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Why should I..?

Why should I..?

Copy © November 2020 by Adedayo O. Gabriel

Why should I…?

By Adedayo O. Gabriel

ISBN 978-978-986-267-2

Published by:
Blessed Life Press
Maiduguri, Borno State

All rights reserved.

The author guarantees all contents are original and do not
infringe upon the legal right of any other person or work. No part
of this book may be reproduced in any form without the
permission of the author.
Why should I..?

This book is dedicated to Bro. Dare Festus, a friend whose lifestyle
makes me believe that living like Christ among the ungodly is
never an impossible mission. Thanks for your contagious Christ-
likeness everywhere you go.
To the body of Christ on earth, those who are heavenly conscious,
longing and panting for the dominance of godliness in this World
till our Lord Jesus Christ second coming.
Why should I..?

My profound gratitude goes to my maker the author and the
finisher of my faith (Jesus Christ), who also is the source of life and
inspiration to me. I cherished the grace of God the father which has
been the basis of my understanding. May His name alone be
praised, Amen.
My gratitude goes to everyone who has contributed little or
immensely to the success of this work. A big thank you to my
lovely Faith (Mayowa), lovely Hope (Ojuolape), Samuel
Gbotoluwa, David and Bro Samson. Also, to the best parents on
earth, Elder and Mrs. Moses Adedayo, thanks for your
inexplicable love and supports.
The patent contributions of my spiritual parents cannot be over
emphasized. God bless you Sir and Ma Pastor Larayetan, Mummy
Falola and Pastor Gideon Ayanbiyi. To my fathers in the lord,
Pastor E.B olukomogbon (CAC Omuo DCC H/Q & Axis
Superintendent), Past. Samuel Olajugba (Maiduguri Zonal
superintendent), Pastor Isaac Oyeniran, Past. Olasunkanmi, Past.
Folorunso and Past. Noah. I say may God forever keeps you
worthy of His eternal glory.
My appreciation goes to my brother and best friend, Dare
Festus; the author of stepping above inferiority. I want to say a big
thank you to my eminent brother, a mentor and the servant leader
of RGGM, Bro. Balogun Stephen and to all RGGM members.
I also acknowledge with thanks the undying love from the best
campus fellowship while on campus, (CACCFKSU: ACHIEVERS
FAMILY). Kudos to Bro Joseph Opeyemi my sharp typist, my
appreciation also goes to all Borno State NCCF family house
Why should I..?

If someone showed up with a good smile and glib tongue and
told lies from morning to night— 'I'll preach sermons that will tell
you how you can get anything you want from God: More money,
the best wines . . . you name it'— you'd hire him on the spot as your
preacher! (Micah 2:11 MSG).
Pathetic right? But the above Scripture appears to be the
situation in most Christian gatherings today. Growing up as a
young believer, there are some sound biblical doctrines that we
were taught, and we imbibed, and they helped us a great deal in
getting rooted in the Word of Life. I looked around some religious
gatherings today and I can't but think and ask questions as to where
those scriptural doctrines have disappeared to from our pulpits.
It is sad to admit that the more Christianity expands, the more
many religious gatherings operate as business enterprises.
Founders get strategic in their plans for numerical church growth.
While that is not bad itself, it is a terrible thing to consider if it is
done at the expense of spiritual growth of the believers. I kept
asking myself how the early Apostles did it. You'll agree with me
that they focused on the most important things and God kept
adding to the Church. (Acts 2:42-47) But the Church seems to
have lost focus of her purpose, the typical Christian seems to have
lost the track of his identity.
Thank God for a book like this, at this right season that calls us
to remember that Christianity wasn't instituted to conform to the
modus operandi of this World. We were not discipled to follow the
World's pattern, but that the World through us may come to the true
knowledge of Christ. My concern is, this new generation thinks it's
okay to be saved yet lacking Christ-likeness in us. If that's true
(which it isn't), then it is fair to ask the people of Antioch what they
Why should I..?

saw in the Disciples of Christ that made them nicknamed the

disciples Christians.
The author has really done a good job in digging deep to the
genesis of our identity as Christ followers. How it all began, who
we are, what went wrong, what we can do, what we shouldn't do...,
these and many more have been scripturally justified in this book.
You're fortunate and blessed, I must say, that you're holding
this book right now. I strongly believe God to transform and bless
you through this book again and again._ _ _ _ _ _
Dare Festus (FST)
The author of Stepping above Inferiority
Why should I..?

In what perspective do people see the church? 2
The Origin of Christian as a Name 4
What does it take to be Christ replica? 9
What you ought to know as His replica. 16
The reality of Christian names and the newness
of life 17
The concept of Immorality 27
God's commands regarding sex? 27
Sex challenge in contemporary time 29
Mysteries behind sexual intercourse. 30
Why is God angry with moral dissipation? 33
Are you not a destroyer? Stop renting the temple's
veil! 36
What number would be your Rueben 37
Why should I..?

Why and how do people fall into sin of moral decadence and
fornication? 39
Antidotes to Immorality: 52
Things that divert Christians' attention 59
Desires for material wealth 59
What to eat 62
Storming period 63
Wrong and false teachings (doctrinal challenges) 66
Misplacement of the primacy in Christendom 71
Things that create fear in some Christians 77
Persecution/trials 77
Death 80
Your reputation or God's evaluation? 84
Why should I..?


or some years now I have been laden with concerns
for drastic depletion of the standard of the faith
handed down from the apostolic age to our
contemporary churches and fellowships (on
campuses). Any point in time I try to think of the practicability
aspect of the early churches in correlation with their progenies
(our modern churches), I always feel so sad and teary within, filled
with inexplicable spiritual agony and dissatisfaction in my spirit.
Then, questions that are so hard for me to answer flow intensely
through my heart.
As shadow of days fades day after day and decade after
decade, the height at which destructive philosophical ideas and
ideals are eating up the potentials that thus distinguished the
church of Christ from the World is getting beyond minima. People
are well comforted when called with Christian names, though a
quantum of the expedient fruits of the Spirit that thus characterize
a man as the redeemed of the Lord is found missing in them. Many
are yet to realize that Christianity without the visibility of Christ-
likeness is mere religiosity.
The World around the church of Christ in our contemporary
time is heavily imprinting Worldliness on our churches' garments
and faces. Moreover, churches are becoming extremely worldly in
their practices. People are getting more sunken into the ocean of
confusion and therefore finding it extremely difficult to
differentiate between the church and the World. What we have
these days is much more of religiosity than the life of Christ
exemplified by those Christians in the early church. The question
here is, are you not part of the causes?
Enculturation of Christianity has been one of the reasons and
Why should I..?

elements of countless maladies choking up people's faith; the

belief and godliness in Christian practices of our contemporary
church. It is in the opinion of the majority of the young and the old
of this age that, the World is undergoing successive changes,
therefore, they are conveying the same ideology into Christianity.
Nevertheless, the foundation of God stands sure (2Tim2:19),
civilization can never be a reason for lowering it. God's ordained
standard will never be bent for any reason.
It is so obvious that the strength embedded in the gospel has
been enervated in some of our western churches and fellowships
on campuses. One of the reasons for this is that, many people
oftentimes consider the reality of the mystical dealings of God in
the gospels to be human rationalization (that's negative effect of
the knowledge of this World). Some, based on some unjustifiable
philosophical, theological and scientific assertions are seeing
scripture as fictitious record. Also, some shepherds are
substituting the truth of the efficacious words of Christ for sweet
and itching words that thus accommodate all sorts of ungodliness
which are the delights of the unbroken hearts.
It's visually clear that bending God's standards based on
location and situation is becoming a trend for churches and
fellowships on campuses. Truth is utterly perverted by church
leaders for ostentatious (self-glorifying) speeches which draw
members' attentions to them rather than God. The indisputable
word of God is being read with wrong concepts and misinterpreted
by some leaders; therefore their followers can only misapply them
to their damnation. Many ministers imbibed this habit just to
maintain the extraneous numerical strength of their churches
which thus permits ill-gotten wealth. Funny enough, we have
amazing crowds in many cathedrals, but the kingdom's candidates
are too minor.
Why should I..?

In this age, many church leaders and fellow Christians are less
considerate about the divergence of the ungodly activities and
practices that are creeping into church. The business some
ministers are into nowadays is the calling of people to
church/service, not to salvation. All these I see as misplacement of
priority in the church (John9:4, 4:34).
Brethren, it's high time we stopped handling priority with
frivolity. One thing is certain; a servant that knows his master's
will and does it not shall be beaten with many stripes (Luke12:47).
None of God's words is fallible or can be said to wane out of
quality and relevance. 'The grass withers and the flowers fadeth:
but the word of our God shall stand forever” (Isaiah 40-8 KJV).
I strongly believe that the church of God is like a general
hospital or a psychiatric hospital. It is a place where diverse of
mental, physical and spiritual illnesses are expected to be brought
and addressed profoundly. But the moment a church allows more
of unchristian practices than believers' capacity in faith, there
comes catastrophe and greater trouble. The moment church
leaders welcome carnality (especially cultural beliefs and
westernization from members) with the thought of later
transformation, quick is the death of the standard of God in such a
Without any iota of doubt, Churches that will not condone all
sorts of unchristian attitudes are often deserted and challenged
with unstable numerical strength, unlike all is welcomed churches
where there is daily increase but with low number of Kingdom's
candidates. Is this the purpose of the church of Christ?
Hypocrisy is becoming so extensive in this generation, many
leading factors in our present day churches often moderate their
deeds as a result of the environments they are, not because of what
Why should I..?

the life of Christ is demanding on them. For this reason and many
more, many pastors have backed-out of faith when there was no
one to critique them for doing any wrong. Also, many who were
once executive members while on campus have gone back to the
worst after their graduation. Why all these?
Firstly, it is obvious that many people practice faith to suit
others, so it is easier for them to fail God than man. Secondly, it has
been so because they do not exhibit other side of life (the real
them) while among brethren and probably they always ask: why
should I as a pastor, a bible teacher, a worker or as an executive, not
why should I as Christ's replica. Therefore, the moment they are
out of such environ (where there are brethren), they see no evil in
wallowing in any form of ungodliness.
Christianity is a hallowed World of the regenerated souls that
believe in Christ, not that of the hypocrites and impostors of faith.
It isn't just a religion but a way of life live after that of Christ. So, it
is high time we tirelessly retraced our feet back to the path that thus
differentiates the body of Christ from that of the corrupt World.
The only calling many Christians are yet to yield to is that same
call which God puts to the erred Israel in Jeremiah 6:16; 'a call to
seek the old path and work therein'.
On a norm, disciples supposed to have been named Christian at
the upper room considering the Pentecost experience that
occasioned the infilling of the Holy Spirit and spiritual display,
their steadiness in Christ-like attitudes engendered that name
years after the upper room experience. Nowadays we hardly can
differentiate faith practice from western cultures and mental
adoption. There is an abandonment of the old path and trespass of
the ancient landmark in many churches nowadays. The kind of
messages, songs, dances, greeting styles, events and practices of
the present age churches are partially different from that of the
Why should I..?

World. So sad enough, many Christians have forgotten that others

may, but we can't if truly we're the Christ's replicas.
You will surely agree with me on the fact that the early
Christian life and standard is becoming something too boring and
antiquated to some in this generation. All in the name of packaged
Christian life we are damaging our affinity with God. If the Holy
Bible is to be rewritten by some of the worshipers of this age it
won't be more than twenty pages. Many worshipers are never in
good term with so many biblical facts that thus antagonize their
deficiency because they still desire to fulfill the lust of their flesh.
Why should I, though may sounds so simple and rhetorical, it
is an essential question we cannot live without. As the journey of
faith continues on earth, there are many avoidable mistakes that
the so called believers are still falling victim of as a result failure to
ask themselves this simple question. Many people tend to be more
proactive (doing things before seeking the mind of God) just to
come back to their senses in regret. The only profitable religion is
in demonstrative obedience; it requires knowing the mind of God
and acting upon it.
Being religious brings no honour to God but total adherence to
his commands gladdens his heart most. 'Pure and undefiled
religion before God and father is this: to visit the fatherless and
the widows in their affliction, and to keep oneself unspotted from
the World (James 1:27).' Unspotted in this bible verse points to
total abstinence from Worldliness. Whosoever will be a friend of
this World is an enemy to God.
The commandments of God to the church purchased with the
spotless blood (the blood of Jesus) are: “be ye not equally yoked
with the unbelievers… wherefore come out from among them, and
be ye separate, saith the Lord…”(2Cor6:14, 17KJV). Let's keep
Why should I..?

ruminating on this, if Christ is to be born in this modern age would

he change his life pattern from that which he had demonstrated to
the rubbishes that we have in our days? If he would not, why
should you? (Hebrew 2:1-3)
Why should I..?



n a serious note, Christ's replicas are the Christians
who have the nature of God in Christ as defined and
expatiated in the book of Acts 11: 19-26. But, there is
'but' in ascertaining all who are confessing faith with their mouths
as Christ's replicates. The term 'Christian' was given to a certain
set of people after the ascension of Christ into heaven. Another
amazing fact about this is that, this name was not given by the
members of the same faith but by the pagans (the gentiles at
Antioch). It shows vividly that, they (the pagans) must have seen
something distinct in the then followers of Christ before naming
them such.
Christ's replica depicts the full resemblance of Christ in
actions and inactions. Christ's replicate is best replaced with some
of the names that preceded the advent of the global qualification
for Christ followers i.e. ―Christians‖. Among the preceding names
are: the Galileans, people of the Way, disciples etc. When a man is
attributed as Christ's replica/replicate, it was believed then that
such must have possessed all the innate potentials and qualities of
the Christ in person. If not in fullness, he/she must have been
proven to have at least 95% indisputable resemblance, not in
complexion or physical appearances but in implicit and explicit
life demonstration.
The only well-known gathering of the people who were called
Christians then was generally termed THE CHURCH(the mobile

Why should I..?

Church). With the look of things and happenings in this age, it's as
if people tend to contest or ague the fact that not all that are in the
church are truly Christ's replicas. This simply means that, either
believers have contaminated the master's rules or are deficient in
fulfilling them.
In what perspective do people see the church?
It is no controversial that the concepts of our modern churches
are being read by an every individual at different standpoints.
Therefore, it will be much intelligent to consider what people see
the church to be in our modern age and how some believers
significantly categorized the church members. A succinct
examination of these perspectives will reveal how you; 'I mean
you', are contributing to either of the perspectives. For this reason,
I have stated it earlier that there is 'but' in ascertaining all
Christians as the replicas of Christ. People have the belief that
there are:
 General Christians
 Born again (Christ replicas).
Taking cognizance of the emanation of the term 'Christian' we
may say that it was either as a result of a reckless or a moral thought
of the heathens/pagans that, the set of people acting and preaching
like Christ should be called Christians. So, the in-depth motive for
naming them such might be to ridicule the so called followers of
Christ or just to identify them literarily as His followers.
Nevertheless, the fact remains unabated that the adjective is the
most perfect term to qualify those who have abandoned all they
had for Christ sake. As a patriotic and non-patriotic citizen is
identified with his/her country name e.g. British, American,
Egyptian, and Israelite etc., so also many worshipers are identified
with Christ as Christians but Christ knows his own. Are you in

Why should I..?

Christ or you are only identified with Christ by people?

Though we may object this that it is absolutely impertinent to
discriminate or categorize some as general Christians and others
as born again. Mainly, people assumed this as a result of the way
the so called Christians of the present age are classifying
themselves considering the habits, motive and vision they exhibit
daily. By their fruits they are identified and called, not by their
names or churches.
Many have good confession of faith and worship life but the
fruits they bear daily will always bring their confession under
questions. Many are living a carefree life (life of little or no
consideration on what God's will is all about) which is vertically
and horizontally contrasting that of Christ Jesus (our role model).
What Christ said was that: 'He that hath my commandments, and
keepeth them, he it is that loveth me: and he that loveth me shall be
loved of my Father, and I will love him, and will manifest myself to
him. (John14:21 KJV)
All the indecencies among Christians in our day churches have
been the reasons for the emanation of some pronounceable but
impolite questions being asked in our various churches nowadays.
As a result, many pastors and brethren meet first time worshipers
in their services with these two simultaneous and technical
Are you a Christian?
Are you born again?
The above questions sound funny right? Take a deep thought
on the meaning of the first and the second questions
simultaneously. Can you then assert the affirmation that the term
Christianity is like losing its real taste? That is, as if it's swiftly
dwindling in the real worth. The two questions are attesting to the

Why should I..?

fact that a person can be a Christian or called a Christian but not

born again. In the beginning it was not so.
May I tell you? When the name (Christian) was given there
was no 2nd version for the disciples called Christians. Why in our
age? This is happening in our days because there are people who
claimed being Christians but unstable, indiscernible in reality,
equivocal in their utterances and confession. The kind of attitude
we put on outside our churches always occasion the thought within
people whether all Christians are born again.
From the look of things right from the time Immemorial, there
are some qualities that thus bring narrow bridge between the
functional and missions' identity of the then and the present day
Christianity. Unlike then, it is obvious that many are irreparably
lost into various anti-Christ lifestyles, some are deeply indulging
in all manners of ungodliness; some are inseparable from the
World yet claiming the saint of the saints.
What many worshipers are practicing these days is more of
doctrines and morality than Christianity. Doctrines; of course not
bad at all as churches standards or denominational identities,
nevertheless this shouldn't be prioritized above the Gospel of
Salvation. Morality is not the totality of Christianity but just a
fragment. Morality hampers you from committing evils just not to
be societal misfit and to escape unseemly consequences of any
wrong deeds, nevertheless this doesn't mean that you are a
Christian or saved.
The name Christian was coined from the title given to Jesus:
―Christ”. The origin of Christ is from a Greek word 'Christos'
which depicts: the anointed one, the chosen one and the
separate vessel. This name carries the same meaning with the

Why should I..?

Hebrew word 'Messiah'. This happens to be a powerful title

expected to be conferred on a designated personality like Jesus.
Therefore, if 'Christian' is a name coined from Christ, it means
that, Christians are expected to be: the anointed ones, the chosen
ones and consecrated people with an overwhelming reflection of
Christ likeness.
Around the year 40-66AD after the ascension of our Lord
Jesus Christ, Evodius, the first after Apostle Peter, being chosen
bishop of Antioch, a prominent city of Syria (a gentiles nation)
became a patriarch and during his reign the disciples were called
CHRISTIANS(the Catholic encyclopedia vol. 5). This was
conferred on Christ's followers neither by themselves nor by the
Jews, but by the pagans in Antioch. This must have been conferred
on them as an appellation or nickname (given in ridicule or
something else).
The then Disciples of Christ took the name given in disdain
and turned it into a highly respected name in history. The people of
Antioch then were said to be famous for their ability to produce
malicious nicknames. It was said of them that they once named
their emperor “the Goat” in like manner they also nicknamed the
disciples 'CHRISTIANOs.'
The uniqueness of the name (Christian) among thousands of
the infuriating names the people of Antioch ever produced was
that, those nicknamed Christians had a higher level of irrefutable
resemblance with Christ than what we have in our time. Therefore,
they were first and foremost CHRIST PEOPLE.
The people of Antioch would have looked for other
deteriorating names to cover the dear characters of those faithful
followers had they foreseen the unseen glory in the name. I will
affirm this to be the most perfect mistake or divine.

