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Know Your Client

Stages of Start-up

No. of Self- Monthly Loan & Age of Type of

Employee Investment Turnover Funding Business Entity
Stage-1 Idea or Planning Level 0 <100000 0 <100000 <1 Year Registered
Stage-2 Execution Started <5 <500000 <100000 <500000 <2 Year Registered
Stage-3 Prototype Ready <20 <1500000 <500000 <1500000 <3 Year Registered
Stage-4 Expansion >20 >1500000 >1000000 >1500000 <5 Year Registered
Stage-5 Full Fledged business >50 >5000000 >3000000 >2500000 >5 Year Registered

How to decide stage

Question Ask to whom Related to

How may I help you t your start-up or business? Everybody Call Opening
Legal Status of your business Everybody To decide Level of Business
How Many Employees do you have right now? Everybody To decide Level of Business
Till date How much invested by yourself? Everybody To decide Level of Business
Monthly Turnover of your organisation at present? Everybody To decide Level of Business
how much Loan Outstanding at present? Everybody To decide Level of Business
Age of your business? Everybody To decide Level of Business

Question to be asked

Stage Stage Stage Stage Stage

Question -1 -2 -3 -4 -5 Related to
Are you maintain proper Financial
Records of your business ? N N Y Y Y Compliances
Are you maintain proper Registers for
Employees/ Shareholders/ Directors/
Vendors etc? N N Y Y Y Compliances
Are you maintain proper Invoices
Record ? N N Y Y Y Compliances
Are you maintain Minutes of all the
meetings held in your company? N N Y Y Y Compliances
Know Your Client
Roc compliances are done or not?
(Register with MCA) Y Y Y Y Y Compliances
Auditor appointed or not? (If
Applicable) Y Y Y Y Y Compliances
ITR of Organization & Owners Filed
or not Y Y Y Y Y Compliances
GST return filed or not (If Register
with GST) Y Y Y Y Y Compliances
ESI PF Compliances done or not (If
PF & ESI Registration done) Y Y Y Y Y Compliances
Have you hire any professionals for
your business compliances N Y Y Y Y Compliances
Have you completed your business
compliances till date N Y Y Y Y Compliances
Is there any previous non
compliances in business N Y Y Y Y Compliances
Are you aware of all; the compliances
applicable to your business N Y Y Y Y Compliances
Have you applied for any business
loan Y Y Y Y Y Funding
Have you heard about mudra or
MSME loan Y Y Y Y Y Funding
What is the purpose of funding? N N N Y Y Funding
How much are you willing to invest for
proper operation or expansion of your
existing business? N N N Y Y Funding
How good is your personal and
business credit score to raise
funding? N N N Y Y Funding
How much funding is required? N N N Y Y Funding
How long business can be run without
funding? N N N Y Y Funding
Do you have a Project report and
pitch deck, One Pager to avail your
funding? N N N Y Y Funding
Do you have any innovative project
for funding? N N N Y Y Funding
What is the planning of your
Company for Repayment of Funding? N N N Y Y Funding
Have you prepared your financials N N N Y Y Funding
Do you have written business model N N N Y Y Funding
GEM Portal
Do you want to apply in any type of -up India
government tenders in future ? Y Y Y Y Y Recognition
If Not Something
else, then you
What is the Primary Motto of your have tell make is
business? (Only want to make money always a by-
or something else) Y Y Y Y Y product
Know Your Client
What type of customer/market your Know his/her
business is Targeting? Y Y Y Y Y customer
How many regular Client/Customer Know his/her
do you have? N Y Y Y Y customer
What is the level of your operation of
work? Whether Doing
Locally/State/Nationally/Internationall Know his/her
y? N Y Y Y Y customer
Do your Customer refer your Know his/her
business to other? N N Y Y Y customer
What is the targeted market and the Know his/her
audience for your business Y Y Y Y Y customer
Know his/her
Why should they buy from you? N N Y Y Y customer
What kind of legal status you prefer
for your business? (If Business does
not register as Pvt Limited) Y Y Y Y Y Registration
Have you taken proper mandatory
Registrations for your
Product/Services? Y Y Y Y Y Registration
What permissions, registrations and
licenses are required for your
business Y Y Y N N Registration
Do you have any MSME, GST, ISO,
PF-ESI Registration Y Y Y Y Y Registration
If you have Food business, do you
have FSSAI? Y Y Y Y Y Registration
If you have Pharma business, do you
have drug license Y Y Y Y Y Registration
Are you an exporter or importer, if yes
then do you have IEC Y Y Y Y Y Registration
If you created something new, then
have you heard about copyright
registration Y Y Y Y Y Registration
Do you have QMS (quality
management system) then apply for
ISO Y Y Y Y Y Registration
Are engaged in security manpower
business then have you applied for
Psara. Y Y Y Y Y Registration
Want to get benefit of start-up India
scheme, if yes then apply for start-up
