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Anilchandra R. Adamane, Lars Arnberg

Department of Materials Science and Engineering,
Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU), Trondheim, Norway
Elena Fiorese, Giulio Timelli, Franco Bonollo
University of Padova, Department of Management and Engineering, Vicenza, Italy

Copyright © 2015 American Foundry Society

Aluminum-Silicon alloys are the most extensively used Al HPDC process. This work critically reviews the effects of the
foundry alloys and are widely used in high-pressure die injection parameters on the porosity and tensile properties
casting (HPDC) of automotive components. Several process of the die castings. The results of the literature review are
parameters need to be controlled during HPDC in order summarized and optimal values for the gate velocity and IP
to obtain sound and reliable castings. Among the different are suggested.
process variables, the determination and control of the in-
jection parameters, such as the gate velocity and intensifica- Keywords: foundry aluminum alloys, high-pressure die casting,
tion pressure (IP), remain a key requirement throughout the injection parameters, porosity, tensile properties, HPDC

Introduction Stage II. The filling of the die cavity is done at high ve-
locity to avoid premature solidification at the
High-pressure die casting (HPDC) is a cost-effective pro- gate (also called the ingate) and incomplete
cess for the production of castings in large quantities and castings. The velocity of the plunger in this
with high dimensional accuracy. Very high flow rates can stage is represented as vPII and the correspond-
be achieved inside the die cavity and this requires careful ing velocity of the melt at the gate is called
casting design. The main disadvantage of HPDC is the gate velocity, vg. The transition from Stage
entrapment of gas and oxides due to the turbulent flow I to Stage II is termed as the switch point or
of metal during the filling phase, resulting in porosity change over position (COP).
and deterioration of the casting quality. In cold chamber Stage III. High pressure (also called intensification pres-
HPDC, the molten metal poured into the shot sleeve is sure or IP) is applied on the molten metal once
pushed into the die cavity using a hydraulic piston-cyl- the die cavity is full.
inder arrangement, schematically shown in Fig. 1. The
different valves and gas accumulators (shown in Fig. 1 The Al-Si alloys are the most commonly used alloys for
and described in Table 1) allow the fine control of the HPDC automotive components and the effect of Si concen-
plunger’s movements. A detailed description of the injec- tration on the strength and ductility is evident from Fig. 3.
tion system is given elsewhere.1 However, it is well known how, in addition to the chemi-
cal composition, the quality or soundness of castings govern
The filling of the die cavity through the plunger motion takes the strength of a cast material (Fig. 4).4,5 This implies that
place in three continuous stages, which are illustrated in Fig. higher strength values could be obtained from a material by
2a. The build-up of the pressure, the plunger’s displacement controlling the casting parameters. Defects arising from the
and velocity, corresponding to the different stages, are de- metalcasting process will determine the final quality of cast-
picted in Fig. 2b. ings. Generally, casting defects are very difficult to be com-
pletely eliminated (i.e., zero-defect casting).
A brief description of the process stages is as follows:2
Most of the available literature on HPDC of Al-Si alloys
Stage I. The molten metal fills the shot sleeve and the focuses on the casting parameters that influence the mi-
plunger begins to move at a low velocity to crostructure and tensile behavior, particularly the variables
avoid turbulence. The velocity of the plunger regarding the injection phase. The velocity of the molten
in this stage is represented as vPI. metal at the gate (gate velocity) and the IP are the main

International Journal of Metalcasting/Volume 9, Issue 1, 2015 43

injection parameters established on the locking force of the die temperature, generally set up in a range between 200-
HPDC machine. Further, the dimensions of the gate and 230°C (392-446°F),6,7 is a critical variable that determines
runners are strictly related to these injection parameters. the cooling rate of the casting and the soldering phenom-
Other important casting parameters, frequently reported in ena. Both the thermal history of the molten metal in the
the literature, are the die temperature and the temperature shot sleeve and the piston velocity affect the melt fluidity,
of the molten metal inside the shot sleeve. For instance, the the cavity filling, the final microstructure and mechanical

Table 1. Description of Various Parts of

the HPDC Set-Up Shown in Fig. 1

Figure 1. Schematic illustration of hydraulic injection system.1

(a) (b)

Figure 2 (a) Schematic representation of the plunger movement during HPDC

and (b) the corresponding change in velocity and pressure at different stages.

