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REG NUMBER: EB1/32676/17

Submitted by Michael Mwangi to Chuka University, in partial fulfillment of the

requirements for the degree of Bachelor of Science in Computer Science

DATE OF SUBMISSION: 18th March 2021.


TABLE OF CONTENTS....................................................................................................................................i
CHAPTER 1.0 CURRENT SYSTEM..................................................................................................................1
1.1 INTRODUCTION.................................................................................................................................1
1.1.0 Observations...............................................................................................................................1
1.1.2 Interviews...................................................................................................................................1
1.1.3 Questionnaires............................................................................................................................4
2.0 Feasibility study.................................................................................................................................8
2.2 Operational feasibility....................................................................................................................8
2.3 Technical feasibility........................................................................................................................9
2.4 Schedule feasibility........................................................................................................................9
2.5 Problems with the existing system................................................................................................9
3.0 Merits of the proposed system..........................................................................................................9
3.1 REQUIREMENT DEFINITION.............................................................................................................10
3.1.0 User requirements....................................................................................................................10
3.1.2 System requirements................................................................................................................10
3.1.3 Functional requirements...........................................................................................................10
3.1.4 Non-functional requirements...................................................................................................11
3.3 Conclusion.......................................................................................................................................12
APPENDIX 1: Questionnaire...................................................................................................................13
APPENDIX 2: interview questions to club leaders..................................................................................16

Figure 6: Pie chart showing the percentage of students who have ever faced a challenge.........................4
Figure 8: a graph showing reasons why students don't effectively benefit from the current system.........5
Figure 9: graph showing students response to proposal on computerized information management.......6
Figure 9: graph showing students response to the proposed system form of information management
will improve current system........................................................................................................................6

This chapter involves the investigation of the current system used in Techno Science
Management Club in Chuka University by collecting and analyzing data. System analysis is
conducted to study a system or its parts to identify its objectives. The analyzed data will then be
used in defining the functional and non-functional requirements of the system.
To investigate and analyze the current system, data was collected from reliable Leaders. The
following data collection techniques were used:
1.1.0 Observations
The observation technique is used to collect first information by observing what happens in an
organization. It offered an opportunity to observe and take note of what activities are being
carried out and how they are carried. Am a Member of Techno Science and meetings and club
activities I observed the following about the current system in use:
1. Registration of new members is done manually by recording in Clubs book. The fields
are First Name, Last name, Phone number, year of study, course undertaking and area of
2. Recording of Attendance during Club meeting are recorded in a book kept and
maintained by Secretary
3. Recording of all Club events such as calendar activities are recorded by Secretary in a
4. During registration the Treasurer records the Subscription money and registration money
in a book reserved for Finance Purposes only.
5. Project Manager Normally selects people randomly during computer clinic and there is
no reference that is used to specify number of members required to provide certain
services such as trouble shooting of hardware.
1.1.2 Interviews
This technique was used to collect data from my fellow Club leaders on the current system in
use. The interview was conducted with 6 club leaders. During the interviews, different core
processes in the current system were explained and its drawbacks were pointed out. The
following aspects of the current system were investigated:
1. The club Leaders used pen and paper method to perform various activities such as record
club activities, registration of new members, and record calendar of activities.
2. Data records such as registration of new members, club assets, list of attendance of
members how they data stored and information retrieved
3. Method used during report generation at the end of semester.
The research intended to identify the manual process the leaders are using in Managing Techno
Science Club and after interview these were some of the outcome of paper and pen system, that
the system is time-consuming, tiresome and ineffective.
The research also found out that there is no definite procedure of how to manage club
information. Leaders normally use manual methods to manipulate on Clubs Data This entire
process discourages many members to take up leadership positions it depicts that the Current
System in use is inefficient for management purposes.
The problem with this current form of managing information in Techno Science management
system is:
1) It is not convenient - for use since manual records are not efficient since they are prone
to loss, harsh climatic conditions and different records are kept by different Leaders
hence it consumes a lot of time to analyses and retrieving information from those records.
2) What records are kept and how are they kept
This was to investigate what kind of records are stored and how they are stored. From my
discussion with one the Techno science leaders I found out that every activity regarding member
data storage and retrieval is done manually as illustrated in the below flow chart.
The flowchart below shows how records are stored and retrieved in the current system