recognition Y Y Y Y Y Start-up India
Is your website complete for start-up
recognition Y Y Y Y Y Start-up India
Do you want to apply for tax
exemption in start-up Y Y Y Y Y Start-up India
Have you heard about start-up India
plan Y Y Y Y Y Start-up India
How much you are willing to invest in To Know
the initial stage of business? Y Y N N N "Aukaat"
How much experience do you have in Y Y Y Y Y To know about
Know Your Client
this Specific Industry? him/her
How you have been inspired by this To know about
business idea? Y Y Y Y Y him/her
Is "To Do List" ready to execute your To know about
start-up? Y Y Y Y Y him/her
To know about
What is the business email id Y Y Y Y Y him/her
To know about
Is this your first business Y Y Y Y Y him/her
How much time do you spend on your To know about
business? Y Y Y Y Y him/her
Which industry your business belongs To know about
to? Y Y Y Y Y his business
What Kind of problems you want to To know about
solve by your business objectives? Y Y Y Y Y his/her business
Have you finalised your minimum To know about
viable product (MVP)? Y Y N N N his/Her business
Have you Validate your business To know about
Idea? Y Y N N N his/Her business
To know about
Tag Line of Your business? Y Y Y Y Y his/Her business
How many branches you have To know about
established till now N N N Y Y his/Her business
Your expected turnover for next 1 To know about
year N N Y Y Y his/Her business
What is your business's strength or To know about
weakness Y Y Y Y Y his/Her business
To know about
What is unique in your business Y Y Y Y Y his/Her business
To know about
What is the name of the business Y Y Y Y Y his/Her business
Have you earned the profits in the To know about
business N N Y Y Y his/Her business
To know about
Is your business online, offline or both Y Y Y Y Y his/Her business
To Know about
Do you have market competitors or his/Her
not Y Y Y Y Y Competition
To Know about
How do you differ from your his/Her
competitors Y Y Y Y Y Competition
To Know about
Who is your top 3 competitors Y Y Y Y Y Competition
To Know about
How do you promote your brand Y Y Y Y Y Strategy
To Know about
How do you advertise your business N Y Y Y Y Strategy
Know Your Client
To Know about
How do you engage customer with his/her Marketing
your business Y Y Y Y Y Strategy
To Know his/her
Is your Core team is ready? N N Y Y Y Team
What will be the Average salary of the To Know his/her
team? N N Y Y Y Team
What will be average age of your To Know his/her
employees? N N Y Y Y Team
How many skill sets do you required To Know his/her
to operate your business model? N N Y Y Y Team
How do you provide training to your To Know his/her
employees? N N Y Y Y Team
To Know his/her
What is the employee retention rate N N N Y Y Team
How many Vendors do you have in To Know his/her
your existing Business? N N N Y Y vendors
For what type of business operation, To Know his/her
you are doing Outsourcing? N N N Y Y vendors
Do you have any Legal Agreement To Know his/her
with your Vendor? N N N Y Y vendors
To Know his/her
How do you choose your Vendor? N N N Y Y vendors
Have you secured your brand of your
product or services before launching? Y Y Y Y Y Trademark
Do you have logo or any unique
brand name Y Y Y Y Y Trademark
have you filed your trademark for
business Y Y Y Y Y Trademark
Do you know about trademark Y Y Y Y Y Trademark
Are you aware of benefits of post
filing of trademark Y Y Y Y Y Trademark
Is your brand name similar to existing
brand name or not Y Y Y Y Y Trademark
What is your Company name? (If Trademark &
Business does not register as Pvt name Approval
Limited) Y Y Y Y Y check on MCA
What software do you use in your
business N Y Y Y Y Web presence
Do you have any social media
presence N N N Y Y Web Presence
Do you have any online web
presence for marketing N N N Y Y Web presence
How do you generate traffic from your
website N N N Y Y Web presence
Do you update your website N N N Y Y Web presence
Do you have any social media
presence by way of LinkedIn, FB,
Insta or Twitter N N N Y Y Web presence
Are your aware of the promotional &
Informative videos N N N Y Y Web presence
Know Your Client
Are you running any paid campaign N N N Y Y Web presence
is your business listed on google N N N Y Y Web presence
What is your business rating on
internet N N N Y Y Web presence
Have you designed corporate profile
of your business N N N Y Y Web presence
Do you create YouTube video for
Promotion of business? N N N Y Y Web presence
How do you Improve Social Media
Marketing or Digital Marketing? N N N Y Y Web presence
Have you done SEO/SMO for
business? N N N Y Y Web presence
Do you have Website for business
promotion? Y Y N N N Web presence
Do you want to promote your
company on social Media? Y Y N N N Web presence
Do you want any CRM portal for
maintaining customer Data? N N N Y Y Web presence

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