Why should I..?

NOTE: There were many other groups of people working and

walking together then in Antioch but they were not called
Christians because they had nothing in resemblance with Christ.
Prior to 70AD incident of second temple's destruction, there were
four prominent sects in Judaism: Pharisees, Sadducees, Essenes
and Zealots. All these were worshiping in the temple but people
could not call them Christians because they were never one. But
the disciples were called such because:
They did things, said things, and lived life in similitude to
no one else in the World history except Jesus Christ.
They exemplified purity of thought, feeling and purity of new
They were full of mercy and forgiveness: they forgave their
friends and enemies as Christ did.
They lived love (they did not preach love alone) love of new
order; love for those who least deserved it and those who
despised them to the point of death.
They practiced humility- a new phase of humility nev'er
displayed by any man aside from Christ.
They lived above blames in all things. There was an
uncontested visibility of righteousness and holiness in their
daily living.
They rejoiced in all their afflictions as ardent followers of
All the above mentioned attitudes of Christ were displayed and
exhibited by the disciples at Antioch, these also are expedient of
you as a believer. None of these acts was displayed pretentiously
or in ostentation. They were called Christians having seen them
living like Christ not while speaking in tongues at the Upper

Why should I..?

Room. Watch your character when people keep on saying to you

'and you call yourself a Christian,' know fully-well that your
Christian life is already having loopholes. Have you ever imagined
why disciples were not called Christians on the day of Pentecost
when they received Fire Baptism? It shows that being a Christian
goes beyond prayers, bible reading, speaking in tongue, and seeing
visions. The feasibility of those outstanding potentials not seen in
any prophet of the OT but only in Jesus engendered the name
better than the best for the then believers: ―CHRISTIANOI =
There was nothing like born again Christians in the early
church or ordinary Christians (this is tautology). The then born
again person was known as a Christian and a Christian was a born
again, no segregation at all as we have it in our contemporary
churches. The question to all Christians is; Why now?
A Christian is a person that carries the nature of God in Christ.
Adam and Eva lost the nature of God even after which they ate
from the fruit of good and evil. Therefore, the first man lost the
nature of God (Gen1:26-28) to human nature which we now called
Adamic nature (self-nature, Gen 3:19-24).
Adam and Eva changed from immortality to mortality, that is,
from the likeness of God to Human being (man with an end or that
is earthy). That is why the work of salvation is solely centered on
bringing man back into the circuit of immortality (the nature of
God lost in Adam but found in Christ). This nature is a nature of
righteous living and holy life as confirmed in Titus 2:12 that the
grace that brings about salvation teaches us to reject and renounce
all ungodliness (irreligion) and worldly (Passionate) desires, to
live discrete (temperate, self-controlled), upright devout

Why should I..?

(spiritually Whole) lives in this present world.

Cyprian's letter
In 248AD, Cyprian the Bishop of cartage wrote the following
to his friend Donatus about Christians:
'This seems to be a new World, Donatus, when I view it from
this fair garden under the shadow of this vine. But if I climb some
great mountain and lookout over wide lands, you know very well
what I would see; brigand on the road, pirates on the seas, in the
amphitheaters men murdering each other to please the
applauding crowds and under all roof I see misery and
selfishness. It is really a bad World Donatus, an incredibly bad
World. Yet in the midst of it, I have found a quiet and holy people.
They have discovered a joy which is a thousand times better than
any pleasure of this sinful life. They are better than any, when
persecuted they care not. These people, Donatus, are Christians
and I am one of them.' (The Catholic encyclopedia: Letter to
Donatus from St Cyprian of Carthage)
The differences between the early church Christians and the
World around them was so obvious, this Bishop had the conviction
that the early Christians had desirable qualities that a good
observer would not let escape. My utmost concern and challenge
on this is that, if it were to be the way many of the modern days
Christians are practicing faith that the then disciples were, the
bishop might not have the joy and the boldness of declaring
himself being a Christian. Every believer must keep meditating on
this question that: if I or the modern days Christians were the one
seen by the people at Antioch and Bishop Cyprian, what would
they have named the followers of Christ?
Without any iota of controversy, you will agree with me that
Christianity is becoming a yardstick of lifestyles having

Why should I..?

equivalent content with the word 'citizenship'. Many are made

citizens of a country either by marriage, naturalization or by birth.
In the same stratum the Christian's chain of membership is
Some are Christian by birth (born into or the second birth),
some self-Christianized as a result of job demands or other
circumstances. Some acquired their membership because they
were opportune to have married to Christian brethren (either
brother or sister), as a result, the bond of matrimony brought them
into the fellowship with Christ as Christians.
Those who gained their membership via what I called self-
Christianization are the categories of people under General
Christian as defined by fact behind the nature of happenings in our
World and churches. Their attributes are as follow: church goers,
service renders or religious merchants, and church population
facilitators. These aforementioned set of people may be
committed to any church services or activities. Their involvement
in the external service may bring them honors that thus grant them
an outstanding reputation and distinguished certificate of good
stewardship; nevertheless, the fact still remains that they are not of
Christ neither do God counts their labors awardable.
Those who acquired their membership by birth (second birth)
are the one categorized under Christ’s replicas or born again. They
have been regenerated, consecrated and hallowed in the precious
blood of Jesus Christ; they are born of the water and of the Spirit of
God; ever conscious of fulfilling master's wills at the expense of
any cost; living as the light and the salt to their
What does it take to be Christ’s replica(s)?
Among the impossibilities within the nature, I have found one
present, past and future impossible assumption i.e. BECOMING

Why should I..?

JESUS. Truly speaking, no man can be Jesus but everyone can be

like Him. It is so disappointing to realize that many among people
claiming to be Christians are completely void of the knowledge of
whom Christ was and is. Very few out of the countless people
claiming Christ joint heirs are privileged to have little
understanding of the personality of Christ whom they intend to
replicate. Some of those that know His personality as 'Jesus' have
an in-depth knowledge of the personality of 'Christ' as God's
incarnate. Therefore, if a man has not encounter Christ, he cannot
replicate Him. His identity is far beyond Mary mother of Jesus and
Joseph the carpenter the father of Jesus as taught in various
children classes. You must have encountered Him, know and love
Him before replicating Him.
Who is Jesus Christ?
The major problem Jesus had with the Pharisees and the
Sadducees then was not mainly because His teachings was
somehow conflicting their Torah interpretation. It was not majorly
because He performed miracles that they could not perform,
neither was it mainly because of his popularity among the Jews.
The major problem was as a result of darkened mentality and poor
understanding of visions and revelations interpretation. Despite
the fact that Isaiah had foretold the type of Jesus' government
(Isaiah 9:6-9), yet they chose to reject this Knowledge, therefore,
God gave them up to reprobate mind to do against themselves.
It always baffles me seeing some records in the account of
Christ's persecution and crucifixion. All the efforts harnessed by
the Pharisees and the Scribes (the teachers of laws) in executing
Christ were due to their failure to recognize Jesus as the Christ (the
awaited Messiah). They only knew Him as Jesus, the son of Joseph
and Mary (Matt 13:55-57). This shallow mentality was one of the
causes why Christ could not do many mighty works among them.

Why should I..?

The most sadden part of the story line was that; those who were
called the Priest of God (mediators between the Jews and God)
could not even recognize the High Priest (Jesus).
It is very possible for a pastor, president of a fellowship,
church executive even a bible study teacher not to be saved or
having the understanding of who Christ is. It is possible for you to
describe Jesus based on the Bible records and references, but it is
another thing entirely to express His feeling and mission
someone who has met with Him.
Jesus posed a question to His disciples in Matthew 16:13ff, He
said: ―who do men say that I Son of man am?‖ some of His
disciples said, John the Baptist, Elijah, Jeremiah or one of the
prophets. Christ forwarded the same question to them that, ―….
But who say ye that I am?‖ Peter confessed Jesus being ―Christ‖
the Son of the living God. Who knows other contradicting
responses in the minds of other disciples? This name 'Christ' is that
name that has been given to Jesus above every other names
 Christ as God (John 10:30)
 Christ as the VOICE of God (John1:1ff)
 Christ as the Atoning Lamb (Isaiah53:3-10, 1Pet.2:24),
 Christ as the Wisdom of God (1Cor1:24, Col 2:2,3,
 Christ as the Power of God (1Cor1:24, Rom1:16),
 Christ as the Light of the World(John 1:4-10, Gen.1:3,
John 14:6)
 Christ as the expression of God's Love (John 3:16,

Why should I..?

1John3:16, Titus2:11)
 Christ as the Saviour of the Universe (John 15:6, 3:16,)

ALook at His sacrificial living

To be a replica of Christ is to be totally conformed to the
Christ-like attitude, putting off self-personality, popularity/fame
and vain glory (Matt 10:37,38, Luke 14:26-27). Also, it is to be
ready to abide with Christ laid down life rules. As He did to His
father, always be ready to be a partaker of His longsuffering and to
sacrificially take after His steps (John14:23-24,1Peter 4:1, 15- 16).
Laying down his divine glory is a great sacrifice. His death was not
to save the righteous alone, He died for the least deserved
(sinners).For when we were yet without strength, in due time
Christ died for the ungodly. You cannot be true follower of him
without sacrificing 'self'. For even hereunto were ye called:
because Christ also suffered for us, leaving us an example, that
ye should follow his steps (1Pet2:21)
The coming of Christ to salvage the hell-bound souls is an
incomparable sacrifice. There's no Christ likeness without
sacrificial living. Living sacrificially entails you denying yourself
of the desires of the human nature; readiness to be a fool even with
the level of your incontestable intelligence and agility. To sacrifice
means to forbid or to forsake because of something else. This may
be materials things or possessions, interest, habits or character,
affection etc. Doing this may be extremely difficult yet it is
essentially demanded. Difficulty doesn't mean impossibility; it's
just a matter of paying the required price. People who are
genuinely born again have a rhyme:
All I used to do I do them no more, 3*
There is a great change since I born again.

Why should I..?

Salvation will never change the following: your complexion,

voice, height, face body weight etc. what it does is the renewing of
your mind which will aftermath transform your perspective. It
changes your taste from what your former nature would have
condoned to the will of Christ. Examine your life before and after
salvation, if there is no precision in the differences it means that
something is wrong with you.
Something happened to me sometimes ago and I was mad
within myself to a point that I began to shed tears. On that fateful
day, I saw a guy who was using male strength in fighting a sister.
All my attempts to keep this young man calm proved abortive. The
more I tried calming him was the more he's re-strengthened. I
therefore moved closer to drag him away from the sister by
holding his hands backward. All of a sudden, this young guy
transferred his aggression on me and was ready to fight me,
immediately Adam in me felt like combating him but I chose not.
While holding me, Adam said to me Gabriel remember that you
can bring him down, but another man mildly speaks to my inner
ear that it is not expected of me. Then, I backed the guy and tears
rolled down from my eyes. I wept not because of his rash words or
actions, but because I have the strength to battle him but could not
because of the cross. This also was part of the things I do before
despite my calmness but I do them no more.
It is impolite to say that faith makes one a fool when you
cannot man the old man in you. Though your conclusion may be
right at times but not always, this you do most time to justify your
weaknesses (inability to persevere), not that you are disciplined to
that extent. The popular statement of some Christians is: I don't
take madness with faith or I don't take nonsense.
You too might have the same principle that works only when
you've considered yourself having prevalent or equivalent

Why should I..?

strength to your opponent or conditions. You're always proactive

when you have money power, muscular power, materials power
and influential force to lord over your offenders not considering
perseverance and forgiveness. When the reverse is the case (when
you fall at the weaker side), you easily remember that vengeance is
of the Lord and thereafter consider God being the Judge.
Let's call a spade a spade, you are yet unbroken if there is a
boundary to what you can forebear or let go for Christ sake.
Letting go of the simplest hurt while holding unto the most painful
as unpardonable doesn't portray Christ-likeness. Though some
experiences are just too difficult to be pardoned, but that doesn't
mean that pardoning such is impossible. Something difficult to do
is totally different from impossible to do, it's just a price.
To be too principled above forbearance will enable you to
consider Jesus Christ being a fool by the way He responded to
challenges. Ever since you said you are born again, what change
can you see or point at in your behavior, interest, actions and
inactions? Listen to Paul's testimony:
'But what things were gains to me, those I
counted lost for Christ. Yea doubtless, and I
count all things but loss for the Excellency of
the knowledge of Christ Jesus my Lord: for
whom I have suffered the loss of all things,
and do count them but dung, that I may win
Christ' (Phil.3:7-8KJV)
Paul said: 'all' not 'some'. This implies; an absolute surrender
not partial. Paul therefore admonished the Philippians pertaining
being Christ replicate in their daily lifestyles. He charged them not
to be selfish; not to be impressed by others; thinking of others as
better than oneself; never to look for personal interest but also in

Why should I..?

others too. 'Let this mind be in you, which was also in Christ Jesus:
Who, being in the form of God, thought it not robbery to be equal
with God: But made himself of no reputation, and took upon him
the form of a servant, and was made in the likeness of men: And
being found in fashion as a man, he humbled himself, and became
obedient unto death, even the death of the cross.' (Phil.2:5-8 KJV)
All the aforementioned qualities stated in the verses of the
scripture are found in Christ. Paul therefore enjoined as many as
possible Philippians(Christians) who want to follow Christ to
admire, desire and acquire those qualities in Him.
The preceding statement under Paul's admonition: 'Let this
mind be in you, which was also in Christ Jesus,' implies; there
should be no condition strong enough to hinder you from losing
your personal identities (natural or Adamic nature) for that of
Christ. Putting your life under His light yoke as he said is essential.
Thereafter, learn of Him (i.e. whatsoever you see him doing, do
exactly). This is the real and the best definition of Christianity I've
ever found. It is not a culture or just a religion as called by many. It
is a nature of God lost in Adam but now demonstrated by Jesus
Christ for us to see, believe and live.
Perhaps Paul would have become unstable in heart or
something else in His calling and ministerial assignment,
supposedly, he was too conscious of what might later become of
him in ministry having abandoned all. Yet anytime he remembers
his former life, he felt remorseful for all he had ever accomplished
outside Christ, he counted all as vague. This also should be your
request as it is my desire, to lose more of myself to get more of

What does the scripture says about His love and humility?
Though He was God he did not think of equality with God as

Why should I..?

something to cling to. Instead, he gave up His divine privileges; he

took the humble position of a slave (Doulos {Greek}) and was born
as a humble being….. He humbled himself in obedience to God
and He died a criminal death on a cross' (Phil 2:6-8. NLT)
Christ demonstrates humility through the love He has for the
dying World; He was never coerced. Because He loves us, He
humbled himself to the point of death.
As Christ's replica(s), we are entreated to imitate this
outstanding lifestyle of Him who because of the incomparable
glory set before Him endured the most shameful death and
disregarded its shame. It is not expected of any believer to live
without sacrificing to please or fulfill the will of the Father. We
must know the things worth doing and those worth not doing, also
what worth dying for so that we may fulfill God's will. The simple
fact here is that, no sacrificial living without humility in action.
Humility is the sacrifice of self-worth not void of values.

What you ought to know as His replica.

In one of the teachings of Christ, He said to his disciples that a
servant cannot be obliged to two masters at a time. This
symbolically means that, you can't be and not be. There must be
absolute submissiveness to whoever you accept as your lord. Paul
speaking in 1Cor10:21, he said: 'you cannot drink from the cup of
the Lord and the cup of demons, too. You cannot eat at the Lord's
table and the table of demons, too.'
Note; It is very possible to live anyhow, think anyhow, act
anyhow and do according to the laws of the nature and confide
yourself in the physic strength when you are still in the World. But,
the moment you renounced the World and you are accounted to
Christ Shepherd's fold, you have no will of your own. You are now
being yoked with Christ, bound with his teachings and ways of

Why should I..?

life. It is therefore expedient of you to be subjected to the

principles and the ordinance of Christ at all cost.
You need not to be bamboozled that following Christ is full of
troubles or challenges-free. Take a recollection of His statement to
those who sought for His followership in Luke18:19-23, 9:58.
Following Christ is very costly but it is profitable to be suffered
for, even worth dying for. 'Now no chastening for the present
seemeth to be joyous, but grievous: nevertheless afterward it
yieldeth the peaceable fruit of righteousness unto them which
are exercised thereby.' (Heb12:11, KJV)
A man's name reveals what character and values expected of
such a person in the early church age. Then, a name serves as mean
of introduction, identification and definition of the bearer unlike
our contemporary World. In our contemporary World people often
deceive themselves by calling and answering Christian names,
calling themselves born again even though godliness is missing in
them. They therefore make themselves impostors of faith. Be
acquainted with this fact; until you are freed from nature and
carnality, your confession as a Christian is forever questionable
and controvertible before man and God.
The authentication of your sonship as a Christian is never by
collar; it's not by the purring of oil, not by tonguing, not by long
religious titles like essay writing, not even by being named
Christian. It is by carrying Jesus' DNA which permits reflection of
his likeness in God.
I have full understanding of the fact that changing of name at
baptism of a Convert is nothing but a culture or dogma. This has
nothing to do with the newness of life but an addition of names
(though it shouldn't be). The fact is, some of the people who have

Why should I..?

their names changed from idolized names to Christian names at

baptism may not change their self-nature or take a new life.
We have many people who bear Paul, Peter, John whose lives
are not better than a man who has not heard of Christ. Go to harlot's
houses and streets, there you will find many Deborah, Elizabeth,
Mary, Lydia, Eunice, Charity and Grace. If not all, majority of
them got these names at baptism not at naming ceremony. You too
can attest to this even in your personal life as a person who bears
Christians name. Sister Rachael, Deborah, Elizabeth; brother
James, Gabriel, Joshua, the reason why you are not ashamed of
being prideful, keeping malice, stealing, aborting pregnancy,
fornicating and perpetrating evils is because you have considered
your name to be a universal name not the definition of Christ-
likeness in you.
To me, changing of name at baptism is important but what
matter most at baptism is the change of life. It may sounds so odd
to your hearing if I should say there is nothing like Christian
names. Some of the names we accepted to be Christian names are
names answered by people from other palaces, most especially the
Greeks and the Hebrews names. Paul and Peter were Christians, it
wasn't the names that made them Christian. If I had come to this
understanding before my baptism I might not have added another
name to my name. Sincerely speaking, I chose a new life at my
baptism even as I chose a new name. Some of the good I do now
are products of my covenant to defend the name I bear.
The reality of any name is in the life expression of the
personality that bears such. A Christian name should be a
definition of newness of life that unveils or characterizes Christ-
likeness. Watch your ways! Paul said: “I am crucified with Christ:
nevertheless I live; yet not I, but Christ liveth in me: and the life
which I now live in the flesh I live by faith of the son of God, who

Why should I..?

loved me, and gave himself for me.' (Gal 2:20KJV).

