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BE N N E T T, C OL E M A N & C O. LT D. | E S TA BLI S H E D 183 8 | T IM E S OF IN DI A .


➤ Exercise the power of ➤ Modern retellings of ➤Triumph of the will: A
positive vocabulary. classics in movies. look at inspiring stories
TODAY’S PLUS: Brush up your PLUS: 10 retellings of from Tokyo Paralympics
Newspaper in

EDITION language etiquette literary characters LATEST BUZZWORDS EXPLAINED

IN MEMORIAM WELLNESS Pics: Istock s the resumption of everyday life
around you making you anxious?

Remembering 9/11
and monitoring your gadget time. Are you fretting about stepping out
From breathwork Be aware of how your electronic again? Are you constantly on edge
device use affects you. Observe when you are out in a post-
to sleepcasts, your energy level, sleep quality,
and peace of mind. If you notice
pandemic world? This feeling of stress
or worry about returning to normal life
The most powerful quotes to mark the 20th the pandemic has improvement by limiting EMF, then
consider small changes to support
after the restrictions caused by COVID-
19 is termed as re-entry anxiety. It refers
anniversary of the fateful day – September 11, given rise to your wellbeing. to fear that can accompany letting go of
the safeguards that protected us during
2001 – where almost 3,000 people lost their the pandemic and our re-entry into a
lives during the attacks at the Twin Towers, interesting BLUE MIND world that has been changed by the
The If you’re seeing red, feeling virus. This fear can manifest as a
Pentagon and aboard United Airlines Flight 93 health trends sleep industry angry, anxious, and reluctance to switch back to pre-
was one of the fastest stressed, try Blue mind. pandemic practices, such as going to
“Even the smallest act of growing wellness seg- “Blue-mind” describes large in-person gatherings without a
ments with more focus on the mildly meditative facemask. Or it can be feelings of
service, the simplest act of state we fall into when unease, sadness, or uncertainty.
sleep (or the lack of it) during
kindness, is a way to honour the pandemic -- from sleep near, in, on or under Everyone experiences re-entry anxiety
blankets, aids to rituals, it water. Research has differently. For some it’s joining back
those we lost, a way to proven that spending work, for others it can be meeting
was all about a good
reclaim that spirit of unity snooze time near the water is friends, while some might baulk at going
that followed 9/11.” BARACK essential to achieving an ele- to a restaurant. Re-entry anxiety can
vated and sustained happiness. range from a manageable level of
OBAMA in a 2011 radio Practitioners like to ask people, concern to more intense feelings of

address “What’s your water?” This essen- panic. If you find yourself feeling a little
tially means “What’s the first less enthusiastic than you thought you’d
“It was the worst day we water you think of and what’s the be as you re-enter the post-pandemic
water you dream about and long world, you may be experiencing this.
have ever seen, but it for?” These questions make peo- Deep breathing and mindfulness can

Trends From
brought out the best in all of ple contemplate their relationship help overcome basic level of re-entry
with water. Vacationing near anxiety. But if you experience mood
us.” Senator JOHN KERRY water is considered to grow blue changes — including anxiety or
mind. Is that why Maldvies was so depression — that you can’t seem to
“If we learn nothing else from popular among the swish set dur- manage on your own or it is hampering

this tragedy, we learn that life ing 2020-21? your day-to-day functioning, know
that it’s time to seek professional
is short and there is no time help.
for hate.” SANDY DAHL, wife DOPAMINE
of Flight 93 pilot Jason Dahl FASTING gism used to describe a podcast and playlists as they fill the silence, This “feel-good-
“For me and my family personally, September 11 was a reminder containing sounds and voices that but don’t quiet our minds. These escape” and “act of bal-
that life is fleeting, impermanent, and uncertain. Therefore, we BREATHWORK are designed to give you a good recordings combine ambient noise, ancing” method
If there’s anything the COVID-19 night’s sleep. Sleepcasts have visualisations with a silky, smooth has people
must make use of every moment and nurture it with affection, health scare made us appreciate it become an effective tool in foster- voice that guides you through med- abstaining
tenderness, beauty, creativity, and laughter.” DEEPAK CHOPRA, was our breath. While breathing ing sleep – preferred over white itation staples like breathing exer- from addic-
life coach techniques are common in yoga, noise cises. In fact, they are usually writ- tive sources
breathwork became a wellbeing machines ten by professional writers. like tech, cof-
“What separates us from the animals, what separates us from the buzzword with more people adopt- fee, food, or
ing this ancient practice of utilising alcohol for a week
chaos, is our ability to mourn people we’ve never met.” DAVID the breath to find peace and calm EMF AWARENESS (or even for a month) to
LEVITHAN, writer in the present moment. The We are all hooked to our gadg- revitalise
breath is the single most con- ets more than ever now. Many their mind
“September 11, 2001, revealed heroism in ordinary people who venient, accessible, and studies show that constant and recharge their
transformational well- bombardment from electro- body. Dopamine is a
might have gone through their lives never called upon to demon- ness tool. And the best magnetic fields (EMFs) and chemical in the
strate the extent of their courage.” GERALDINE BROOKS, journalist bit? Anyone, anywhere low-level radiation from brain. So when you feel
can use breathwork. gadgets can’t be good for good about abstaining from
“When Americans lend a hand to one another, nothing is impos- humans. The EMF addictive behaviours and focus
awareness went on on self-enhancement, it releases
sible. We’re not about what happened on 9/11. We’re about what SLEEPCAST an overdrive during the a chemical in the brain which
happened on 9/12.” JEFF PARNESS, founder of New York Says Move over podcasts, pandemic with people plays a huge role to make
here come sleepcasts. advocating new EMF- you feel motivated, calm
Thank You Basically a neolo- blocking materials and satisfied.


