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Chapter 16 - Inter-company Profit Transactions – Inventories

Bachelor of Science in Accountancy (University of Caloocan City)

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16-1: b

Consolidated sales
Sales – Papa P 900,000
Sales – San 500,000
Elimination of inter-company sales ( 50,000)
Consolidated sales P 1,350,000

Consolidated cost of goods sold

Cost of goods sold – Papa P 490,000
Cost of goods sold – San 190,000
Realized profit in beginning inventory ( 4,000)
Unrealized profit in ending inventory 10,000
Intercompany purchases ( 50,000)
Consolidated cost of goods sold P 636,000

16-2: c

Comprehensive income – Sisa P 60,000

Unrealized profit in ending inventory – upstream ( 10,000)
Adjusted CI – Sisa P 50,000
NCI proportionate share 20%
NCI in CI of subsidiary P 10,000

16-3: d

CI from own operation – Pat P 200,000

Adjusted CI of Susan:
CI – Susan P200,000
Realized profit in beginning inventory
(P112,000 x 50%/150%) 37,500
Unrealized profit in ending inventory
(P33,000 x 50%/150%) (11,000) 226,500
Consolidated CI P 426,500
Attributable to NCI (P226,500 x 30%) 67,950
Attributable to parent P 358,550

16-4: b

CI from own operations- Patton P 300,000

Unrealized profit in ending inventory – DS (P200,000 x .25) (50,000)
Adjusted CI for own operations – Patton 250,000
Solis net loss from own operations (150,000)
Consolidated CI P 100,000


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16-5: d
CI from own operation – Puzon P 200,000
Suazon’s adjusted CI from own operations:
CI P110,000
Unrealized profit in ending inventory-
Upstream (P25,000 x 40%) ( 10,000) 100,000
Consolidated CI P 300,000
Attributable to NCI (P100,000 x 25%) (25.000)
Attributable to parent P 275,000

16-6: b
2016 2017
CI from own operation – Pat P 500,000 P 550,000
Unrealized profit in ending inventory:
2016 (P20,000 x .40) (8,000)
2017 (P30,000 x .50) (15,000)
Realized profit in beginning inventory 8,000
Realized CI 492,000 543,000
Sun CI 200,000 225,000
Consolidated CI P 692,000 P 768,000

16-7: a

CI from own operation – Pip P 400,000

Adjusted CI from own operation - Sol
CI P 250,000
Realized profit in beginning inventory-
Upstream (P40,000 x 40%) 16,000
Unrealized profit in ending inventory-
Upstream (P70,000 x 30%) ( 21,000) 245,000
Consolidated CI – 2017 P 645,000

16-8: a
CI from own operations – Popo P 500,000
Unrealized profit in ending inventory – Downstream ( 15,000)
Realized CI from own operation – Popo P 485,000
Adjusted CI from own operations - Sotto
CI P 360,000
Realized profit in beginning inventory-
Upstream 10,000 370,000
Consolidated CI P 855,000
Attributable to NCI (P370,000 x 5%) 18,500
Attributable to parent P 836,500

16-9: d
CI – Sand Company P200,000
Realized profit in beg. Inventory (P120,000 x .20) 24,000
Unrealized profit in ending inventory (P360,000 x .20) (72,000)
Amortization of allocated excess P1.000,000 / 5) (200,000)
Adjusted net loss – Sand Company P(48,000)
NCI (P48,000 x 40%) P(19,200)


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16-10: b

Gross profit rate of Sit (P200,000 / P500,000) 40%

CI from own operations – Pit P 200,000

Adjusted CI of Sit:
CI P 75,000
Realized profit in beginning inventory-
Upstream (P40,000 x 40%) 16,000
Unrealized profit in ending inventory-
Upstream (P25,000 x 40%) ( 10,000) 81,000
Consolidated CI P 281,000
Attributable to NCI (P81,000 x 10%) ( 8,100)
Attributable to parent P 272,900

