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Plastic bottles are the contributing factors that damages our other earth According to
earlier studies, one of the most pressing environmental issues we face is plastic pollution.
In 2016, 400 billion plastic water bottles around the globe were consumed which is
equivalent to 1 million plastic water bottles per minute, or 20,000 bottles per second.
Approximately only 9% of all plastic gets recycled, while the remaining 91% ends up in
landfills or leaches into our oceans. With this pressing issue, why not rethink on ways on
how to contribute or make a difference to ensure that the environment is protected
whether it be in small or bigger ways. Especially now that various diseases and even
pandemics just like the ongoing COVID-19 keeps on emerging wherein the environment
plays a vital role. So to contribute for the protection or betterment of the environment,
why not think ways, may it be small or big on how to reduce or recycle our wastes. And
one of it as presented in this paper is to recycle plastic bottles into pots for plant since this
has been a trending hobby also during these days.


One of the many focuses of various countries and even companies is to continue business
for the growth of economy but considering the environmental aspects and impacts of their
processes to ensure that the environment is being protected. Unfortunately, land and water
pollution is still evident anywhere wherein every individual should also contribute for the
protection of the environment that is why the significant of this project is that it reduces
the plastic bottle that was thrown in the dumpsters and allows you to make a new hobby
like selling these pots or starting you own garden.

1. Create ways to recycle or reuse plastic bottles that can be used on a different purpose
effectively and efficiently.
2. Spread awareness on how to contribute for the betterment of the environment we live
A. Gather plastic bottles at your house clean them with soap and water if you must.
B. Cut the plastic bottles into your desired height remember not to out it to short or your
plant may not have enough space to grow.
C. After you have cut the bottles paint the bottles with your desired color. In this project
the colors were made black as is suites the color of the string that have been used.
D. Make holes under the bottles for the water to pass through when you water your plants.
In putting holes in the bottles, the fastest method is to heat the wire and when it is
heated pass it through the plastic bottles but be cautious in doing this method you may
burn yourself use pliers to hold the wire. The other method is poking a hole unto the
bottles using a wire, but this is the longer method, as for this project I use the fastest
E. Start on putting the ropes steps are:
Step 1: with your chosen string in this project, I used abaca strings cut them all the
same length.
Step 2: at the end of the strings tie them all together with a simple knot.
Step 3: get the plastic bottles and turn them upside down and divide the string into
stands and group them into two.
Step 4: Place the knot on the center of the plastic bottle. And group each string into
two, one group of string should occupy the four corners of the plastic bottles (up,
down, right, left) making it into a cross position.
Step 5: tie in a knot with the same length of the edge of the plastic bottles this will
be the first level knot.
Step: 6 grab one string from one group and grab another string from the
neighboring group and tie them together from, repeat this process all the way
around the pots and this will be the second level.
Step 7: repeat step 5 to 6 and work your way up until you reach the end of the
Step 8: Once you have reached the end of the bottle gather all the string and tie the
edge of it into a knot.

Things you need in implementing this project are:
1. Plastic bottles- this will be used as to where the plant or seedling is placed.
2. Spray Paint- if you want your bottles to be more appealing you can paint the plastic
bottles, the paint will make the bottles more appealing, but this is optional, black
spray paint is used in this project.
3. Strings- abaca string is used in this project. You can use any string but make sure
that it will hold the pots weight.
4. Scissor- the scissor is used to cut the bottles and the strings.
5. Wire- is used to make holes unto the bottle.
Spray paint (optional) = ₱70
Strings = ₱ 30
70 + 30 = 100
(Note: the cost is depending on how many bottles are you making)


1.What are the problems your team has encountered during the immersion
The problem in making this project is that the heat of the sun was directly heating the
workplace that was chosen therefore making it uncomfortable and hard to work that is also the
time when there are no house chores to do. The heat of the sun around 2 P.M could cause
serious damages to the person like heat stroke and dehydration.

2. Why do you think those problems occur? How did your team manage the
The problems occurred because it was not properly managed in the first place. The
heat of the sun hitting the workplace was not considered in the beginning of making the
project proposal. The problem was managed by waiting for the sun not to heat the workplace
so that in will be comfortable to work with. Before making the project proposal it was ensured
that all the house chores were done.

3. What was the most enjoyable part of your immersion program?

All part of the project was enjoyable from picking the plastic to making the ropes.
Each part of making the project is fun and not boring to make plus the workplace that was
chosen gives a calming effect specially when you are able to watch the sunset while you work.

4. Do you consider immersion program a meaningful experience? Why?

Yes, I consider this project proposal a meaningful experience because I learned that I
could make a person happy by doing the project especially that a lot of people in my family are
obsessed with plants and I can make it and give it to them as a gift. Making this project is also
eco-friendly. By doing this project I also have time to rest myself from my digital life.

Time table
Gathering and washing the plastic bottles.
APRIL 26,2021 2:00 pm
(MONDAY) 2:30 pm Letting the bottles to dry.

4:30 pm Cutting the bottles.

MAY 15, 2021
(SATURDAY) 5:00 PM Painting the bottles and leaving them to dry.

4:20- Making holes on the bottles.

MAY 16, 2021 5:00 PM
(SUNDAY) 5:00- Putting the ropes into the bottles.
6:00 pm

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