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VNU Journal of Science: Foreign Studies, Vol. 30, No.

2 (2014) 48-70

A Cognitive Meta-Linguistic Approach to Teaching L2

Learners Reading and Writing Skills

Huỳnh Anh Tuấn*

Science and Technology Office, VNU University of Languages and International Studies,
Phạm Văn Đồng, Cầu Giấy, Hanoi, Vietnam

Received 12 January 2014

Revised 18 June 2014; Accepted 27 June 2014

Abstract: This paper discusses a cognitive meta-linguistic approach to the teaching of reading and
writing skills to L2 learners of intermediate level and above. This approach involves knowledge of
English information structure being explicitly given to L2 learners on the assumption that the
learners can use it for their skill development. Three issues need to be addressed concerning the
application of this approach in language teaching: the adoption of Bachman (1990)’s framework of
communicative language ability in terms of its pedagogical implications in the field of language
teaching and testing; the position of information structure knowledge and its relationship with skill
development in communicative language ability; and the necessity of giving L2 learners meta-
knowledge of English information structure in developing their skills. Also presented in the paper
are the specifications of the approach including its theoretical models, teaching principles, targeted
knowledge and skills, and classroom tasks and activities. The teaching approach can be applied in
many kinds of English language teaching institutions in Vietnam and in some other Asian
countries. Discussions about empirical research that justifies the applicability of the approach does
not fall within the scope of this paper.
Keywords: Cognitive, meta-linguistic, information structure, skills development, communicative
language ability.

1. Introduction* improve their reading and writing skills. The

approach involves the selection of features of
The aim of the cognitive meta-linguistic English information structure that could be
approach to the teaching of reading and writing beneficial to the enhancement of learners’ meta-
skills to L2 learners of intermediate level and knowledge in the field as an initial step towards
above is to develop learners’ communicative their reading and writing skill development. In
language ability by first enhancing their meta- this approach, which is both knowledge-
knowledge of information structure so as to oriented and skill-oriented, knowledge of
information structure is to be explicitly given to
_______ learners on the assumption that they can use it
Tel.: 84-902229101
for their skill development. In order to achieve
H.A. Tuấn / VNU Journal of Science: Foreign Studies, Vol. 30, No. 2 (2014) 48-70 49

that aim, care should be taken to take into the ‘Knowledge’ and ‘competence’, according
following considerations: to Bachman (1990:108) [1], are synonymous
- Selecting a theoretical framework of and ‘ability’ includes both knowledge or
communicative language ability that is most competence and the capability for
relevant to the particular aims of the course; implementing that competence in language
use.’ Furthermore, such activities as listening,
- Positioning information structure meta-
speaking, reading, writing, producing,
knowledge in that framework; and
interpreting, receiving, understanding, and
- Ensuring the interaction between
comprehending, etc, are subsumed under ‘use’
knowledge of information structure and other
or ‘perform’, which are also synonymous
components as well as the interaction between referring to the execution of abilities.
knowledge and skills within the framework.
The three components of communicative
language ability described in the framework
2. Bachman (1990)’s theoretical framework are: language competence, strategic
of communicative language ability competence and psycho-physiological
In the field of language teaching and Language competence is subdivided into
testing, one highly influential model concerning organizational competence and pragmatic
the measurement of L2 learners’ competence. Organizational competence
communicative knowledge and skill is consists of two subcomponents: grammatical
Bachman (1990) [1]’s framework of competence and textual competence. Pragmatic
communicative language ability. Although the competence is further subdivided into
framework was first established to serve the illocutionary competence and socio-linguistic
purpose of language testing, its pedagogical competence.
implications are extremely rich and powerful. Grammatical competence includes
In this paper, the framework is discussed in knowledge of vocabulary, morphology, syntax,
terms of its definition and components to locate and phonology/graphology involved in
the position of information structure knowledge language use, as described by Widdowson
in this frame. Bachman and Palmer (1996) [2] (1978) [3]. Textual competence includes
is also mentioned to clarify what was left knowledge of conventions for cohesion and
unclear in Bachman (1990) [1] and to introduce rhetorical organization of text. The
some of their changes and additions to the first conventions might cover rules of combining
framework. utterances or sentences together to form a
Bachman (1990:84) [1] defined unified spoken or written text. Cohesion
communicative language ability as follows: comprises ways of explicitly marking semantic
Communicative language ability (CLA) can relationships and conventions such as those
be described as consisting of both knowledge, governing the ordering of old and new
or competence, and the capacity for information in discourse. Cohesive devices
implementing, or executing that competence in include those described by Halliday and Hasan
appropriate, contextualized communicative (1976) [4] such as reference, substitution,
language use. ellipsis, conjunction, and lexical cohesion.
50 H.A. Tuấn / VNU Journal of Science: Foreign Studies, Vol. 30, No. 2 (2014) 48-70

Rhetorical organization competence (relabeled getting things done or by manipulating others to

as rhetorical or conventional organization get their help for example (manipulative
competence in Bachman and Palmer, 1996) [2] functions), to extend our knowledge of the
includes knowledge of conventions of textual world by such acts as teaching and learning
development such as narration, description, (heuristic functions), as well as knowledge of
comparison, and classification, etc. The how to create or extend our environment for
knowledge might involve how to distribute humorous or esthetic by, for example, telling
information in a paragraph or an essay of some jokes and creating metaphors, (imaginative
kind. In an expository essay, for example, the functions). Bachman (1990:94) [1] pointed out
knowledge involves conventions of ordering that naturally, a language user often performs
information in a paragraph: topic sentence several language functions at the same time
followed by primary and secondary supporting over several connected utterances and ‘it is the
sentences with illustrations, exemplifications, connections among these functions that provide
statistics, etc. coherence to discourse’.
Illocutionary competence (relabeled as Socio-linguistic competence is the
functional knowledge in Bachman and Palmer, knowledge of how to use language to react
1996) [2] encompasses knowledge of speech sensitively and appropriately to different socio-
acts and language functions. There is some cultural contexts of language use constrained by
overlap of these two concepts in the model. variations in dialect or variety (language
Knowledge of speech acts as described in conventions belonging to different geographical
Austin (1962) [5] or Searle (1969) [6] is the regions or social groups), register (language
knowledge of the distinction between form and conventions in a single dialect or variety),
function in language use. In the theory of naturalness (language conventions of speakers
speech acts introduced by those two authors, an native to the culture of a particular dialect or
utterance may perform different functions such variety), cultural references (referential
as assertion, warning, or request and a function meanings connoted in the lexicon of a
may be expressed in different formal forms language), and figures of speech (metaphorical
such as an imperative or a declarative. meanings attached to the literal meanings of
Description of language functions in the model such figurative expressions as simile, metaphor,
adopts Halliday (1973 [7], 1976 [8]). or hyperboles).
Knowledge of language functions includes The table below summarizes the language
knowledge of how to use language to express, competence component in Bachman (1990)
present, or exchange information (ideational [1]’s framework of communicative language
functions), to affect the world around us by ability.