RICE ABOVE WHITE How well do you know

Weightwatchers are trading
milled and polished white
rice for red, black and brown
varieties. Here’s why…
strips white rice of iron, vitamins,
zinc, magnesium and many
other nutrients. And yes, the
super healthy bran is also
missing! “Too much of
short grain white rice,
red rice has shown a low-
ered risk of diabetes,
cardiovascular dis-
eases, cholesterol
and lowered blood
pressure levels
September 11, 1942 was when Enid Blyton’s first Famous Five book – “Five on a Treasure the sticky varieties, as well. It even Island” – was released. And one of the best-selling children’s series ever (with over 100
have a higher glycemic provides protec-

volved eating patterns are slowly index that tend to spike tion against million sold) was born. Here are some interesting facts about the book and its creator
doing away with the whites on the sugar levels in the inflammation

your plate and adding more hues body. In comparison, and cancer. The series features the adventures of a Miss. Various references have been made to
to it. Colour means nutrients, brown and red rice are group of young children – Julian, Dick, what meaning should be read into this. More
colour means antioxidants, colour both rich in fibre content Anne, Georgina (George) and her dog modern readers have interpreted that George
means fibre. And the latest food item to turn and have a lower glycemic BLACK IS BACK Timmy. The majority of stories take place in had gender dysphoria, but Hugo Rifkind,
tinted is rice. Studies support the fact that load,” says Dr Taranjeet Kaur, It is gluten-free, gut- the children’s school holidays. Each time they writing in “The Times”, suggested that
eating whole grain rice varieties such as red senior nutritionist, AktivOrtho. friendly, natural cleanser meet they get caught up in an adventure, Blyton’s conservatism meant that was not
and black rice is healthier than the good old and heart-friendly. The Asian often involving criminals or lost treasure. likely to have been intended.
2 8
white. Black rice, an Asian basic, also called Chak-hao in Manipur, is The scene is usually set close to The books have been criticised for
staple that’s always been Red rice is a spe- popping up at supermarts all over the world George’s family home at Kirrin Cottage, being repetitive, with repeated use of
part of Northeastern cook- Not all white rice is cial variety of rice as the superfood to get hold of. The bran such as the picturesque Kirrin Island, stock elements such as unfriendly
ing in India, is making a unhealthy. An exception is that’s packed with hull of black rice, which is the outermost owned by George and her family in Kirrin Bay. people and secret passageways. Blyton
huge comeback and so is the whole grain and white long antioxidants. It’s layer of the rice grain, contains one of the George’s own home and various other wrote fast and could finish a book in a week.

nutty-flavoured red rice in grain basmati rice that’s low in nutty flavour and highest levels of the antioxidant antho- houses the children visit or stay in are On 17 June, 2020, English Heritage, a
risottos and black rice sushi. glycemic load and is nearly earthy texture has cyanin found in any known food. “Black rice hundreds of years old and often contain UK-based charity, updated its online
equivalent to brown rice in these made it a favourite is lower in calories but higher in protein secret passages or smugglers’ tunnels. The description of Blyton and her work to
MAKE THE SHIFT terms. Basmati rice is also contains of chefs and food content as compared to brown, red or white settings are almost always rural and enable include some “uncomfortable aspects”. It
White rice is good but not high amounts of vitamin B, copper photographers. rice. Its antioxidant content is almost six the children to discover the simple joys of states: “Blyton’s work has been criticised
the best. It is milled and pol- and magnesium, which helps in con- Switching from times higher than other varieties of rice,” cottages, islands, countryside and sea during her lifetime and after for its racism,
ished. The refining process trolling the blood sugar levels white to brown or confirms Dr Kaur. shores, as well as an outdoor life of picnics, xenophobia and lack of literary merit”.

bicycle trips and swimming. Born in East Dulwich in 1897, Blyton
Blyton intended to write only six or briefly worked as a teacher and

Are you drinking

eight books in the series, but owing to governess until April 1924, when
SUN CHARGE YOUR WATER their high sales and immense she began writing children’s stories, books,
A potential way of absorbing sunlight commercial success she went on to write 21 poems etc. She wrote over 700 books and
full-length novels, as well as a number of when anyone calls her by her real name and 4,500 short stories, selling more than 600
energy is by drinking sun-charged water.