Figure 4. Tensile stress-strain curves of three different

AlSi9Cu3(Fe) castings with density values indicated
within the parentheses (g cm-3).4 Lower density castings
Figure 3. Engineering stress-strain curves of high show reduced strength properties owing to higher
pressure die-cast AlSi4MgMn and AlSi9MgMn alloys.3 casting defects.

44 International Journal of Metalcasting/Volume 9, Issue 1, 2015

properties of the casting.8-10 Although the design of vents compared to measurements made from the entire casting,
and overflows in a die casting is rarely discussed in the called bulk pore fraction elsewhere.18 However, Ghomash-
literature, it constitutes an important die parameter that can chi19 observed that the size of the porosity decreases with
influence the casting quality. Apart from few suggestions the increase in the gate velocity to a certain value (~55 m
on vent design11 there is hardly any work available relating s-1, equivalent to ~180 ft s-1) beyond which the size increas-
the vent design to the porosity distribution or the tensile es. Nevertheless, the overall porosity content was found to
properties of the castings. Most of these parameters are in- decrease with an increase in the velocity (Fig. 5). The au-
terrelated and can be optimized by using process numerical thor observed that the porosity content was minimum near
simulation softwares and algorithms. In the present work, the gates and maximum near the overflows.20
the influence of the injection parameters on the porosity
and tensile properties of HPDC Al-Si alloys are reviewed Tensile Strength Properties
and discussed.
Figure 6 shows the increase in strength and ductility of
Effects of Gate Velocity die cast CA 313 alloy (equivalent to A380 alloy) with an
increase in gate velocity.17 The authors attribute it to the
The melt velocity is one of the most important features con- increase in density and reduction in porosity. Further, it
trolling the casting quality in HPDC. The velocity at the gate is shown that the scatter in the strength values decreases
determines the flow contour within the die cavity and is re- with increasing melt velocity, therefore suggesting higher
lated to the runner-gate type, gate dimension and the geo- repeatability in the HPDC process. Lumley et al. also re-
metrical profile of the cavity. Its influence on the porosity ported improvement in tensile strength properties with an
and subsequently on the tensile strength properties will be increase in gate velocity.21 Figure 7 summarizes the influ-
discussed in the following paragraphs. ence of gate velocity on the tensile properties from differ-
ent works. Timelli and Bonollo, experimented with dif-
Porosity ferent plunger velocities and maintained the IP constant,
showed that a higher gate velocity yielded better tensile
Jian and Wu12 experimentally showed that the cavity filling properties (Fig. 8).22,23 Among the P2 and P4 processes,
time significantly reduces with increasing gate velocity,
to a certain extent. While excessively high gate velocity
may worsen the surface finish and increase the porosity
caused by gas entrapment. On the contrary, Hartmann et
al. showed that the porosity content linearly decreases with
the cavity filling time and this is dependent on the casting
thickness.13 In order to clarify this contrast, Karban tried to
summarize the results of several scientific works and found
that the majority of the works agreed that higher melt ve-
locities increased porosity, though few works indicated the
contrary and a few others reported the presence of an opti-
mal melt velocity in minimizing porosity.14 Karban’s work
itself showed that a plunger velocity between 1.7 and 3.4
m s-1 (5.6 and 11.2 ft s-1) produced less porosity, therefore
supporting the viewpoint of the presence of an optimal ve-
locity in HPDC. Low gate velocity could lead to early so- Figure 5. Change of porosity content with different gate
velocity in HPDC.
lidification at the gates thereby reducing the effective gate
area and decreasing the ratio of actual flow rate (effective
gate area) to the ideal flow rate (theoretical gate area) (Cd).15
Niu et al. showed that by doubling the gate velocity, from
30 to 60 m s-1, the gate freezing time could be increased by
20 ms.16 The Cd varies significantly by changing the gate
velocity which in turn influences the porosity content.13
Gunasegaram et al. showed that the percentage of smaller
pores (< 20μm) increased with gate velocity, from 26 to 82
m s-1 (~85 to 269 ft s-1) , while the larger pores (> 100 μm)
were almost eliminated at 82 m s-1 (269 ft s-1) though veloc-
ity higher than 48 m s-1 (157.5 ft s-1) could not significantly
reduce the overall porosity content (Fig.5).17 The porosity Figure 6. Tensile test curves of specimens cast with
volume fraction was measured from the gauge length of the three different gate velocities: porosity content (%) are
tensile test specimen which is argued as more appropriate also indicated in the brackets.17