Language competence component in Bachman (1990) [1]’s framework

of communicative language ability

Language Competence
Organizational Competence Pragmatic Competence
Grammatical Textual Illocutionary Socio-linguistic
Competence Competence Competence Competence
H.A. Tuấn / VNU Journal of Science: Foreign Studies, Vol. 30, No. 2 (2014) 48-70 51

Vocabulary Cohesion Ideational functions Sensitivity to differences in dialect

Morphology Rhetorical Manipulative or variety
Syntax organization functions Sensitivity to differences in register
Phonology Heuristic functions Sensitivity to naturalness
Graphology Imaginative functions Ability to interpret cultural
references and figures of speech

As we can see, coherence is not explicitly provides ‘the means for relating language
mentioned in the framework, but subsumed competencies to features of the context of
under rhetorical organization competence situation in which language use takes place and
(knowledge of conventions of textual to the language user’s knowledge structures’
development methods) and illocutionary (Bachman, 1990:84) [1]. The two factors that
competence (when language users know how to encompass language users’ communicative
perform several language functions language ability mentioned here are language
simultaneously in several connected utterances user’s knowledge structures and context of
in discourse). From the perspective of building situation of language use.
up a cognitive meta-linguistic approach to Language user’s knowledge structures refer
teaching L2 learners reading and writing skills, to their socio-cultural knowledge or ‘real world’
this is not the best way to treat coherence in the knowledge. The importance of real world
model. As coherence is an important concept knowledge in the framework is more clearly
and closely related to cohesion in discourse, stated in Bachman and Palmer (1996) [2] in
knowledge of coherence should stand on its which the term is relabeled as ‘topical
own and be subsumed in the same division with knowledge’ or ‘knowledge schemata’.
cohesion under textual competence. Language users’ topical knowledge in
The other two components in the communicative language use is necessarily
framework are strategic competence and considered in the framework because it
psycho-physiological mechanisms. ‘provides the information base that enables
Strategic competence, (re-conceptualized as them to use language with reference to the
‘a set of meta-cognitive components, or world in which they live, and hence is involved
strategies’ in Bachman and Palmer, 1996:70) in all language use’ (p.65). The authors’
[2], is the knowledge of how best to achieve a pedagogical and testing implication of
communicative goal. This knowledge includes considering language users’ world knowledge is
the assessment of a particular situation based on that a text richly encoded with specific cultural
which a plan of language use is formulated and information might be more difficult for learners
executed. who do not have that relevant cultural
Psycho-physiological mechanisms refer to
the knowledge of how to employ different Language use is defined by Bachman and
channels (visual or auditory) and modes Palmer (1996:61) [2] as ‘the creation or
(productive or receptive) of language use. interpretation of intended meanings in discourse
by an individual, or as the dynamic and
The pivotal and central component in the
interactive negotiation of intended meanings
framework is strategic competence because it
between two or more individuals in a particular
52 H.A. Tuấn / VNU Journal of Science: Foreign Studies, Vol. 30, No. 2 (2014) 48-70

situation.’ The basic concept of language use consideration the most appropriate channel and
according to the authors is the interactions mode of language use to employ. What and
between characteristics of individual language how they communicate to achieve their
users and the characteristics of the language use communicative goal is constrained by the
situation. Affective (non-cognitive) factors context of situation in which they have to
including language users’ individual negotiate with other interlocutors who like
characteristics that might affect their language themselves bring into the communication all
use are introduced into the updated (1996) [2] their own individual characteristics. We can see
framework. that there exists the role of conscious meta-
In summary, in this framework, language linguistic knowledge in these processes
users’ process of communication can be although Bachman and Palmer did not
described as follows. Language users resort to explicitly mention it while introducing and
their strategic competence to set up a goal and a discussing the model.
plan for their language communication. To The figure below illustrates the interactions
achieve this goal, they use their language of communicative language ability components
knowledge as well as knowledge of the real with language use context of situation and
world to engage in communication taking into language user’s knowledge structures.

Components of communicative language ability in communicative language

use (Bachman, 1990:85) [1]

Knowledge Structures Language Competence

Knowledge of the world Knowledge of language



Context of Situation
H.A. Tuấn / VNU Journal of Science: Foreign Studies, Vol. 30, No. 2 (2014) 48-70 53

3. Information structure competence and development can be elaborated as follows. In

language skills in Bachman’s model Bachman (1990) [1]’s model, learners’ reading
and writing are viewed as the implementing or
Information structure competence is part of executing of language communicative
textual competence including cohesion and knowledge in communicative language use.
rhetorical organization competence. More Bachman and Palmer (1996:75-76) [2] gave a
specifically, sentential-level issues of clearer concept of skill, which is ‘a specific
information structure can be seen as part of combination of language ability and task
cohesion, and knowledge of clause relations characteristics’. The authors consider language
and genre knowledge can be seen as part of skills ‘to be the contextualized realization of the
rhetorical organization. Illocutionary ability to use language in the performance of
competence is seen as supportive in bringing specific language use tasks.’ Thus, learners’
about knowledge of coherence of text development in reading and writing skills can
organization. be viewed as their development in performing a
Information structure competence is viewed given specific reading or writing task.
as consisting of knowledge of the following: The process of L2 learners’ skill
- The rules governing the ordering of the development in relation to their information
information distributed in the sentence; structure competence follows the following
- The given-new status of the information steps. First, learners are given explicit
exchanged; instruction enhancing their knowledge of
- The contextual constraints by which the information structure. Then, they are supposed
given-new status is defined; use this knowledge in performing reading and
writing tasks, through which they might
- The devices used to signal this status;
develop their reading and writing skills.
- Clause relations and related issues (textual
segments, textual patterns, cohesion, and
coherence); and 4. Teaching information structure to L2
- Genre analysis (knowledge of the learners for communicative language ability
difference between conventions of different
In this section of the paper, an explanation
More detailed discussions on English
is offered concerning why and how giving L2
information structure at sentential and discourse
learners explicit instruction enhancing their
levels can be found in Tuan (2013 a [9]; Tuan meta-knowledge of English information
2013b [10]).
structure might improve their reading and
L2 learners are expected to develop their writing skills, and ultimately their
reading and writing skills after being given communicative language ability.
explicit instruction enhancing their knowledge
In the first place, it is worthwhile to discuss
of these aspects of information structure.
the necessity for teaching information structure
The relationship between knowledge of to L2 learners to enhance their communicative
information structure and reading/writing skill language ability. L2 learners are assumed to
54 H.A. Tuấn / VNU Journal of Science: Foreign Studies, Vol. 30, No. 2 (2014) 48-70