your water right? other series in similar style. she loves it when somebody calls her George million copies globally. While the whole
You can make sun-charged water by put-
or mistakes her for a boy. George sometimes

ting a glass jug of clean, filtered drink- By the end of 1953, more than six “Cancel Blyton” sentiments comes every
million copies had been sold of the takes this to the point of asking that her year, many people have stood by her work to
ing water in the sun for 5 to 8
Famous Five series. Estimates say that name be prefixed with Master instead of be viewed as a product of its time.
hours. You would then drink or
more than two million copies of the books
1 According to Ayurveda, intake of water
that is naturally treated by sunrays or
moonlight has calming soothing effects on
and kidneys. Boiled and
cooled water is lighter
to digest.
use that water within 24 hours.
Sun-charged water may also be
useful for anti-bacterial, anti-
are sold each year, making them one of the
best-selling series for children ever written.
 JULIAN is the oldest of
tomboy. She is headstrong
and courageous and has a

Blyton’s publisher, Hodder & hot and fiery temper
the mind and is good for the heart.

2 Ayurveda suggests that drinking water

should be stored in copper or silver
5 In certain
conditions of
the abdomen and
fungal, or anti-viral pur-
poses and can be ingested or
applied topically to the skin.
Stoughton, first used the term “The
Famous Five” in 1951, after nine books
the five, cousin to George
and elder brother to Dick
and Anne. He is tall,
 Anne is the youngest in the
group, and generally takes
vessels since they help to charge the water also in monsoons in the series had been published. Before this, strong and intelligent as care of the domestic duties
and that helps in balancing all the doshas. and winter one not standing. Drinking at a fast it was referred to as The ‘Fives’ Books. well as caring, responsible  Timothy Alias Timmy is

Blyton had revealed that the character George’s faithful dog. He is a
3 Intake of cold water not only quenches
thirst in the heat but also helps in treating
has to consume
water in moderation.
rate may lead to lack of
oxygen in the George (Georgina) was based on
herself because of her fearless nature
and kind. He’s the leader of
the group large, brown mongrel whom
George adopted after
nausea and fainting and is recommended for
any condition where pitta dosha is elevated. 6 Water must be taken
like air, slowly and
wind and food
pipe, this could and her fiery temper.
 Dick has a cheeky sense
of humour, but is also finding him abandoned on

George character has become a reason the moors as a puppy. He is
4 On the other hand, hot water helps in
stimulating appetite, improves digestion,
is good for the throat, respiratory system
steadily. This is why
Ayurveda suggests having
water while sitting down and
give rise to
heart or lung
for many discussions on gender
identities. George often gets cross
 Georgina aka George is a friendly, clever, and loyal to
the children
02 “Learning another language is not only learning different words for
the same things, but learning another way to think about things.”
— Flora Lewis, famous American journalist

PICS: ISTOCK attract goodness and positivity – both in

personal as well as professional life.

T Exercise the power of

he humankind is a complaining
lot. We used to crib about what’s
not right even in a pandemic free STEER CLEAR OF
world. Now that we are in the
middle of it all, we have every
Words that people casually utter such as:
right to complain and be unhappy about so
“Oh, I really hate apples” or “Look at how
many things. However, must we be grumpy