16-11: b

Gross profit of Sir (P120,000 / P400,000) 30%

Consolidated cost of sales

Cost of sales – Pig P 600,000
Cost of sales – Sir 280,000
Realized profit in beginning inventory (P70,000 x 30%) ( 21,000)
Unrealized profit in ending inventory (P60,000 x 30%) 18,000
Intercompany purchases (200,000)
Consolidated cost of sales P 677,000

Consolidated CI
CI from own operations – Pig P 200,000
Sir’s adjusted CI:
CI P 80,000
Realized profit in beginning inventory 21,000
Unrealized profit in ending inventory (18,000) 83,000
Consolidated CI 283,000
Attributable to NCI (P83,000 x 10%) (8,300)
Attributable to parent P 274,700


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16-12: a
2015 2016 2017
Pal Corp CI 150,000 240,000 300,000
Intercompany profit in ending inventory:
2015 (14,000) 14,000
2016 (21,000) 21,000
2017 ( 24,000)
Pal CI from own operation 136,000 233,000 297,000
Solo CI from own operation 100,000 90,000 160,000
Consolidated CI 236,000 323,000 427,000
Attributable to NCI
2015(100,000 – 14,000) x 40% 34,400
2016(90,000 +14,000 – 21,000) 40% 33,200
2017(160,000 + 21,000 – 24,000) 40% 62,800
Attributable to Parent 201,600 289,800 394,200

16-13: a

Total sales 600,000

Intercompany sales (30,000 + 80,000) (110,000)
Consolidated sales 490,000

16-14: c
Total cost of goods sold (250,000 +120,000) 370,000
Adjustments due to intercompany sale:
COGS charged for intercompany sale (20,000 + 50,000) 70,000
COGS charged by: Star (30,000 – 6,000) 24,000
Polo (80,000 – 20,000) 60,000
Total 154,000
Cost of goods sold for consolidated entity:
20,000 x (24,000/30,000) (16,000)
50,000 x (60,000/80,000) (37,500) (100,500)
Consolidated cost of goods sold 269,500

16-15: c
Polo Corp. CI from own operation (105,000 – 25,000) 80,000
Unrealized profit in ending inventory-DS (6,000 x 10/30)
Adjusted Polo Corp. CI from own operation 78,000
Star Corp. CI from own operation:
CI 45,000
Unrealized profit in EI-US (20,000 x 30/80) (7,500)
Amortization (20,000/10 years) (2,000) 35,500
Consolidated CI 113,500
Attributable to NCI (35,500 x 40%) (14,200)
Attributable to Parent 99,300


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16-16: a

Pepsi CI from own operation 160,000

Sarsi CI 90,000
Unrealized profit in EI (45,000 x 60/180) (15,000) 75,000
Consolidated CI 235,000
Attributable to NCI (75,000 x 30%) (22,500)
Attributable to Parent-2017 212,500

16-17: a

Inventory-Pepsi P 30,000
Less: unrealized profit in books of Sarsi:
(135,000 – 90,000) x (30,000/135,000) (10,000) 20,000
Inventory-Sarsi P110,000
Less: unrealized profit in books of Pepsi:
(280,000 – 140,000) x (110,000/280,000) (55,000) 55,000
Consolidated inventory 12/31/17 75,000

16-18: a

Cost of goods sold on sale of inventory on hand-1/1/16:

[45,000 x (120,000/180,000)] 30,000
Cost of goods sold on purchases from Sarsi- 2016
[(135,000 – 30,000) x (90,000/135,000)] 70,000
Cost of goods sold on purchases from Pepsi- 2016
[(280,000 – 110,000) x (140,000/280,000)] 85,000
Consolidated cost of goods sold-2017 185,000

16-19: b

Pepsi CI 220,000
Sarsi CI 85,000
Realized profit in beginning inventory - 2015 15,000
Unrealized profit in ending inventory- Sarsi (10,000)
Unrealized profit in ending inventory- Pepsi (55,000)
Consolidated CI – 2017 255,000