There are some certain things which are good, pleasant,
admirable and freely acquirable in this contemporary World which
you as an ambassador of Christ must prohibit yourself from. Also,
see those things as an aberration and prohibition before your God.
A pastor's son who was brought up with high Christian
standard came to me sometimes ago on a particular issue. In the
course of our discussion, I became somehow so shocked with
some nasty statements that he made. In an attempt to put him right,
further words from him showed vividly that he was already lost
into the World. He said, ―Living for Christ will not allow me to
enjoy pleasure like sex; getting money the way people are making
it will be impossible; I will be unsocial as well.‖ All these stand to
be the only joy he could not forfeit for living for Christ. All I could
offer him after our conversation was to let him know that life of
Christ is a sacrificial life. So, he needs to lose all to gain more, also
pay a price: 'sacrifice.'
There is no life of Christ without sacrificial living. People give
their possessions to God, ceased from stealing, avenging, sleeping
with opposite sex or having extra marital sex, cheating in any form
and robbing others of their goods, not because they are born saints
or they are satisfied (all these are essentially demanded by man's
nature: flesh), but because they chose to sacrifice them all for the
purposes of the high calling. To you, what would you say that
Christianity has taken away from you?
Carnal demands always seem to be needful in the real sense,
they are also granted pricelessly and stress free by the nature.
Nevertheless, you have to consider the concerns of God and be
strict to refute such an offer for Christ sake (1Thes5:21-22).
Ability to do this is coated in you knowing what you believe, what

Why should I..?

God's will is, in setting your priority right and standing firmly in
the finished work of Christ.
Eleazar of Damascus must have been short of ration as he took
Brother Isaac on a journey to Mesopotamia, unto the city of Nahor;
where Rebecca lives then. When he was offered what was needful
(i.e. food to eat) but not rightful in timing, he delightfully turned
the offer down. His priority was to get Rebecca for Isaac first, not
the meal. Do you have heaven as priority and as your drive in faith?
'You say I am allowed to do anything but not anything is good
for you. And even though I am allowed to do anything I must not
become a slave to anything (1 Cor. 6:12, 10:23(NLT)
From the above quoted verse, we are made to understand that
anyone who does anything that nature brings to his/her way is
nothing else but a slave to the nature. Among the stringent qualities
that qualify a man being born again is the self-discipline: ability to
restrict oneself from all pleasurable desires which thus conceive
evils and ungodliness, aftermath give birth to mysterious
Christians' civilization, courtship, marriage system, language,
focus, dressing and socialization have formats totally different
from that of the World. All these are the beauty of the new World of
the new people known as Christ people (Christians). Christians are
not expected to imitate the ungodly World in any case. Dualism (a
part in the World and other in God) is a crime (Rom.8:8).
Nature admits anything either good or bad. Whosoever
subjects his whims and caprice to the order of the nature cannot
please God, he is void of His love (1J ohn2:15, 16,
Gal6:8).Romans 8:6-7, James 4:4 and 1: 14, explicit the colossal
and unpredictable shame in conforming oneself to this World,
even after the confession of faith.

Why should I..?

To be carnally minded brings antipathy between man and

God's agenda. The law of the nature would forever be
contravening God's mandates for mankind. Worldly people are
free to use anything useable to get anything acquirable just to
satisfy their lust, but as Christ's member it is forbidden. It must
always be registered in our spiritual consciousness that there is
someone whom we're all accountable unto. The master of all will
later place every individual on a weigh balance to weigh our deeds.
Fact never to be forgotten is that, you will be held answerable for
your deeds in the flesh and spirit, (Romans 14:12).

Anew life has Father's will as priority like Christ.

Did Christ ever prioritize His will above God's wills? No!
Christ in his ministry never demonstrates life of independence of
His Father. Many events attested to the fact that, He (Christ)
always gives primacy to His father's will because he knew He
wasn't on His own. He knew he was on an errand as father's
incarnate. Having examined my scripture thoroughly, I have been
able to deduce many facts of attestation that Christ earthly lifestyle
and mission were incorporated with God's will, and fully exhibited
in absolute obedience to God's will. So any man's fulfillment in
faith is in absolute obedience to God, no other techniques or logic.
On many occasions Christ preferred to be inconvenienced by
the will of the father rather than being gratified by the comfort of
the temporary World. We are also expected to carry the same
mindset in our daily activities even as we continually work in His
light. Christ said:
“For I came down from heaven not to do mine own
will, but the will of him that sent me' (john 6: 8) …My
meat is to do the will of him who sent me and to finish
His work (John 4:34 KJV).

Why should I..?

Questions to you as a disciple of Christ in the modern church

are: Are your wills in alignment with the will of Christ? Are your
wills not to satisfy your carnal demands with the luxuries of this
sinful and resentful World? Are you not finding it too difficult to let
go some opportunities just to meet God's demands?
You think Christ succeeded in doing father's will because He
was from above, have you forgotten that He was born of blood and
water? He felt pains the same way other people felt it at their birth.
Christ carried material body as we all have it as human being. The
hypostasis nature of Christ (: fully human and fully spirit) remains
indisputable. Few out of the secrets behind Christ missions'
accomplishment are:
He abides in His father and His father also abides in Him (John
14:10, 15:10)
He gave His father's will primacy over His will (John 6:38,
4:34, 9:4, Luke 22:42)
He was diplomatic in His ministry. (Matthew 10:5-8)
He was able to nurture and inaugurate competent followers for
proper sustainability of Father's will.
If it were to be that Christ wasn't human being as we are, if it
were that He was ignorant of the unfathomable sacrifice of the
expected redemptive lamb, he wouldn't have prayed on mount
Gethsemane that, if you are willing please take this cup of
suffering from me. Yet I want your will to be done. It is not
disputable that Christ has all power to avert that impending
suffering. He has the power to have caused the earth to be wiped
off at the spot of his crucifixion, yet He chose not, all was because
he loves His father's sheep. Let this mind be in you as His replicate.
The total submissiveness of Christ in the course of His

Why should I..?

crucifixion was to fulfill all that had been written concerning His
coming and missions in the books of the laws and the prophets.
“But with righteousness shall he judge the poor, and reprove with
equity for the meek of the earth: and he shall smite the earth with
the rod of his mouth, and with the breath of his lips shall he slay the
wicked.' (Isaiah 11:4).
“He is despised and rejected of men; a man of sorrows, and
acquainted with grief: and we hid as it were our faces from him; he
was despised, and we esteemed him not. 4. Surely he hath borne
our grieves, and carried our sorrows: yet we did esteem him
stricken, smitten of God, and afflicted. 5. But he was wounded for
our transgressions; he was bruised for our iniquities: the
chastisement of our peace was upon him; and with his stripes we
are healed (50:3-5). He said: “the father loves me because I
sacrifice my life so I may take it back again.” (John 10:17).
Do you know? If you are ignorant of the purpose of God for
your life you may find it difficult to pay the payable price for your
fulfillment. This also could make it more difficult for God to fulfill
His will through you. Consider the life of Saul (Paul) before his
encounter (Gal1:13ff, Acts 9:1-11)
It is essential and obligatory for all Christians to fashion their
lives in total conformity to that of Christ both in thick and dark
clouds. Christ's replicas are not expected to be fair weather
friends/disciples like the remaining ten apostles who fled the spot
of His arrest. If a man has not made his will nothing to that of God,
considered God's will as paramount and undeniable, his
fellowship will be founded on nothing else but on severe
misfortune. Our stewardship would only paid-off if our feet are
fitted in Christ's shoes. Also, after which our lives must have been
restructured and shaped in such a way that we portray the fullness
of Christ-likeness.

Why should I..?



1 Cor. 6:12:
'All things are lawful unto me but all things are not expedient; all
things are lawful for me but I will not be brought under the
power of any' (KJV).
'Just because something is technically legal doesn't mean that
it's spiritually appropriate. If I went around doing whatever I
thought I could get by with, I'd be a slave to my whims.'(MSG).
1Cor. 10:23:
'All things are lawful for me but not all things are helpful; all
things are lawful for me, but not all things edify' (NKJV)
'All things are lawful [that is, morally legitimate, permissible],
but not all things are beneficial or advantageous. All things are
lawful, but not all things are constructive [to character] and
edifying [to spiritual life]. (AMP)

A s earlier established, we live in the World of

individualism when it comes to decision making, we
also have limitless choices. 'All things are lawful
unto me' implies; each and every one has right to choose and do
what seems profitable (benevolent or malevolent) to oneself or
others by any means.
God has given man a power (self-will) to determine and make
choices in any sphere of life. Nevertheless, Self-will without God
in view is portraying self-destruction. Living outside God's plan is

Why should I..?

a lifestyle of the people in the World, those whose lives are

determined by what the nature brings them. In other way round,
this lifestyle may be considered Babylonian lifestyle (Daniel 1:1-
9). There in Babylon, all the foreign princes were given chances to
do and eat anything their eyes and hearts could ever desire. That
was the order of the King of Babylon just as the order of the high
places in our present World where people are being satisfied fully
with the grubbiness and dainties.
All things are lawful: covetousness, stealing, scam, killing,
prostitution, adulatory, adultery, idolatry, homosexuality,
masturbation, abortion, raping, bestiality, lesbianism, incest,
backbiting, lying, bribing, blackmailing etc. are lawful by nature
because they only have effects within the atmospherical condition
of the nature. Nevertheless, in John 17:14-16 Jesus said, though
we live in the World yet we are not of the World.
'But all is not expedient.' To all Christ replicas, all things are
not worth doing, neither are they profitable nor do they edify the
body of our Lord Jesus Christ. This World to every believer
should be training and testing ground, we must wholly dance to the
tune of our Lord not minding what people outside there are saying.
We are the consecrated vessels expected to live consciously amidst
the rusting and infuriating World of ultimate moral profligacy.
When I looked into the uniqueness of all creatures, I
discovered something so significant about each creature and that is
the nature of each creature. No matter how devastated and weary a
young tiger is, no matter the magnitude of the economy
fluctuations and constraints in the forest or jungle, it is never in the
nature of either young lions or tigers to feed on either green herbs
or root tuber crops. Their nature thus contradicts eating such. Their
carnivore traits are innate and intrinsically fixed; it remains
irreversible and unuttered, so also should every man that

Why should I..?

confessed Jesus Christ live. Life of Christ shouldn't be a garment

that we can put on at any time and pull-off when we are faced with
unsuitable situation.
Scripture emphatically stressed the fact that Christ followers
are not of the World. Godly people speak in a manner that portrays
godliness. Also, the carnal ones speak carnally as flesh and blood
would give them utterances to speak because they are embedded
with filthy words. (1John 4:5). They that are in Christ would
neither speak, work, walk, think nor imagine things as the ungodly
but rather in Christ's perspective.

One of the ways to live a Christian life void of blames and

embarrassment is to daily ask yourself when anger, strife,
bribery, desire to steal, urge for immorality, ticket to fight and
the likes cross your way : what would Christ do in this situation?
If Christ would not, why should I?
'He that saith he abideth in him ought
himself also to walk, even as he walked.
He that saith he is in light, and hate his
brother, is in darkness even until now' (1
John 2:6&9).

Why should I..?



'All things are lawful for me, but all things edify not'

M any young and old, boys and girls, men and women
of the present age are habitually falling flat into
acts of immorality; falling victim of God's
domicile defilement as a result of over desirous for pleasures.
There is no other instigation than the fact that they failed to
question themselves when the desire rises within their hearts. They
failed to ask why would they do such evil against God just as
Joseph asked his master's wife.
Mind you, the concept of immorality as an act is not limited to
illegitimate sex, although this has been people's perception about
it. Immorality encompasses all actions done against the normality
of life. It's any unethical act committed by man. This is extended to
stealing, killing, backbiting, gossiping, reviling, hatred, pride,
abortion, fraud, plagiarism, malpractices, lying, prostitution,
adulatory, fornication, raping, beefing, grudges, seduction,
drunkenness etc. Your doubt must have been cleared whether you
are practicing immorality or not. Under this exposition a class of
immorality which is sexual immorality/ sodomy (fornication and
adulatory) will be expatiated.
'For this is the will of God, that you be sanctified [separated and
set apart from sin]: that you abstain and back away from sexual
immorality; (1Thess. 4:3, AMP).

Why should I..?

What God said to the Israelites according to the law given to

Moses was that, ―thou shall not commit adultery” (Exo. 20:14).
Jesus also affirmed this in Matthew 5:28 to show how relevant the
law is. God instituted marriage, one of the seal that determine the
legality and authentication of a marriage is 'sex'. It is centered on
the fusion of two in contact to become one. “Do you not know that
he who unites himself with a prostitute is one with her in body?
For it is said “the two will become one flesh.”
Paul's statement in the above quoted verse shows that
intercourse signifies marriage between two, not only when there is
public ceremony called wedding. Therefore, it is considered
unlawful to enjoy it outside wedlock. It is an act that brings about
blood covenant between a man and a woman. Paul furthered his
explanation on God's concerns on sex by declaring to the
Thessalonians that, it is the will of God, even their sanctification
that they should abstain from fornication.
Solomon, though having victimized the mistake of unlawful
sexual pleasure later enjoined people to abstain from it. He said:
―Drink waters out of thine own cistern, and running waters out of
thine own well. 16 Let thy fountains be dispersed abroad, and
rivers of waters in the streets. 17 Let them be only thine own, and
not strangers' with thee. 18 Let thy fountain be blessed: and rejoice
with the wife of thy youth. 19 Let her be as the loving hind and
pleasant roe; let her breasts satisfy thee at all times; and be thou
ravished always with her love.”(Prov. 5:15-19 KJV).
God's intention on sex in marriage is not that it should stand as
a game for just anybody but a voluntary union that permits
procreation in a legitimate union. There are no differences
between you, dogs and goats if it is anyone that you see that you
enjoy pleasure with. Whosoever that enjoys it outside wedlock or
illegitimately is nothing but just an animal.

Why should I..?

Both fornication and adultery are criminal acts before God.

His displeasure in this act occasioned the destruction of twenty
four thousands Israelites in a day, (Num.25:9). Despite all the strict
reactions of God to this ill-manner in both O.T and N.T, it is no
doubt that fornication/sodomy is a serious challenge within the
church and mostly among the Christian youths.


The sin of impurity and immorality is getting wings and
becoming so rampant among the so called Christian youths.
Sadden enough, some of the elders who are church leaders are also
indulging in this abysmal act. This act is not that obvious amidst
Christian youths because it's mostly carried out in secret.
Therefore, many who appear to be innocent and spirit-koko as
people do say might even be merchants of it in their hideouts.
Fornication is never a barrier to carrying out spiritual exercise
but just that God will never counts such acceptable. This also is
contributing to supplication without God's visitation. As a result,
some prayer sections most time turn to gymnastic or bodily
exercise because the leading factor has been polluted. People with
such unkempt life are not manifesting grace at all but only
demonstrating it. Manifestation in grace is totally different from
man's demonstration or charismas. Time will unveil the truth.
Sexual Immorality is one of the grievous sins that are easy to
commit, it also opens its committers to ineluctable grave
consequences. I can boastfully say that sexual immorality is in the
second order among countless sins in the World, it has just a
brother which is the family of all lies. Lies and sexual immorality
are commonly found in old and the young, the rich and the poor;
both are stress-less sins. Sexual immorality demoralizes man and
makes him a detestable figure before God. The perpetrators of this

Why should I..?

unkempt act have the tendency of being rejected and dejected from
God's grace. 'if any man defile the temple of God, him shall God
destroy ;……'( 1Cor 3:17)


There are mysteries accompany the coming together of a man
and a woman in the act (intercourse). People oftentimes consider
this to be just a pleasurable desire that anyone can attain at will in
any time. I 'm telling you today that it is far beyond the pleasure
derived in it. Among the mysteries are:
 It serves as an agreement between both parties.
―Do you not know that he who unites himself with a prostitute
is one with her in body? For it is said “the two will become one
flesh”. This God had considered while commanding Moses on the
penalty meant for any man who takes an advantage of any opposite
sex without his or her consent.
 It allows conformity of both parties
This is one the reasons why couples get to look alike having
lived together for decades. Intercourse as pronounced allows the
transfer of genes between the two parties. Though this might not
be applicable to all, but to a greater percentage of united families it
is very obvious.
The effect of intercourse among the reasons why husband and
wife appear to be like twin cannot be refuted. It is a major cause of
the reformative conformity. Any man or woman you come in
contact with in the act carries some parts of you. For this reason,
wise people are always conscious of the family, lineage and who
they are giving their daughters' hands in marriage.
There are some unspeakable immediate and future resultant
consequences accompany the defilement of the holy place of God.

Why should I..?

The effect of this act spills across both the natural and spiritual life
of man.

When a man or woman is deep in illicit sexual intercourse
(illegal or ungodly sex), such a person's natural body is prone to
accommodate weak genes from the second party. Most time, the
affected genes are easily transfused. Also, what people called
STDs is part of the end results.
Unkempt intercourse brings about dissatisfaction after
marriage (it leads to sex addict). It is one of the reasons why
infidelity is so rampart in this present age marriages. Those who
are used to it may not be okay being a man of one wife or a woman
of a husband. Many polygamous and polyandry families you can
see outside there are not mainly because of late in child bearing or
financial challenges but lack of sexual satisfactions in marriage.
Marriage is never a solution to stopping this. Those who chose to
enjoy it to the fullest at single age are today victims of infidelity in
their marriages

As it is in the natural aspect so it is in the spiritual. Sexual
Transmitted Diseases (STDs) as stated above also can be
contacted spiritually: Spiritual Transmitted Diseases (STDs).
Whatsoever that is transferred in the course of mating is as
powerful as blood. Many persons' blood and life have been
contaminated spiritually with ailment or spiritual abnormality and
yet does not seem to be obvious on their looks. The moment
anyone comes in contact with such (intercourse) there comes
deposition of spiritual problems and retardation.
Another spiritual consequence of this is 'the provocation of

Why should I..?