happy that celebrity couple looks in their
all the time? Well, all of us have a neigh-
wedding picture. They must be faking it.”
bour/relative/friend who does negative
Many say these things without meaning
talk at the drop of a hat. Sample: “I am
any harm and don’t even realise that
telling you – the world is coming to end.”
strong words like ‘hate’ or ‘fake’ are not
Or “My History teacher always points out
meant to be used so casually. A UK
my mistakes. I hate her and I think she
research has shown that positive language
hates me!” It's no brainer how toxic these
can change your brain in a healthy way
casually uttered negative words and sen-
tences are. “A person’s speech – the words
spoken – are an indicator of their mental
Words are more powerful than we think them to be. They have the strength to make or and negative language can block the
brain’s de-stress mechanisms. According
to the study, well-meaning words such as
well-being. A person with a bitter or
resentful mind will use negative words for break situations, relationships and more. It’s important to choose good words to lead a ‘peace,’ ‘love’ and ‘compassion’ strengthen
areas of the brain’s frontal lobes and pro-
all kinds of situations,” says Pria Warrick,
psychologist and etiquette coach. So,
choose your ‘words’ wisely.
productive and happy life. Here’s how it can be done... mote cognitive function. So, if you have
felt particularly exhausted on a given day,
check if you have used a lot of negative
words throughout the day!
Gandhi’s famous ‘Quit India’ movement ers – you name it. It does not mean
slogan and other soul stirring you have to ‘sweet talk’ always
speeches inspired people to join and not call a spade a spade.
the freedom struggle against the But “Putting positivity in
British rule in India. Similarly, your speech will subcon-
other iconic leaders and even sciously lead to posi-
philosophers have challenged the tive action and make
imagination of the masses with people trust you
their slogan and what are slogans more,” assures
– strong, motivating words that are Warrick. Good
potent enough to change the words lead
course of history. French philoso- to good
pher and author Jean-Jacques thoughts
Rousseau’s slogan of ‘Liberty, and vice
Equality, Fraternity’ had a deep versa -
impact on the French Revolution. On when you
the other hand, French queen Marie say good
Antoinette’s insensitive sentence, “If things,
they don’t have bread, let them eat you
cake,” made her extremely unpopular
during the French Revolution and is
POSITIVE WORDS ARE remembered even now for the igno- HAPPY WORDS CAN
USED BY ORATORS AND rance and nonchalance of the ruling
class towards the challenges faced by the
It is said that using good language can
SPIRITUAL LEADERS poor people of the era. The verdict is ATTRACTS GOOD build your reputation and attract hap-
clear – words can make or break
piness. On the other hand, if you
Encouraging words can be healing – they
can comfort and uplift people. It is pre-
you. In the above-mentioned PEOPLE/SITUATIONS speak negatively about other people
instances, both positive and Talking positively will give you the right
cisely one of the main reasons why or even yourself, you tend to absorb
negative words are now attention – in school, college, home, etc.
spiritual speakers gain cult status by that negativity that leads to bitterness
enshrined in the pages of histo- It will win you friends and you will be in
holding mass sermons for their follow- and frustration. “Speak politely and
ry. the good books of your seniors, teach-
ers. What do they actually offer – with humility and you will receive the
solutions? No. They offer encour- same in return. By speaking arro-
agement and hope with the NEGATIVE VERSUS POSITIVE PHRASES gantly and using rude language,
help of their eloquent you can spoil your relation-
vocabulary and positive DON’T SAY THIS SAY THIS ships and even career
words. In fact, spiritual- “I cannot do this tough “I will try to do this project prospects,” advises psy-
ists across the world project.” even if it is chiatrist Jitendra Nagpal.
believe that positive complicated.” For instance, compli-
“I hate the
speech is a weapon texture of my “I like your hair menting someone over
against disease and hair.” more than I like their achievements
hardships. History mine.” will boost the per-
is replete with “Don’t son’s mood and
examples of great forget to “Remember to doing so will earn
orators who start- order from order food from you goodwill of the
ed and powered takeaway on takeaway on time.” person who may
freedom move- time.” be willing to help
“You could have done you if you require
ments by motivating
“You scored very low better in your Physics it in the near or
people with their
marks in Physics.” paper.” far future.
speech. Mahatma



do not intend to offend them have done something without

autology is nothing but repeated use of words or phrases their permission but you
that have a similar meaning. Simply put, it is saying the hope that they approve
same thing twice. The Oxford Advanced DO YOU MIND? Politeness
of this
Learner’s is an inexpensive
Dictionary (Phrase)
defines Tautology as: Used for getting way of making EXCUSE ME

e all know that if more careful or polite and less direct someone’s permission
“A statement in which I’D/WE’D BE DELIGHTED to do something. This
friends. (phrase)
you say the same thing we want things to way
(phrase) can either be polite, —William Feather Used for politely

twice in different be done whether in
words.” In other words, our personal or Used for politely accepting an impolite, or humorous. If getting someone’s
tautology is professional lives, RESPECTFULLY (adverb) invitation, or agreeing or offering to someone says it in a loud attention
unnecessary repetition. it pays to be polite. One doesn’t get Used for showing that you are being do something way, they are showing that
far by being rude or impolite. polite they are angry or annoyed
Occasionally, tautology
Different cultures have different
can help to add emphasis
or clarity or introduce ways of tackling politeness. There PERHAPS (adverb) NO DISRESPECT (TO) I TOOK THE LIBERTY OF (phrase)
intentional ambiguity. are a few polite expressions that Used as a polite reply to someone (phrase) Can be used as a polite way of
But, in most cases, it's
Some tautology examples,
are frequently used in the English when you do not completely agree Used before you say something that DOING SOMETHING (phrase) interrupting someone when you’d like
best to choose just one Language and it is important for with what they have said might offend someone, to show that you Used for telling someone that you their attention.
spoken or used by us in our
way to state your learners to know
everyday lives:
meaning and eliminate how to use them
 Are these supplies adequate
the extra verbiage. correctly and in the
The key to a good right context.
 In my opinion, I think that…
writing style that avoids
 To reiterate again
redundant expressions is
to develop your
 Close proximity HOPE (verb)
 Forward planning Used in polite
knowledge of what
 I made it with my own hands statements
words really mean,
for you
checking in a dictionary
 The plumber fixed our hot
whenever you aren't
water heater SEEM (verb)
completely sure. Used when you
want to say
something in a

Queries relating to
language skills
Do you find grammar confusing? Do you
get stuck with words when writing a let-
Exciting new words you should know contact with an infectious person. person one is infatuated with),
ANGLOSPHERE regardless of its relevance to the
English-speaking countries consid-
ter, an essay or a blog? Do you have a ered collectively (the United Kingdom, HIR topic of conversation.