16-20: b
CI from own operations – P Company P200,000
S Co. adjusted CI:
CI – S P30,000
Unrealized profit in ending inventory –
Upstream (P9,000 x 50/150) (3,000)
Realized profit in beginning inventory-
Upstream (P6,000 x 50/150) 2,000 29,000
Consolidated CI 229,000


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Attributable to NCI (P29,000 x 30%) 8,700

Attributable to parent P220,300

16-21: b

NCI, December 31, 2016[(P245,000/70%) x 30%] P105,000

NCI in subsidiary dividends (P20,000 x 30%) -2017 ( 6,000)
NCI in CI of subsidiary 8,700
NCI in S Company, December 31, 2017 P107,700

16-22: c

P Company (P400,000 x 20%) P 80,000

S Company:
Sales P416,000
Cost of goods sold (P400,000 x 80%) P320,000
Add write down of ending inventory 10,000 330,000
Gross profit P 86,000

16-23: a

Sales P416,000
Consolidated cost of goods sold 256,000*
Gross profit P160,000

* Purchases at cost (P400,000 x 80%) P320,000

Less ending inventory at cost (P80,000 x 80%) 64,000
Consolidated cost of goods sold P256,000

Note that cost is lower than market

16-24: a

Sales P270,000 (1)

Cost of goods sold 171,250 (2)
Gross profit 98,750
Other income - (3)
Other expenses 47,000 (4)
Consolidated CI 51,750
Attributable to NCI 3,350 (5)
Attributable to controlling interest P 48,400

Supporting computations:

(1) Sales:
Pablo Company P220,000
Sally Company 120,000
Intercompany sales (70,000)
Consolidated sales P270,000


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(2) Consolidated cost of goods sold:

Pablo Company P150,000
Sally Company 90,000
Intercompany sales ( 70,000)6
Realized profit in beginning inventory (P15,000 x 25%) ( 3,750)
Unrealized profit in ending inventory (P20,000 x 25%) 5.000
Consolidated costs of goods sold P171,250

(3) Other income:

Pablo Company P 5,000
Computer services (5,000)
(4) Other expenses:
Pablo Company P 40,000
Sally Company 12,000
Computer services (5,000)
Consolidated other expenses P 47,000

(5) NCI in CI of Sally

CI P 35,000
Realized profit in beginning inventory (upstream) 3,750
Unrealized profit in ending inventory (upstream) (5,000)
Adjusted CI P 16,750
NCI proportionate share 20%
NCI P 3,350


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Problem 16-1

The computation of the selected consolidation balances are affected by the inter-company profit
in downstream intercompany sales as computed below:

Unrealized profit in ending inventory, Dec. 31, 2016 – Downstream

Intercompany profit (P120,000 – P72,000) P 48,000
Inventory left at year end x 30%
Unrealized profit, Dec. 31, 2016 P 14,400

Unrealized profit in ending inventory, Dec. 31, 2017 – Downstream

Intercompany profit (P250,000 – P200,000) P 50,000
Inventory left at year end x 20%
Unrealized profit, Dec. 31, 2017 P 10,000

a. Consolidated Sales
Apo P800,000
Bicol 600,000
Intercompany sales – 2017 (250,000)
Total P1,150,000
b. Cost of goods sold
Apo’s book value P 535,000
Bicol’s book value 400,000
Intercompany sales-2017 (250,000)
Realized profit in beginning inventory – 2017 ( 14,400)
Unrealized profit in ending inventory – 2017 10,000
Consolidated cost of goods sold P 680,600
c. Operating expenses
Apo P 100,000
Bicol 100,000
Total P 200,000

d. Dividend Income – 0 (eliminated)

e. NCI in CI of Subsidiary (P100,000 x 20%) P 20,000

f. Inventory
Apo P 298,000
Bicol 700,000
Unrealized profit in ending inventory, Dec. 31, 2017 (10,000)
Consolidated inventory P 988,000


