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Psychological Facts :

Physical pain is caused by heartbreak.

When individuals say their heart was crushed in love, it isn't only a metaphor for sadness.
It's not simply a sensation in your head; it's a physical sensation.
This is known as "takotsubo cardiomyopathy," or "broken heart syndrome" It's
sometimes misdiagnosed as a heart attack.
This illness arises when the heart's main pumping chamber is weakened owing to
emotional or physical stress, according to Harvard Women's Health Watch.
Getting high is similar to falling in love
When you fall in love, you get a rush akin to when you're high on cocaine.
According to a study conducted by the Kinsey Institute, the brain of someone high on
drugs is similar to the brain of someone experiencing love.
Cravings, exhilaration, emotional and physical dependency, and other addiction
symptoms are common among people in the early phases of their relationship.
In love, couples' heartbeats synchronize
When two people in love look at each other, their heart rates are most likely to match.
If you love someone, all you have to do is stare into their eyes for three minutes and your
heartbeats will be in time.
You have four minutes to decide whether you like someone or not
According to psychology, a person chooses whether or not they like someone within four
minutes of meeting them.
It takes the typical individual between 90 seconds and 4 minutes to confirm whether or
not they like someone very much.
Besides, it's more about the other person's body language, voice speed, and tone than it is
about what they're saying.
Couples who are too similar or too unlike may not be able to stay together for long
Even while opposites may attract one other, finding a balance between differences and
similarities is crucial in long-term relationships.
In other words, if you and your partner are too dissimilar or too similar, the chances of
you remaining together indefinitely are slim.
However, if you and your partner share certain similarities as well as differences, your
relationship will run more smoothly and successfully.

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