fear of public speaking? the United States, Canada, Australia, Used as a gender-neutral possessive

and New Zealand, and Ireland). adjective (his/her/hir watch). In SLOW-WALK

Or do you simply want to later use often To delay or pre-
AWEDDE corresponding vent the
improve your communi- Overcome with anger, madness, or to the subjec- progress of
tive pronoun (something)
cation skills? Times NIE distress; insane, mentally disturbed.
ze (he/she/ze by acting in
is here to help you to BIGSIE
wears a
a deliberately
slow manner.
master the intricacies Having an exaggerated sense of
one’s own importance; arrogant,
of the English lan- pretentious, conceited. MENTIONITIS PUGGLE
A tendency towards A dog cross-bred
guage. Just shoot us repeatedly or habit- from a pug and a
CONTACT TRACING ually mentioning beagle; such dogs
your queries on The practice of identifying and moni- something (esp. considered collec-
toring individuals who may have had the name of a tively as a breed.
What if Cinderella
“I am not afraid of storms for I am learning how to
sail my ship.”
— Louisa May Alcott

wanted to be a CEO?

The list with a twist

Did you know these cute, romantic films were inspired from
classic works of literature?
Cher (Alicia THAT WAS
Silverstone) is a TURNED INTO
rich high-school A PLAY BY
Or, Cruella DeVil was not the kind of devil you thought she was? student who is GEORGE
learning to BERNARD
Modern movie retellings of classics are steering perceptions of good, cope with ado- SHAW
lescence and its When high
bad and ugly women in a completely new direction. And it’s a good thing… problems. She school jock
also helps a Zach is far larger space online for people world- strong protagonists? By all means, reread March, played by Saoirse Ronan: new student dumped by
wide who interact and talk about their the book, watch the early 90s hit movie “Women, they have minds, and they have gain popularity, his queen-bee
ou don’t need to think about favourite books, movies and characters. version starring Susan Sarandon as souls, as well as hearts. And they’ve got and in the girlfriend, he

Y the question posed in the Whether it’s on Twitter, Facebook, Marmie. It’s good. But Gerwig’s adapta- ambition, and they’ve got talent, as well process, discov- makes a bet
headline for too long. Just YouTube or Reddit, heated debates, per- tion will feel more familiar to today’s au- as just beauty. I’m so sick of people say- ers her own with his
watch the recently-released suasive arguments, and various per- dience. The candour in her version of the ing that love is just all a woman is fit for.” feelings for friends to take
‘Cinderella’ starring Cami- ceptions of stories and characters in fic- March sisters will win you over – to the In the same vein, when the new Cin- someone. geeky Laney
la Cabello. An all-out entertainer, it has tion has made the current generation extent that you may forget Louisa May Al- derella, whose passion is to be a fash- and make her
familiar old and new songs. And it has look at old stories in a new way. cott published ‘Little Women’ in 1868. ion designer, sees most shops in her vil- SHE’S THE MAN prom queen. What he did not bet on was
a Cinderella whose desires run far be- Hence, when Cruella breaks the lage named ‘So and So Sons’, she is dis- FROM: ‘TWELFTH NIGHT’ BY falling in love with her.
yond attending a ball and getting the fourth wall to talk to the audience in the appointed. She tries but is told off by SHAKESPEARE
prince, or everything we’ve been told so film ‘Cruella’, you sit up and take note. ‘Stories we tell about women everyone. She’s made fun of. “A woman Viola Johnson BRIDGET JONES’ DIARY
far in the fairy tale. Modern retellings Something has changed. Cruella DeV- and girls’ businesswoman, eh?” followed by laugh- (Amanda Bynes) FROM: ‘PRIDE AND PREJUDICE’ BY JANE
of old classics are not a new trend as far il’s portrayal so far has been primarily ter is all that she hears. But the smirks is in a real jam. AUSTEN
as movies or books (see article below) one-dimensional – evil and hilarious. In a ‘New York Times’ interview of Ger- don’t bother her. She tells the prince she Complications At the start of
are concerned. The recent film talks to the girls and au- wig, writer Amanda Hess says: “...the shouldn’t have to choose between love threaten her the New Year,
Right now, let’s concentrate on a few dience of today. film is less an update than it is an ex- and her passion. But let’s not get into scheme to pose 32-year-old
movies released in the last few years Here are a few lines to give you an cavation – a kind of literary investiga- the details. I don’t want to spoil the movie as her twin Bridget (Renée
that show us women protagonists in an example of what the film stands for: tion of the characters, and their writer, plot. But you get the drift, right? brother, Zellweger)
entirely new light. Some would say: why Cruella: “I guess you were always scared, and what they all really wanted. The re- Sebastian, and decides it’s
change classics when you can create weren’t you, that I’d be a psycho...? sult is a meta tale that cracks open the PS: For more on modern retellings take his place at time to take
new characters? The simple answer Hmm? That explains all the ‘tone it world of ‘Little Women’ to make a larg- of old classics, see : ‘The List with a Twist’ a new boarding control of her
would be creative liberty. An even more down, try and fit in’ stuff. Love me into er point about the stories we tell about and ‘10 Retellings of Classic Literature school. She falls life – and start
straightforward one would be: well, why shape, I suppose was the plan. And I women and girls. Reading the novel Characters’ on this page in love with her keeping a
not? But the one that possibly could be tried. I really tried... But the thing is, again as an adult, Gerwig, who is 36, handsome diary. With a
more convincing is that every charac- I’m not sweet Estella, try as I might. I was struck by how modern its dialogue roommate, taste for
ter in literature is open to interpreta- never was. I’m Cruella, born brilliant, felt once she brushed away the dusty Duke, who loves adventure, and
tion to everyone who reads it. born bad, and a little bit mad.” surrounding material. ‘Things were beautiful Olivia, who has fallen for an opinion on
Another film with women protagonists jumping out at me that I felt like I’d nev- Sebastian! Confused enough? There’s every
that was a hit with critics and audience er heard before,’ Gerwig said, like more to follow… subject, she’s turning the page on a
Here’s a bit of alike was Greta Gerwig’s ‘Little Women’, Marmee telling her daughter Jo: ‘I am whole new life.
background... which came out in 2019. Now, you would angry nearly every day of my life’.”
think what could be new in a book that Sound familiar? 10 THINGS I HATE ABOUT YOU
In the last few has been loved by women worldwide Here’s a dialogue from the film by FROM: ‘THE TAMING OF THE SHREW’ BY A KNIGHT’S TALE
years, fandoms because of its the protagonist Jo SHAKESPEARE FROM: ‘THE CANTERBURY TALES’ BY
have created a Kat Stratford (Julia Stiles) is quite abrasive GEOFFREY
to most of her CHAUCER
fellow teens, This quasi-
and doesn’t medieval adven-
attract ture comedy-
boyfriends. romance film
Unfortunately written, pro-
for her duced, and
younger sister, directed by Brian
Bianca (Larisa Helgeland,
Oleynik), starred Heath
house rules Ledger as a
say that she peasant named
can’t date until William
Kat has a Thatcher. He
boyfriend, so begins a quest to
strings are change his stars, win the heart of a woman,
pulled to set the dour damsel up for a and ‘rock’ his medieval world!
romance. Sound familiar?
Cinderella Little Women Cruella