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Problem 16-1, continued:

g. NCI
NCI, December 31, 2016 [ (P902,000/80%) x 20%] P225,500
NCI in dividends paid by Bicol (P50,000 x 20%) (10,000)
NCI in CI of subsidiary (P100,000 x 20%) 20,000
Total NCI, 12/31/17 P235,500

Problem 16-2

P Company and Subsidiary

Consolidated Statement of Comprehensive Income
Year Ended December 31, 2017

Sales (P2,000,000 + P1,000,000 – P600,000) P2,400,000

Cost of goods sold (Schedule 1) 704,000
Gross profit 1,696,000
Expenses 600,000
Income before income tax 1,096,000
Provision for income tax 440,000
Consolidated CI after income tax 656,000
Attributable to NCI (Schedule 2) 44,000
Attributable to parent P 612,000

Schedule 1:
Cost of sales – P Company P 800,000
Purchases from S Company (600,000)
Intercompany profit in beginning inventory (P60,000 x 25%) ( 15,000)
Intercompany profit in ending inventory (P76,000 x 25%) 19,000
Total P 204,000
Cost of sales – S Company 500,000
Consolidated cost of sales P 704,000

Schedule 2:
CI – S Company P 180,000
Realized profit in beginning inventory – Upstream 15,000
Unrealized profit in ending inventory – Upstream (19,000)
Adjusted CI P 176,000
NCI proportionate share x 25%
NCI in CI of subsidiary P 44,000

Problem 16-3

a. Working Paper Eliminating Entries

(1) Dividend income 32,000

NCI (20%) 8,000
Dividends declared- D (P32,000 / 80%) 40,000


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To eliminate intercompany dividends.

Problem 16-3, Continued

(2) Common stock – S 90,000

Retained earnings – S 220,000
Investment in S Co. stock 248,000
NCI 62,000
To eliminate equity accounts of S on the date of

(3) NCI 4,000

Retained earnings, Jan. 1 16,000
Cost of goods sold 20,000
To eliminate realized profit in beginning inventory

(4) Sales 150,000

Cost of goods sold 135,000
Inventory, Dec. 31 (P45,000 x 33.33%) 15,000
To eliminated intercompany sales and unrealized
profit in ending inventory.

(5) NCI in net income of subsidiary 9,000

NCI 9,000
To establish NCI in CI of S Co.
computed as follows:
Sales P200,000
Cost and expenses (P140,000 +P20,000) 160,000
CI 40,000
Realized profit in beginning inventory – Upstream 20,000
Unrealized profit in ending inventory – Upstream (15,000)
Adjusted CI P 45,000
NCI proportionate share x 20%
NCI in CI of subsidiary P 9,000

b. Consolidated CI
P Company CI from own operations (P250,000 – P32,000) P 218,000
S Company adjusted CI 45,000
Consolidated CI P 263,000

c. Non-controlling Interest
NCI, August 30, 2017 [(P248,000/80%) x 20%] P 62,000
NCI in subsidiary dividends [(P32,000/80%) x 20%] ( 8,000)
NCI in CI of subsidiary 9,000
NCI P 63,000


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Problem 16-4

a. Consolidated Sales
Reported total sales (P600,000 + P510,000) P1,170,000
Intercompany sales (P140,000 + P240,000) (380,000)
Consolidated sales P 790,000

b. Consolidated Cost of Goods Sold

Cost of goods sold:
Pato (P660,000 / 140%) P 471,429
Sales (P510,000 / 120% 425,000
Amount to be eliminated (P128,000 + P232,000) see entry below ( 360,000)
Total P 536,429

Elimination of intercompany sales and intercompany profit in inventory:

Downstream Sales
Sales 140,000
Inventory (P42,000 x 40/140) 12,000
Cost of goods sold 128,000