The Holy Spirit' which leads to quick destruction. It is a criminal

act to inconvenience The Holy Spirit of God by the way we
manage His Habitation (Eph.4:30)
God created our body to be a container where His Spirit is to be
installed and made manifest uninterruptedly within human nature.
It is not for us to choose the way of using His image. It is for us to
manage it carefully to suit the owner (God). From the genesis of
this World, God has never for once smiled at the sin of moral
decadence. This happens to be the major cause for the havoc
wrecked on Sodom and Gomorrah, even Noah's generation did not
go scot free. They all incurred God's wrath as a result of their
indulgences in ungodliness such as ungodly and unlawful sexual
May I tell you that the outbreak of any big plan is always
preceded by a little beginning? The iniquity of Sodom did not
grow wings all of a sudden, it undergone gradual processes.
Unholy relationship is a device that aids ungodliness among
youths. Too closeness and burning look are the clear symptoms of
the impetuous affectionate, little pecking/kissing is a close
associate professor to romancing, while romancing is the bed rock
of unrestricted sexual urge (immorality). Brethren Beware!
Cohabitation is a criminal act before God because it eases the
road to ungodliness. It's absolutely wrong to assume it that he/she
is your spouse so you can have her under your roof and have carnal
knowledge of her. This is never among God's motives for
establishing marriage. Your bed must remain undefiled,
unpolluted and sanctified (Heb.13:4). The verse is pointing at the
necessity of 'Asceticism till Marriage.
So many Christian sisters' advantages had been taken as a
result of unholy trust. Many relationships had been buried in

Why should I..?

different organizations and on campus ground after graduation;

many were left with broken hearts after which they had been used
as campus experimental hypothesis. Humanly speaking, it is a
pride of any irresponsible man but a shame to any affected
sister/woman. Sisters, beware!
I have a relation who once had a regrettable experience like
this with her boyfriend while on campus. Without a genuine cause
or fight, their love got expired as they were leaving campus having
sacrificed her body and resources during the campus years. My
relation was fortunate to have double honour after her program i.e.
the school certificate and the certificate of broken heart. What a
double honour?
Faith would not prevent you from having illegitimate
intercourse with an opposite sex even grace does not; do not tempt
the Spirit of God. That we are to mortify our members on earth
does not mean that they (our body) are no longer functioning. The
major work of mortification is embedded in your personal time to
time consciousness of your environment and the factors around
you. There are some plays, issues you dare not try with opposite
sex in some certain atmospheres. This is not a matter of spiritual
weaknesses but an application of wisdom which is profitable to
direct. A fool is never a man without wisdom but the one who has
it and failed to apply it rightly.


Immorality has a force which thus repels against the presence
of God in man. Though God always wants sinners back to himself,
yet he'll never condone the sin of sexual immorality, it's one of the
sins that easily infuriate Him and heighten his anger. WHY?

Why should I..?

Point no.1: We are His image

The book of Genesis recorded it that, for man to live a
comfortable, meaningful and profitable life, it took God good six
days of relentless work. All the factors (light, animal, land etc.)
that came on board in creation account were to suit man's
existence. On the sixth day God's dimensions and tactics of
creation was changed. How?
God used words in creating every other creature i.e. by
declaration e.g. 'let there be light (gen 1:3) …. let there be
firmament V (v6) let the water under the heaven be gathered
together unto one place, let dry land appear, let earth bring forth
grasses(v9-11) let the water bring forth abundantly the moving
creature that hat life…(20-20). When it came to the turn of man's
creation both the story lines, language usage and creation
terminologies changed. In verse 26, it is stated that God said let us
make man in our image after our likeness….27'. So God created
man in His image, in the image of God created He Him….
Therefore, when a man is delighted in or addicted to constant
impurity it tarnishes the glory of God's image in such. Your image
is a replica of your creator's image, given to show how glorious His
shining image is.

Point no.2: We carry His Spirit

We get God provoked with the sins of immoralities because it's
another way of depriving God's ownership of His domicile (our
body). How?
Apart from being created in God's image what makes you and I
what we are as being is the immanent Spirit of God. Bible recorded
it that 'and the lord God formed man out of the dust of the earth and
breathed Into his nostril the breath of life; and man became a
living soul'. The essentiality of you keeping the temple holy is far

Why should I..?

beyond the fact that you are created in His image, but His breath is
the reason why you live. If not for the Spirit of God in man, we all
would have become like those images molded, lifeless like logs of
wood and purposeless like molten garments.
It is an infallible proof that our bodies are containers
encompassing the presence of God and carriages of God's Spirit.
When a man or a woman fornicates, commits adultery or any other
sins, he/she is inadvertently inconveniencing God in His own
domicile. Flee fornication!
Every sin that a man commits is without the body, what know
ye not that your body is the temple of holy Ghost (the Spirit of
God) which is in you, which ye have of God, and ye are not your
own (1Cor6:18-19)'. 'Now the body is not for fornication but for
the Lord and the Lord for the body.' Note: This statement was
directed to the believers not the unbelievers at Corinth.
Among the qualities and attributes that make you a Christ
replica is the ability to control and mortify the power of flesh.
(Rom.8:12, Col.2:10-11, Eph4:22-23). When a man or a believer
falls into sin of impurity, things that are likely to transpire are:
Such may lose the source of his/her authority; such may be
manifesting intermittently in the same grace but as a borrowed
vessel and due to the gift of God that is without repentance, but
they are defenseless. The funniest part of this is that, after two –
five years of their rejection people will still salute them as men of
God. Don't forget, Saul was addressed as a king for 38years after
which he had been rejected by God in his first two years.
Many Christian brethren who have developed much interest
and passion for illegitimate sex often think that their forgiveness
(Grace) door is always open; perhaps they are saved by grace.
Mind you, this is a serious erroneous thought. Living in sin and

Why should I..?

taking God's delay in judgment for granted is highly perilous

(Rom6:1). The grace of God is not to be taken with flippancy or
joke with, it's a call to instantaneous and total repentance. God
knows how to reserve the unjust unto the Day of Judgment to be
punished (2Peter 2:9). 'Surely the churning of milk bringeth forth
butter, and the wringing of the nose bringeth forth blood: so the
forcing of wrath bringeth forth strife' (prov.30:33)
The only way to avert the pathetic lots for sinners is through
the grace of God in Christ. It requires acknowledgement of one's
errors, being born again and continually confessing faith. The
condition to be met is that 'if we confess our sins (1John 1:9,
The renting of the temple's Veil while Jesus was on the cross as
recorded in the book of Matthew can be said to be a symbolical
representation of marriage bed (virginity). According to the divine
order, Jesus was the only one having the mandate to instigate the
parting of the temple's veil. John being the forerunner of Christ
died, yet the temple Veil was not tore apart, therefore, any man
who rents another man's temple's veil had transgressed and he is a
In our present World and churches the covering of a bride's
face with veil has turned to a culture, also, the vitality and the
symbolical value attached to this had been exchanged for religious
activities. But in the beginning it was not so. The beauty and the
quality of marriage presently have now turned mirage and illusion.
Back to when marriage was still marriage indeed (when it was
honorable), the covering of bride's face and the opening at the
wedding is a symbol of what has not happened in the course of

Why should I..?

courtship but expected to be done after legal commensuration of

the union. The conservation of those values made marriages in the
Dark Age more fruitful and happily sustained for decades than we
have it now.
The quality of marriage had deteriorated to an extent whereby,
veils that had been shattered and destroyed (not just opened)
would still be presented as unspotted. A brother or sister who will
be wedded in few weeks will still have farewell moment with the
ex-friend, yet face will still be covered with white veil rather than
using red or black. In the beginning was it so?
If God could have opened some grooms' eyes on wedding day
to see how their brides have diminished in value in their societies
they would have used rest room as an escape route from the
wedding scene. Many first users of brides will only appear to see
the unfortunate man that is spending on empty beautiful carton.
Ichabod! What a shame and embarrassment if the unfortunate man
is a minister of God.
Sisters, some mistakes had better not made than looking for
remedy after victimizing such. Brothers don't be deceived, if there
is no meter to check your faithfulness God knows how weak or
strong your bars are. Some of the things we thought to be
enjoyment presently are the things we would later flee from while
their awful memories will continually be chasing after us and
make us restless in mind. Flee fornication today!


Have you ever take your time to meditate on Jacobs's
presentation regarding the person of Rueben in Genesis 49:3?
Jacob said:

Why should I..?

“Reuben, thou art my firstborn, my

might, and the beginning of my strength,
the excellency of dignity, and the
excellency of power”.
Jacob was totally accurate in words giving Reuben these five
outstanding qualities: My first born, my might, the beginning of
my strength, the excellency of dignity and excellency of power.
Exegeses on Genesis 27 and 28 have proven beyond a reasonable
doubt that Jacob was a moral man in his youth age. It shows vividly
that he has not defiled any woman before he married to Laban's
Of a truth, Reuben was the result of the first Semen (sperm)
that came out of Jacob into woman's fallopian tube. It means that,
he carried the greatest of Jacob's genetic strength, undiluted
spermatozoa and physical ability. No wonder all that was spoken
by Jacob against Reuben were severely fulfilled because there was
no lie in all that Jacob called him. May I ask you the following
questions as a youth?
 Who will be your first born?
 Where is your might?
 Where is the beginning of your strength?
 Where is the Excellency of your marriage dignity?
 Where is the Excellency of your marriage power?
Since the day I captured this insight about Jacob's expression, I
began to wonder and couldn't stop imagining the number of we
youths (both Males and females) that have lost our first born, first
might, the beginning of our strength, Excellency of our dignity
and Excellency of our power through illegitimate sexual

Why should I..?

There are many of us who are single (neither married nor

divorced) but fathers and mothers of many unseen children. Only
God knows those who are really first born among the people we
often refer to as first born in various families. So many first born
have been sent into trash through abortion or flushing, many
glories have been murdered in the pool of blood. May God have
mercy on our generations.
People may call intercourse (illegitimate sex) a pleasure or
game, that's a Worldly perception that shouldn't be heard of
Christians. Doing it is an act of looting treasures. You as a brother
stands to loot another man's treasure by sleeping with a lady you
are not ready to have in marriage. Sister, you are an agent of
resources mismanagement the moment you make your bed a
public toilet. Knowing this for sure, both of you are thieves and
destroyers meant for destruction. Desist!


There are diverse means and factors orchestrating perpetual
rising and falling in sins of immoralities i.e. the defilement of
God's temple. None of these factors happens naturally without
little or much of the victim's consent. Immoralities are empowered
due to individuals' self-will, carelessness and unguarded thoughts.
Many are the instigators of this ill-manner but two factors will
be discussed succinctly. These two factors are the major factors
which are visible to the blind, audible to the deaf and are
functioning inseparably.

No 1: Lust of the eye.

“All things are full of labour; man cannot utter it: the eye is
not satisfied with seeing …(Eccl. 1:8)”_ _

Why should I..?

The roles of human's eye while emphasizing on the issues of

fornication or sexual provocation is beyond minima, its' roles
cannot be under-estimated. If we are to take a critical analysis of
people falling into the sin of sexual craving amidst the youths, the
fact can be deduced that most if not all are as a result of lust of eyes.
I have examined the book of Genesis chapter 3 verses 6
critically; there I discovered that the lust of eye played the major
role in the irreparable mistake made by Adam and Eva which
brought mankind under curse. 'And when the woman saw (with
eyes) that the tree was good and that it was pleasant to the eye,
and a tree to be desired…..' (v6). Eve was beguiled by the serpent
because she couldn't control the functional ability of her eyes in
looking. Mind you, what you don't need you don't need to look
twice. Continuous looking leads to unrestrained desires which
aftermath give birth to lust.
Lust of the eye brings about over-desirous for evil and
infatuations love. Whatever your eye captures determines what
your heart pictures and ponders over later. When heart is engulfed
with such a sinful desire, body becomes feeble and a versa to
carnality and ungodliness
“Your eye is the lamp of your body. When your eyes are healthy,
your whole body is full of light. But when they are unhealthy,
your body also is full of darkness (Luke 11:34 NIV)”.
A brother would say he loves a sister wholeheartedly not because
the Spirit is leading him. Sometimes people's desires for opposite
sex become heightened because they have been captivated with
the beauty and abstract skills of such in bed via imagination.
Peradventure such an expectation is shortened after marriage then
marriage will turn out to be something else. This is one of the
salient reasons for having countless broken Christian youths'

Why should I..?

homes. Those homes were given birth to by lust not love. In a

situation as such, lust cannot not sustain the union Thine eyes
shall behold strange woman and thine heart shall utter perverse
things (Prov. 23:33)

Case Studies of Lust of the Eyes

Another vital fact about human being is that, our eyes are
defenseless to happenings around us. Yet it is left to individuals to
regulate or man his/her own eyes directions. When a man sees
something sinful, he/she may sin with immediate repentance, but
when a man looked intently he will surely get lost into lust.
Slight-sighted or to see is an antecedent of looking or to look.
Jesus Christ emphasized this in Matthew 5:28-29 that if a man
would guard His heart saved, the ears and eyes of such a person
must have been safeguarded first because from these come the
issues that the heart ruminate over. The preacher said that, 'all
things are full of labour; man cannot utter it: the eye is not satisfied
with seeing, nor the ear filled with hearing”
 David as a case study
David would have escaped sleeping with Uriah's wife only if it
had been that he only saw the woman’s nakedness by mistake.
Based on Biblical references and presentation, it was glaring that
David looked to his satisfactory before his body requested for
unabated vicious desires (i.e. having intercourse with her).
Though the word used in that passage is 'saw' but the right word
to have been used in the space is 'looked'.

Taking cognizance of the record in the scripture, you will agree

with me that David knew not who Bathsheba was before the
incident. In 2Samuel 11:3, David sent and inquired after the
woman. For David to have inquired of the identity of a woman he

Why should I..?

had seen by accident made it obvious that he must have looked

raptly and intensely at the woman. Therefore, David had a clear
description that enabled his servant to have identified the woman
without wrong assertion to be Bathsheba, the Uriah's wife.
Things did not go well with David after which he had satisfied
his lust prompted by poor direction of eye. He did not go scot-free,
but he paid enormous price for his reckless action. The outcome of
all was that David brought his lineage under the curse of sword and
the end product of his sinful act was cut off (the child given birth to
by Bathsheba before Solomon). The doom pronounced by Nathan
in 2Sam12:12, was fulfilled by Absalom in 2Sam16:22, as he went
in unto David's concubines. Finally, David almost lost his integrity
for sexuality before man and God.
 Samson as a case study.
The man named Samson (A Nazarite ) lost his integrity and the
power of God which made him an extraordinary man; he fell flat
into lust because of what he saw. Despite the fact that he was
beguiled first to the third time, he could not sense his falling
because his eyes were already obscured. Lust prodded Samson to
an extent whereby he divulged the entire secrets behind his power;
he lost his life password to the enemy of his mission.
Samson looked at a strange woman in the first place and he got
married to her but God would not allow his elect to stray. Though
God hindered him from seeing her through his father-in-law, yet,
Samson failed to realize the wrong which God had right in that
process. He failed to man the functionality of his eyes. The low
sensitivity of Samson to signals finally resulted to him marrying
Delilah who later became the chief architect of his miserable
Much evils are embedded in you beholding (looking at) a

Why should I..?

strange woman. Hear the words of wisdom: Thine eyes shall

behold strange woman, and thine heart shall utter perverse things

Stop looking!
Christ replicas are not expected to be carried away by what
they see. Problem of falling becomes inevitable when you are too
desirous or fond of gazing at hills on sisters' and women's chest,
dazzling waist, and charming faces along the streets; in your
vicinity, churches and fellowships. Solomon says that beauty is
charm and it is vain. [There is power of death in it].
I was once a victim of this in my college days. It happened on
that fateful day during break period when I was watching my
classmates' ups and doings. All of a sudden, my attention was
captured by a female classmate because of her posture and my
heart desired her. Later I called the attention of another female
friend of her to woo her for me. As devil will have his way my
application did not enter file before I was called to resume duty
(proposition accepted that same day).
Those that devil have trapped with women would have
affirmed it to be anointing and grace as I thought it then. If it had
not been for God's mercy, I would have descended into
fornication; having my foot rooted in what I have vowed never to
dare. It was after the experience that I realized that roads to
ungodliness and destruction are always easy and swift. You might
thought yourself to be sharp or graced with women, you are not
sharp at all; you're already trapped.
To examine peoples' reactions to things around them is part of
my strength. I can talk a bit on male and female concerns and
feelings for opposite sex at a look. I have seen a scenario whereby
young men were looking at a young lady and they were all

Why should I..?

salivating like a caged dog beside smoked fishes. Some would start
whistling like bush hunters just because of beauty, breast, laps and
buttocks that are congested with fat. People like this do not need
anybody to tempt them before falling flat into immorality. They
are already demoralized and have blocked up their hearts with
NOTE; Some Christian youths so much believe in this popular
saying: one must see what is hunting him/her before running.
Believe me, the application of this affirmation is not applicable to
all issues of life. The roaring of a lion in the forest chases
thousands of preys not its appearance alone. What am trying to fish
out here is that, you don't need to be sure of all evil colors before
you take an escape route. What the scripture says is that we should
flee. 'Abstain from evil [shrink from it and keep aloof from it]
in whatever form or whatever it may be' (1 Thess. 5:22AMP).
Perhaps Joseph would have fallen victim of sleeping with
Potiphar's wife had he waited to verify the plate number on her
chest or trying to prove self-resistance. He rather chose escape
route than considering the charming face and the benefits thereof.
You will agree with me that Potiphar's wife should be among the
most beautiful women in Egypt then. Joseph could flee because he
was not in the business of looking or admiring such offer before he
was later offered.
Most of the young and old men and women having intercourse
with their in-laws, raping under age children, having intercourse
with their sons and daughters, and having sexual affairs outside
wedlock is as a result of their burning look, intense affection
coupled with undisciplined thoughts. Therefore, when the demand
comes, it becomes irresistible to their natural body.
Guide your eyes and heart tightly brethren! Some of the devils

Why should I..?