International Journal of Metalcasting/Volume 9, Issue 1, 2015 45

P2 with higher vpII resulted in lower filling time and better entrapped air, improving the strength properties of the cast-
tensile properties as shown in Fig. 8. ing.14,28,29 The importance of IP in HPDC is discussed in the
works of Schaffer and Laukli30 and Otarawanna et al.31,32 by
It is clear from the figure that the switch point was varied using AlSi3MgMn alloys. The common conclusion is that
in all the experimental processes. Although Gunasegaram high IP (61 MPa) significantly reduces the porosity content
et al.24 did not report a significant change in tensile proper- in the casting, as shown in Fig. 9a and 9b. Otarawanna et al.
ties with the change in switch point, it is indeed a critical highlight the importance of using the right combination of
parameter in reducing turbulence and the filling time. Over- gate thickness and IP in achieving minimum porosity con-
all, it appears that higher gate velocity improves the tensile tent in HPDC, and is represented graphically in Fig. 9b.31
strength properties in die cast Al-Si alloys. Several publica- Another striking feature in the microstructure (Fig. 9a) is
tions on die cast Mg alloys also report similar conclusion.25,26 the presence of shear bands through the gate leading into the
However, for minimizing the phenomena of die erosion, re- casting which is believed to be related to high IP. Probably,
lated to high melt velocity, diecasters generally maintain the high IP leads to localized deformation resulting in dilatant
gate velocities less than 40 m s-1 (131 ft s-1).27 shear banding, not visible at lower IP.

,QÀXHQFHRI,QWHQVL¿FDWLRQ3UHVVXUH Verran et al. tried different values of melt velocity and IP, us-
ing the design of experiments (DOE) methodology, to cast a
Intensification pressure is applied once the die cavity is double cylinder cover of AlSi12Cu1.3 alloy with the ‘Best’
completely filled to limit the formation of porosity due to density value.33,34 The authors showed that, for a given value of
solidification shrinkage, gas evolution and the expansion of vpI and IP, lower vpII generally results in higher density values

(a) (b)

Figure 7. Effect of gate velocity on the tensile properties of die cast Al-Si alloys.

Figure 8. Plot depicting the effect of varying plunger velocity on the tensile
properties of Al-9Si alloy equivalent to US A380 aluminum alloy.22,23

46 International Journal of Metalcasting/Volume 9, Issue 1, 2015

or lower porosity. For example at 0.27 m s-1 (0.89 ft s-1) and
15 MPa of vpI and IP respectively, 2.62 m s-1 (8.6 ft s-1) of vPII
resulted in a lower density value of 2.658 g cm-3 (165.934 lb ft-3)
as compared to 2.673 g cm-3 (166.87 lb ft-3) at 1.34 m s-1 (Fig.
10). Figure 11 shows the quality of the cylinder cover casting,
in terms of visible porosity, under two extreme density values
highlighted in Fig. 10. Overall, the density increases with an
increase in IP. This argument was further justified by Niu et al.16
who showed that higher IP would be more effective in control-
ling porosity than melt velocity. For instance, gate freezing time
could be increased by ~25 ms by doubling the gate velocity
from 33 to 61 m s-1 (108.3 to 200 ft s-1) (Fig. 12a) as compared
to about 70 ms with doubling the IP from 39 MPa to 79 MPa
(Fig. 12b), for a particular value of IP and gate velocity respec-
tively. Although higher IP improves the soundness of the cast-
Figure 10. Density as a function of different IP levels: the
ings, the value is limited by machine power.35
curves refer to different injection plunger velocities.