WIDE SARGASSO SEA earthy African American Kiki, abstract-

Happy Birthday
and English-Howard, and their three
by Jean Rhys searching children seem the picture of
INSPIRED BY: ‘JANE EYRE’ modern liberal success. Yet in spite of
This feminist their outward harmony and privilege, all
retelling of ‘Jane are eagerly pursuing private agendas.

Roald Dahl Eyre’ gives us the

other side of the
story, told from
the point of view
by Virginia Kantra

B Have you wondered what

orn on September 13, 1916 the beloved British novelist gave
us amazing nuggets of wisdom through his Rochester. The Meg and Jo is the
books and characters which can bring book details the story of the eld-
comfort even today. Here are some of them... life of Antoinette happened to the quiet sister, Mary est March sib-
Mason (known in lings, though Beth
On resolving indecision ‘Jane Eyre’ as Bennet, in ‘Pride and Prejudice’? and Amy also
“I will not pretend I wasn’t petrified. I Bertha), a West Indian, who marries an appear. Though it
was. But mixed in with the awful fear
was a glorious feeling of excitement.
unnamed man in Jamaica and returns
with him to his home in England.
What if Bertha Rochester in ‘Jane takes place in our
Most of the really exciting things we do Locked in a loveless marriage and set- world, it still has
in our lives scare us to death. They would- tled in an inhospitable climate, Eyre’ was driven mad because of the feel of ‘Little
n’t be exciting if they didn’t.” Antoinette goes mad and is frequently Women’. In this
– Danny the Champion of the World violent, till her husband confines her to societal expectations from a ‘New York Times’
the attic of his house at Thornfield. bestseller, Kantra captures the heart of
On beauty woman in her era? the characters, and the essence of the
“A person who has good original story, perfectly.
thoughts cannot ever be ugly. THE OTHER BENNET
MASTER OF WORDS You can have a wonky nose SISTER
DID YOU KNOW THE POPULAR and a crooked mouth and a IF I’M BEING HONEST
double chin and stick-out INSPIRED BY: ‘PRIDE AND by Emily Wibberley and
DELIGHTFUL WORDS? teeth, but if you have good PREJUDICE’ Austin Siegemund-Broka
thoughts they will shine out of What if Mary
 Giganticus : Something that INSPIRED BY: ‘THE TAMING OF
your face like sunbeams and Bennet’s life took
is grand and spectacular THE SHREW’
you will always look lovely.” a different path
 Scrumdiddlyumptious: It is High school senior
– The Twits from the one laid
used for describing food which Cameron Bright is
is utterly delicious On hard work out for her in smart and mean. She’s
 Huggybee: A term of “Never do anything by halves ‘Pride and the queen bee at her
endearment which means as if you want to get away with Prejudice’? What private school – beau-
warm as a hug and as sweet as it. Be outrageous. Go the if the frustrated tiful, talented, and
the plot of ‘The Other Bennet Sister’, a This novel by Michael Cunningham won throw Queen Levana and prevent
honey whole hog. Make sure every- intellectual of the notorious for her bru-
debut novel with exactly the affection the 1999 Pulitzer her army
 Churgle: When someone is thing you do is so completely Bennet family, tal honesty. So when
and authority to satisfy Austen fans. Prize for Fiction. from invad-
chuckling and gurgling both at crazy it’s unbelievable...” the marginalised she puts her foot in
BELZHAR The book con- ing Earth.
the same time while laughing – Matilda middle daughter, the plain girl who her mouth in front of
cerns three gen- Their best
 Horrigust: A blend of the takes refuge in her books, eventually by Meg Wolitzer her crush, Andrew,
On handling criticism erations of hope lies
words: horrible and disgusting found the fulfilment enjoyed by her INSPIRED BY: ‘THE BELL JAR’ she fears she may
