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GEOINFORMATICS LABORATORY EXERCISE-3: CALIBRATION FOR EDMI Objective Determine the cyclic error curve, reflector-instrument error and scale error for given EDMI Equipment: EDMI, tape, reflector, tripod, staff Precaution Follow the steps as suggested to you. Any other operation or mishandling of the instrument may lead to malfunction of very expensive instrument. Procedure ML Setting up the instrument. © Mount the instrument over the tripod and approximately level the setup. © Carryout the leveling process as described below: a. Centre the circular bubble by using two leveling screws at a time, Both screws should be rotated either inwards or outwards at a time. b. Then keep the instrument approximately perpendicular to the previous position and use the other leveling screw to centre the bubble. Now the leveling operation is complete. ©. Repeat operation (a) and (b) if required. © Connect batteries to the instrument as instructed and press the POWER (PWR) switch on the instrument to start functioning, © Carry out finer leveling of the instrument with the help of electronic level appearing in computer display by using the principle of “three leveling screws”, Press ENTER to initialize the instrument, It will settle itself to PO MODE. Some entries related to pressure, temperature, etc. will be required. Enter appropriate values, Sight the instrument approximately in North direction and enter the HA reference 0° 0' 0”. Press ENTER. Measure Instrument height with the help of measuring, tape provided by Trimble and press F3. It will prompt to enter the instrument height (Ih). Type the height, for example Ih = 1.434 and press ENTER. © Note the reflector height (SH) from graduations on it. Press F6; it will prompt for signal height (SH). Enter the signal height, for example SH = 1.50 and press ENTER © Sight the target/reflector and by pressing AIM button, measure Horizontal distance (HD), Vertical distance (VD), Sloping distance (SD), Northing, Easting, etc. Ignore Northing, Easting for this experiment. Principle of Error Determination © This will require accurate measurement of distances using tape on a flat ground and comparison of the same with EDMI measured distances. Using these, one can estimate various calibration errors/correction, The order of corrections is as follows: cyclic, reflector-instrument constant, scale. 1. Nonlinearity/Cyclic Error ‘Assume the basic measuring unit as 10m (effective wavelength = \/2) ‘+ Set up instrument at A. ‘* Divide the 30 m line from A into 2 segments of 20 m (say, it could be any other distance as well ie. 100 m, 150 m, etc.) and 10 m, ‘+ Divide the last 10 m into 10 parts each of 1 m. Measure each part carefully using the tape (d entered in column (2) as well as the EDMI (D) in column (3). Note that D; is to be measured from EDMI position (A) (corrections for atmosphere conditions are entered in the instruments and these distances are reduced to horizontal), ‘© Carefully measure Dy with EDM (say 20.000 m). ‘+ The error is calculated by formula (in column 5): = -(Do+ Da) © The correction is given as (in column 6):¢, +"; where DE indicates the average error (and is 10 10 added simply to translate the origin at the average of errors). * Prepare x-y plot of these corrections, on x axis distances 1, 2, 3, ——~ 10 and on y axis corresponding corrections (c) and use these go get corresponding correction for a measured distance. dq el ee “ 0123 9 10 + I= 20m ———++— 10m ———> Observation Table Station | Taped dist. d, | EDMIdist. |p, +3, m) | =D ~(D,+E4)m) a) (m) Q) Du (m) 3) @ e = Do =20.00) ZO 10.008 = (20+ 20. o

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