encounter some problems and difficulties in such as self-study and naturalistic exposure.
their L2 reading and writing as the result of not However, they are not submerged in a native-
having a clear and systematic understanding of speaking environment, which means that they
information structure and also as the are not actually exposed to aspects of
consequence of their L2 reading and writing information structure imbedded in every day
strategies, some of which are believed to language use. With a cognitive meta-linguistic
transfer from their L1. The problems are teaching method, they can accumulate
mentioned in previous studies by such authors knowledge of information structure in a more
as Canagrarajah (2002) [11], Silva (1993) [12], systematic and panoramic way. They are also
Johns (1990) [13], Meyer (1977) [14], Singer instructed in how to use this knowledge to
(1984) [15] and Hinds (1987) [16]. L2 learners’ develop their reading and writing skills.
reading problems include their difficulty in Suggestions to overcome their problems and
recognizing the main idea of a text, and develop their skills are also given. Of course,
struggling with non-canonical constructions. there is more to skill development than just
Their strategies might be setting no goal for teaching, and most importantly, it is the learners
reading, and overlooking the significance of who can actively promote their own learning
cohesive devices. Writing problems, strategies process from the initial step of cognitively
and tendencies encompass not stating or inputting language items, making them part of
unclearly stating thesis statements and topic their inter-language competence, activating it in
sentences, developing ideas illogically, ‘beating actual use and sharpening their skills. In other
about the bush’ (indirectness in introducing the words, the learners themselves are part of the
topic, diverting from the main idea), lack of transferring process from competence to skills
coherence, concluding without explicitly and this process can be positively impacted by
answering the previously raised question, language teachers who can apply some effective
inadequately using transitional signals, lack of method to give an impetus to the process.
planning for writing at, paying too much Most communicative language teaching
attention to local constructions and forgetting theorists have always seen some place for the
the global aspects of the text such as its development of meta-language such as
communicative purposes or its social functions. Bialystok (1982) [17], Widdowson (1990) [18],
Of course, it is undeniable that such reading and and McCarthy and Carter (1994) [19] who
writing problems as well as lack of effective propose an integration of meta-language and
reading and writing strategies can be grounded communicative language learning and teaching.
in students’ low levels of grammatical and Widdowson (1990) [18] claims that conscious
lexical of L2. Students cannot process a text learning, which might involve comparing
normally unless they recognize most of its features of L1 and L2, would suit some
vocabulary or it becomes very difficult for them learners’ cognitive style and enhance their
to attend to more strategic aspects of learning. Bialystok (1982:97) [17] asserts that
composition if they are struggling with basic some ‘uses of a language involved in reading,
grammar and vocabulary. writing, lecturing, explaining depend on greater
It can be argued that learners can overcome analysis in linguistic structure.’ In this view of
their problems by their own learning strategies, language teaching and learning there is an
H.A. Tuấn / VNU Journal of Science: Foreign Studies, Vol. 30, No. 2 (2014) 48-70 55

integration of explicit and implicit language acquisition (Mohan and Lo, 1985) [21].
learning, of conscious and unconscious Moreover, acknowledging that linguistic and
learning, of declarative and procedural cultural differences might cause problems and
knowledge, of form-focused and meaning- difficulty, other factors involving learners’
focused learning, of learning as a product and general development should not be ignored.
learning as a process, and of accuracy and Learners might overcome their problems when
fluency, etc (McCarthy and Carter, 1994) [19]. they reach a higher level of development in
composition (Mohan and Lo, 1985) [21].
Secondly, learners’ individuality should also be
5. The interference of L1 strategies in considered as important in the sense that there
comprehending and constructing are differences in writing characteristics
information in L2 learners’ reading and
between them and any conclusion made about
one group of learners as a whole should allow
5.1. Major differences in information structure variation in the group (Spack, 1997) [22].
between English and Vietnamese Thirdly, differences in language and culture
should be equally treated so that English should
In this section some major differences not be seen as superior to other languages
between English and Vietnamese information (Kubota, 1999 [23]; Spack, 1997 [22]). What
structure are discussed in relation to L2 can be inferred from Kubota (1999) [23] and
learners’ reading and writing problems. It is our Spack (1997) [22] is that the idea of Contrastive
assumption that these differences might cause Rhetoric (CR) should be to see what can be
difficulties or confusion in L2 learners’ reading done to help L2 learners overcome difficulty
and writing in the English language. The presumably caused by linguistic and cultural
assumption of potential interference is made differences and not to put them in a
partially from our experience as a second disadvantageous stance by compelling them to
language learner and instructor. In our strictly conform to English native writing
experience, although many utterances made by standard and causing them to lose their own
Vietnamese learners of English (and in fact, by cultural and linguistic identities and
many other L2 learners) are grammatically idiosyncrasies.
correct, not all of which sound natural in terms Based on our learning and teaching
of their information structure at both sentential experience, the following differences might
and discourse level. lead to L2 learners’ problems in terms of
Several considerations need to be taken into structuring information in language
account concerning our assumption that communication: word order differences due to
differences in language and culture might lead the difference in typological features of the two
to L2 learners’ difficulty in L2 acquisition. languages and the differences in writing styles
Firstly, difference and difficulty are not concerning strategies of constructing
identical concepts (Littlewood, 1984) [20]. In information in the two languages, i.e.,
other words, not all differences cause difficulty. directness in English and indirectness in
On the other hand, some differences might help Vietnamese. The discussions in the section will
rather than interfere with learners’ language be made part of our lessons designed to enhance
56 H.A. Tuấn / VNU Journal of Science: Foreign Studies, Vol. 30, No. 2 (2014) 48-70