Figure 1 the current system

The above information is very critical and delicate, yet stored in the paper sheet which is
vulnerable to misplacement, unauthorized access, and duplication.
1.1.3 Questionnaires.
Research questionnaires formulated for this study sought to gather information from students on
the effectiveness of the current system as well as the proposed system.
I used to google docs forms to create my questionnaires. I then distributed the questionnaires to
students through Techno Science WhatsApp group. 8 students responded to the questionnaires.
Google docs offer a tool to analyses the responses which I used to analyses the 8 responses.
The current system in Techno science management system
From the interviews with the Techno Science Leaders, it was evident that some of the leaders are
not any existing current system. The volume of information increases day by day hence there is
need to find a more effective and efficient way to store the voluminous club information
generated on daily basis.
From the collected data, 75% (6 club leaders) of the sample population confessed that they have
been using current system while 25% (2 club leaders) they indicated they are not using the
current system.

Figure 1: Pie chart showing the percentage of students who have ever faced a challenge

What type of system was used by Techno science management system?
Among the 87.5% (7club leaders) acknowledged that they use manual current system and
12.5%(1 leader) acknowledges the use desktop application such as Microsoft word to record
member’s data.

How do you find current system?

Among the 75% club leaders who acknowledged that they use manual current system, 12.5%
find current system complex, 25% confess the current system easy to use, 50% consider the
current system as tedious, 75% indicate the current system as time consuming.

Figure 2: a graph showing reasons why students don't effectively benefit from the current system

How comfortable the leaders can be utilizing the new computerized system that will be
offered by the proposed system
The proposed system aims at eliminating the manual information management system to
computerized information system
87.5%(6 leaders) leaders were comfortable with using the new proposed computerized system
while 12.5% (2 leaders) were uncomfortable with new computerized system.

Figure 3: graph showing students response to proposal on computerized information management

Figure 4: graph showing students response to the proposed system form of information management will improve current

How the Proposed Techno science management system will improve the information
All leaders (100%) confessed that the proposed computerized information will aids the
performance and improvement during management

Which basic functionalities to be included in the new proposed of computerized system?
During diversion from manual system to computerized the leaders specify the following
specifications to be met.

Which usability inspections to be included in new computerized Techno science
management system?
The following usability inspections are analyzed as follows 62.5%(5 leaders) proposed
consistency, among 62.5%(5 leaders) proposed consistency, 62.5%(5 leaders) proposed user and
control feedback, 87.5%(7 leaders) flexibility and easy to use, 75%(6 leaders) proposed feedback
and recovery, 62.5%(5 leaders) proposed help document and 62.5%(5 leaders) proposed all
usability inspection I listed should be included in the system.

This shows that the computerized information management system offered by the proposed
system will be embraced by most of club leaders.
2.0 Feasibility study
A feasibility study was conducted to provide enough information to help in deciding whether or
not the proposed Techno Science Management should be developed. It aims to determine
whether the proposed system is feasible in terms of schedule, economic, technical, and
operational requirements.

2.1 Economic Feasibility

The estimated cost to be incurred was calculated and the proposed system was found to be
economically feasible. It is cost-effective and its benefits outweigh the incurred costs.

2.2 Operational feasibility

It is a measure of, how well the software will work in the organization. It is also the measure of,
what users feel about the project/system. It is dependent on human resources available for the
project and involves projecting whether the system will be used effectively if it is developed and

implemented. After contacting the feasibility study, the Techno Science Club Leaders embraced
the system and believed that it will be of great benefit to the information management sector.

