Final Exam: Student Name Level: Beginner

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40 Final Exam

Student name ……………………………………………… level : Beginner


: A- Match the groups of adjectives with nouns

food-1 Old – young- tall

car-2 Funny – interesting –


Dangerous – exciting

Sunny –cold – warm

sport-5 Fast – expensive

B- what do the signs mean

films-6 Fresh – delicious Turn left –turn right – go straight on



Q2 : Choose the correct answer:

1- It's (my – I ) house

2- (she –her) name is Samar
3- How )are – she ) they
4- She (are –is) a History teacher
5- Where are you (is – from )
6- I (are – is – am ) working
7- This (is – it ) Ahmad
8- It is two (bag –bags )
9- Where is (he – they ) from ?
10-She is (an – a ) shop assistant

Complete :

1- He speaks English (negative)


2- She can cook (question )

3- I played basketball (negative use did)
4- I am not working (positive )
5- I good job (use have)


A: Match the present and the past :

Present Past

1- go Bought

2- come Had

3-have Went

see-4 Came

buy-5 Saw

Politician :B: write– the

- singer word
actor under the
– armchair correct
–father pictures
: Write a correct preposition

Have a good luck

Trainer's name : Asma Ali Asiri

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