L2 learners’ understanding of English However, recently, Vietnamese has been

information structure. The discussions are used typologically described as a topic-prominent
for pedagogical purposes rather than as a language by such authors as Thompson (1987)
research approach. Learners’ awareness of the [25], Duffield (2007) [26], Hao (1991) [27],
differences in our opinions can to some extent Giap (2000) [28], Con (2008) [29] and others.
help L2 learners overcome their reading and The view is strongly founded on empirical data
writing problems related to meta-knowledge of analysis by Hao (1991) [27] and Con (2008)
information structure. [29]. Hao (1991) [27]’s data analysis revealed
5.1.1. Typological difference that up to 70% of Vietnamese sentences bear
the topic-prominent type and only 30% of them
Li and Thompson (1976) [24] divided
are subject-prominent. The percentage of topic-
languages into four types according to their
prominent type sentences in Vietnamese is even
subject-predicate or topic-comment relations.
higher in Con (2008) [29], fluctuating between
Of interest here are the subject-prominent and
75% and 86%. Due to this dual existence of
topic-prominent types. The distinction between
both subject-prominent and topic-prominent
a subject-prominent language and a topic-
sentences in the language, some of these
prominent language, according to Li and
researchers, e.g. Con (2008) [29] have
Thompson is as follows:
suggested an approach to analyzing Vietnamese
In subject-prominent (Sp) languages, the
sentences in which both the subject-predicate
structure of sentences favors a description in distinction and topic-comment distinction are
which the grammatical relation subject-
applied. Con’s suggestion, in my view, seems
predicate plays a major role; in topic-prominent
to be more appropriate because it highlights the
(Tp) languages, the basic structure of sentences differences between subject-predicate and
favors a description in which the grammatical
theme/rheme perspectives in viewing
relation topic-comment plays a major role.
Vietnamese sentences and clauses, and thus
(Li and Thompson, 1976:459) [24] helps us to a great extent in helping our learners
English is widely acknowledged as a understand Vietnamese sentences and how to
subject-prominent language, whereas whether best analyze them.
Vietnamese is a topic-prominent language or There are two important points concerning
subject-prominent is still open to debate. This this typological feature of the Vietnamese
is because of the fact that Vietnamese sentences language that I would like to bring into
include both topic-prominent type and subject- discussion. First, it is my assumption that the
prominent type. In principle, the topic- topic-prominent feature of the Vietnamese
prominent structure is used when the topic has language may be transferred into L2 learners’
been evoked (or is thought to have been evoked reading and writing in the English language. In
by the speaker) in prior discourse. Sentences reading, for example, as the majority of
with the grammatical subject coming first, i.e. Vietnamese sentences begin with a topic
the non-topicalized versions, are utilized when, followed by a comment, they might get into
for example, it is the speaker who initiates the difficulty in realizing the main idea in English
topic. Traditionally, Vietnamese was sentences typically beginning with a
acknowledged as a subject-prominent type. grammatical subject. In writing, some
H.A. Tuấn / VNU Journal of Science: Foreign Studies, Vol. 30, No. 2 (2014) 48-70 57

Vietnamese learners of English might produce 5.2. The interference of L1 strategies in

topic-comment sentences in English which comprehending and constructing information in
L2 learners’ reading and writing
might sound clumsy and not very
comprehensible to some native readers such as
Some major differences in information
‘Not only robots, we can find the application of
structure between English and Vietnamese
automated technology in some other devices
might cause problems to L2 learners in their
such as rockets or airplane without pilots’
reading and writing. To be more specific, some
(learner’s writing in a writing test).
L2 learners’ reading and writing strategies
5.1.2. Directness in English and formed in their L1 might negatively influence
indirectness in Vietnamese writing style their L2 skill development.
English academic writers tend to be direct Transfer of written discourse strategies has
in expressing ideas whereas writers of some drawn the attention of contrastive rhetoric, the
Asian languages like Japanese, Chinese, and study of the similarities and differences in
Thai tend to be more indirect in their writing written discourse between two languages and
style (Connor, 1996 [30]; Kaplan, how these similarities and differences may
1966[31]/1987[32]; Hinds, 1990 [33]; and affect the way learners express themselves in
Clyne, 1994 [34]). The difference might be due the L2. While the approach has been subjected
to the fact that Asian writers are not so writer- to criticism e.g. by Kachru (2005) [37]; Kachru
responsible as native English writers (Hinds, (2000) [38]; Mohan & Lo (1985) [21]; and
1987 [35]). Kaplan (1966) [31]’s analysis of the Scollon (1997) [39], it has been advocated by
organization of paragraphs in ESL student many others, e.g. Clyne (1987) [40]; Connor
essays showed that ‘essays written in Oriental (1996) [30]; Hinds (1987) [35]; Mauranen
languages use an indirect approach and come to (1993) [41]; Ventola (1992 [42], 1996 [43]).
the point only at the end’ (cited in Connor, Grabe & Kaplan (1996:109) [44] explained the
1996:15 [30]). Indirectness in the writing style pedagogic rationale for contrastive rhetoric as
of English learners from these language follows:
backgrounds is shown across their whole essay
What is clear is that there are rhetorical
including introducing and developing the main
differences in the written discourses of various
topic, and in the conclusion. Hinds (1990:98)
languages, and that those differences need to be
[33], mentioned the ‘delayed introduction of
brought to consciousness before a writer can
purpose’ in many Asian L2 learners’
begin to understand what he or she must do in
introduction paragraphs. Cam (1991:43) [36]
order to write in a more native-like manner (or
referred to a popular discourse strategy of most
in a manner that is more acceptable to native
Vietnamese speakers called ‘rao truoc, don
speakers of the target language).
sau’, an approximate equivalent of the English
‘beat about the bush’. Giap (2000) [28] claimed Our cognitive meta-linguistic approach to
that in the Vietnamese language sometimes teaching L2 learners reading and writing is
people do not mean what they say and the expected to enhance not only learners’ meta-
reason is they would like to guarantee the knowledge of English information structure but
following: politeness, humbleness, modesty, also their awareness of the differences in
tolerance, courtesy, and sympathy. information structure between the English and
58 H.A. Tuấn / VNU Journal of Science: Foreign Studies, Vol. 30, No. 2 (2014) 48-70

