyah Takalar Islamic boarding school will improve learning English by using
a relaxed but understandable method.
By mastering English, it will be easier to communicate and establish
relationships with people from any country in business activities, studying,
exchanging ideas, introductions and others. On one occasion, a lecturer once said
that English is the language of industrial media, where if we master it, of course
we don't need translations and subtitles to read books or novels, enjoy songs, and
watch movies. English is also the language of the internet. Almost all websites are
written in English and if we master it then of course we will understand it and take
it in a discussion forum.

According to research, English proficiency has a close relationship with

the progress of a country. Culture in a country can also change along with their
openness to information, which is obtained by the initiative of its citizens to
obtain credible news sources, knowledge that knows no boundaries to the
tendency to share topics that are crucial. It does not stop there, this relationship
even affects economic conditions and total income. According to World Bank
data in 2017, net income per capita has continuity with a country's English
proficiency. The better the ability, the higher the income earned.

This implies that Indonesia has great potential in improving the quality of
English for its human resources. A massive approach and awareness building on
the role of English as the most widely spoken foreign language in the world is
what is needed in an effort to improve the quality of human resources in
Indonesia. Learning this language is no longer an obligation to get good grades or
rankings in school, but also as a defense in the face of increasingly challenging
globalization. English can open access to unlimited assets that people in Indonesia

Improving English skills can be done in various ways. Today, with the
ease of technology and increasing competition in the commercial education sector,
the nation's next generation should have many opportunities to improve their
respective qualities. In choosing educational sources or prospective teachers, it is
worth paying attention to the most effective way of teaching for the self-
development of students.
The way of teaching must also be adapted to the learning patterns of
students in Indonesia. With good curriculum analysis and design, it is hoped that
this can lead to a tendency for the nation's next generation to like English lessons.

Learning English is a relatively difficult language learning in schools

because it has several abilities that must be mastered by students such as mastery
of vocabulary, pronunciation, writing and also appropriate vocabulary with
English itself, of course much different from the Indonesian pattern. Learning
English in schools has not been able to guarantee the achievement of students'
abilities in English because the teacher provides more provisions in the form of
theory and knowledge of language rather than prioritizing language skills both
oral and written writing. The state of learning English in schools does not bring
students to the direction of achieving English proficiency (Syahputra, 2014).

Language skills will be better if you master the four skills language skills,
namely reading, writing, listening and speaking. Knowing the students' interest in
learning English, based on the results of observations it can be seen that Tarbiyah
Islamic Boarding School students still have difficulties in learning English and
find it difficult.

2. Previous Related Findings

The results related to this research are as follows:

a. Seniors high school plays an important role in implementing EFL in the

school environment.
b. Demonstration in English after Ashar and Isya prayers at the school mosque
will affect students' vocabulary mastery.
c. Learning English speech will affect students' pronunciation.

3. Research Questions

Based on the description that has been presented, the main thing is the
problems are: "Implementation and Benefits of English Demonstration at
Tarbiyah Takalar Islamic Boarding School". Based on the subject matter above,
the authors are sub-problems as follows:
a. What is the form of the application of English vocabulary at the Tarbiyah
Takalar Islamic Boarding School?

b. What are the obstacles in applying English at Tarbiyah Takalar Islamic

Boarding School?

4. Objectives

Based on the formulation of the problem, the research objectives to be

achieved in this study are as follows:

a. To find out the pattern of applying English in the guidance of high school
students at Tarbiyah Takalar Islamic Boarding School.
b. To find out the obstacles for high school students in the application of English
at the Tarbiyah Takalar Islamic Boarding School.

5. Significance

The benefits of research include:

a. Benefits for writers the benefit of research in the application of English for
writers is to add insight to researchers and can be used as guidelines to be
taught later.
b. Benefits for the University The writing of this research proposal will be an
academic reference as well as engineering in terms of developing the English
department Universitas Negeri Makassar in the future.


Handayani, S. (2016). Pentingnya Kemampuan Berbahasa Inggris Sebagai Dalam

Menyongsong Asean Community 2015. Ikatan Sarjana Pendidikan Indonesia , III.

Jordan, R. (1999). Academic Writing Course (3rd Edition ed.). England: Longman.

Muliana, I. N. (2021). Mengatasi Kesulitan Dalam Berbahasa Inggris. Linguistic

Community Service Journal , I, 2.
Words: 1,038

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