2.3 Technical feasibility

The software is considered technically feasible if the inward specialized ability is adequate to
help meet the undertaking necessities. The proposed Techno Science Management System was
found to be technically feasible because the Techno Science Leaders are computer literate and
can operate a good user interface with ease.
2.4 Schedule feasibility
This aims to answer the question; Can the project be completed in the given period? The
proposed Techno Science Management System was found to be schedule feasible because the
requirements (user and system requirements) will be implemented within the expected period.
2.5 Problems with the existing system
From the above-collected data, it is depicted that
The current system in use in the information management is entirely manual. All records are kept
using old file systems hence not safe and are prone to duplication, unauthorized access, and
The current system does not have a central database created to store information of the
club. Hence records are not properly maintained and information collected from manual
methods may be incomplete as there is no consistency during record keeping, and when
analyzed can be inaccurate hence lead to poor decision making by the club leaders on
future club management.
The generation of reports and retrieval of data is tiresome and time-consuming.
The current system does not have a simplified way to search for important club information such
as member’s records hence it is a tedious method to search such as members record and will take
more time when analyzing and retrieving all records for the club.
This shows that the current system is not efficient per the current needs hence a better system
is required. The proposed Techno Science Management System will eliminate the above-
listed drawbacks of the current system.
3.0 Merits of the proposed system
The proposed Techno Science Management System will offer the following advantages.
Provide security of all data pertaining the Club.
Storing, searching and retrieval of records will be simple and efficient thus eliminating
unneeded complexity.
It aims at reducing use of stereotypes and inaccurate guesses when giving out information
about the club.

Ease retrieval of data and generation of reports concerning the entire information of the
Student services during Computer clinics shall be enhanced by categorizing services and
predicting more closely based on these divisions what services students intends more for
their personal computers and mobile phones.
A user-friendly and interactive interface that is easy to use and learn.


From observation, interviews, questionnaires, and analysis of the current system, user
requirements, functional and non-functional requirements for the proposed system were analyzed
as follows:
3.1.0 User requirements
User requirements are statements, in natural language, plus diagrams of what service the system
is expected to provide to system users and the constraints under which it must operate. The
following are the user requirements of the proposed system.
The system should allow simple search of information by use of search bar for every
record kept in the database.
1) The system should allow record keeping by different leaders according to their elected
2) The system should be available as desktop Application in leader’s personal computers
and should be interactive.
3) The system must be secure and club information must be protected.
4) The system should allow for recording of calendar of activities
5) The system should be easy to use.
6) The system should have helpful information on how to use it.
3.1.2 System requirements
System requirements are more detailed descriptions of the software system's functions, services,
and operational constraints. In this research, the system requirements were divided into
functional and non-functional requirements. Functional requirements as the statements of service
the system should provide, how the system should react to particular inputs and how the system
should behave in particular situations. On the other hand, he describes non-functional
requirements as constraints on the services or functions offered by the system.
3.1.3 Functional requirements
The following functional requirements were attained for each user. There are four main users;
chairperson(admin), secretary, treasurer and project manager
i. System administrator will be allowed to:

 Login
 generate all reports such as finance
 manage all users (secretary, treasurer and project manager) of the system such as
add a new user, update and delete user
 View club records such as member’s registration, member’s attendance
 Assign various club assets to project manager
ii. Secretary will be allowed to:
 login
 registration of members
 club member’s attendance recording
 mentees recording during IT workshop
 generate member’s reports based on attendance and registration
iii. The system will allow authentication of registered users, log out. They and can also reset
their password through the admin
iv. Treasurer will be allowed to:
 Login
 Record registration and subscription fee
 Generate finance reports
 Record incomes and expenditures
v. Project manager will be allowed to:
 Login
 Recording calendar of activities
 Record various services offered in computer clinics
 Assigning roles to different members during computer clinics
 Generate report based on computer clinics

3.1.4 Non-functional requirements

The following are the non-functional requirements of the Techno science management system
a. Reliability

The system should be reliable. It should not accept invalid input and at the same time, it should
detect and if possible correct errors.
a. Performance

The proposed system should be fast and efficient in performing all processes. The system should
be fast when generating reports and when analyzing various data.
b. Security

The system will provide a login window where every user that is intending to use the system
must be authenticated by the system as a valid user of the system. The password for all users will
be hashed. Secondary accounts will have hashed passwords as well and will also need to be
authenticated via a password.
c. User interface
The user interface should meet the usability measures: consistency, error rate, subjective
satisfaction, retention rate, time to learn and speed of performance.
d. Maintainability
The system should be easy to maintain.
3.3 Conclusion
The analyzed data show that techno science leaders are not benefitting from current manual
system is ineffective and inefficient manner hence the proposed Techno science management
system will enable them to securely store the data for easy management.

APPENDIX 1: Questionnaire

APPENDIX 2: interview questions to club leaders
1. Which current system you are currently using?
2. What kind of records do you store
3. How do you store the respective records
4. Do you have any reports that are generated and how often are they generated?
6. How are reports generated?
7. how do you register new Club members and how often?
8. Which types of activities do you?

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