Vietnamese languages. The awareness is hoped reading skill have given insightful implications
to help them recognize how their L1 reading in building up the activities.
and writing strategies can interfere with their
L2 skill development. Once recognizing the 6.1. Targeted knowledge and skills
interference, learners can make attempts to
develop alternative strategies. The teaching approach aims at developing
L2 learners’ communicative language ability as
understood in Bachman’s (1990) [1] model in
6. Cognitive meta-linguistic approach to which ability is viewed as consisting of both
teaching reading and writing skills explicit/analyzed knowledge and the
implementing of this knowledge in language
Two cognitive models of language learning use. The knowledge learners are expected to
and teaching are adopted for our cognitive have concerns English information structure;
meta-linguistic approach to teaching reading the skills are reading and writing.
and writing skills: Anderson (1983 [45]; 1985 The selection of information structure meta-
[46]; 1990 [47]; 1995 [48])’s Adaptive Control knowledge is based on our assumption of what
of Thought (ACT)* model, and Johnson (1996) is essential in helping L2 learners understand
[49]’s DECPRO model in which learners are more about the constructing of academic
expected to have some declarative knowledge written texts, which then will help them in their
of information structure before they can reading and writing. Based on our discussions
proceduralize it in reading and writing on sentential and discourse level English
activities. Anderson’s (1983 [45]; 1985 [46]; information structure (Tuan, 2013a [9]; Tuan,
1990 [47]; 1995 [48]) Adaptive Control of 2013b [10]), we have designed 4 units, each
Thought (ACT) theory of cognition is consisting of two or three lessons. Depending
mentioned as the theoretical background for on the content load of the lessons, some lessons
Johnson’s model. The two models serve as the are divided into two parts. Following are the
base for explanations how giving L2 learners title of each unit and lesson. The contents of
explicit instruction enhancing their knowledge each lesson, the lesson plans including the
of information structure might develop their meta-linguistic exercises following the meta-
reading and writing skills. Teaching principles linguistic lessons, as well as the activities in the
set up are grounded in the two models are skill development phase are all based on our
cognitive meta-linguistic in perspective. discussions about English information structure
Classroom activities used in the method are and drawn from principles of cognitive meta-
designed based on suggestions made by authors linguistic approaches.
of the clause-relational approach to text-
Unit 1: Sentential level issues of English
analysis such as McCarthy (1991) [50] and
information structure
McCarthy and Carter (1994) [19]. Although
Lesson 1: The given/new status of the
those authors did not offer complete guidance
information exchanged
on this, their ideas of using meta-knowledge of
such aspects as clause relations and textual Part 1: Introduction of information
patterns in helping L2 learners develop their structure
H.A. Tuấn / VNU Journal of Science: Foreign Studies, Vol. 30, No. 2 (2014) 48-70 59

In this part of lesson 1, learners are canonical constructions presented in part 2 of

introduced to the concept of information this lesson.
structure, and how meta-knowledge of Part 2: Canonical constructions (7 major
information structure might help them develop clause types) and non-canonical constructions
their reading and writing skills, and
In this part of the lesson, learners are
communicative language ability.
introduced to the canonical constructions (the 7
Part 2: The given/new status distinction and major clause types) as well as the con-canonical
the contextual constraints on the given/new constructions in English. Presumably, some
status learners have previously been introduced to
In this part of the lesson, learners are some or all of the patterns and constructions.
provided with the concepts of given and new However, it is believed that knowledge of the
status of information in the sentence and related issue has not been given to them systematically.
issues. The concepts of theme/rheme and the This part of the lesson is therefore intended to
distinction between theme/rheme and help them systemize their meta-knowledge of
givenness/newness are then presented to help clause structures and non-canonical
learners understand more about the distribution constrictions. Within the introduction of the 7
of the new and the given in a specific clause structures, learners are supposed to
contextualised sentence in relation to the explore the unmarked ordering of information
theme/rheme framework. Learners are also distribution with the pronominal subject bearing
supposed to realize the importance of context in old information and the other clause elements
assigning the given/new status of information. (verb, object, complement, and adverbial)
Related issues such as shared knowledge bearing the new. Marked ordering is presented
between interlocutors, prior discourse, and within the non-canonical constructions with
cataphoric links are also provided to help both their syntactical and pragmatic features
learners understand more about the dependency explained. In our anticipation this part of the
of the given/new status of information in a lesson would be more challenging to learners
sentence on the context in which it occurs. presumably because most of them are not
Lesson 2: The order in which information is familiar with the constructions particularly in
distributed in the sentence terms of their pragmatic implications. Although
they may have known the syntactical features
This lesson falls into 2 parts.
of one or more of the constructions, they may
Part 1: Information distributing principles have rarely been taught about the underlying
and tendencies
reasons why a particular construction rather
In this part of the lesson, learners are given than another is used in a specific context. For
introduction into the principles and tendencies instance, learners might have been instructed
of distributing information in the sentence: the how to invert an element of a sentence but not
principles of end-weight, communicative all of them have been given explanations why
dynamism, and non-canonical constructions. such an inverted sentence would be more
Knowledge in this part and lesson 1 is a acceptable in a given context.
background for learners’ exploration into the
Unit 2: Discourse-level issues of
given/new distribution in canonical and non- information structure
60 H.A. Tuấn / VNU Journal of Science: Foreign Studies, Vol. 30, No. 2 (2014) 48-70

In unit 2, learners are introduced to structure. The unit aims at developing L2

discourse level issues of information structure: learners’ writing skill rather than their reading
clause relations and related issues such as skill. The two issues selected to be introduced
relational types (logical sequence and matching to the students are: 1) the topic-prominent
relations), textual segments, and textual feature of the Vietnamese language and the
patterns. They are also given instruction subject-prominent feature of the English
concerning the rhetorical features of academic language, and 2) the directness in the writing
writing from genre analysis perspective. style of English native speakers and
. The unit is divided into 3 lessons: indirectness in the writing style of Vietnamese
people. The selection depends on our
Lesson 1: Clause relations and types of
assumption that these two features are most
clause relations
likely to be transferred from their mother
Learners are expected to grasp the concept
tongue into English.
of clause relations and types of clause relations
Lesson 1: Topic-prominent and subject-
to assist them in approaching their reading and
prominent languages
writing from a global view of text. Knowledge
of clause relations is expected to draw learners’ In this lesson, learners’ awareness is drawn
attention to the need to interpret the relations of towards the fact that Vietnamese is a topic-
clauses in comprehending and constructing text prominent language whereas English is a
at discourse level. subject-prominent language. Our aim in giving
learners this knowledge is to raise their
Lesson 2: Textual patterns
awareness of avoiding creating infelicitous
The concept of textual patterns and five
topic-prominent sentences in English writing.
most common patterns are introduced to
Lesson 2: Directness in English and
learners in the hope that this knowledge will
indirectness in Vietnamese writing style
help them visualize the whole logical structure
of text in reading and writing. Learners could In this lesson, learners are explicitly
use this knowledge to recognize the pattern of a informed of the expected directness in English
reading passage or select an appropriate pattern academic writing as a warning against their use
for an essay. of indirectness in L2 writing.
Lesson 3: Rhetorical features of academic Unit 4: Incorporating meta-knowledge of
texts from genre analysis perspective English information structure into L2 reading
and writing strategies
Knowledge of the rhetorical features of
academic texts from genre analysis perspective Lesson 1: L2 learners’ problems in reading
is intended to assist learners in constructing and writing
their academic writing. In this lesson, learners have the chance to
Unit 3: A comparison of English and discuss the problems they might encounter in
Vietnamese information structure reading and writing in relation to their meta-
knowledge of English information structure.
The content of this unit is based on our
Learners will be then advised on how to
discussions on the major differences in some
incorporate knowledge of English information
aspects of English and Vietnamese information
structure they have gained in previous lessons
H.A. Tuấn / VNU Journal of Science: Foreign Studies, Vol. 30, No. 2 (2014) 48-70 61

into their reading and writing skill declarative knowledge to be proceduralized.