Upstream Sales
Sales 240,000
Inventory (P48,000 x 20/120) 8,000
Cost of goods sold 232,000

c. Consolidated Comprehensive Income

CI from own operations – Pato P 70,000
Unrealized profit in ending inventory – Downstream (12,000)
Adjusted CI – Pato P 58,000
Adjusted CI of Sales Co.
CI P20,000
Unrealized profit in ending inventory – Upstream (8,000) 12,000
Consolidated CI P 70,000

d. Consolidated Inventory, Dec. 31, 2017

Inventory reported – Pato P 48,000
Inventory reported – Sales 42,000
Unrealized profit in ending inventory (P8,000 + P12,000) (20,000)
Consolidated inventory P 70,000


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Problem 16-5

P Company and Subsidiary S Company

Consolidation Working Paper
Year Ended December 31, 2017

Eliminations Adjustments Consoli-

P Company S Company Debit Credit dated

Statement of CI
Sales 12,000,000 1,300,000 (5) 400,000 12,900,000
Dividend income 210,000 (1) 210,000 -
Total revenue 12,210,000 1,300,000 12,900,000
Cost of goods sold 7,000,000 750,000 (7) 30,000 (5) 400,000 7,380,000
Operating expenses 4,210,000 50,000 (4) 40,000 4,300,000
Total cost and expenses 11,210,000 800,000 11,680,000

CI to retained earnings 1,000,000 500,000 1,220,000

Statement of Retained
Retained earnings, January 1 5,500,000 2,200,000 (2)2,200,000 5,500,000
CI from above 1,000,000 500,000 1,220,000
Total 6,500,000 2,700,000 6,720,000
Dividends declared - 210,000 (1) 210,000 -
Retained earnings,12/31 to BS 6,500,000 2,490,000 6,720,000

Statement of FP
Cash 810,000 170,000 980,000
Accounts receivable 425,000 445,000 (6) 25,000 845,000
Inventory 600,000 275,000 (7) 30,000 845,000
Property, plant and equipment 4,000,000 2,300,000 (3) 400,000 (4) 40,000 6,660,000
Investment in S Company 3,200,000 (2)2,800,000 -
(3) 400,000

Total assets 9,035,000 3,1900,000 9,330,000

Accounts payable 35,000 100,000 (6) 25,000 110,000

Common stock 1,000,000 400,000 (2) 400,000 1,000,000
Additional paid in capital 1,500,000 200,000 (2) 200,000 1,500,000
Retained earnings from above 6,500,000 2,490,000 6,720,000

9,035,000 3,190,000 3,905,000 3,905,000 9,330,000

Eliminations and Adjustments

(1) Eliminate intercompany dividends
(2) Eliminate subsidiary’s equity balances
(3) Allocate excess to equipment
(4) Amortize allocated excess to equipment
(5) Eliminate intercompany sale of P400,000
(6) Eliminate intercompany trade balances of P25,000
(7) Eliminate intercompany profit (30%) applicable to P100,000 (P400,000 – P300,000)
of intercompany goods in P Company.


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Problem 16-5, Continued

Determination and Allocation of Excess Schedule

Price paid by the parent P3,200,000

Less book value of interest acquired (100%)
Common stock – S Company P 400,000
Additional paid in capital – S Company 200,000
Retained earnings, Jan. 1 – S Company 2.200,000 2,800,000
Excess allocated to equipment P 400,000

Amortization (P400,000/10) P 40,000

Note: There is no NCI since this is a wholly-owned subsidiary.

