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WIN 2021 - SIB 460 – Term Project

Canada in International Trade Agreements
Canada United States Mexico (CUSMA)
Total Marks: 30% of the final grade

On July 1, 2020, the new Canada, United States and Mexico Agreement (CUSMA) replaced the
previous trade agreement NAFTA. NAFTA acts as a base for this new agreement. There were
multiple rounds of talks and negotiations to reach this agreement.

Your research report will address the following topics on trade between Canada, United States and

Part A – NAFTA and CUSMA

1. Give a brief history of NAFTA and why it was required?
2. Discuss the key highlights of NAFTA.
3. Why a new trade agreement was required to replace NAFTA?
4. Which clauses of NAFTA were retained in CUSMA?
5. How CUSMA differs from NAFTA?
6. What benefits and opportunities CUSMA offers for the Canadian companies?
7. What type of politics was involved during the entire negotiations process?
8. Some industries/businesses in Canada may feel threatened by CUSMA. What type of threats
Canadian businesses are facing from their US and Mexican competitors.
9. How businesses have addressed these threats?
10. How Canadian government has addressed theses concerns?
11. Any recent issues or trade disputes that emerged after CUSMA?
12. How these issues have been resolved?
13. Impact of COVID on trade under CUSMA.
14. Conclusion
15. References

Submission details:

 Write a 15 -20 Page Report (excluding title page, table of contents, executive summary and
reference page). Use proper formatting with uniform headings and sub-headings. Suggested font is
Times New Roman or Arial in size 12 with 1.5 line spacing.
 Use in-text citations using MLA style and cite all the sources in in-text citations as well as referenced
properly at the end of the report as References or Works Cited.
 Your own analysis based on research will get your more marks. Submit a well-written report with
headings and sub headings, proper paragraphs, tables, diagrams etc. Revise for language related
mistakes and typos before submission.
 Ensure that your submission meets the minimum requirements for Academic Integrity. Fully or
partially copied reports; reports with a few or no citations; may be referred to Academic Integrity
Committee depending on the violation of Seneca’s Academic Integrity Policy.

 Report must be submit online via blackboard (one submission per group) using Safe Assign.
 See the attached rubric for breakdown of marks and weightage for each section.

Report Submission Deadline: Check Blackboard Assessments Section for Due Date for your class
Video Presentation Deadline: Check Blackboard Assessments Section for Due Date for your class

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