development. Learners’ process of acquiring a skill in
Lesson 2: Suggestions for L2 learners’ Anderson’s view, undergoes three stages:
development of reading and writing skills a cognitive stage, in which a description of
Following on lesson 1, in this lesson, the procedure is learned, an associative stage, in
learners are given suggestions for the which a method for performing the skill is
development of their reading and writing skills. worked out and an autonomous stage, in which
The suggestions are made based on some the skill becomes more and more rapid and
problems and strategies that might negatively automatic. (Anderson, 1985:232) [46]
affect their L2 reading and writing on the one In the light of the ACT*’s model, learners’
hand and on what is considered as good L2 expected development in reading and writing
reading and writing practice on the other hand. skills as the result of the cognitive meta-
All the suggestions draw on learners’ meta- linguistic method can be described as follows:
knowledge of information structure. First, learners are given explicit formal
instruction enhancing their declarative
6.2. Teaching approach knowledge of information structure. Then
learners are instructed in how to use this
Our teaching is cognitive meta-linguistic in knowledge in reading and writing activities.
approach, adopting Anderson’s (1983 [45]; Through practice, their skills which are initially
1985 [46]; 1990 [47]; 1995 [48]) Adaptive supported by this knowledge become
Control of Thought (ACT*) model, and proceduralized, resulting in their reading and
Johnson’s (1996) [49] DECPRO model. writing more efficiently and fluently without
6.2.1. Anderson’s ACT* model their consciously resorting to the declarative
In Anderson’s ACT*’s theory, knowledge knowledge.
required and processed for cognitive activities 6.2.2. Johnson’s (1996) DECPRO model
like problem solving is viewed as of two kinds: Based on Anderson’s theory, Johnson
declarative and procedural. Declarative (1996) [49] proposed two models of language
knowledge is ‘knowledge about facts and learning and teaching: PRODEC and DECPRO.
things’; procedural knowledge refers to Johnson (1996:104) [49] pointed out the
‘knowledge about how to perform various differences between the PRODEC and
cognitive activities’ (Anderson, 1995:236) [48]. DECPRO models as follows.
Also according to Anderson (1995) [48],
In the DECPRO sequence, declarative
declarative knowledge is explicit, i.e., we are
knowledge has the role of being ‘a starting
consciously aware of it, whereas procedural
point for proceduralization’, and needs to be
knowledge is often implicit, i.e. it is stored in
‘simple, uncluttered, concrete, and easily
our memory without our being consciously
convertible into a ‘plan for action’. In case of
aware of it. Learning in this model is complete
our teaching method, in this sequence, learners
only when declarative knowledge becomes
are given meta-knowledge of information
procedural, i.e., when learners move from the
structure, and will then store the knowledge in
stage of ‘know that’ into the stage of ‘know
their memory as a database in ‘the form of a set
how.’ Practice is seen as the means for
62 H.A. Tuấn / VNU Journal of Science: Foreign Studies, Vol. 30, No. 2 (2014) 48-70

of semantic networks’ (Johnson, 1996:82) [49]. information structure (Tuan, 2013a [9]; Tuan,
When engaged in reading and writing activities 2013b [10]). Meta-linguistic exercises are
in which learners are required to perform a designed based on activities suggested by
certain task, part of the knowledge stored in Crombie (1985a [51]); Crombie (1985b [52]).
their memory is triggered and retrieved to Some exercises can be taken from Quirk (1972)
support them in performing the task. For [53]. Writing topics and reading passages used
example, in the reading activity following the for the skill-developing phase are selected
meta-linguistic lesson on textual patterns, based on learners’ interest and motivation in
learners resort to their knowledge of textual their major study and extracted from various
patterns introduced to them previously to find sources including electronic texts. Writing and
out the pattern of a given text to help them reading tasks and activities are designed based
grasp the main idea of the text. on suggestions made by clause relational
In the PRODEC sequence, procedural approach authors like McCarthy (1991) [50],
knowledge is the initial point for declarative and McCarthy & Carter (1994) [19].
knowledge development. In this sequence,
6.4. Teaching principles
learners do not need explicit formal meta-
knowledge of information structure to perform
The following principles reflect the
a reading and writing task, for example, to get
cognitive meta-linguistic approach adopted for
the main idea of a passage. Knowledge of how
our teaching approach. They are established on
to grasp the main idea of the passage is
the basis of Anderson’s ACT* model, and
imbedded in procedures for task performance.
Johnson’s DECPRO model. They involve both
The DECPRO sequence, in our view, is teachers’ and learners’ activities.
more relevant to L2 learners, who do not have
Explicit formal instruction in introducing
sufficient opportunities to acquire initial
meta-knowledge of information structure to
procedural knowledge in a naturalistic way. It
learners is advocated
can be argued that not all declarative
knowledge comes through conscious study. The teaching should help enhance learners’
However, with respect to the teaching of both meta-language and skills involving
information structure knowledge, our recognizing and understanding English
hypothesis in adopting this approach is that information structure. Therefore, explicit
giving L2 learners explicit instruction explanations of English information structure
enhancing their declarative knowledge is are strongly approved of both in the meta-
beneficial because such knowledge does not linguistic phase and the skill-developing phase.
come unconsciously to learners in non-native - Learners’ engagement in cognitive
speaking environment. process
Learners should be engaged in cognitive
6.3. Teaching materials processes while attempting to understand meta-
linguistic aspects of English information
The content of the meta-linguistic lessons
structure both in the meta-linguistic phase and
used for the meta-linguistic phase is designed
in the course of a reading or writing task. These
based on our discussions about English
cognitive processes might involve the learners
H.A. Tuấn / VNU Journal of Science: Foreign Studies, Vol. 30, No. 2 (2014) 48-70 63

exploring features of English information and group-work activities should therefore be