(a) (a)



Figure. 9 Effect of different IP on the (a) microstructure of Figure 11. Photographs showing the double cylinder
the die castings30 and (b) percentage porosity.31 cover casting under Worst and (b) Best density values.33

International Journal of Metalcasting/Volume 9, Issue 1, 2015 47

Selection of Runners and Gates Simulation results from the work of Zhao et al.37 showed
that in the fan type gate, the velocity of the incoming molten
The melt flowing through the runner enters the mold or metal is higher along the side walls of the die cavity (Fig.
the die cavity through the gate (Fig. 2a). The design of the 14a) than at the centerline; therefore, resulting in the forma-
runner-gate system is critical in controlling the flow con- tion of a cavity of gas entrapped by molten metal (Fig. 14b),
tour which subsequently affects the quality of the casting. which subsequently will result in air/gas porosity located in
Four different types of runner-gate systems namely: Linear the regions ‘1’ and ‘2’ (Fig. 14c) more than in the surround-
type, Fan type, T-shaped and Split type, shown in Fig. 13, ings. The porosity measurements and the tensile properties
were examined in detail by Itamura et al. using a numerical carried out at various locations on the casting, shown in Fig.
approach.36 The nature of the die cavity filling at different 15, highlight these observations. Specimens from location
injection velocities, in the range of 0.5 to 10 m s-1 (1.64 ‘1’ and ‘2’, (i.e. far from the gate), show poor strength and
to 32.8 ft s-1), was analyzed for the different runner-gate ductility, whereas from location ‘6’, closer to the gate, the
combinations. The authors showed that the combination of properties are better. Although the high velocity along the
injection velocity and runner-gate arrangement could defi- side walls seems to be attributed to the lubrication process in
nitely change the flow contour. HPDC, the work of Zhao et al. clearly indicates the limita-


Figure 13. Different types of runner-gate systems used by Itamura et al.36 The gate angle in the Fan-type and the gate
width in the T-shaped systems were varied.


porosity measurements is indicated in (c).37

48 International Journal of Metalcasting/Volume 9, Issue 1, 2015

tions of the fan type gate for the analyzed diecasting geom- the three gate types shown in Fig. 17, the tangential gate
etry. Ghomashchi20 reached similar conclusions regarding delivery system was the most efficient in terms of uniform
minimum porosity content near the gate and maximum close filling of the molten metal, less turbulence and compact die
to the overflows for a similar fan-type gate. size. Another advantage of the tangential system, which is
limited or absent in the other gate types, is the possibility
Kim et al. experimentally tested three of the previously four of directing the metal flow. Further, the distance between
gating systems, namely finger-, tangential- and split-type as the biscuit and the gate is reduced in tangential type (Fig.
shown in Fig. 16, by using an ADC 12 alloy (equivalent to 17c): this decreases the melt flow-length resulting in lower
US A384).38 It has been shown that the split type was the heat loss during filling and saving cost. Thus, it could be
best amongst all the three from the point of view of flow pat- concluded that every diecasting geometry can be associated
tern, temperature distribution during filling and soundness with its own filling time, filling velocity, and its own gating
of casting. On the contrary, the work of Dargusch et al.39 system. Selecting the best combination minimizes defects
referred to an A413 diecasting alloy showed that, among and improves productivity.

Figure 15. Tensile properties and porosity measurements made at different

locations along the length of the casting (L) as shown in Fig. 13c .37

(a) (b) (c)

(d) (e) (f)



International Journal of Metalcasting/Volume 9, Issue 1, 2015 49

Generally, the casting dimensions are known and therefore between 0.5 and 3 mm (~0.02 and 0.118 inch),42-45 giving
the die design could be virtually modeled to fix the casting the castings an added advantage of avoiding part distortion
parameters, such as the injection parameters and design of or breakout during post-casting operations such as trim-
the runner-gate systems, vents and overflows. The capacity ming.46 However, it would be challenging to prevent early
of the HPDC machine, known by its force (F), should be solidification of the melt in the thin gates, which could be
taken into consideration while optimizing the parameters. detrimental to the casting quality. Further, the cavity filling
The locking force (Fm) is the force that resists the mold open- time (tfill), which indicates how quickly a casting could be
ing at the end of Stage III and is proportional to the metal filled, is related to the ‘vg’ and ‘Ag’, for a known volume
pressure (Pm) inside the total projected area (A) of the die in of casting or the molten metal flow though the gate, V, as
the parting plane including the casting, runner, biscuit and follows:
the overflows as shown schematically in Fig. 18. Therefore,
the capacity of the machine must be higher than the locking Eqn. 5
force in order to open the dies at the end of the operation and
may be represented as follows: The temperature of the molten metal (Tm) and the die (Td)
are the two important parameters that have to be consid-
F > Fm= Pm · A Eqn. 1 ered while calculating the ‘tfill’ and are inter-related as fol-
Considering the maximum pressure, approximately equal to
the IP, that could be applied in the process and the most suit- Eqn. 6
able runner-gate system for a defined casting geometry, the
injection parameters can be inter-related using the following where, ‘K’ is the empirically derived constant related to the
relationships:40 thermal conductivity of the die steel, ‘Tf ’ is the liquidus tem-
perature of the metal, ‘fs’ is the fraction solid formed during
the filling stage in %, ‘Z’ is a conversion factor from °C to %
Eqn. 2 and ‘S’ is the characteristic wall thickness of the casting.