“I understand what you’re say- women affected with Cress, a
prettier, more confident sisters? This is Jam Gallahue have lost him for good. In an
ing, and your comments are by the classic girl trapped on a
would still be at novel ‘Mrs. satellite since attempt to win him over, Cameron
valuable, but I’m gonna ignore your advice.” home in New Jersey resolves to ‘tame’ herself, much
– Fantastic Mr Fox A THOUSAND SHIPS with her sweet
Dalloway’. In childhood who’s
like Katherine in Shakespeare’s
Richmond, 1923, only ever had her
On the power of magic by Natalie Haynes British boyfriend, author Virginia netscreens as ‘The Taming of the Shrew’.
INSPIRED BY: ‘THE ODYSSEY’, Reeve Maxfield, Woolf is writing company.
“...And above all, watch with glittering eyes the whole world
‘THE ILIAD’, ‘THE AENEID’ AND had he not been
around you because the greatest secrets are always hidden in the
MORE GREEK MYTHS dead. Instead she’s
‘Mrs. Dalloway’ and struggling with her TIGER LILY
most unlikely places. Those who don’t believe in magic will never own mental illness. In 1949 Los Angeles, ON BEAUTY
From the Trojan women whose fates at The Wooden by Jodi Lynn
find it.” Mrs Brown, wife of a World War II veter-
– Billy and The Minpins
now lie in the Barn, a therapeutic an, who is reading ‘Mrs. Dalloway’, plans by Zadie Smith Anderson
hands of the boarding school in INSPIRED BY: ‘HOWARD'S END’ INSPIRED BY:
her husband’s birthday party. In 1999
Greeks, to the rural Vermont, liv- This novel by British author Zadie Smith, ‘PETER PAN’
New York City, Clarissa Vaughan plans a
Amazon princess ing with a weird roommate, and signed loosely based on In the forbidden
party to celebrate a major literary award
who fought Achilles up for an exclusive, mysterious class ‘Howards End’ by E woods of
received by her good friend and former
on their behalf, to called Special Topics in English. A jour- M Forster, is an Neverland, Tiger
lover, the poet Richard, who is dying.
Penelope awaiting nal-writing assignment leads Jam to exploration of the Lily falls under the
the return of Belzhar, where the untainted past is politics of contem- alluring Peter Pan’s spell. She will risk
Odysseus, to the restored, and Jam can feel Reeve’s arms CRESS porary life. Smith everything to be with him. But Tiger Lily
three goddesses around her once again. But there are by Marissa Meyer applies her dazzling soon discovers that the most dangerous
whose feud started hidden truths on Jam’s path to reclaim INSPIRED BY: ‘RAPUNZEL’ powers of descrip- enemy can live inside even the most
it all, these are the her loss. In this third book in Marissa Meyer’s tion to a middle- loyal and loving heart. From the ‘New
stories of the women whose lives, bestselling ‘Lunar Chronicles’ series, class family in the York Times’ bestselling author, this
loves, and rivalries were forever Cinder and Captain Thorne are fugitives US, the Belseys.
altered by the long and tragic Trojan
THE HOURS novel is a bewitching story of romance
on the run, now with Scarlet and Wolf in They are based at a between a fearless heroine and the boy
War. This book is a woman’s epic, by Michael Cunningham tow. Together, they are plotting to over- fictional college called Wellington, where who wouldn’t grow up.
powerfully imbued with new life. INSPIRED BY: ‘MRS. DALLOWAY’
04 “The only disability in life is a bad attitude.”
Scott Hamilton, former figure skater

Overcoming adversity is tough. To look beyond a handicap, and excel at an international level for the country, amidst the toughest of competitors, takes more than just training and
practice. Will power, determination and the hunger to beat all odds to triumph is what sets these athletes apart. A look at a f ew who made their mark at the Tokyo Paralympics…

