Revision Worksheet-7 CHEMISTRY

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1. Identify A, B and their correct physical state in the given chemical


2. A cloth strip dipped in onion juice is used for testing a liquid ‘X’. The liquid ‘X’ changes its odour.
Which type of an indicator is onion juice ?
The liquid ‘X’ turns blue litmus red. List the observations the liquid ‘X’ will show on reacting with the
following :
(a)Zinc granules
(b)Solid sodium carbonate
Write the chemical equations for the reactions involved.
 3.Define water of crystallisation. Give the chemical formula for two compounds as examples. How
can it be proved that the water of crystallisation makes a difference in the state and colour of
the compounds ?

• 4. If 10 mL of H2SO4 is mixed with 10 mL of Mg(OH)2of the same concentration, the resultant solution will
give the following colour with universal indicator :

 5. An element X is forming acidic oxide. Its most probable position in the modern periodic table
 (A)Group 1 and Period 3
 (B)Group 16 and Period 3
 (C)Group 17 and Period 3
 (D)Group 2 and Period 3

 6. 15Identify the type of each of the following reactions stating reason for your answers
 (a)Fe2O3+ 2Al ⎯→Al2O3+ 2Fe + heat
 (b)Pb(NO3)2+ 2KI ⎯→PbI2+ 2KNO3
 (c)ZnCO3⎯⎯⎯→ZnO + CO2
 7. From the elements Li, K, Mg, C, Al, S identify the
 (a)elements belonging to the same group.
 (b)element which has the tendency to lose two electrons.
 (c)element which prefers sharing of electrons to complete its octet.
 (d)most metallic element.
 (e)element that forms acidic oxide.
 (f)element that belongs to group 13.
 8. The atomic radii of first group elements are given below :
Group-I element Atomic Radii (pm)
Na 86
K 231
Rb 244
Cs 282
State the reason behind the observed trend in the above elements.

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