Eqn. 3
The present work critically reviews the effect of injection
parameters on the porosity and tensile properties of Al-Si al-
Eqn. 4 loy high pressure die castings. The following are the salient
The coefficient of discharge (Cd), previously described, is a • Higher values of gate velocity and intensification
fraction which indicates the effective area that is available pressure reduce porosity and increase tensile prop-
at the gate during the metal flow and is generally found to erties. However, practical conditions such as die
be between 0.6 to 0.8 in aluminum alloys depending on the erosion and the capacity of the machine impose
streamlined runner systems.41 It may be observed that for limitations.
a constant flow rate, Q, the velocity at the gate (vg) is in- • Thin gates (between 1 to 3 mm [0.039 to 0.118
versely proportional to gate area (Ag); therefore, in order to inch]) and high gate velocities are critical in avoid-
have high gate velocities, thin gates are designed, generally ing early solidification. In order to overcome turbu-

(a) (b) (c)

Figure 17. Runner-gate systems investigated by Dargush et al.39 Figure 18. Projected area of
the die in the parting surface.

50 International Journal of Metalcasting/Volume 9, Issue 1, 2015

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52 International Journal of Metalcasting/Volume 9, Issue 1, 2015

Technical Review & Discussion gates. As suggested by the North American Die Association
[Product Design for Die Casting, NADCA, 2009], during
,QÀXHQFH2I,QMHFWLRQ3DUDPHWHUV2Q7KH3RURVLW\ the design process of a diecast component, the filling time
And Tensile Properties Of High-Pressure Die Cast can be preliminary estimated by taking into account the av-
Al-Si Alloys: A Review erage wall thickness of the casting and the mean die temper-
Anilchandra R. Adamane, Lars Arnberg ature. These variables are critical in the premature freez-
Norwegian University of Science and Technology, ing of molten metal during the filling stage. Actually, there
Trondheim, Norway exist empirical tables, diagrams and nomograms where a
Elena Fiorese, Giulio Timelli, Franco Bonollo designer can decide a-priori the filling time of the die cavity.
University of Padova, Vicenza, Italy This approach does not consider the initial temperature of
the metal as an input variable, which is contrary established
Reviewer: The paper states that higher gate velocities usual- according to the standard foundry practice, i.e. minimum al-
ly correlate with sounder castings, however, my experience lowed temperature to increases the die life.
FDVWLQJVRXQGQHVVEXWUDWKHULWLVVKRUWHUFDYLW\¿OOWLPH7KH An alternative approach takes into account the metal tem-
increasing gate velocity if slightly larger gates are used (but
not so thick as to not snap free without distorting the cast
SDUW 7KH EHQH¿W RI WLPHO\ LQWHQVL¿FDWLRQ SUHVVXUH LV DOVR Therefore, it is possible to correlate the filling time ‘tfill’ with
largely to compress entrapped cavity gasses (the principal the gate velocity ‘vg’ according to the following equation
source of pores in high-pressure die castings) to smaller size,
collapse/compress the alpha structure and force movement
of the still-molten eutectic into areas nearby the gates (thus
the often-observed microstructure striations seen in and near Upon “machining” the gate area in the die, the variable
the gates. Can the authors elaborate further on this? that can be varied for practical reasons and production
requirements is the gate velocity, which is the common
Authors: The authors agree with the reviewer’s comment parameter of discussion in the literature. The above two
that shorter cavity filling time per se would be more benefi- equations have been included as Equations 5 and 6 in the
cial in obtaining sound castings than higher melt velocity at revised manuscript.

International Journal of Metalcasting/Volume 9, Issue 1, 2015 53

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