THE BOY WHO JUST Pramod Bhagat handed India its first Paralympic gold in badminton, in men’s SL3 Double Paralympic medalist Avani Lekhara took up shooting after reading Indian - THROW OF FAITH
GOOGLED IT singles. His journey towards being a great athlete began in 2002. Pramod, who was Olympic gold medallist Abhinav Bindra’s autobiography. After a fateful car From being a naughty child to
struck by polio when he was five, took part in a district-level tournament, in the accident in 2012, the teen sustained spinal cord injuries which left her wheelchair- being fully paralysed, to finally
Unlike others, Praveen Kumar able-bodied division, at 14. He managed to defeat all the bound. In 2015, she took up shooting
credits his entry into winning a discus throw silver
able-bodied players in contention to be crowned because her father was persistent. from a wheelchair in the F56
para-sports to Google. The high the champion. After this fete, coach Today, Avani is the first Indian
jumper, who won a silver medal class, Yogesh’s journey has
SP Das guided him into the woman to win two been inspiring. Doctors had
in the Tokyo Paralympic Games, world of para-sports. Paralympic medals in
used to spend hours together almost given up when Yogesh
a single Game. was diagnosed with a rare
googling high jump videos.
Although volleyball was his first neurological disease. But his
love, he happened to mother, Meena Devi, kept faith.
participate in a high jump Continuous treatments, and
contest under the able-bodied physiotherapy led to partial
athletics competition. He later recovery. At college, athlete
found out about the sports for Sachin Yadav and Asian

the physically-challenged medallist Neeraj Yadav guided


him towards para-sports.


through Google. The 18-


year-old who Starting off in standing

competed in his debut category, he did not
Paralympics set a make much head-
new Asian record way, but the
with a 2.07m wheelchair
jump. gave him the
impetus he
needed to





After losing his left leg below
the knee in a motorbike accident
in 2015, life changed for this
aspiring wrestler. After healing,
he got his prosthetic leg from the
Artificial Limb Centre in Pune. In 2017
Antil shifted discipline and started
training in javlin throw, in Delhi, and Photo: GETTY IMAGES
competed in several national and
international championships. On
August 30, 2021, Antil scripted history Photo: ANI

when he broke his own world record

thrice. He won the gold with a world
record throw of 68.55m in F64 class
at the Tokyo Paralympics 2020.
Antil however, feels it was not his
best and the competitors around
had made him a little nervous.

Photo: PTI

A bronze in archery at the
Paralympics is no mean feat. Till 2015, Sundar was an


able-bodied competitor, even


At the age of one, the




medicine he was administered training with the likes of

for dengue fever led to an Neeraj Chopra. But at 25, life
adverse reaction and his legs took a cruel turn when he lost
stopped functioning. Coming his left hand after a tin sheet
from a modest farmer family, MANISH fell on him. He fought back,
life was not easy with an DEVENDRA NARWAL - and qualified for the 2016 Rio
impairment in his left leg. The JHAJHARIA - Paralympics, only to be
2012 Olympic Games acted as KICKED ADVER- disqualified because he
the catalyst for him to take to
THRICE SUCCESSFUL SITY TO HIT BULLSEYE reached the call room a few
sports. At the 2018 Para Asian AND STILL MOTIVATED The 19-year old shooter shot a total of seconds late. He was left
Games, he was ready to hit Jhajharia is the only Indian to have won two 218.2, Paralympic record, to claim gold. Manish has a battling loss of a limb and
the mark. But 20 days before individual gold medals at the Paralympics, at 2004 Athens congenital impairment in his right hand due to which he cannot raise suicidal thoughts. But he had
D-day, he lost his mother. He Paralympics and at Rio in 2016. He lost his left hand when he was 8, after acciden- it. This put paid to his dream of becoming a footballer. However, his left arm was his coach Mahavir Saini and
took the blow in his stride tally touching a live electric cable. That didn’t stop him from channeling his ener- enough to hit bullseye and clinch the gold, in mixed 50m Pistol event. Narwal's others to thank for pulling him
and won a gold medal. Since gies to excel at javelin throw. What makes the 40-year-old’s efforts incredible is his triumph was all the more sweet because from being on the the verge of elimination back on track and transforming
then he has kept his focus on ability to keep balance and achieve the speed needed for throws with one arm. he fought back with remarkable composure and bagged the gold. He also overcame his life, to win the javelin
the target. With Covid-19 disrupting practice, he had to settle for silver in F46 class in Tokyo. disappointment of losing in the P1 category, despite topping the qualification. bronze in F46 class at Tokyo.

KRISHNA NAGAR - men’s badminton singles - GOLD | NISHAD KUMAR - men’s high jump - SILVER|
OTHER MARIYAPPAN THANGAVELU- men’s high jump - SILVER | SUHAS YATHIRAJ- men’s badminton singles - SILVER|
MEDAL SINGHRAJ ADHANA - Shooting mixed 50m pistol - SILVER, men’s 10m air pistol - BRONZE |
WINNERS BHAVINA PATEL- table tennis women’s singles - SILVER | SHARAD KUMAR - men’s high jump - BRONZE |
MANOJ SARKAR - men’s badminton singles - BRONZE

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