demanding Christian youth's attentions (mostly, sexual

immorality) are well composed; they are fully loaded with an
updated anti-resistance.
You too can be mad like Joseph by running out half/full-naked.
There is a great joy in heaven over as many who will choose to be
mad in this manner to please God.
To be factual, eye is attracted by whatever we see to be
attractive and no one will ever see something admirable that will
not cherish such, it is natural. 'All things are full of labour; man
cannot utter it: the eye is not satisfied with seeing, nor the ear
filled with hearing'. The sadden part of life experience is that,
many Christian women and sisters are not helping matters out for
the Christian men and brothers. Many oftentimes dressed to
church just to kill others while some others are standing as agents
of distraction (stumbling blocks).
It is just awful that many brethren are getting confused in the
church services, transposed from spiritual realms into sexual
realms even upon the altars as a result of seductive appearances of
some of the alleged sisters in the Lord. Married women are not left
out of this bad habit commonly found among the youths. I have
addressed many sisters who claimed to be Christian on the issue of
half-dressed but some refuted such enlightenment. The assertion
that dressing does not affect your faith is a lie from the pit of hell.
Naked-dress or half-dress cannot make an irresponsible lady
attractive to any responsible man but to irresponsible and
uncultured men in the church. Let me remind you, not all that are
tagged brothers and sisters in the Lord are in the Lord, some of
them are Brothers in the church and sisters in the church. Be
mindful of whom you address as brother or sister in the Lord.
Let us set aside whether there is bias in my assessment, there is

Why should I..?

nothing to motivate or stir-up lust in a woman in male parts of

the body like that of female. Let a man walk without shirt, it won't
move anything but just improper dress of a girl can get ten men
disordered or throw them off-balance. There is a portrait for
Christian dressing that is totally different from that of the
World. Seduction is in action and inaction.
The World has entered the church; Life of Christ is becoming
so challenging for brethren even in our various assemblies. People
are finding it difficult to be free from immoralities even in the
church because people within are like people outside there, there is
no clarity of differences. Hope you are not one of the factors
contributing immensely to this problem?
The Worldliness we try to disassociate ourselves from in the
World are already Christianized by members and some leaders.
The Jezebel we saw along the road while going to church looks
well-dressed more than some of the sisters we paired seats with for
3-4hours of service. See them on the altars, amidst choir, among
the Bible study teachers and the congregations. Are you sure you
are not part of this move?
Being a Christian does not mean you're free from eyes
evaluation of happenings and beauty of the nature. We are human
beings not angels. Your ability to discern those things which are
desirable and acquirable but deadly when scrutinized under God's
standard is an evidence of your regeneration and maturity in the
To me I have being seeing beautiful faces, free to satisfy lustful
desires, what has been helping my determination is that, I chose
not to look at beautiful faces, figures and postures. Though I may
see beauty as it is inevitable by nature. Looking is lawful to me by
nature but it edifies not, I therefore discipline myself to live out my

Why should I..?

determinations. I do not put everything in faith (Don't let this

sounds prideful to you, I do not give Holy Spirit work that is within
my control). When the eye is darkened, body becomes helpless
and feeble. (Matt 6:22-23)
There was a time in which I started developing feeling for a
close friend and sister in the lord. Before I could regain my mind
from that desire, it was a serious battle within. I almost open up to
her, but something else withheld my plan like the prayer of Daniel.
My motive was not to have canal knowledge of her. But my major
concern was centered on her virtues and not to lose her to someone
else. When I finally realized my good but unripe desire then I
started giving her distance. Not that alone, I decided to scrap her
photographs on my phone so as to ensure total freedom from
unripe love. This I do because I know how often I go over my
gallery. Now, I have realized that every temptation around man has
its antidotes in man. The only problem with man is the lack of
patience and obedience to inner man correction.
Sometimes you may develop feelings for a brother or sister
who is always in your environs, who you often smile at
his/her photograph, recollecting the lovely and good moment
you've had together. This is natural but i t ’ s also a symptom
of carnality. Christ replicas are not under natural control,
they subdue natural demands by supernatural supplies (the
power of God within). The mind of God must be your drive
before drafting the proposition speech. Never say I do if
there is a tendency of saying no tomorrow, don't take
warning signals for granted. You need to exercise patience.

No 2: Wandering Thought
Wandering thought is another factor instigating lost into
sexual immorality among brethren. When a Christian lacks or is

Why should I..?

unfortunate in moderating the work of his/her brain and mind

(thought), it will be a serious battle to escape lust. Why?
A scientist once said that our brains process about four billion
(4bil) of responses by the messages they received from the five
sense organs. That is, there is free flow of messages from eyes to
brain, and from brain to heart. Due to these sensations and
uncontrolled thoughts, many Christian youths had been compelled
and thrust into ungodly relationships where illegitimate sexual
intercourse is the best offline game to be played.
The clue is that, things you see/look and hear form the basis of
your thoughts. Also, what you do outwardly is a reflection of your
thought within. As a face is reflected in water, so the heart reflects
the real person (Proverb27:19 NLT).
Imaginations (thoughts) always come from the information
gotten from the six sense organs. One out of the six is not natural
organ, it is metaphysical (the spirit being in a being). The
remaining five (the eyes, nose, tongue, skin and ear) are major
among the members that we are entreated to mortify as members
upon the earth in Colossian3:5. Things that tempt you are either
inside or within you.
“But every man is tempted, when he is drawn away of his own
lust, and enticed. Then when lust hath conceived, it bringeth
forth sin, when it is finished, bringeth forth death. James 1: 14-
15, KJV).
Sometimes ago I was trying to confirm the possibility of a deaf
or a dump indulging in any kind of sin as complete men or women
would do. I later discovered that the possibility of this is just 100%.
But when a man is blind, deaf and dumb there is an assurance of
him being free from some of the sinful acts common to a complete

Why should I..?

True believers are to be deaf, dumb and blind to every carnal

thought (i.e. to be dead). This is what the passage of Colossian 3:3-
5 depicts while saying we should mortify our members on the
earth and become death to sin. As a Christian your heart is to be
filled with life (God's word), then you shall not fulfill the lust of the
flesh (Gal 5:11,19ff). The manner of what a man sees and hears
always inflicts and influences his/her thoughts and dreams, as well
as his behaviors.
Our heart is the replacement of the altars where our patriarchs
made sacrifices to the Holy God. These altars (our hearts) are
expected to be kept saved and hallowed always, also, the fire of
holiness must keep on burning day-in and day-out (Lev 6:13). The
fact that we live in the World where everything that compasses us
about are carnally congested and demonic cannot be denied, but
this shouldn't be a genuine reason for you doing otherwise. It's
your duty to keep God's home away from any form of evils that
thus resist His will in man. Hebrew 12:1-2.
One of the questions that keep on ringing in my heart is that,
why is it is that Christianity is expanding every day, yet, what we
could see is unpredictable and accelerated widespread of divers of
evil deeds and misconducts within and without our churches? This
I later discovered to be as a result of carelessness of the vast
numbers of the so called Christians including myself. Many are in
the church but were given to the World to be polished and shaped
rather than shaping the World as commanded by John:
“Do not love this World nor the things it offers you,
when you love the World the love of the father is not in
you. For the World offers only craving for physical
pleasure, a craving for everything we see, and pride in
our achievement and possessions. These are not from
the father, but from this World” (1John2:15-16).

Why should I..?

While talking about unchristian thoughts, we can presume the

fact that some of our day's movies and music are the channels
through which devil is drastically blocking our hearts from being
fully committed to God. This has sidetracked many hearts from the
right path to paths heading toward perdition. This has been the
reason why I strongly discredited the patterns of some of the
foreign and home plays (whether it is holy, lonely, and righteous or
It is unfortunate that some Christians do not understand what
the scripture says about the body of Christ and what should be
their relationship with the World. Many had chosen their life
pattern after some of the actors and actresses, also delighted in
their ill-manners. Christian youths are getting carried away with
some of the ungodly actions (Romancing, display of sexual
activities on the screen), and the usage of profane languages that
thus stir-up and stimulate lustful thoughts, also contend with godly
thoughts within man's heart.
Among the evils these unethical movies are causing us are:
depreciation of trust between father and children; many youths'
marriages had been destroyed as a result of wrong impressions and
mentality gotten from those unchristian movies. Little kids also
are not left out of the negative effects; they are easily influenced by
the scene and actions in those movies.
Right from my tender age I so much have passion for military
work all because I was exposed to some action movies (popularly
termed WAR FILM). If not for some certain conditions that
emerged in the journey of life I would have end-up being a secular
soldier; leaving my life purpose unfulfilled just because of the
influences gotten from movies. You can bear me witness that
kids/pupils in schools know little or much about love and
affections, writing love letter is never a challenge to some of them.

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All these ill mentalities are gotten mostly from the series of
Messages decoded from those ungodly movies thus promote
distrust and unnecessary suspicion in marriage. Any madness you
could ever see in any family or church today has its source or root
from media. Many youths have lost the consciousness of their
identity in Christ as a result of media and social media addiction.
There are many cases of the so called Christian sisters who
because of birth date celebration went naked on media just to have
thousands of unprofitable likes and comments. What a Media
Madness! Mind you, many had been led into the exile of
ungodliness due to what they have been seeing consecutively on
Some of the said educative movies are just viruses that easily
corrupt man's heart and mentality. If a scene enlightens you, the
rest of it will create atmospheres that conflict good determination.
The worst you can do to yourself is to know how poor you are
emotionally; your body reactions and its immunity level, yet
trying to play safe with those ungodly movies. Flee!
The levels of our resistance to pleasures test varies. Doing it in
the way someone else does it may lead to falling into avoidable
mistakes. Getting addicted to some unethical movies is just like
toiling danger. They easily subdue your strength to withstand test
of craving for sex and masturbation even though you claimed
being a Christian. As it was then, so it is now. Holy Spirit will never
hold your organ or seal her private part when the urge comes; it is
never His duty but yours to abstain. How long will you continue
falling and weeping? “Flee from every appearance of evil
(1Timothy2:22 1Thess5:22). Wisdom is profitable to direct, if you
can't resist, flee! You don't hold/hug devil while rebuking him.

Why should I..?

Living right requires taking right decision and action at the

right time. How will God help a single whose best movie is that of
dishabille, whose interior environ is decorated with pornographies
and whose music choice is sex arouse types? When such a person
is caught in the act of raping; having affairs with opposite and
same sex; masturbating, committing incest, all the blames are
shifted on devil and the eldest woman in his/her parent's family.
All human's actions are propelled by thought, think over your
Do you know God's judgment for the perpetrators of vices like
demoralization, impurity, those that delight in nudity and the
likes? Paul has something to tell you:
“Who knowing the judgment of God that they which commit
such things (: masturbation, incest, killing, abortion,
homosexuality and lesbianism) are worthy of death, not only do
the same but have pleasure in them”.( Roman 1:32)
So, when a man is delighted in watching nude movies and
pornographies he/she is automatically entitled to the same
resultant punishments mandated for the perpetrators. Your choice
to watch or buy any of these ungodly movies creates more room
for its wide spread, also encourages the perpetrators.

There are two ways out of sin of sexual immoralities. The first
way I will call ―self-help means‖ and the second ―vertical help
1. Self-Help
There are some helps which you have to render yourself.
Prayers is said to be a solution to all problems, but at times coupled
with actions proffers hastiest solutions. Don't get it wrong, it's not

Why should I..?

everything that God will force out of your hand without your
willingness to let go. You need to play a serious role as if God has
nothing to do. Among helps you will render yourself are:
Determine not to look
'All things are lawful but all are not expedient'
'I made a covenant with mine eyes; why
then should I think upon a maid? (Job
Job said he had made a covenant with his eyes not to look with
lust at young woman. When you are used to looking you may get
lose to something else. The decision and ability not to behold such
as Job said lies in your hands; you are the architect of your sense
organs fortunes and misfortunes. There is a need to stop looking
unnecessarily. Don't go for the details of what you saw mistakenly
whether it is or not (falling and death lies in that).
First glimpse is not a sin because it might be accidental but a
second look makes the tank of your sin to overflow. Getting rid of
sexual desires entails you refraining yourself from deadly thought
and obliterating pleasure in watching nude movies, hearing of
unedifying sounds. You need to restrain yourself from admiring
anything that thus stimulate or arouse the like interest in you.
When you see behave as if you haven't, but when you felt you
have, just imagine the gravity of its penalty, by so doing your heart
may incline unto repentance instantly.
Stop Unnecessary Imagination
'Above all else, guard your heart, for everything you do flow
from it' (Prov. 4:23, NIV)
Out of heart comes every issues of life. What you feed your
heart with determines your body system reactions. The CPU

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(central processing unit) of every life decision making is the heart.

No one does anything or speak evil without committing such first
in his/her heart. Desires, anxiety, longing and desperations in life
are the products of imagination. The battle field for all men
righteousness and unrighteousness is their hearts.
Evil deeds of any man are not up to 5% of those committed
within his heart. Among the factors that normally aid unkempt
thoughts are: environment, sounds and loneliness. Human heart is
built uniquely and it has multifunctional capacity. It can
accommodate many actions at a go, that is why you may be
speaking or praying and at the same time lost into another thought.
Living with a consecrated heart will demand you absolute
consciousness of your environments, people you commune with
and what you do with your lonely hours. If Elijah could have been
inspired by music to launch into spiritual realm, what you hear
can therefore determine your reactions. What you are and what
you do are the prototypes of your thoughts.
Avoid Ungodly Conversation (1tim 4:12)
Be mindful of a company you keep. Any gathering where
matters that stir-up lust are discussed should be a forbidden place
to you. Though you may be privileged to avoid some of the later
urges, but it gets your soul more polluted. There are some
atmospheres with unlike minded friends that hearten the
exhibition of many evil desires.
Keeping company with a corrupt soul is like an opened portal
to wickedness. Hope you remember Amnon David's first born, his
unethical desire to have sex with his sister Tamar became
accomplished based on the evil counsel gotten from his subtle
friend; Jonadab, the son of Shimeah (2Sam.13:2-15). To make
things right in life will require you making right company of

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“Be not be so deceived and misled! Evil
companionships (communion,
associations) corrupt and deprave good
manners and morals and character”
2. Vertical Helps (From God - Man)
Permit me to say that God needs your help in helping you out
of your plight (corporation: Rev.3:20, 2Chr 7:14). It is your duty to
make your body available for sanctification so that God can have
unhindered access to your life. Availability of man eases
accessibility from God. Serious fasting and prayer kill lust faster
than anything else, it's just like herbicide on weeds. Commitment
to the Word of life enables one to maintain balance in total
“Wherewithal shall a young man cleanse his way? By taking
heed thereto according to thy word, (Ps 119:9)”
Are you finding it so hectic to maintain your sanctification?
Seek God in fasting and serious prayers for supernatural help to
restrain your members from demanding for any form of
adulteration. Fasting and prayer enables God having easy access
to shift your desire from that which is evil, also, it naturally
reduces the level of your body hormones pro-activeness and
attractiveness to lust.
Man's 100% effort in subduing the work of the flesh without God's
intervention will be less productive. Paul attested to this when he
cried out and said: ―O wretched man that I am! Who shall deliver
me from the body of this death?” God gives the power to will and
do his good pleasure. Get supernatural strength to annihilate
natural evil desires, by strength shall no man prevail. Stop saying

Why should I..?

―body no be firewood.‖ If you should continue with this saying,

your body will decay one day while your soul will suffer its
consequences forever in unquenchable furnace (Hell fire).

Why should I..?



“Who shall separate us from the love of Christ? shall

tribulation, or distress, or persecution, or famine, or nakedness,
or peril, or sword As it is written, For thy sake we are killed all the
day long; we are accounted as sheep for the slaughter. Nay, in
all these things we are more than conquerors through him that
loved us. For I am persuaded, that neither death, nor life, nor
angels, nor principalities, nor powers, nor things present, nor
things to come, Nor height, nor depth, nor any other creature,
shall be able to separate us from the love of God, which is in
Christ Jesus our Lord.” (Rom.8:35-39).

T ill pigs fly there would be no alternative to God

elsewhere. God said, look unto me and be saved, all
the end of the earth: for I am God and there is non-else
(Isaiah 45: 22, 42:6). Come what may in this awful World of ours,
you are not expected to be carried away by any doctrine, striving
word, heresies, wind of challenges and tribulations that are arising
in the Journey of faith. You shouldn't be ignorance of this: 'These
things I have spoken unto you, that in me ye might have peace. In
the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have
overcome the world'.
There is no faith without a test, as it was then so it is now. Only
strong and well consolidated faith can stand the test of confession
at any point in life. Ask yourself, why should I? When the
condition of this World demands you to renounce your faith or try

Why should I..?

to detach you from God's will. If you are truly anticipating the
second coming of Jesus Christ, you must be well determined and
watchful because many lives have been wasted by some less
significant factors as a result of their negligence.
The World is speedily developing and there are thousands of
new discoveries by the scientist which are creating confusion and
misleading many souls. Our World is becoming so technologically
inclined to the point that some biblical facts are subjected to
experimental evaluation to determine their authenticity. There are
people in faith in this generation who as a result of one challenge or
the other left the cross and become irrelevant in the Kingdom's
matter. Also, some ministers (false teachers) are shifting people's
attention from the home above to the things of this World. Heresy
is striking here and there because people in the church are no more
feeding on the Word of Life. All these are indications to the end
time and the confirmations of words spoken by Christ even Paul in
It has been written that many will claim being the Christ.
People will be fooled by false teachings, even the so called elects if
not sensitive.
'Then if any man shall say unto you, Lo, here is Christ, or
there; believe it not. For there shall arise false Christs, and false
prophets, and shall show great signs and wonders; insomuch
that, if it were possible, they shall deceive the very elect. Behold, I
have told you before. Wherefore if they shall say unto you,
Behold, he is in the desert; go not forth: behold, he is in the secret
chambers; believe it not.'
Sometimes life may present you below your demands, your
experience may contrariwise your earnest expectation, and the
necessity of faith may take you out of your comfort zone to a state

Why should I..?

of losing self for the cross. In all life experiences God is standing
like a teacher, he's awaiting your performance to know your
growth level. Many things that we are surrounded with are just like
the cloud of witnesses, failure to see God above all is failure to
stand above all. Believe me, in trials and temptations we live our
faith. One of the mottos of faith is: 'what shall then separate me
from the love of God?' this should be you drive in all situations.


 Desires for Material wealth
A believer whose attention is not well solidified in God will be
easily tossed to and fro by the enticement of this sinful World.
Doing this makes you a traitor to God's wills. Whatsoever that
drags your attentions with God is the mammon that you cannot
serve with God. God detests all forms of instability in faith. To
Christ, it is a rebellious act. Therefore, you as a replica of Christ
should be mindful of the way you chase after material possessions.
If heaven is your treasure there should be a measure to your
longing for earthly treasures. “For where your treasure is, there
will your heart be also (matt.6:21).”
It is glaring that things which are perishable and flashy most
time capture the attentions of some Christians, most especially the
youths. Some of the Christian youths are too desperate to the
extent of giving whatever it requires them to have what the
worldly people have acquired. The scripture says that better is a
little with righteousness than great revenue without right. Yet,
some of the so called Christian youths have because of phones,
food, raiment, marks, good result, job and common recharge card
lost their dignity, virginity and affinity with God. All are in the
name of life pursuit. Mind you, any life pursuit without Christ in

Why should I..?

view will end you in trouble.