structure such as the distribution of the given strictly monitored to ensure the equal cognitive
and the new in a sentence or the textual pattern participation of all members of the class.
of a whole text. - L1’s usage is approved of when necessary
- A balance between the meta-knowledge With the involvement of meta-language, an
phase and skill-developing phase all-English explanation might not ensure a high
The amount of time allocated to the percentage of learners’ comprehensibility, so
teaching of information structure and to the L1 usage can be acceptable as a means of
development of writing and reading skill should double-checking students’ understanding. This
be kept in balance. In order to guarantee this applies only to teachers’ oral explanations.
balance, it is advisable to simplify the meta- However, this practice should be kept down to a
knowledge introduced to learners in the minimum and only used as the last resort when
cognitive stage. The amount of time for the teacher strongly believes that learners do
learners’ cognitive activities, the number of not fully understand the meta-language.
questions asked by the teacher, etc, must be Teachers’ abuse of L1 in class might encourage
carefully weighed to ensure balance of all the some learners to switch to L1 when they do not
activities. It is suggested that this balance necessarily have to, for example when they can
should be observed in all lessons. attempt to find alternative ways to express their
- Knowledge-oriented activities followed by ideas in English.
skill-oriented activities - Homework
This sequence should be applied in every The teaching should help learners build up
lesson to conform to our acknowledgement in their own strategies and independent
the role of declarative knowledge in understanding of English information structure,
proceduralization. therefore homework writing and reading tasks
- Teachers’ assisting in learners’ cognitive are of equal importance as classroom
process engagement.
Teachers are encouraged to help learners 6.5. Classroom tasks and activities
with any difficulty they might encounter while
cognitively struggling with many aspects of When designing tasks for each lesson, we
English information structure both in expanding take into consideration the following
their meta-language and improving their skills. requirements:
Teachers can apply such techniques as using
- The tasks require cognitive activities from
eliciting questions.
- A balance between individual work, pair-
- Tasks designed by colleagues and
work and group-work
researchers which could serve our approach
Learners might differ in their mental should be made use of
capacity. Some can be more quick-minded than
Classroom tasks and activities utilized in
others. Too much pair-work or group-work can
this teaching method are designed based on
lessen the amount of time required for full
teaching suggestions by authors of the clause
understanding by some learners. All pair-work
64 H.A. Tuấn / VNU Journal of Science: Foreign Studies, Vol. 30, No. 2 (2014) 48-70

relational approach and genre analysis approach [61] and authors of clause relational approach
to text analysis e.g., McCarthy (1991) [50], like McCarthy (1991) [50], McCarthy and
McCarthy and Carter (1994) [19], Widdowson Carter (1994) [19], Crombie (1985a [51]), and
(1978) [3], Hoey (1983 [54], 1991 [55], 1994 Crombie (1985b [52]). The tasks are repeated in
[56], 2001 [57]), Crombie (1985a [51]), the skill developing phase. However, in this
Crombie (1985b [52]); Swales (1981 [58]; 1990 phase, learners are asked to do reading and
[59]); and Swales & Feak (1994) [60]. In writing tasks specifically tailored to help them
general the suggestions reveal the importance of use the meta-knowledge to develop their skills.
teaching learners how sentences are combined In principle, reading activities must take place
in discourse to produce discourse meaning and prior to writing activities as the latter are based
how to identify the organizational patterns in on the knowledge and skill promoted in learners
texts as well as the linguistic means by which in the former.
these patterns are signaled. The activities on the Several techniques are used to support
whole involve students’ cognitively recognizing learners’ activities such as eliciting questions.
or identifying features of English information This technique is helpful in getting learners
structure at both sentential and discourse level. through their reading and writing activities. In
At the sentential level, learners can be engaged reading activities, for example, for a reading
in such activities as recognizing the function of task in which learners have to find out the topic
non-canonical constructions in a given sentence of a paragraph, the following questions might
or using an appropriate non-canonical be asked to support learners’ cognitive process
construction to distribute information so that of finding out the answer:
the felicity of the given and the new
- Is the topic introduced in the first sentence
information is guaranteed. At discourse level,
of the paragraph?
they can take part in such activities as
- Which words/phrases in the sentence do
identifying the clause relations in a given
paragraphs or the textual patterns of one whole you think are most important in bringing about
the topic of the paragraph?
- How are the first two sentences in the
The lessons take place in two phases: a
meta-linguistic phase and a skill developing paragraph related? Which cohesive device is
used to show this relationship?
phase. The suggestions are used for activities in
both phases. In the meta-linguistic phase, after - What are the functions of the other
learners are given explicit instruction enhancing sentences in the paragraph?
their meta-knowledge of information structure, In writing activities, think-aloud protocols
they are asked to do meta-linguistic tasks to might be used to help elicit what is going on in
guarantee and strengthen their understanding of learners’ mind while they are doing their
the meta-knowledge which they would need to writing.
use in the skill developing phase. The tasks Reading tasks and activities
might involve, for example, learners’
Using reading passages selected to suit their
identifying the clause pattern of a given
majors, learners are engaged in several
sentence or the textual pattern of a text.
cognitive tasks incorporating the meta-
Teaching materials are taken from Quirk (1985)
H.A. Tuấn / VNU Journal of Science: Foreign Studies, Vol. 30, No. 2 (2014) 48-70 65

knowledge given to them in the meta-linguistic Several other techniques and activities can
phase. The tasks involve exploring features of be used to help learners understand the main
information structure at sentential and discourse idea of a text.
level. More attention should be paid to the - Recognizing textual patterns
discourse level structure as this could help The simplest form of the activities involves
learners grasp the main idea of the text. learners being asked to identify the pattern of a
Sentential level structure is to be explored when given text. There are techniques to support
the reading tasks require them to get some these activities, for example, using text-frames,
specific information or when learners could not the terms Hewings & McCarthy (1988) [62]
understand the meaning of an important and McCarthy & Carter (1994) [19] use to refer
sentence which might block their to diagrams representing textual patterns.
comprehension of one whole paragraph or even Recognizing textual patterns by using
the whole text. When getting stuck in diagrammatic representations of the patterns
understanding the meaning of a sentence, according to these authors is ‘one of the skills
learners are encouraged to try the following of efficient readers of English’. The suggestions
meta-linguistic techniques: for the activities are offered by McCarthy &
- Judging whether the sentence bears a Carter (1994:60-61) [19]. In these activities,
canonical or non-canonical construction. If the students are given the text, the text frame, and a
construction is canonical, analyze it to see blank frame, which is a copy of the text frame
which clause pattern it belongs to. This might without any entries (labels and line numbers).
help learners get the information required after Students are asked to make brief notes in the
realizing the subject, verb, object, complement, blank frame that would answers questions such
or adverbial of the sentence. Knowledge of the as ‘what is the basis for the claim in sentences
principle of end-weight and communicative 1-3?’, or ‘what claim is made in sentences 4-6?’
dynamism can help them find out the most - Recognizing textual segments/elements of
important information in the sentence. This a textual pattern
technique seems more useful in case of long The activities involve the teacher giving the
sentences with imbedded relative clauses, students a suggested pattern of a text and the
which might distract learners’ attention away students’ task being to find out the textual
from some important information. If the segments. Students are asked to rewrite some
construction is non-canonical, they could textual segments to strengthen or soften their
analyze it to see which non-canonical functions (denying, correcting, etc.) They might
construction it has. Because each non-canonical be asked to identify, e.g., the problem, the
construction is rather specific in its function situation, the solution, and the evaluation of a
(topicalizing, providing link with previous text bearing solution-problem pattern.
discourse, focusing, contrasting, etc) and in the - Recognizing cognitive relations among
way it distributes the given and the new clauses
information, meta-knowledge in this aspect
This technique is used to help learners
helps learners pick out the important
better understand local semantic relationships
information in the sentence.
among the clauses using the meta-knowledge of
66 H.A. Tuấn / VNU Journal of Science: Foreign Studies, Vol. 30, No. 2 (2014) 48-70

