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You will hear a radio presenter talking about new books.

1. To really understand My life you need to______. A. read it very slowly
B. know about the writer’s life C. read the writer’s other books
(explain: it is difficult to understand if you haven't read the books)
2. In Goodbye to the fields, John goes to London because ______.
A. his parents do not like the country B.his father has to be close to his work (
explain: small boy to leave the countryside love when family move to London
because it is father's job)
C.his parents both come from the city
3. The A-Z of photography will not interest experienced photographers because
A.the information is unsuitable (explain: it has everything you need to know to
take really good photos and learn about camera films living and show on this is not
one could experience photography)
B. the pictures are simple C. it says nothing about equipment
4. The presenter likes Cooking for one because _____. taught her to cook Italian food
B. it contains only easy meals.
C.she now likes cooking. ( explain: I’m exactly enjoy cooking now)
5 What is wrong with Holidays in Europe? A.It leaves out well-known places.
(explain: doesn't talk about the famous faces everyone visits but describes a small
places away from the main tourist areas)
B.The maps are not very good. C.It is too expensive.
6. Next week’s programme will be useful if you ____. A. enjoy reading reports
B. are trying to save money C.are planning to buy presents (explain: it
you saved your money and you're wondering what to get for a friend or relation
some good ideas)
You will hear a man called John Dalin talking about the travel programmes
he makes for television.
1.For his most recent television programme, John ______.
A. drove from the North to the South Pole B. filmed relaxing beach holidays
C. went to the Pacific Ocean for a year (explain: long trips the last trip I did was
like 50 Thousand Mile Journey around the Pacific Ocean and it took 12 months)
2. John is giving up very long trips because______.
A. he's too old now B.he’s been everywhere C. they’re too tiring
(explain: traveling long distances makes you extremely tired I know that's still a
great pleasure for me I want to do something more relaxing now)
3. John says his next television series might be about______.
A. farms in Scotland B. old ruins in Wales (explain: I think my next television
series near England interesting work going on in Wales where they just found what
remains of a 2000 year old) C. cycling tours in France
4. John wants to encourage other people to ______.
A. be brave about travelling to new places.(explain: long trips will encourage
other people to get on a plane and have some adventures some people seem to be
afraid of going to a strange country)
B. lose their fear of flying C.make more trips alone
5. Why does John want to spend more time near home? A. His family might need
him.(explain: I wouldn't want to be so far away or anything like that
happened to my family again)
B. His wife misses him. C. He has very young children.
6. John has already written some ______.
A. newspaper articles (explain: I've done to book so far I write about places I've
seen in my feelings about them I don't think I'll ever write fictional poetry but I'd
be interested in a newspaper articles) B. travel C. poems

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