After taking into consideration the lifestyles of Apostle Paul
and a disciple christened Demas, I wonder why Demas could have
left Paul and went back to Thessalonica. I later realized that
something outside the confession of faith had induced him to have
acted such. Demas lacked what I termed ―maintainability of
unreserved self-denial from Worldliness‖. Before Demas was
distracted, he firstly gave his attention. So, nothing in this World
can distract you without you giving your attention to such at first
Demas was unlike Paul who abandoned all he had in order not
to be distracted by anything. Some of us (the believers of the
present days) are just Demas' and lot's wife's replicas. Take it or
leave it, over desire for material things and riches of this temporal
World has all it takes to obstruct and shift man's focus from the
cross. It enables you to prefer and embrace inelastic prodigious
prosperities of this World to the immeasurable blessings ahead of
you in Christ. Paul taught Timothy that:
“Those who will be desperate for Worldly riches will fall into
temptation and a snare, and into many foolish and lustful lusts,
which drew men into destruction and perdition (1 Tim 6:9).”
What we can see in our days' churches is that, both the young
and the old are too desperate for what is not theirs (i.e. not of God's
inheritance). Sons of God are now competing with the sons of the
World. Members of church, elders, deaconess, pastors are at these
days' blood drinkers, cemetery dwellers, and members of hidden
societies. Many teenagers are becoming herbalists all because of
miracle, money, wealth, fame and the power of the temporal
World. Though these were not parts of Christ teachings, but many
ministers have made it extra ministerial activities.

Why should I..?

However, to behold the eternal blessings and glory is

becoming too complicated for the alleged Christians of nowadays,
all because the World has crept into the church. Be acquainted with
this, your success in Christ would not be measured by your
Worldly possessions neither would your failure be measured by
your inabilities or misfortunes in your earthly pursuits.
Any prosperity without sincerity (rightness) will never earn
you any integrity. If it does, it has calamity in view. It is true that
nobody will ask you how you come about that huge wealth and
success; nobody knows whether you got your fame by wrong
means but God knows all. Have that registered in your
consciousness that, the spirit of a man is the lamp of the Lord,
searching all his innermost parts, Prov.20:27.
You may have any outstanding class of degree by fulltime or
per time malpractices and body service, you may have a lucrative
job/appointment by bribery or via body service as well, nobody
would ask you question on such and it will never be written on
your certificate. Nevertheless, the fact remains that all are
prosperities lacking integrity and dignity. You as a Christian
should be more concerned about God's evaluation than your
desired reputation in any sphere of life. 'Divers weights, and
diverse measures, both of them are alike abomination to the
LORD.' (Prov.20:10KJV)
Judas Iscariot was with Christ for some certain meaningful
period, but he later lost his devotion to everlasting God. Judas was
prevailed over by the evil embedded in the love of money.
Those evils (anxiety and covetousness) embedded in the love of
money make it a root of evil not the money. The forces behind
money had coerced many believers' hearts; made many perpetual
perpetrators of ungodly acts such as: paying and receiving
bribes, frauds, stealing, money ritual etc. Pastors can assassinate
a fellow church when money is involved, husband can sacrifice

Why should I..?

Wife for money ritual. Any man without the fear of God in
getting riches is the worst and the most miserable of all mankind.
Have you not read?
“As the partridge sitteth on eggs and hatcheth them not so he
that getteth riches, and not by right, shall leave them in the midst
of his days and at his end shall be fool” (Jer. 17:11).
All these misfortunes are awaiting people who are too
desperate about materials wealth, why should you then?
Remember that, godliness with contentment is great gain
(Prov.15:16, 16:8).
 What to eat
The chief problem of some Christians is their bellies. Some,
their belly is their eternity. Many have vandalized their
relationship with God, deceived and distracted from focusing on
God via their anxiousness about delicacies of this World. Young
and old are falling out of the track because of what to eat and what
they will put on. You ought to know, the lives of Christ true
servants are more than scrumptious meat and their bodies are more
than raiment. If so be it, why should you?
Daniel knew the danger and venoms embedded in flexing and
merry in king's meat. So he hastened the refutation of the royal
order that would have made him lose focus on or forget Yahweh
(Daniel 1: 8-9). The young prophet died miserably because of his
stomach, Esau lost his integrity and right because of food
(Gen.25:29-34), Elimelech and his family lost divine protection as
they migrated to the land of Moab because of food (Ruth1:1-5). In
this contemporary World of ours, we have numerous ways of
classifying king's meat which many Christians have been
contaminated with.
Many Christians are entombing the truth as a result of presents or

Why should I..?

gifts they are receiving from the people whom the truths are meant
for. Some pastors are inclined to reshape messages while on the
pulpit when some personalities are in the church services. The
major cause of this is nothing else but because of what to eat.
The life patterns of the ministers of Christ gospel should not be a
reminiscence of the false prophets who prophesied false victory to
Ahab even when they knew the looming havoc. Some ministers
have turned professional prophets who prophesy to earn their
living. Some who are called to be pastors, an evangelist and
teachers have left their callings for another lucrative office.
Because of what to eat and possessions, many have turned to
prophetic ministers and Apostle God must speak.
Note: Anything that you indulge yourself in that gives you
pleasures and satisfactions but saddens God's heart is your king's
meat. It is meant to extinguish the fire upon your altar.
 Storming Period
Storming period is not a time to be worried but a time to
concentrate on God's saving grace. To everyone born of woman
there is a certain period of challenge which always appears as a
testing period; a period to know how well is our faith consolidated
in God whom we are serving. Storming period is that moment in
every individual's life when helps and hopes appeared to be
unreachable, a period in which you cried aloud for help but just to
discover that your voice has been lowered to the grave. It is a time
which you find yourself hapless in-between devil and deep sea. It
is that moment when all fortunes seem to have been ruined.
Nevertheless, don't be too troubled to the point of outrunning God,
never fail to hear that mild voice saying; my grace is sufficient for
thee: for my strength is made perfect in your weakness.
Your storming period may be relentless pursuit of dreamt

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comfort, marital failure, barrenness, disappointment, unbalanced

relationship, frequent broken relationship, family challenges,
countless attempt without a single success, abandonment,
examination failure, failure to have work of your dream, a time
you're made inferior by others as if you're not better than you are, a
time that you need to compromise your faith to get good job or
promotion, struggles to maintain your sanity, spiritual declination
etc. In these entire, God knows all about your plights, waiting on
him than ever before even when it is getting tougher is the remedy
to all. God do not only supply the needed strength to endure but
also to live above all the circumstances.
To everything that happens to you is given a time. Nothing
remains unchangeable in the journey of life except the faithfulness
of God to them that love Him dearly. Cast your care upon Him he
will never let you down and He shall sustain you in season and out
of season (Psalm 55: 22, 2Peter 5: 7).
Delay in God's response to your requests or a supplication is
never a denial. God knows your struggles and what you are going
through, never be mad at him but be patient to know the cause and
the divine purpose for such. Sometimes, God's silence is a
response to our questions but very few among believers have the
knowledge of this. Losing hope in a time like this is to the
detriment of your faith and hope. Hope makes not ashamed or
dismayed (Rom.5:5).
One thing is certain with God and that is his faithfulness to
everyone who waits patiently on his promises. Better
understanding of his timing and mode of dealings is the requisite
for having unbroken trust in Him. His words to them that trust him
will never fail neither will his covenant be broken upon them.
God's covenant with Abraham at age75 was that his descendants
will inherit Canaan. This covenant was fulfilled to the latter after

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765years plus. What God needs most from you is unbroken trust.
Never give up when you make a request and it seems as if there
is a delay in response. Whenever prayers remained unanswered,
either of the below listed factors is likely to have occasioned that.
Failure from the one who prayed (the effects of sin)
Misalignment with appointed time.
Misalignment with divine plan. (Not all that appear right to
man is good for man, (Prov.16:25).
It is good for you to grow to the point of knowing that
unpleasant situations and experiences are never God's desires for
you, but in all your challenges God is bringing an end that will
speak of his glory.
Job never knew the plan of God over his predicament then, this
man so much confides himself in God, knowing that He (God) has
power to keep and deliver. The three Hebrews had gathered
capacity in God, they were so courageous to the point that they
were fully ready to lose their lives if God would not deliver them
from the furnace. In whatever situation I find myself I always have
this confidence that, such is serving a purpose in my life journey,
having the assurance that God is at work in such a situation.
Joseph had visions about his greatness, yet he experienced
tempest on his way to fulfilling destiny. David while he was
exposed to wilds never knew something greater lies ahead.
Jephthah also experienced storming period before he was called
upon as a defender. Storming period at time is a making period
against unforeseen challenges ahead us in life.
There is one serious malady (physical and spiritual
impatience) common to many Christians, this every believer must
address with full forces of faith. Patience has a lot to do in the

Why should I..?

course of our race, if not, over hasting will engender our mischief
and falling from the grace of the Father. Challenges propelled
Saul, he outran God and his kingdom was ruined. Never allow
what you are passing through to push you ahead of God. He who
outruns God will surely run to meet God with a regret certificate.
 Wrong and false Teachings (Doctrinal challenges)
It is becoming too frightening and mournful as many within
Christendom are struggling stressfully with denominational
doctrines. Church attention in this generation is gradually shifting
from the person of Christ to countless standards placed on
congregations by some of our fathers in faith. How I wish we all
can stand a tabernacle to avert the contingencies of doctrinal
chaos. Many are at the verge of quitting faith as a result of doctrinal
controversies. The bone of contention in the Christendom has
been; which denomination's doctrine is right for gaining eternity?
The fact remains that church doctrines will never be an
entrance permit to \the cloud not to even mention Heavenly
Father's home. Your encounter with Christ (the truth) inside
BIBLE which is expressed as: Basic Instruction Before Leaving
Earth (BIBLE) will give you the only standardized doctrines that
can set you free, and show you right path to Life. Why should you
be confused?
There are countless denominations within Christianity with
different ideologies and doctrines which are now the sources of the
interdenominational doctrinal problems. Diversity in the
teachings but uniformity in the set goal (Heaven) of these
denominations is orchestrating much confusions which are the
wounds in my bones and many other believers as well.
As said earlier, doctrine is not bad as a church standard or
mode of practice if not for its prioritization above the message of

Why should I..?

salvation and the oneness of Christ's body. Each denomination

should be able to confine her doctrines within, not viewing other
denominations from the same perspective. Hence, seeing others as
lesser in faith and standard will become unabated ill manner that
will continually instigate crisis and schism in Christendom.
We all have one God, one Savior and Heaven as our ultimate
goal, but there is disharmony in our doctrinal teachings and
approaches to scripture as well. We are unlike the people we are
proving to be heathen i.e. the traditionalists. These sects of people
are always unified when it comes to the aspect of their religion
practices. Why are we like this?
All church doctrines are affirmed to have been gathered from
the Holy Scripture, though some were later restructured to support
man's deficiencies in the good values required by God. This
malady is becoming bones of contention among the churches
because doctrines are contradicting doctrines and everyone's
doctrine is claimed to be the authentic. Wherever there is an
authentic file there must be a counterfeit as well. The question now
is which church doctrines have the exact heaven's outlines?
The more the World is enlarging denominations and doctrines
are becoming myriad. Also, much people are drastically thrust into
confusion with the advent of each denomination's doctrines. This
aberration has been leading many who are babies in faith far away
from the Cross. Nevertheless scripture says: 'Till we all come in
the unity of the faith, and of the knowledge of the Son of God, unto
a perfect man, unto the measure of the stature of the fullness of
Christ: That we henceforth be no more children, tossed to and fro,
and carried about with every wind of doctrine, by the sleight of
men, and cunning craftiness, whereby they lie in wait to deceive;'
(Eph4:13-14KJV). Antidote to this is the life in His gospel which
is potent enough to set one free.

Why should I..?

A man whose life is established in the Word of God and whose

function is structured by the scripture remains unmovable by the
heresies and wrong doctrines. The major illness many believers
are yet to cure is ―instability in scriptural exercise and
meditation”, the more you read, the more you are open to some
hidden facts, also becoming intense in the sound doctrines. Bible
memorization is not bad at all. Bible memorization empowers
quotation but meditation is the spring of man's edification.
The reason why many Christians are being deluded by false
teachings is as a result of not knowing the truth. If you don't have
the original copy of a document or you haven't touched such, it
becomes more problematic to identify the original among the
multitude of fakes. It is true saying that we shall know them by
their fruits. Knowing them by their fruits will be possible only if
we have ever seen and tasted the right fruit (Christ), if not,
choosing the original fake amidst the counterfeits will become
Right from my tender age I have the privilege of knowing
some certain facts regarding God's expectation from man. It's not
mainly because of any pastor's sermons, with the help of Holy
spirit I found some of the truths by myself. Though messages
heard also contributed to my growth but I found living for
Christ much accomplishable due to the little seriousness
I had for scripture/meditation then. I don't need people to tell
me whether what am doing is right or wrong, this is because I have
found in the Bible the requirements for Christ likeness.

At times some indisputable facts are revealed to me in different

passages of the scripture which sometimes pierced my heart,
instilled and stimulate the fear of God in me, also taught me how to
know the mystery behind his word in alienating the craftiness of
devil and his emissaries. Not that alone, I most time feel like

Why should I..?

finding my way to Heaven whenever I discovered a new thing

about God's Kingdom. All these I have done to nurture myself in
the right doctrines of Christ not only those taught by the preachers
or my denomination doctrines. My striving to attain perfection in
Jesus Christ I have discovered to be achievable in His
Word/Scripture and by His grace.
Indeed, I so much believe in the power embedded in the gospel
of Christ which is able to make one wise unto salvation. The
salvation in it is not only to eternity but also unto the liberation of
mankind from oppressions and depressions. It delivers one from
eternal condemnation, earthly depression, fear of anything, power
of the darkness World and the likes. I am always grateful to God
that I have my mind and brain opened after which I know the Holy
Scripture. There is none of my life achievements that is outside the
enlightenment gained from The Holy Bible. One of my life
testimonies that cannot be altered is that; I have scriptural
understanding before I could read and write senses as a complete
human being, but before then it was almost mental retardation and
shameful experiences.
It is noncontroversial that many leaders of faith have turned
the standard given by Christ to a country constitution that needs to
be amended as change is constant. This also is part of the effects of
is happening to fulfil that which has been spoken by Christ and His
Apostles regarding the end time experiences. It has been said that
People will become haters of sound doctrines but lovers of itching
words (modernized messages and church doctrines) which are the
bed rocks of damnation, 2Tim.4:3-4. If the elects are not sensitive
enough, they also will be deceived.
Christ's charge to all believers is to steadfastly continue in His
sound doctrine; the doctrine of godliness, holiness and

Why should I..?

righteousness. By so doing, we can attain our perfection and be

liberated from all forms of heresies. Regularity and sincere
scriptural meditation (not bible reading alone but proper
meditation) is one of the ways to free mankind from the heresies
which some churches' leaders are teaching as the standards of
Christ (Josh1:8, John8:32). This also is part of the weapons of our
warfare which are not carnal but mighty through God to the
pulling down of the strong holds and high places (2Cor10:4).
Acase study of people at Berea_ _ _
'These were more noble than those in Thessalonica in that
they received the word with all readiness of mind, and search
scripture daily whether these things were so.'
The above verse was Paul's witness to the maturity level of the
people at Berea. Paul's expression here simply connotes; though
people at Berea did received the teachings in the same vein
Christians of this age are receiving it from different ministers of
God, yet they never ceased from ascertaining the authenticity of
those teachings.
Our generation is the second version of the Thessalonians
(people who care less about the genuineness of every teaching).
Many false ministers of money, fame and gods have nurtured
many of us with wrong doctrines and fables because we are far
away from the truth (Jesus). Within the church, we have countless
herbalists, members who are upbringings of anti-Christ as a result
of our negligence in the place of confirming every bit of messages
preached by ministers upon altars.
That some are called pastors, fervent brothers or sisters in the
lord does not mean that they are God neither are they Angels. We
often rate people beyond necessity; counting them above
mistakes, so whatsoever our pastor said is the right even though it

Why should I..?

thus contradicts scripture.

An alleged man of God once told me to climb a tall mountain
for a spiritual work some years ago. The man instructed me to go
along with a coconut so that I could get it broken at the top head of
the mountain. The prayer points I was given to pray after which I
might have fulfilled coconut's sacrifice were not different from
incantations. Though I was tender in age then, yet I was displeased
in my spirit to have even allowed him laying his hand on me.
Immediately two questions came to my mind that, would Jesus
because of my miracle instructs such? What would be the
difference between me and an idol worshiper? I then immediately
refuted the instruction because my bible has not taught me such a
Some Christians so much love and believe their pastors to an
extent that if Jesus should speak to them they will need their
pastors' approval before any move. This error I have been noticing
in this generation of church youths. We oftentimes justify our
leaders' deeds and misdeeds at the expense of condemning bible
standard. It's impertinent to see your spiritual leaders above The
Spirit Himself (God), doing this is a clear demonstration of
madness. It's another level of stupidity for you to confide in your
spiritual fathers than the Holy Spirit Himself.
 Misplacement of the primacy in Christendom
A lot of infuriating notions have submerged the Center of the
hearts of many who claimed to be followers of Christ. Different
denomination founders and followers are too conscious of the
superiority of personal church names and doctrines above others.
Pastors and members are defending their doctrines as the only one
underscoring the early church of the apostolic age.
One of the effects of doctrinal competition is that, members

Why should I..?

from different denominations only come in contact to discord and

co n t en d on i r re l e v a n t i s s u es ( fi gh t i n g fo r do ct ri n e
standardization). The most pathetic issue is that, the priority of the
early church in the apostolic era which was the dissemination of
the Gospel has been subjugated for heresies and profanity of
denominational appraisal. What Paul said was that we preach
'Christ crucified'.
The ancient's landmarks have been trespassed. The name
CHURCH is what people are preaching not CHRIST. Are we to
say it is because both names are having the same number of
spelling that is why people are finding it so easy to preach church
instead of Christ? Wrong mentality like this would amount to
nothing else but the defeat of church purposes. If care is not well
taken, this will give a high propensity of devil taking 1/3 of the
World at noon. It is high time you (as a Christian) desisted from all
irrelevant prayers which are prayer points of egoistical Christians
and churches, e.g.Rather than interceding for the body of Christ as
a whole, people are sentimental, making theirs as number one in
A denominational Christian would die in praying for his/her
church's ministers rather than praying for all true ministers of God.
Each denomination wants their auditorium having the highest
population capacity even when there is population depletion in
regards to Kingdoms' candidates.
All these Christ had foreseen before praying for the disciples
even before His crucifixion and ascension. He prayed that father
would make them one as He and the father are one in all situations.
“I do not pray for these alone, but also those who will believe in
Me through their word; that they all may be one, as You Father,
are in Me, and I in You; that they also may be one in Us, that the

Why should I..?