Problem 16-6

Determination and Allocation of Excess Schedule:

Price paid by the parent (80%) P425,000

Non-controlling interest [(P425,000/80%) x 20%] 106,250
Total 531,250
Less book value of interest acquired:
Common stock – So P200,000
APIC – So 100,000
Retained earnings 100,000
Total equity P400,000
Interest acquired 80% 320,000
Excess allocated to goodwill P131,250

Fair Value Analysis:

Company Parent NCI
Implied Price Value
Fair Value (80%) (20%)

Company fair value P531,250 P425,000 P106,250

Fair value of net assets excluding goodwill 400,000 320,000 80,000
Goodwill P131,250 P105,000 P 26,250


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Po Company and Subsidiary So Company

Consolidation Working Paper
Year Ended December 31, 2017
Eliminations Adjustments Consoli-
Po Company So Company Debit Credit dated
Statement of CI
Sales 880,000 630,000 (6) 32,000
(8) 30,000 1,448,000
Dividend income 24,000 (2) 24,000 -
Total revenue 904,000 630,000 1,448,000
Cost of goods sold 704,000 504,000 (7) 1,320 (5) 1,350
(10) 750 (6) 32,000
(8) 700
(9) 30,000 1,146,020
Other expenses 130,000 81,000 211,000
Total cost and expenses 834,000 585,000 1,357,020
CI 70,000 45,000 90,980
NCI in CI of Subsidiary (12) 8,990 (8,990)
CI to retained earnings 70,000 45,000 81,990

Statement of Retained
Retained earnings, January 1 1,105,000 140,000 (1) 8,000
(5) 1,350
(8) 560 1,135,090
CI from above 70,000 45,000 81,990
Total 1,175,000 185,000 1,217,080
Dividends declared 25,000 30,000 (2) 30,000 25,000
Retained earnings,12/31 to BS 1,150,000 155,000 1,192,080

Statement of FP
Cash 216,200 44,300 260,500
Accounts receivable 290,000 97,000 (11) 15,000 372,000
Inventory 310,000 80,000 (7) 1,320
(10) 750 387,930
Pant assets (net) 1,991,000 340,000 2,331,000
Investment in S Company 425,000 (3)320,000
(4)105,000 -
Goodwill 60,000 (4)131,250 191,250
Total assets 3,292,200 561,300 3,542,680

Accounts payable 642,200 106,300 (11) 15,000 733,500

Common stock 250,000 200,000 (3)200,000 250,000
Additional paid in capital 1,250,000 100,000 (3)100,000 1,250,000
Retained earnings from above 1,150,000 155,000 1,192,080
Non-controlling interest (NCI) (2) 6,000 (1) 8,000
(8) 140 (3) 80,000
(4) 26,250
(12) 8,990 117,100
3,292,200 561,300 659,360 659,360 3,542,680


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Eliminations and Adjustments

(1) Recognize NCI in subsidiary’s increase in undistributed earnings (P40,000 x 20%)
(2) Eliminate intercompany dividends.
(3) Eliminate subsidiary’s equity at date of acquisition
(4) Allocate excess to goodwill.
(5) Eliminate realized profit in beginning inventory (P9,000 x 15%) = P1,350
(6) Eliminate intercompany downstream sales from April 1, 2012 to March 31, 2013,
(7) Eliminated unrealized profit in ending inventory (downstream), P6,000 x 22% =
(8) Eliminate realized profit in beginning inventory (upstream) P3,500 x 20% = P700.
(9) Eliminate intecompany upstream sales on March 31, 2013, P30,000.
(10) Eliminate unrealized profit in ending inventory (upstream), P3,000 x 25% = P750.
(11) Eliminate intercompany payables and receivables ,P10,000 + P5,000 = P15,000.
(12) Recognized non-controlling interest (NCI) in CI of subsidiary computed as follows:

CI of So Company P45,000
Realized profit in beginning inventory (upstream) 700
Unrealized profit in ending inventory (upstream) (750)
Adjusted CI P44,950
NCI share 20%
NCI in CI of subsidiary P 8,990

Po Company and Subsidiary So Company
Consolidated Statement of Comprehensive Income
Fiscal Year Ended March 31, 2017

Sales P1,448,000
Cost of goods sold 1,146,020
Gross profit 301,980
Expenses 211,000
Consolidated CI P 90,980
Attributable to NCI 8,990
Attributable to controlling interest P 81,990


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