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2 Data Preparation


Well Data Requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2

Wells . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
Index . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5

Geolog® 7 – Paradigm™ 2011 Data Preparation 2-1

With Epos® 4.1 Data Management
Well Data Requirements

The data requirements for a Geosteer workflow to plan and drill a well involves the set up of three Geosteer
The following is a detailed description of data required (SETS and LOGS) for each of these wells along with
the possible sources.

An offset well or wells and a planned well must exist to start using Geosteer. See "Offset Wells" on page 2-
2 and "Planned Well" on page 2-3 for a list of the required data for each well.
Once drilling begins, an Actual Well is created and used to monitor the process—see "Actual Well" on
page 2-4 for a list of required data.
Optionally, when drilling has been completed, the Actual Well can be used for post-job interpretation of the
geological structure.

Offset Wells

One or more existing (usually vertical or near vertical) Geolog wells which contain the representative
stratigraphic column and properties data for the Geosteering Model in the Planned and Actual wells.

NOTE Beds and log properties defined in the offset well(s) are propagated along the cross section,
taking into consideration the interpolation style (Top, Bottom, Top & Bottom conformable
and constant TVD).

Table 2-1, "Data Required in Offset Well(s)" on page 2-2 lists the data required. It is recommended that
the Set names and Log names listed be used when loading the data into Geolog.

Table 2-1: Data Required in Offset Well(s)

Default Set
Default Log Description
Minimal and Mandatory Data Required in Well(s) to Be Used as Offset Well(s)
WELL Constants X Location and Y Location
HEADER KB or Reference Measurement
WIRE Log data.
Reference log properties to be modeled in the GS Well.
TOPS TOPS Interval data.
Tops of horizons of interest. See also "Optional Data" on page 2-3 below.
DIRECTIONAL DEVI Wellbore survey data.
HAZI POINT interpolation; used to calculate TVD/TVT/TST references.

Geolog® 7 – Paradigm™ 2011 Data Preparation 2-2

With Epos® 4.1 Data Management
Table 2-1: Data Required in Offset Well(s)
Default Set
Default Log Description
DIP DIP Beddip data.
AZIMUTH Bed dips where wellpath crosses a horizon.
REFERENCE TVD Log names are mandatory; see Wellpath for further information on
TVT generating this data.
Optional Data
TOPS COLOR If these logs do not exist, they are created using default Geosteering colors, and
FILL a default fill of solid, when the GS Model is defined.
BEDS RT_BED Blocked RT log for input to resistivity modeling.
MODEL Forward modeled resistivity logs using constant dip angles for pre-job

Planned Well

An existing Geolog well with a defined wellpath and other data derived from the offset well(s) to be used to
plan a drilling program.
Table 2-2, "Data Required in Planned Well" on page 2-3 lists the data required. It is recommended that
the Set names and Log names listed be used when loading the data into Geolog.

Table 2-2: Data Required in Planned Well

Default Set Default Log
Name Name(s)
Minimal and Mandatory Data Required in Wells to Be Used as the Planned Well
DIRECTIONAL DEVI Wellbore survey data; POINT interpolation; used to calculate TVD/
HAZI TVT/TST references.
If a 3D geological model is used then only the DIRECTIONAL set is
CURTAIN TVDSS_intervalname Reference of DEPTH (Measured Depth); the TVDSS of each horizon of
interest in the DOAWP curtain. Log name prefix is mandatory
(e.g. TVDSS_H8; do not use names such as TVDSS_H8_2, as this is
assumed to be a log version).
DIP AZIMUTH Beddip data along planned wellpath. Extracted from the 3D geological
DIP model; TOPS interpolation.
REFERENCE Can be generated by Wellpath to view the trajectory, but will be
generated by Geosteer if it does not exist.
Optional Data
TARGETS See “TARGETS” on Graphical object(s) identifying the directional or drilling target(s);
page 3-6 in the Text geometrically defined in well planning software such as Paradigm’s
help. Sysdrill Director. Log names are mandatory.

Geolog® 7 – Paradigm™ 2011 Data Preparation 2-3

With Epos® 4.1 Data Management
Actual Well

The highly deviated or horizontal Geolog well—to be drilled, currently being drilled or drilling completed.
Table 2-3, " Data Required in Actual Well" on page 2-4 lists the data required. It is recommended that
the Set names and Log names listed be used when loading the data into Geolog.

Table 2-3: Data Required in Actual Well

Default Set Default Log
Name Names(s)
Minimal and Mandatory Data Required in Wells to Be Used as the Actual Well
DIRECTIONAL DEVI Wellbore survey data; POINT interpolation; used to calculate TVD/
HAZI TVT/TST references.
LWD Actual LWD logs and Tool Specification.
REFERENCE Can be generated by Wellpath to view the trajectory, but will be
generated by Geosteer if it does not exist.
DIP DIP For Actual (w/o Plan) GS wells; beddip data along actual wellpath;
AZIMUTH TOPS interpolation.
CURTAIN TVDSS_intervalname For Actual (w/o Plan) GS wells; Reference of DEPTH (Measured Depth);
the TVDSS of each horizon of interest in the DOAWP curtain. Log
name prefix is mandatory (e.g. TVDSS_H8; do not use names such
as TVDSS_H8_2, as this is assumed to be a log version).

Geolog® 7 – Paradigm™ 2011 Data Preparation 2-4

With Epos® 4.1 Data Management

actual well, definition of 3

definition of
actual well 3
offset well 2
planned well 3

definition of actual well 3
definition of offset well 2
definition of planned well 3

offset well, definition of 2

planned well, definition of 3

Geolog® 7 – Paradigm™ 2011 Data Preparation 2-5

With Epos® 4.1 Data Management

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