such relations as cause-consequence and the linguistic phase even though this phase is more
cohesive devices signalling these relationships. teacher-led than in the skill developing phase.
Writing tasks and activities Individual characteristics are taken into
consideration when forming pairs or groups
The writing activities are designed to
based on such factors as learners’ level of
develop learners’ sentential and discourse
proficiency, their emotions towards other
writing skill. At the sentential level, learners are
students in the class. Some students might be
expected to use their meta-knowledge of
reluctant to be in the same pair or groups with
sentential level features of information structure
one or the other of the students in the class and
to construct a message with respect to how the
this could affect their cooperation in the pair-
information should be distributed most
work or group-work. Learners are encouraged
appropriately in the light of adjoining
to form their own groups. The teacher only
sentences. Some activities involve learners
intervenes when there is a problem with the
deciding on the most appropriate canonical or
grouping e.g., when students of higher levels of
non-canonical construction to maintain text
proficiency group together leaving students of
lower levels of proficiency working together
Discourse level writing activities aims at and there is no-one in the group to lead the
helping learners incorporating discourse
knowledge of information structure in
Another issue to consider is the balance
constructing larger units of discourse
between individual work and pair-work/group-
organization. Using their knowledge of clause
work. Learners should be allowed to have some
relations, types of clause relations, clause
time of their own to be engaged in cognitive
relation signals, textual segments (discourse
tasks to ensure they understand what they are to
elements), and textual patterns, they are
do without being suppressed by other students
engaged in such activities as using appropriate
in the group.
cohesive devices to create a possible clause
relation between two textual segments,
reorganizing jumbled textual segments to make
7. Summary and Conclusion
a coherent text, deciding on the most
appropriate textual pattern for a given topic or
In this paper we have introduced a cognitive
constructing a text-frame for an assigned essay.
meta-linguistic approach to teaching L2
learners’ reading and writing skills for their
6.6. Teaching and learning modes
communicative language ability development.
The most preferable and most suitable The model adopted in the teaching approach is
teaching and learning modes used in this Bachman’s (1990) [1] framework of
method are pair-work and group-work, which communicative language ability. In Bachman’s
encourage mutual cognitive labor when solving framework, information structure competence is
tasks requiring shared knowledge, e.g., when part of textual competence, subsumed under
learners are asked to read and answer questions both cohesion and rhetorical organization
involving the meta-knowledge of information competence. Reading and writing skills are seen
structure. This is applied even in the meta- as the implementation of language
H.A. Tuấn / VNU Journal of Science: Foreign Studies, Vol. 30, No. 2 (2014) 48-70 67

communicative knowledge in contextualized could help our learners overcome their

language use while performing a specific task. problems and develop their skills. The activities
There are two major reasons why we adopted presented in this approach are largely drawn
Bachman’s model. First, the distinction from suggestions made by authors of the clause
between what constitutes of knowledge and relational approach to text analysis such as
what constitutes of skill is quite clear. Second, McCarthy (1991) [50], McCarthy and Carter
the interaction between the components in the (1994) [19], Crombie (1985a [51]); and
model is explicitly indicated. Bachman’s Crombie (1985b [52]) aiming at getting learners
framework gave a comprehensive view of the engaged in cognitive processes while exploring
relationship between the enhancement of L2 features of information structure and
learners’ meta-knowledge of information incorporating this knowledge to develop their
structure and their reading and writing skill reading and writing skills.
development as well as the interaction between
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Đường hướng nhận thức siêu ngôn ngữ trong việc dạy kỹ năng
đọc-viết cho học viên học tiếng Anh như ngôn ngữ thứ hai

Huỳnh Anh Tuấn

Phòng Khoa học-Công nghệ, Trường Đại học Ngoại ngữ, Đại học Quốc gia Hà Nội,
Đường Phạm Văn Đồng, Cầu Giấy, Hà Nội, Việt Nam

Tóm tắt: Bài báo bàn về khả năng áp dụng đường hướng nhận thức siêu ngôn ngữ trong việc dạy
kỹ năng đọc-viết cho học viên học tiếng Anh như ngôn ngữ thứ hai trình độ trung cấp và trên trung
cấp. Trong đường hướng này, người học được cung cấp kiến thức về cấu trúc thông tin tiếng Anh để
sử dụng cho việc phát triển kỹ năng đọc-viết. Ba vấn đề được bàn đến khi áp dụng đường hướng này
vào việc giảng dạy ngôn ngữ bao gồm: những gợi mở mang tính sư phạm của khung năng lực ngôn
ngữ giao tiếp của Bachman (1990) trong giảng dạy và kiểm tra đánh giá ngôn ngữ; vai trò của kiến
thức về cấu trúc thông tin tiếng Anh đối với việc phát triển kỹ năng giao tiếp; sự cần thiết của việc
70 H.A. Tuấn / VNU Journal of Science: Foreign Studies, Vol. 30, No. 2 (2014) 48-70

cung cấp mảng kiến thức siêu hình này cho học viên học tiếng Anh như ngôn ngữ thứ hai trong việc
phát triển kỹ năng đọc-viết của họ. Bài báo cũng trình bày cụ thể các cấu phần của đường hướng bao
gồm cơ sở lí thuyết, nguyên tắc giảng dạy, kiến thức và kỹ năng đích, các nhiệm vụ và hoạt động trong
lớp học. Đường hướng này có thể được áp dụng tại nhiều cơ sở giảng dạy tiếng Anh ở Việt Nam và
một số nước Châu Á khác. Tuy nhiên, các nghiên cứu thực tiễn chứng minh khả năng áp dụng của
đường hướng này không nằm trong phạm vi thảo luận của bài báo.
Từ khóa: Nhận thức, siêu ngôn ngữ, cấu trúc thông tin, phát triển kỹ năng, năng lực ngôn ngữ giao tiếp.

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