World may believe that You sent Me (John17:20-21).”

Celestial church of Christ members are inconsiderate about the
Anglicans in prayer when nearby Anglicans assembly is
challenged by principalities and powers. RCCG think less of
wellbeing of Living Faith, and Living Faith is less considerate
about the battle facing ECWA church. Within the Christian
association we can still find exclusion. These are erroneous
concepts and ideologies that you and I must rise against.
It's indisputable that Jesus is coming to gather His elects to a
place where there wouldn't be denominations but A General
Assembly of the Saints. The names of all churches on earth will
never grant anyone permit to enter eternal rest, not even your
pastors or G.Os as called. Stop preaching church; it is a symptom
spiritual blindness and poor mentality. Church without Christ is a
social gathering.
Brethren, we must be vigilant and highly sensitive in getting
rid of all the tactics and theories formulated by devil in his attempt
to fight the body of Christ. One thing the hosts of darkness are into
is the business of clouding our atmosphere with meaningless
dissension/disharmony. It is left for you and I to start strengthening
the chord of unity in Christendom by accepting all believers from
other denominations as God's elects.
Any reason that keeps you churchless because you could not
find your denomination where you are is a symptom of affected
mentality and spiritual unresponsiveness. It means that you are not
growing so you need urgent checkup. The power to subdue devil's
plans against the body of Christ is embedded in the unity of faith of
the churches on earth. '…Every kingdom divided against itself is
brought to desolation; and every city or house divided against
itself shall not stand,' (Matt 12:35b). If you're yet to make it a

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habit to stand in-gap for the general body of Christ in the place of
personal prayer it shows that you're yet matured; you are nothing
else but a religious Christian.
Wrong doctrines have wronged the unanimity of the churches
on Earth, we get to identify people out of our individuals' church
doctrines as sinners. The mentality of personal church doctrine
standardization has fully affected our focus to the point that we
hardly can associate with fellow believers from other
denominations. In as much that they don't do what your church
holds as doctrine, they are nothing to you but sinners. Mind you, in
the beginning it was not so. The fact to be noted here is that,
damnation is ever looming over those who have strayed from the
foundation laid by Christ. It has been said, for other foundation can
no man lay aside from that of Christ Jesus (1Cor3:11).
Remember that, all who gave self-formulated doctrines
precedence over the divine and apostolic doctrines should be
prepared for the heaviness of God's wrath.
'As we said before, so say I now again, If any man preach any
other gospel unto you than that ye have received, let him be
accursed (Gal.1:9)'
The central theme of evangelism and church (Christ) has been
misplaced by many Christians, it is therefore easier for people to
preach church doctrines on evangelism field than Christ crucified.
What is common to many preachers in this generation is to turn
sinners' hearts to self and personal church, not to Christ again.
Some only seek to steal believers in other churches rather than
winning the souls of the countless hell-bound outside there. This
also is contributing to the low outputs of the work of evangelism. I
strongly believe that, if you and I will set aside church game and
revisit the life of Christ the problem of church persecution and

Why should I..?

hindrances to evangelism will be easier to tackle.

To as many would be ministers of the gospel and believers
reading this writings, there is no glory or value added to the body
of Christ when you go on net or air to raise your self-righteousness
and ideas as controversial issue against other denomination's faith
practices. Let's decry disunity of the church of Christ. I once
listened to a radio program for two consecutive weeks where an
alleged man of God was vehemently castigating other
denominations on burial activities. Could that be the most needful
in a time like this? Where is the work salvation in such a teaching?
I got my right mentality strengthened regarding Christianity
and the word denomination in the course of my discussion with a
friend of mine some years back. We were actually discussing
reasons why Christians are not united as some other religions.
Ever since, I have made a commitment to the Christian body by
raising an intercessory altar for the body of Christ, this I will
sustain till I depart from this World. I so much have delight in the
term Christianity than church names or denominations. I am a
mobile church that belongs to no church but The Church which is
the general assembly of the believers. I don't preach church name
but Christ.
I wish to see all believers unanimously raising the banner of
love and unity across the globe. If your pastor or bishop is
implanting wrong pattern of teachings in you both of you will be
held accountable for that, you will bear your cross at the
end, be sensitive! No church without Christ.

Why should I..?



'For God did not give us a spirit of timidity of cowardice, of
craven and cringing and fawning fear), but [He has given us a
spirit] of power and love and of calm and well-balanced mind
and discipline and self-control. 2Tim.1:7'

ne of the enormous gifts and potentials Christ has
given to believers to manifest in is courage and sound
mind. We often become like Peter and the other
disciples on the day of Christ's arrest and trials when our hearts are
engulfed or preoccupied with the fear of confessing faith. The
spirit of fear is an associate of bondage.
Christ has never released the gift of fear upon us neither has he
taught us to fear the power of the evil World and circumstances
which are all encompassing. What he has taught us is to dread the
one (God) who has power to kill both the spirit of the oppressors
and the oppressed. (Luke 12:4). Fear kills desires, precludes
attempts and aborts success.
Temptation and challenges are inevitable in the journey of
faith, aftermath comes promotion and confutation of all the
allegations levied against our confession. In this World you shall
have tribulation, but be of good cheer says Jesus Christ. Paul in his
Epistle to Timothy said “ye and all that will live godly in Christ
Jesus shall suffer persecution (2 Tim 3:12).
Sons of God are the chosen people, they are to live as the heirs
of the kingdom and take charge in their domains. The day a man
have personal conviction that he is a son of God and not just a

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child that day he's been given power to oversee territory. But as
long as a man remains under the control and power of Worldly fear,
he is barred from exercising authority and fulfilling the will of
God. This type of fear is a sin.
Among the qualities that attest to our joint heirs with Christ in
authority is boldness/sound mind and Love. ―For ye have not
received the spirit of bondage again to fear'; but ye have received
the spirit of adoption, whereby we cry Abba father. The spirit itself
beareth witness with our spirit that we are the children of God.‖
A clearer understanding of the above quoted verse will
prevents you from having negative thought or conclusion
concerning challenges in the journey of faith. Life in Christ is a
life that is open to some undeniable tasks and different
experiences. In whatsoever you experience in the course of
Christian race whether it be negative or positive there is a purpose
for such. Our trials and afflictions are to bring honour to God.

Things that create Fear in Some Christians

There are countless of acts or occurrences which some
Christians have enslaved themselves to due to the phobic nature of
their hearts. We ought not to exhibit any kind of dreadfulness even
when we are fully compassed with troubles. David speaking in
Psalm 118 said, 'all nations surrounded me, but in the name of the
lord I will destroy them'. We are not given the spirit of bondage to
fear again. Among what many people fear most are;
persecution and crucifixion, death, shame, failure, the
future unknown etc.
 Persecution/trials
Persecution and crucifixion are part of the inevitable
experiences which true followers of Christ must be ready to

Why should I..?

welcome; our belief and our confession are prone to criticism and
condemnation. Looking at this from a vantage point, Christ the
forerunner of Christians faith had suffered persecution leaving us
examples to emulate (2 peter 2:21-25). Jesus had made known to
whoever that will be his follower that such must bears his/her cross
and follow His steps without any compromise or fear.
There are certain infallible facts about faith and persecution
which you as a believer must consistently take cognizance of,
these are also applicable to our present days' experiences in faith.
Among these irrefutable facts are; till earth will be no more, good
will forever be the opposite of evil, light the opposite of darkness,
World the enemy of The Word (Jesus). So persecution will forever
be faith contemporary until Christ's second coming. '….In this
World you shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer…' (John
16:33, Matt5:10-12)_ _ _ _
Correlation; Christian faith is a faith that antagonizes
Worldliness, working earnestly to reform it via condemnation and
commendation of some acts, habits and manners exhibited in it.
Perhaps those people in the World will be remorseful and amend
their ways.
Christianity is a religion that was once under heavy
persecution from 33C.E.-313C.E till Emperor Constantine was
converted who as well aided its legalization in 313C.E. Emperor
Nero attempted eradicating believers by subjecting them to severe
persecution in 64AD. The most severe of all was between 303AD
to early 313AD before Edict of Milan in 313AD. Within that
period of heavy persecution, gathering of church Christian was
forbidden, Christian churches were ordered to be destroyed,
Christian clergies were arrested and people were forced into
sacrificing to gods.

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We cannot fully exercise this work of reforming the dissipated

World without being condemned to the dust by those in the World.
They too in their tricks will criticize, jest and persecute us to see if
we would subvert our faith and embrace their ungodly ways.
Never faint in the days of adversities like this, less your faith be
counted so small.
Can you just imagine the experience of the man born blind but
made whole by Jesus in John 9:1-37? The threatening and heavy
question from the Pharisees was to hamper him from defending
the fact that the man who made him whole was a prophet of God.
The good news from the Kingdom of God to His elects is heart-
breaking news to the wicked one: your joy is their sorrow.
The leading factor among the reasons behind an attempt made
by the Priests to kill Lazarus after his resuscitation was to hinder
the blowout of good news about the miracle working Lord.
“But the chief priests consulted that they might put Lazarus also
to death; Because that by reason of him many of the Jews went
away, and believed on Jesus.”(John12:10)
The truth is that, we (the Christians) are just like enemies to the
evil and ungodly World, while they also are adversaries to the body
of Christ. The moment the fear of the present day's challenges
engulfs your heart you tend to fail God in exercising the purpose of
your redemption.
Faith battle is all about the survival of the fittest. Your faith will
be tested in the face of trials, not only when we reach heaven but
here also (on earth), if it's discovered weak and feeble, it shows
that your strength is small (Proverb 24:10 1Pet 1:7). A Christian is
a soldier of Christ, and soldiers are trained for war. Christianity is
not a religion of the cowards but of valiant men of war in faith.
―Finally, my brethren, be strong in the Lord, and in the power of his

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might. ― Put on the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to

stand against the wiles of the devil. For we wrestle not against flesh
and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the
rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in
high places. ….. 16 Above all, taking the shield of faith, wherewith
ye shall be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked‖
(Eph.6:10-12, 16).
 Death
I have never for once seen death as something so significant or
as a serious woe to be petrified of in Christian race. Death, to me is
a slave meant to work out the transportation of the true believers
from mortality to immortality. When Jesus died He only traveled
through the available motor that knew the destinations of the dead
who died before His birth. There is a power given to those who are
joint heirs with Christ to withhold death and its' power when they
are convinced that it is not yet time for them to be timed by it.
The fear of death brings about the relegation of Christ's power
over death and the grave. Also, it's the fear of endless life. This I so
much love about Paul's life in ministry, He was never afraid of
death of any kind. Sometimes when the reality of life is dawn on
me to the point of giving up the ghost, I always have these two
thoughts/notions: I cannot die now; God if it is your will let me go
and rest (nevertheless I know that it cannot be His will for me).
Whether we like it or not our being on earth will expire one day, we
should not dread death at any time, but we must not make
ourselves too cheap for death. No death, No life!
Something unusual befell me years back and then I found
myself in a terrible hell of unexplainable agony. People around me
then could see that I was unhealthy, yet I couldn't express how
miserable I was within myself. Within me, I knew it was like death

Why should I..?

was holding the handle of my life door, in my pitiable condition I

took my pen and wrote little things I have in and out that may
benefit the left behind. Though I did not act such as a result of
failure to depend on the saving power of Christ, but just to show
how less I care about death.
My major worry as regard to death as at then was all about
whether I had fulfilled the essence of life, also, the pitiable
condition my departure will expose people around me to. Majorly,
I know death to be a vehicle that conveys life from ephemerality to
immortality (paradise) where neither pains nor sorrow and desires
for selfish interest are found. So, to risk my life for Christ is part of
my delight. DEATH: Direct Eternal Access to Heaven or Hell.
Paul Burthwich writes in a book titled: ―leading the way,‖ and
he said, ―Applying Christian idealism means commitment, taking
risk personally rather than living vicariously through other risk
takers‖. This simply means that so many Christians are too
conscious of the breath in them, taking choices and decisions of
faith based on the safety and security consciousness (in
contradiction to Matthew10:34). People are more delighted in
reading about the Heroes of faith than considering the price paid
by each before attaining the height. You shouldn't be too amazed,
touched and over inspired while reading literatures or listening to
the testimonies of those who risked their lives in the face of death
for their beliefs, you are also called to this.
Hope you aren't part of those who often duck the price for
belief when the cup draws nearer to them? Stop it today! It is
obvious that we only love reading magazines on the heroes of faith
and those who risked their lives even to the point of death. It is true
that we most time wish we were the one, but the conclusion of our
wishes is to thank God for not to have suffered us to experience

Why should I..?

Risking our lives does not mean that we should endanger our
lives aimlessly; it is a demand to go into the work of faith which the
only constant and anticipated end is either life or death. The risk to
be taken must not be lost for safety. Consider the life of Christ in
John 11:10 and Paul in Act 21:10 -14, you are not exempted, this
also is part of your reasonable services. In 155AD Bishop
Polycarp 84years old believer was martyred because he would not
deny his faith. Many with the same belief in Christ were severely
tortured 22years after the execution of Bishop Polycarp (177AD),
in all these people were earnestly contending for their faith.
Paul was aware of the evil awaiting him in Jerusalem while he
was at Caesarea. He neither doubted the prophet nor his revelation,
he knew it was an obvious one, yet Paul chose to be manhandled
and not that alone, but also to be killed for Christ sake.
Without any iota of doubt, our leaders are more familiar with
the account of Christ's and His disciples' sufferings and
martyrdom, also the necessity of those accounts to all believers.
My question is how many ministers of God can exercise this, not to
talk of their followers. Though they most time preach it but can't
live it.
Stories like Christians persecution these days get church
members into confusion as to whether some of those records in the
Bible were fictions or non-fiction. This is because people have
seen and heard similar cases where the leaders of some churches
took the best escape route rather than defending faith. Whenever a
leader takes the first risk, it triggers such interest in the followers.
Look at Christ-like leadership: Acts 1:1; '… of all that Jesus began
both to do and teach.'
NOTE: Paul was not declared on that mission to Jerusalem by
Holy Spirit in the general assembly, but he had considered that as

Why should I..?

his obligation (1cor 9:16-17). At Tyre, in Syria, a disciple told Paul

not to go down to Jerusalem because of the evil awaiting him.
Later, Paul sailed through Caesarea the city of Philip, there a
prophet named Agabus from Judah revealed the whole looming
havoc in Jerusalem. Though Paul was conscious of the messages
from the Spirit, but he was less considerate about the plight of his
life in the mission. All he aimed at was the fulfillment of his calling
to save others.
The pleading and sympathetic display of the fellow brethren
after Agabus message was more than enough to have induced Paul
to compromise his faith and sabotage his courage, yet Paul
remained well composed with this unhidden ill harbingers. What
would have been your decision if you were in his shoes?

Questions to the Called and the Sent

Was Paul not human being as you are?
Is your faith another version of faith Paul had in Christ?
Are your decisions in ministerial assignment based on your
safety or the fulfillment of your calling?
What is your concern for the ungodly one when there is a
deadly gulf in between you?
Is there joy in heaven when you prioritize your safety in the
ministerial work over his will?
Jesus Christ while on the mount Gethsemane prayed ―Father if
it were possible let this cup pass over me but not as I wish but thy
will be done‖. Speaking in John 10:17, he said: for this reason my
father loves me for I laid down my life….. Having known the cost
of the mission He was sent for, Christ made Himself available for
the whole process of redeeming the whole World with His spotless

Why should I..?

Risking your properties, wealth, comforts and time for God

shouldn't be a fantasy of the highest order, talk more of risking
your precious life for God's ordained task. People who had died
with Christ tend to risk everything for God's work and for the
proclamation of his sovereignty. You cannot work with God
without forfeiting some things which are more precious to you.
One thing I have given myself to since I have been enlightened
about the kingdom of God is readiness to bear the risk at all cost.
My concerns always are: have I done what I ought to do within the
stipulated time? Will what I am doing or about to do aid or damage
my relationship with God? It is certain that people who had lost or
still losing their lives in holiness and righteousness for Christ sake
will definitely find it, that is, both on Earth and in the Eternity.
Almost all the martyrs died without grey heirs, they lived and
fulfilled purpose before leaving for endless life.
It always saddens my heart seeing the way our protection,
safety and defense are taking precedence over the will of Christ;
truth and justices are dwindling and perverted within and without
our churches. People are considering the truth to be a prohibition,
perhaps suffering or death might be the consequence of exhibiting
it. What shall then separate you from the love (fear) of God....?

Your Reputation or God's Evaluation?

He who is always mindful of good conscience should not be
conscious of good name always. Eagerness for vain glory and
reputation among people is one of the problems which many of we
Christians are yet to conquer. This easily debars truth from being
spelt out as supposed to even within and without our churches.
Some of the Ministers of the gospel are vague and full of lies, they
are like the Pharisees; apprehensive and too holy than to be
entrusted with anything good.

Why should I..?

Relationship between Truth and Death

As magnet thus attract iron or magnetic elements so also truth
in faith attracts suffering, persecution hatred and rejection by and
from the World. Nevertheless, this is a great key that unlocks grace
and love of God on those who could stand firm and exhibit it in
total obedience to Christ.
One thing you must know is that, you can't be truthful and
remained unchallenged by the untruthfulness of your corrupt
World. Your faithfulness is a rival to the mendacity of your World.
The truthfulness of Christ's replicas attacks (in correction) the
untruthfulness of the ungodly and moral depleted World.
Therefore, a man that would rescue a prey from a lion's den must
be ready to sustain countless injuries. Better it is to die in truth
today than living Jared's and Methuselah's days in untruthfulness
and later die being condemned before God.
I have considered carefully the lifestyle of some of the great
prophets of God in the O.T to know how strenuous and risky it is to
call a spade a spade when a divine order is to be delivered to the
hard hearted people. Prophet like Elijah, Elisha, Isaiah and Ezekiel
were the set of abstemious (self-disciplined) prophets whom I
have categorized as bitter truth tellers in the face of grave
penalties. These set of prophets never covered the truth all in the
name of any resultant consequences. They (O.T prophets) as well
as the apostles so much believed that when they are sent by God to
people, natural laws and normality might be violated because of
the involvement of the Supernatural being.

Points to be noted in their lifetime are:

It wasn't normal for Elijah to have challenged King Ahab in the
contest on Mount Camel. 1king18:1-3

Why should I..?

It wasn't normal for Isaiah to walk naked for good three years.
It wasn't normal for Jeremiah declaring the impending doom on
Judah even when he knew the consequence of such on himself.
It wasn't normal for Ezekiel to have kept to himself the loss of his
wife because it was symbolic representation of God's intension to
teach his people (Israelites) lesson of forthcoming doom and how
pitiful their condition would be without sympathy or empathy from
It wasn't normal for Michal to have divulged the doom over Ahab
even when he knew the consequence of doing such. 1king22:17.
You can't be conscious of good name and at the same time
maintain good conscience in this perverse generation. Death is not
the end of life, longevity of life is meant for you on earth when you
have done the necessity that sets memorable record of you, also in
eternity if you had strived rightly.

Why should I..?



hristianity is not a religion of discomfiture
nevertheless to be Christ followers exposes us to
challenges which are not meant to annihilate our faith
in any wise. In all our experiences in the journey of faith we're
expected to prove our reproaches as channels to glorifying our
If the comprehensive account of Jesus' experiences in His
earthly ministry is to be given without cooking the scripture, we
would surely come to the understanding of the fact that shame,
humiliation and disrepute experiences would not be undervalued
or given a less look. Christ took shame for fame because of who He
was and why He came to humanity. For you to be fulfilled while
maintaining good behavior in a corrupt World you must not be too
conscious of condemnation and commendation from the majority.
When the purpose of life is not well defined and missions are
not goals oriented mishandling of the right opportunity for
mundane will become a normal way of living. There are things you
just have to sidestep so as to step above barriers into pure service
before God, if not, unnecessary experiences in the race of faith will
become a great hindrance to your growth.
Some other things that instigate shame are: over cautiousness
of the past and present days' mistakes and poor knowledge of the
Holy Scripture. These have made many Christians awaiting
candidates of endless shame and despitefulness. Why should you
be ashamed of the past and the present days' embarrassment from

Why should I..?

either the internal or external traitors or mockers? Paul speaking in

the book of Romans, and he said: 'for I am not be ashamed of the
gospel of Christ: for it is the power of God unto salvation… ' What
do you see the Gospel to be?
Among the questions expected of all true believers in Christ is
that; if Christ could endure the most shameful and pitiable death
on the cross why should you and I be ashamed of Christ-like
attitudes amidst the ungodly generations? Why should you be
ashamed of Christ Gospel in the face of the infidels? Why should
holiness and righteousness be only inner wear (not seen by people)
while at work and in every organization you find yourself?
Remember that which He said according St Mark report,
“whosoever therefore that shall be ashamed of me and of my
words in this adulterous and sinful generation; of him also shall
the son of man be ashamed when He cometh in the glory of His
father with the holy Angels (mark 8:38).”

Why the shame among the Christian youths?

About 60% of the so called Christian youths are ashamed of
Christ Gospel because of some unjustified mistakes or past and
present days' errors. Shame and self-condemnation is very
common in Christian youth's environments like Universities,
colleges of education, polytechnics and other tertiary institutions.
Succinct examination has revealed this to be a problem impeding
youths from the work of evangelism.
Many youths are worshiping God in abstraction like the people
at Athens (Acts17:16-23). Some on campuses and other
organizations chose not to be identified with the body of Christ in
open places but only in the secret places (i.e. within the four walls
of their churches). To some, SU is a forbidden name to be

Why should I..?

answered; it is considered too holistic and meant for highly

spirited people. If shame can debar you from being named with
Christ then you aren't better than the then Peter who denied Christ.
Why should commendation and condemnation from people
around you be a cogent reason for your heart being consumed with
humiliation and low self-esteem?
Mainly, thousands of youths are ashamed of the true gospel
because their lives have no similitude with that of Christ. The
lifestyles of some youths compared to that of Jesus Christ are like
two parallel lines that will never come in contact until pigs fly. Two
wrongs do not make a right; a wrong system amender cannot be
morally misfit.
The negative outcome of the inconsistent lifestyles of many
Christians has been the major cause of poor outputs of evangelism.
Evangelism (the heartbeat of God and the purpose of founding the
church) is suffering helplessly as a result of our negligence and
instability in the path of righteousness. Many are becoming
Cathedra and temple's zealous, just as the Pharisees were laws and
religious extremist.
Christ likeness is not expected to be confided within the walls
of your various gigantic auditoriums. Why are you putting off
Christ-likeness alongside with your Sundays' wears? Living such
a Christian life is a portrait of hypocrisy.
Evangelization shouldn't be something out of an ark;
neglected and forbidden to you as a believer. Though some love
going for rural rugged evangelism because it serves as other means
of excursion and fond trip. This also is one of the errors commonly
found among the youths. Many youths detest nearby/next door
evangelism because the required virtues and qualities are missing
in their lives. Some can't attempt it because they have no personal

Why should I..?

testimonies within such environ. Evangelism is not all about ―read

and preach,‖ it's about ―experiencing and expressing Christ‖.
Evangelistic men like Peter and Apostle Paul (who once had
poor beginning) acted exactly what they preached. They could
reference themselves while talking about Christ because the kind
of life they're living was in alignment with that of Christ they
preached, not of Adam. It is not ordinarily that Paul says but be ye
followers of me, even as I also am of Christ.(1Cor11:1). The best
sermon ever preached is exemplary life. It is hard to give out what
you don't have most time.
Some of the reasons why some brethren who are ashamed of
the Gospel are acting such are not far-fetch from their past and
present ways of living. Some, almost all the street ladies have
registered in their encounter diary, and some have robbed their
neighbours of their belongings. Why would sisters not be ashamed
of going for evangelism when they can't be precise about the
number of garage and street guys who had mounted their podiums
and violated their altars? Though they may appear having a new
life in Christ but they are not.
The name you bear in your immediate environ has a lot to do
on how you can boldly proclaim your Christ. What is your real
name back at home (I mean your local environment)? Is your real
name not: a machine, a mocker, a smoker, white or clean liar,
evangelist Jezebel, apostle one shot? It is no doubt that your
tongue is second to none while in prayer; your dressing always
may be as the religion itself. Nevertheless, you will always find it
difficult to publicize Christ because ungodliness like gossiping,
romancing, stealing, backbiting, masturbating, anger, hatred ,
grudges etc. are your spirit refreshers in the open and secret places.
Stop it or it stops you! God can't be mocked. If thy heart
condemns you not, you shall have confidence toward God. There

Why should I..?

is a way out of all you might have experienced or undergoing right

now; 'PYP'.

Why should I..?



“Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old

things are passed away; behold, all things are become new”.

T he fact that men who live today have yesterday is

patent. No one is free from the past errors, there is no
man born saint; we all are choosing the right path to
journey as a result of the enlightenment brought us by Jesus.
However, your past might have been condemning you but it
shouldn't hinder you from picking up your baton after Christ as a
new creature. He (God) who had called you out of such a corrupt
behavior has power over your heart that condemns you always.
“For if our heart condemn us, God is greater than our heart, and
knoweth all things. Beloved, if our heart condemn us not, then
have we confidence toward God” (1John3:20, 21).
It is said, old things are passed away. The good news is that,
not old things alone but all things are becoming new by the blood
of Christ Jesus.
I will only become a principal liar if I should say I have no past
like the people I pity today. The beauty of the present is known
because there was a past, those who had once experienced sorrow
are those who appreciate joy most. Though I was tender in age
when I became familiar with church and bible in particular, yet I
was not totally freed from some teenager's experiences which
some youths today considered better life. Indeed this is not a better
life but a tattered life.

Why should I..?

Telling people of age to stay away from frivolities, ungodly

relationship, exam malpractices, let go of unkempt opportunities
and the likes, people often consider such pleading to be as a result
of one being born a saint or on the altar. That is just the highest
level of misconception. I also surreptitiously followed my World
to streams of Worldliness but I didn't fetch more than a cup before
realizing who I am meant to be. Now, there is a great change since
my salvation experience. Never can any of my past experiences
shadow the glory of my new life and the joy of my salvation. It
gladdens my heart sharing this testimony with others.
The testimony of the past you as a Christian cannot share will
create in you fear that may later expose you to intermittent tears.
Some years ago I was among some youth leaders in my church.
These set of leaders gathered one night which ought to be prayer
vigil but the only thing done that very night was operation present
your present and past life. The way we all spelt out our present and
past life experiences then really helped almost all at that meeting
from falling back into similar past errors. I felt it deeply then that
we all were freed from internal/self-condemnation because of the
sincerity in the course of the presentation.
Our past mistakes and radical experiences are meant to equip
us so that we may be over-radical our callings into believers fold.
We are expected to be more radical just as John the Baptist and
Paul were in their days. You should know that when a retired
soldier stands to speak about war, 99% audience is given, why? It
is because he had experienced a lot at war front, so he has more
than enough to express than just a graduate of defence academy.
Paul became so prominent and highly respected among the
apostles in the New Testament even more than the twelve because
he integrated his experiences. It was not that he was more
righteous than others, but because he had tasted both ways. His

Why should I..?

former experiences made him more rugged in defending his belief

than others. He said,
'For ye have heard of my conversation in the past in the Jews
religion, how that beyond measure I persecuted the churches of
God and wasted it and profited the church in the Jews religion
above many of my equals in mine own nation, being more
exceedingly Zealous of the tradition of my fathers. But when it
pleases God who separated me from my mother womb, and
called me by his grace to preach Him among the heathen,
immediately I conferred not with flesh and blood' (1:13-16)
NOTE: Past occurrences in life are not to be seen as a door of
limitation to the joy of salvation at present. These are to be seen as
factors that ought to trigger your spirit in proclaiming the good
news about your salvation and Jesus Christ having known the
danger of life without Christ.
A true believer with no or little experience in any form of
ungodliness may have a half page story to tell about the evils
embedded in such. Once a merchant of any form of these acts
would have diaries full of expression without a full-stop. This
happens to be one of the great testimonies Paul used when the
Judaist challenged his faith in Christ. Pardon, I am not
encouraging you (the readers) to do otherwise just to have an
experience; you're already blessed with a greater testimony.
What were you known to be before, a smoker, murderer, drug
addict, womanizer, professional gossiper, professor of corruption?
Are you or were you once an international prostitute or fornicator,
a murderer, potential or credible hypocrite, masturbator and
Gospel killer? Why should you be ashamed of the gospel now that
you are a new creature in Christ Jesus? Romans 8:1 says:
“Now there is no condemnation to them that are in Christ…..

Why should I..?

What Paul said is that: 'Therefore if any man be in Christ, He is

a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things
are become new. And all things are of God, who hath reconciled
us to himself by Jesus Christ, and hath given to us the ministry of
reconciliation' (2Cor5:17-18).
What the life in Christ demands every genuine converts is
newness of life and willingness to forgive and forget the past.
Gather and maximize that knowledge you've gathered in
reconciling sinners back to God. That you were once the best
wooer/toaster while in the World shows that you will have a brave
heart to confront the unchristian brothers and sisters along the
street, convincing them with the powerful words of life in Christ
will become easier. These potentials should be to profit God in
evangelizing not for you to be ashamed of those who knew how
undefeatable you're in such capacity before your encounter with
Christ. Listen to what Brother Paul said in Gal.1:15-16: ―But when
it pleased God, who separated me from my mother's womb, and
called me by his grace,To reveal his Son in me, that I might preach
him among the heathen ...” You cannot continue living as a slave
to your past. The times of ignorance God winked at, pass every of
your past poor experiences.

Why should I..?


The simple question from the genesis of this book has been: as
a Christ's replica, why should I! That is, it's not expedient of
those who have confessed Christ as their personal Lord and savior
to live a pretentious and carefree life (life of self will, self-control
and self-evaluation). It is essentially demanded that we lose
ourselves to gain Christ and fully live by his standard.
“But the firm foundation of (laid by) God stands, sure and
unshaken, bearing this seal (inscription): the Lord knows those
who are his, and, Let everyone who names (himself by) the name
of the lord give up all iniquity and stand aloof from it” (2Tim
2:29 AMP).
During the reign of Alexander the Great (336 – 323BC), he
(Alexander) was notified of a coward soldier among his Army. In
the course of questioning the coward soldier, Alexander the Great
asked, 'what is your name'? The man replied: ―Alexander sir!‖
Alexander the Great asked the young man the same question again
till it was third time and the young man in total dismay repeatedly
answered, 'Alexander Sir! The scene was like a drama stage, it
really baffles Alexander the Great that someone sharing name with
him could be as fainthearted and phobic as such. In fury Alexander
the great reached out to his sword, pointing it at the young man and
he said ―is either you change your name to something else or you
change your characters.‖
If a mere man like Alexander could have said this to defend the
dignity and affluence of himself being known by the same name, it
is therefore a lesson to all believers that as many who claimed
being Christians but full of unchristian characters, demonstrations
and the likes should either change their characters or stop being
called Christian. You should know that, there is repercussion for

Why should I..?

not defending the beauty of Christ's name as a Christian.

It will be highly pathetic and too disastrous for anyone to live
in this World without patterning his/her life with Christ. The worst
of life is to have once be in Christ or patterned your life with Christ
and later back out for any cause. Jesus said:
“…, No man, having put his hand to the plow, and looking back,
is fit for the kingdom of God. (Luke9:62).”
The infidels outside there will always see the Christ's followers
as the best set of losers of earthly goodies and pleasures, in the
same vein we the Christians also keep sobering for their lost;
looking at their present and future enormous loss of the
outstanding glory. To justify these conflicting perceptions, I will
like to affirm this by saying that both the Christians and the
unbelievers are losers. Meaning that, both are beneficiaries or
winners but the gain of Ais the loss of B.
Sarcastically, we may demure the fact that the unbelievers or
the heathens are losing within the Cosmos (World), they are
gaining a lot. It is permissive for them to live indiscreetly and
lackadaisically without being inclined to self-condemnation;
being satisfied with every pleasure and luxuries provided by the
nature, but in the endless life they are tend to be pauper.
Christians are never designed or conformed to be people of
high caliber of abject poverty. Though some might be considered
retched or gallantly rich amidst the believers, yet tour glory is not
coined from the material wealth and riches which are all
perishable treasures. We are constrained from being pleasure
merchants, money smugglers, womanizer, agent of ungodly
activities and spiritual abnormalities that are normal to those in the
As a believer you are expected to live a glass bowl fish's life;

Why should I..?

life of absolute transparency. This will show and ease total

reflection of Christ-likeness on the walls of every life you
encounter. Dual citizenship in belief is disgusting, it is an act of
dishonesty and hypocrisy. God will never condone inconsistency
in faith; it is a sign of conspiracy against His Kingdom. A servant
can't be obliged to two masters at a time, neither can a man drink
from the cup of Christ and from the cup of the devil; the World
(Matthew 6:24, 1Cor10:22)
We shouldn't be ignorant of the fact that, being a church goer,
best Bible reader in church meeting days, a motivational speaker,
volcanic and capital tongues speaker, church pastor, choir master
or leader, fellowship president, arch deacon and Bishop etc. will
not amount to you being qualify or justify as Christ's replica. There
are some salient innate/implicit and explicit qualities exemplified
by Christ which are also expected of you as a Christian. Aside from
those mentioned beforehand, there are some other qualities
expected of Christ's replica. Among these are:
Ability to live above sins,
Ability to stand in Christ Jesus alone,
Living righteously,
Living a consecrated life,
Ability to risk your life for Christ (Acts21:10-14, Matt.16:25),
Ability to stand above reproaches and shame in Gospel
propagation (Mark8:38),
Ability to control self, emotion in and outside the ministry, (1Cor
9:26, 27)

Why should I..?

Readiness to take tough decisions in faith and stand by them in a

tougher time, (Rom 8:35ff, Acts 21:10-14),
Boldness to welcome persecution, (1Peter4:12-14, Acts21:10-
Absolute humility before man and God, (Matt.26:29, 42.
John14:15, 23, 27).
Total adherence to divine order
Demonstration of immeasurable kingdom power
Demonstration of inestimable and unconditional love for the
fellow and God,
Timeless hunger and thirsty for the fruition of God's wills (Psalm.
42:1-2, 119:131)
All the aforementioned qualities are just few out of the
countless qualities demonstrated by Christ during His earthly
ministry. They are parts of those things He (Jesus) began to do and
preach as attested to by Luke in Acts 1:1. He had exemplified all so
that we may take our steps after Him without making any
irremediable mistakes in our faith course. So, let this mind be in
you as it was found in Christ Jesus, who made himself of no
reputation, he took upon himself the form of a servant (Phil2:5-7,
Above all, brethren let's keep pressing forward also longing
every day for more of God. The race is yet over until it's over. Let's
run with all patience the race that is set before us, fasten our
attention on Christ in His unfading glory and power. All forms of
ungodliness must be sidestepped. In any life encounter or
experience always be conscious of what would Christ do.
To the unbelievers (those who heard the gospel but rejected its
authority) and the backsliders, Christ is ever waiting for you to

Why should I..?

return to Him. Renounce your allegiance to the World and be saved

today, tomorrow may be too late. It is Christ's will that you should
not perish but to make it to eternal home, Ezek. 18:23. For this
reason, he suffered all as a sinner even when He knew no sin
To those who are unstable in the race, it will be too sadden for
you to have known the way and confessed Christ and later head
back to your vomit. This will be too pathetic for you.
“For if after they have escaped the pollutions of the World
through the knowledge of the Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ,
they are again entangled therein, and overcome, the latter end is
worse with them than the beginning. 21 For it had been better for
them not to have known the way of righteousness, than, after
they have known it, to turn from the holy commandment
delivered unto them.” (2Peter2:20-21kjv).
When Worldliness beckoned on Demas he left Paul; earthly
treasures captured the heart of Lot's wife she looked back and
became a pillar of salt; Gehazi was deceived with raiment, shame
that ten clothes could not shield became his lot. Desperation
entangled Adam and Eve, they disobeyed God and became cast
away, aftermath humiliation set-in. Reuben was prevailed over by
sexual urge, he went up to his father's bed and he became accursed.
Moses was prevailed over by anger, because of that he could not
enter Canaan. What do you think that is capable of dragging you
away from the cross? Will you ask yourself, What Else?
Whenever there is a signal of Worldliness demanding your
attention, demanding you what God has instructed you not to dare,
never fail to recall that: all things are lawful for you to do, but
all things are not expedient as a replica o f Christ. Let this
simple question keeps reverberating in the in-depth part of your
heart that: WHY SHOULD I!!!!!!

Why should I..?

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